Anebulo Pharmaceuticals Awarded NIDA Grant for its Investigational IV Treatment for Acute Cannabis-Induced Toxic Effects
Anebulo Pharmaceuticals (Nasdaq: ANEB) has been awarded a two-year cooperative grant of up to $1.9 million from the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) to support the development of intravenous selonabant. This potential emergency treatment targets acute cannabis-induced toxicities, particularly cannabis-induced CNS depression in children.
The grant is structured in two tranches: an initial $0.9 million award, followed by approximately $1 million subject to meeting certain milestones. This funding acknowledges the growing unmet medical need for a cannabis antidote, especially for children who are more susceptible to cannabis toxicity due to their underdeveloped endocannabinoid system.
Anebulo's CSO, Ken Cundy, emphasized that this grant provides validation for their work, while CEO Richie Cunningham highlighted how it aligns with their recent decision to prioritize the development of the intravenous formulation of selonabant.
Anebulo Pharmaceuticals (Nasdaq: ANEB) ha ricevuto un finanziamento cooperativo biennale che può raggiungere i 1,9 milioni di dollari dal National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) per supportare lo sviluppo di selonabant per via endovenosa. Questo potenziale trattamento d'emergenza è mirato a trattare le tossicità acute indotte da cannabis, in particolare il depressione del sistema nervoso centrale indotta da cannabis nei bambini.
Il finanziamento è strutturato in due tranche: un primo contributo di 0,9 milioni di dollari, seguito da circa 1 milione di dollari, soggetto al raggiungimento di determinate tappe. Questo finanziamento riconosce il crescente bisogno medico non soddisfatto per un antidoto alla cannabis, specialmente per i bambini che sono più suscettibili alla tossicità da cannabis a causa del loro sistema endocannabinoide non completamente sviluppato.
Il CSO di Anebulo, Ken Cundy, ha sottolineato che questo finanziamento fornisce validazione per il loro lavoro, mentre il CEO Richie Cunningham ha evidenziato come si allinei con la loro recente decisione di dare priorità allo sviluppo della formulazione endovenosa di selonabant.
Anebulo Pharmaceuticals (Nasdaq: ANEB) ha sido galardonada con una subvención cooperativa de dos años de hasta 1.9 millones de dólares por el National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) para apoyar el desarrollo de selonabant intravenoso. Este tratamiento potencial de emergencia tiene como objetivo las toxicidades agudas inducidas por cannabis, particularmente la depresión del sistema nervioso central inducida por cannabis en niños.
La subvención está estructurada en dos tramos: una primera concesión de 0.9 millones de dólares, seguida de aproximadamente 1 millón de dólares, sujeto al cumplimiento de ciertos hitos. Este financiamiento reconoce la creciente necesidad médica no satisfecha de un antídoto para el cannabis, especialmente para los niños que son más susceptibles a la toxicidad del cannabis debido a su sistema endocannabinoide subdesarrollado.
El CSO de Anebulo, Ken Cundy, enfatizó que esta subvención valida su trabajo, mientras que el CEO Richie Cunningham destacó cómo se alinea con su reciente decisión de priorizar el desarrollo de la formulación intravenosa de selonabant.
Anebulo Pharmaceuticals (Nasdaq: ANEB)는 마약 남용 국가 연구소(NIDA)로부터 최대 190만 달러의 2년 협력 보조금을 수여받아 정맥 주사용Selonabant 개발을 지원합니다. 이 긴급 치료제는 급성 대마초 유발 독성을 타겟으로 하며, 특히 어린이의 대마초 유발 CNS 우울증을 다룹니다.
이 보조금은 두 가지 분할로 구성되어 있습니다. 첫 번째 90만 달러 지원 후 약 100만 달러가 특정 이정표를 충족할 경우 지급됩니다. 이 자금은 대마초 해독제를 필요로 하는 증가하는 의학적 요구를 인식하고 있으며, 특히 그들의 발달이 미비한 엔도카나비노이드 시스템으로 인해 대마초 독성에 더 민감한 아동들에게 중요한 상황입니다.
Anebulo의 최고 과학 책임자(CSO)인 켄 칸디는 이 보조금이 그들의 작업을 검증해준다고 강조했으며, CEO인 리치 커닝햄은 이것이 정맥 주사용 Selonabant 개발을 우선시하기로 한 최근의 결정과 어떻게 일치하는지를 강조했습니다.
Anebulo Pharmaceuticals (Nasdaq: ANEB) a reçu une subvention de coopération de deux ans allant jusqu'à 1,9 million de dollars du National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) pour soutenir le développement de selonabant intraveineux. Ce traitement potentiel d'urgence cible les toxicités aiguës induites par le cannabis, en particulier la dépression du système nerveux central induite par le cannabis chez les enfants.
La subvention est structurée en deux tranches : un premier versement de 0,9 million de dollars, suivi d'environ 1 million de dollars, sous réserve du respect de certains jalons. Ce financement reconnaît le besoin médical croissant non satisfait d'un antidote au cannabis, en particulier pour les enfants qui sont plus sensibles à la toxicité du cannabis en raison de leur système endocannabinoïde encore immature.
Ken Cundy, CSO d'Anebulo, a souligné que cette subvention valide leur travail, tandis que le PDG Richie Cunningham a mis en avant comment elle s'aligne sur leur décision récente de donner la priorité au développement de la formulation intraveineuse de selonabant.
Anebulo Pharmaceuticals (Nasdaq: ANEB) wurde mit einem zweijährigen Kooperationszuschuss von bis zu 1,9 Millionen US-Dollar vom National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) ausgezeichnet, um die Entwicklung von intravenösem Selonabant zu unterstützen. Diese potenzielle Notfallbehandlung zielt auf akute durch Cannabis verursachte Toxizitäten ab, insbesondere auf Cannabis-induzierte CNS-Depressionen bei Kindern.
Der Zuschuss ist in zwei Tranchen strukturiert: ein anfänglicher Zuschuss von 0,9 Millionen US-Dollar gefolgt von etwa 1 Million US-Dollar, die an das Erreichen bestimmter Meilensteine gebunden sind. Diese Finanzierung würdigt den wachsenden medizinischen Bedarf nach einem Antidot gegen Cannabis, insbesondere für Kinder, die aufgrund ihres unterentwickelten Endocannabinoid-Systems anfälliger für die Toxizität von Cannabis sind.
Der CSO von Anebulo, Ken Cundy, betonte, dass dieser Zuschuss eine Bestätigung für ihre Arbeit darstellt, während CEO Richie Cunningham hervorhob, wie er mit ihrer kürzlichen Entscheidung übereinstimmt, die Entwicklung der intravenösen Formulierung von Selonabant zu priorisieren.
- Awarded NIDA grant of up to $1.9 million for intravenous selonabant development
- Successful Phase 2 proof of concept study for oral selonabant completed
- Potential to offer targeted therapy for reversing serious cannabis ingestion effects in children
- Full grant amount of $1.9 million is not guaranteed, with $1 million subject to meeting milestones
“We are honored to receive this cooperative grant award from NIDA to support the further development of intravenous selonabant,” commented Ken Cundy, CSO of Anebulo Pharmaceuticals. “We believe this provides additional validation of the significant and growing unmet medical need for an emergency antidote to cannabis. Acute cannabis exposure in children represents a potentially life-threatening condition that can result in CNS depression, respiratory depression, coma, and in rare cases death. Research has shown that children are much more sensitive to the toxic effects of cannabis. Younger children have an underdeveloped endocannabinoid system with significantly more of the primary cannabinoid receptor type 1 (CB1) receptors present in their brains. As a direct consequence, pediatric cannabis ingestion can result in much more serious outcomes than in adults, and a much greater risk of hospitalization and admission to intensive care.”
“This important grant from NIDA recognizes the progress we have already made with the successful Phase 2 proof of concept study of oral selonabant and provides further momentum for advancing the intravenous formulation towards clinical testing,” said Richie Cunningham, CEO, Anebulo Pharmaceuticals. “If approved, we believe selonabant has the potential to offer a much-needed targeted therapy for rapidly reversing the serious and life-threatening consequences of accidental cannabis ingestion in children. This grant aligns with our recent decision to prioritize development of the intravenous formulation and we look forward to working closely with NIDA scientific staff on this important program.”
About Selonabant (ANEB-001)
Our lead product candidate is selonabant (ANEB-001), a potent, small molecule antagonist of CB1, under development to address the unmet medical need for a specific antidote for cannabis toxicity, including ACI and unintentional cannabis poisoning. Selonabant is an orally bioavailable, readily absorbed treatment candidate that we anticipate will rapidly reverse key symptoms of ACI. Selonabant is also under development as a parenteral treatment for unintentional cannabis poisoning. Selonabant is protected by two issued patents covering various methods of use of the compound and composition of matter of the crystalline form of selonabant. We also have multiple pending applications covering various methods of use of the compound and delivery systems. An observational study in patients presenting to Emergency Departments with ACI is currently ongoing. The study will determine concentrations of cannabinoids and metabolites in plasma and gather information on signs and symptoms, patients’ disposition and selected subjective assessments.
About Anebulo Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Anebulo Pharmaceuticals, Inc. is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company developing novel solutions for people suffering from acute cannabinoid intoxication, unintentional cannabis intoxication and, longer term, for substance use disorders. Its lead product candidate, selonabant, has completed dosing in a Phase 2 clinical trial ( evaluating its utility in blocking and reversing the negative effects of acute cannabinoid intoxication. Selonabant is a competitive antagonist at the human CB1. For further information about Anebulo, please visit
Forward-Looking Statements
Statements contained in this press release that are not statements of historical fact are forward-looking statements as defined in Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. In some cases, these forward-looking statements can be identified by words such as "anticipate," "designed," "expect," "may," "will," "should" and other comparable terms. Forward-looking statements include statements regarding the potential use of selonabant as an emergency treatment of acute cannabis-induced toxicities, including cannabis-induced CNS depression in children, the grant providing additional validation of the significant and growing unmet medical need for an emergency antidote to cannabis, acute cannabis exposure in children representing a potentially life-threatening condition that can result in CNS depression, respiratory depression, coma, and in rare cases death, children being much more sensitive to the toxic effects of cannabis, pediatric cannabis ingestion resulting in much more serious outcomes than in adults, and a much greater risk of hospitalization and admission to intensive care and working closely with the NIDA scientific staff and the potential of selonabant to offer a much-needed targeted therapy for rapidly reversing the serious and life-threatening consequences of accidental cannabis ingestion in children . You are cautioned that any such forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and are subject to a number of risks, uncertainties and assumptions, including, but not limited to: our ability to pursue our regulatory strategy, our ability to obtain regulatory approvals for commercialization of product candidates or to comply with ongoing regulatory requirements, our ability to obtain or maintain the capital or grants necessary to fund our research and development activities, our ability to complete clinical trials on time and achieve desired results and benefits as expected, regulatory limitations relating to our ability to promote or commercialize our product candidates for specific indications, acceptance of our product candidates in the marketplace and the successful development, marketing or sale of our products, our ability to maintain our license agreements, the continued maintenance and growth of our patent estate and our ability to retain our key employees or maintain our Nasdaq listing. These risks should not be construed as exhaustive and should be read together with the other cautionary statements included in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended June 30, 2023, and our subsequent filings with the SEC, including subsequent periodic reports on Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q and Current Reports on Form 8-K. All forward-looking statements made in this press release speak only as of the date of this press release and are based on management's assumptions and estimates as of such date. Except as required by law, Anebulo undertakes no obligation to update or revise forward-looking statements to reflect new information, future events, changed conditions or otherwise after the date of this press release.
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Anebulo Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Dan George
Acting Chief Financial Officer
(512) 598-0931
Source: Anebulo Pharmaceuticals, Inc.