Liebherr, Ansys, and CADFEM Join Forces to Implement an Enterprise Simulation Strategy and Model-Based Engineering Approach

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Ansys (NASDAQ:ANSS) has entered into a multi-year agreement with Liebherr Group to implement an enterprise simulation strategy and model-based engineering approach. This collaboration aims to maximize simulation value through software democratization across Liebherr's sites, driving better product design strategies, reducing overall testing, and speeding up time-to-market.

The partnership extends Liebherr's 35-year engagement with Ansys across its product portfolio, strengthening the digital thread. Ansys simulation enables detailed virtual models describing all physical and functional aspects of Liebherr products, covering various domains including mechanical, fluid dynamics, electronics, and safety analysis. CADFEM Germany GmbH, an Ansys Apex Channel Partner, provides support through training, user support, and consulting services.

This initiative is particularly significant for Liebherr-Aerospace and Transportation SAS, one of Liebherr's largest divisions, which has launched a digital transformation program to implement a model-based enterprise approach and achieve digital continuity across the entire product lifecycle.

Ansys (NASDAQ:ANSS) ha stipulato un accordo pluriennale con Liebherr Group per implementare una strategia di simulazione aziendale e un approccio di ingegneria basata su modelli. Questa collaborazione punta a massimizzare il valore della simulazione attraverso la democratizzazione del software nei siti Liebherr, migliorando le strategie di design dei prodotti, riducendo i test complessivi e accelerando il time-to-market.

Il partenariato amplia il coinvolgimento di 35 anni di Liebherr con Ansys nel suo portafoglio prodotti, rafforzando il thread digitale. La simulazione Ansys consente modelli virtuali dettagliati che descrivono tutti gli aspetti fisici e funzionali dei prodotti Liebherr, coprendo vari settori tra cui meccanica, dinamica dei fluidi, elettronica e analisi della sicurezza. CADFEM Germany GmbH, un Partner Ansys Apex, fornisce supporto attraverso formazione, supporto utenti e servizi di consulenza.

Questa iniziativa è particolarmente significativa per Liebherr-Aerospace e Transportation SAS, una delle divisioni più grandi di Liebherr, che ha avviato un programma di trasformazione digitale per implementare un approccio di impresa basato su modelli e per ottenere una continuità digitale nell'intero ciclo di vita del prodotto.

Ansys (NASDAQ:ANSS) ha firmado un acuerdo de múltiples años con Liebherr Group para implementar una estrategia de simulación empresarial y un enfoque de ingeniería basado en modelos. Esta colaboración tiene como objetivo maximizar el valor de la simulación a través de la democratización del software en los sitios de Liebherr, lo que mejora las estrategias de diseño de productos, reduce las pruebas generales y acelera el tiempo de comercialización.

La asociación extiende el compromiso de 35 años de Liebherr con Ansys a lo largo de su portafolio de productos, fortaleciendo el hilo digital. La simulación de Ansys permite modelos virtuales detallados que describen todos los aspectos físicos y funcionales de los productos de Liebherr, cubriendo diversos campos como mecánica, dinámica de fluidos, electrónica y análisis de seguridad. CADFEM Germany GmbH, un socio de canal de Ansys Apex, ofrece apoyo a través de capacitación, soporte al usuario y servicios de consultoría.

Esta iniciativa es particularmente significativa para Liebherr-Aerospace y Transportation SAS, una de las divisiones más grandes de Liebherr, que ha lanzado un programa de transformación digital para implementar un enfoque empresarial basado en modelos y lograr una continuidad digital a lo largo del ciclo de vida del producto.

Ansys (NASDAQ:ANSS)는 Liebherr Group과 다년간의 계약을 체결하여 엔터프라이즈 시뮬레이션 전략과 모델 기반 엔지니어링 접근 방식을 구현합니다. 이번 협력의 목표는 소프트웨어 민주화를 통해 시뮬레이션 가치를 극대화하는 것이며, Liebherr의 모든 사이트에서 이루어져 제품 디자인 전략을 개선하고, 전반적인 테스트를 줄이며, 시장 출시 시간을 단축하는 것입니다.

이번 파트너십은 Liebherr의 35년간 Ansys와의 관계를 연장하여 제품 포트폴리오를 강화하고 디지털 실을 강화합니다. Ansys 시뮬레이션은 Liebherr 제품의 모든 물리적 및 기능적 측면을 설명하는 자세한 가상 모델을 가능하게 하며, 기계, 유체 역학, 전자 및 안전 분석을 포함한 다양한 분야를 다룹니다. CADFEM Germany GmbH는 Ansys Apex 채널 파트너로서 교육, 사용자 지원 및 컨설팅 서비스를 통해 지원을 제공합니다.

이번 이니셔티브는 Liebherr의 가장 큰 부서 중 하나인 Liebherr-Aerospace 및 Transportation SAS에 특히 중요하며, 모델 기반 기업 접근 방식을 구현하고 제품 생애 주기 전반에 걸쳐 디지털 연속성을 달성하기 위한 디지털 전환 프로그램을 시작했습니다.

Ansys (NASDAQ:ANSS) a conclu un accord pluriannuel avec le groupe Liebherr pour mettre en œuvre une stratégie de simulation d'entreprise et un approche d'ingénierie basée sur les modèles. Cette collaboration vise à maximiser la valeur de la simulation grâce à la démocratisation des logiciels sur les sites de Liebherr, améliorant ainsi les stratégies de conception de produits, réduisant les tests globaux et accélérant le délai de mise sur le marché.

Le partenariat prolonge l'engagement de 35 ans de Liebherr avec Ansys sur son portefeuille de produits, renforçant le fil numérique. La simulation Ansys permet des modèles virtuels détaillés décrivant tous les aspects physiques et fonctionnels des produits Liebherr, couvrant divers domaines tels que la mécanique, la dynamique des fluides, l'électronique et l'analyse de sécurité. CADFEM Germany GmbH, un partenaire de canal Ansys Apex, fournit un soutien par le biais de formations, d'assistance aux utilisateurs et de services de conseil.

Cette initiative est particulièrement significative pour Liebherr-Aerospace et Transportation SAS, l'une des plus grandes divisions de Liebherr, qui a lancé un programme de transformation numérique pour mettre en œuvre une approche d'entreprise basée sur des modèles et parvenir à une continuité numérique tout au long du cycle de vie du produit.

Ansys (NASDAQ:ANSS) hat eine mehrjährige Vereinbarung mit der Liebherr-Gruppe getroffen, um eine Unternehmenssimulationsstrategie und einen modellbasierten Ingenieuranansatz umzusetzen. Diese Zusammenarbeit zielt darauf ab, den Wert der Simulation durch Software-Demokratisierung zu maximieren und zwar in den Betrieben von Liebherr, um bessere Produktdesignstrategien zu fördern, die Gesamtprüfungen zu reduzieren und die Markteinführungszeit zu beschleunigen.

Die Partnerschaft erweitert Liebherrs 35-jährige Zusammenarbeit mit Ansys über sein Produktportfolio hinweg und stärkt den digitalen Faden. Die Ansys-Simulation ermöglicht detaillierte virtuelle Modelle, die alle physischen und funktionalen Aspekte der Produkte von Liebherr beschreiben und verschiedene Bereiche wie Mechanik, Strömungsdynamik, Elektronik und Sicherheitsanalysen abdecken. CADFEM Germany GmbH, ein Ansys Apex Channel Partner, bietet Unterstützung durch Schulungen, Benutzersupport und Beratungsdienste.

Diese Initiative ist besonders bedeutend für Liebherr-Aerospace und Transportation SAS, eine der größten Abteilungen von Liebherr, die ein Programm zur digitalen Transformation gestartet hat, um einen modellbasierten Unternehmensansatz umzusetzen und digitale Kontinuität über den gesamten Produktlebenszyklus hinweg zu erreichen.

  • Multi-year agreement with Liebherr Group to implement enterprise simulation strategy
  • Potential for better product design strategies and reduced testing time
  • Extension of 35-year engagement across Ansys product portfolio
  • Strengthening of digital thread for Liebherr's product development
  • Support from CADFEM Germany GmbH for training and consulting services
  • None.


This partnership between Ansys, Liebherr and CADFEM represents a significant advancement in enterprise-wide simulation and model-based engineering. The multi-year agreement aims to democratize simulation software across Liebherr's sites, potentially leading to improved product design strategies, reduced testing and faster time-to-market.

The implementation of Ansys' multiphysics capabilities across Liebherr's product portfolio strengthens their digital thread, providing a competitive advantage in product development. This comprehensive approach, covering mechanical, fluid dynamics, electronics and more, aligns with Industry 4.0 principles and digital twin concepts.

For Ansys, this deal reinforces its position as a leader in simulation software and could lead to increased recurring revenue from licensing and services. The partnership with CADFEM for training and support also creates a scalable model for enterprise-wide implementation, potentially attracting similar large-scale contracts in the future.

Investors should note the long-term nature of this agreement and its potential to drive revenue growth and market share expansion for Ansys in the industrial simulation software sector.

Strategic relationship signals long-term commitment to weave digital thread with Ansys technology 

/ Key Highlights

  • A multi-year agreement between Liebherr Group and Ansys seeks to maximize simulation value through software democratization across sites to drive better product design strategies, reduce overall testing, and speed up time-to-market
  • Liebherr-Aerospace's digital transformation strategy is supported by an Ansys-driven, model-based enterprise approach and CADFEM Services

PITTSBURGH, Pa., Sept. 26, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Ansys (NASDAQ:ANSS) joins Liebherr in the implementation of the European manufacturer's simulation strategy and model-based enterprise approach. Liebherr's 35-year engagement with Ansys extends across the Ansys product portfolio, strengthening the digital thread and presenting a clear competitive advantage for Liebherr in developing products that exceed customer expectations.

Ansys simulation enables detailed virtual models that describe all physical and functional aspects of every Liebherr product. From mechanical, computational fluid dynamics, and electronics, to live simulation, acoustics, system simulation, safety analysis, and embedded software, Ansys' multiphysics capabilities reinforce the company's digital transformation and digital engineering initiatives through simulation process and data management (SPDM). Ansys Apex Channel Partner CADFEM Germany GmbH — which provides training, user support, and consulting services — supports all sites through a common resource-sharing strategy that reduces barriers to entry.

Liebherr-Aerospace and Transportation SAS is one of the largest Liebherr divisions with sites in Lindenberg, Germany and Toulouse, France, among others. Its product segment Aerospace has already launched a digital transformation program. The objective is to deploy an innovative model-based enterprise approach, become data/model-centric, and implement digital continuity across the entire development and product lifecycle, including efficient data exchange with customers and suppliers.

"Liebherr-Aerospace develops products consistently and completely digitally," said Elko Van Balen and Olivier Banessy, who together lead the model-based enterprise development at Liebherr-Aerospace and Transportation. "The implementation of the model-based approach behind this confirms that the right partners have been chosen."

"Access to Ansys software alleviates challenges related to delivering best-in-class solutions that specifically support our products and technologies in a timely manner," said Dr. Ling Li, PLM innovation services simulation consultant at Liebherr. "We recognize that expertise is being established at all locations and that new simulation topics are being tested as well. Even our designers can run live simulations using Ansys software, which frees up our dedicated simulation engineers and reduces our reliance on external resources."

In this project, Ansys and CADFEM are in close cooperation to jointly implement Liebherr's state-of-the-art and fully digitalized development infrastructure.

"Another important factor is the long-standing partnership with CADFEM, through which we are optimally exploiting the potential of Ansys in many respects," said Bertram Peer, Department Manager Simulation and Method Development Liebherr-MCCtec at the Liebherr plant in Nenzing.

"Virtual product design and development enables teams to work harmoniously across the product lifecycle to leverage critical data that leads to better products," said Walt Hearn, senior vice president of global sales and customer excellence at Ansys. "Through instantaneous data collection and sharing, digital models can simultaneously increase design capabilities and reduce product changes during the entire development process. The ability to transform business processes and applications to improve the customer experience makes the simulation software of Ansys integral to the digital transformation strategy."

/ About Ansys

Our Mission: Powering Innovation that Drives Human Advancement™

When visionary companies need to know how their world-changing ideas will perform, they close the gap between design and reality with Ansys simulation. For more than 50 years, Ansys software has enabled innovators across industries to push boundaries by using the predictive power of simulation. From sustainable transportation to advanced semiconductors, from satellite systems to life-saving medical devices, the next great leaps in human advancement will be powered by Ansys.

Ansys and any and all ANSYS, Inc. brand, product, service and feature names, logos and slogans are registered trademarks or trademarks of ANSYS, Inc. or its subsidiaries in the United States or other countries. All other brand, product, service and feature names or trademarks are the property of their respective owners.


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What is the purpose of the partnership between Ansys (ANSS) and Liebherr Group?

The partnership aims to implement an enterprise simulation strategy and model-based engineering approach for Liebherr Group, maximizing simulation value through software democratization across sites to drive better product design strategies, reduce overall testing, and speed up time-to-market.

How long has Liebherr been engaged with Ansys (ANSS)?

Liebherr has been engaged with Ansys for 35 years, with the partnership now extending across the entire Ansys product portfolio.

What role does CADFEM Germany GmbH play in the Ansys (ANSS) and Liebherr collaboration?

CADFEM Germany GmbH, an Ansys Apex Channel Partner, provides training, user support, and consulting services to support all Liebherr sites through a common resource-sharing strategy.

How does Ansys (ANSS) simulation technology benefit Liebherr's product development?

Ansys simulation enables detailed virtual models that describe all physical and functional aspects of Liebherr products, covering mechanical, fluid dynamics, electronics, live simulation, acoustics, system simulation, safety analysis, and embedded software.

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