Central Japan Railway Company Selects AWS for Yamanashi Maglev Line to Drive Efficient Operations for its Next-Generation, High-Speed Train Service

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Central Japan Railway Company (JR Central) has chosen Amazon Web Services (AWS) to enhance operations for its Yamanashi Maglev Line, which will feature the world's fastest trains. JR Central is leveraging AWS's IoT, machine learning, and generative AI capabilities to improve track maintenance, predict equipment failures, and optimize worker deployment. The Super Conducting Maglev (SC Maglev) train, capable of speeds up to 500 km/h, will significantly reduce travel times between major cities. For instance, the Tokyo to Nagoya journey will be cut from 86 to 40 minutes.

JR Central is using Amazon SageMaker to build ML models for detecting equipment abnormalities and Amazon QuickSight for data visualization. The company plans to implement Amazon Bedrock for generating recommended actions based on equipment manuals and maintenance records. This collaboration aims to set new global standards for efficiency and safety in high-speed rail operations.

La Central Japan Railway Company (JR Central) ha scelto Amazon Web Services (AWS) per migliorare le operazioni della sua Yamanashi Maglev Line, che presenterà i treni più veloci al mondo. JR Central sta sfruttando le capacità di IoT, machine learning e intelligenza artificiale generativa di AWS per migliorare la manutenzione dei binari, prevedere i guasti delle attrezzature e ottimizzare il dispiegamento dei lavoratori. Il treno Super Conducting Maglev (SC Maglev), capace di raggiungere velocità fino a 500 km/h, ridurrà significativamente i tempi di viaggio tra le principali città. Ad esempio, il viaggio da Tokyo a Nagoya sarà ridotto da 86 a 40 minuti.

JR Central utilizza Amazon SageMaker per costruire modelli ML per la rilevazione di anomalie nelle attrezzature e Amazon QuickSight per la visualizzazione dei dati. L'azienda prevede di implementare Amazon Bedrock per generare azioni raccomandate basate su manuali di attrezzature e registrazioni di manutenzione. Questa collaborazione mira a stabilire nuovi standard globali per efficienza e sicurezza nelle operazioni ferroviarie ad alta velocità.

La Central Japan Railway Company (JR Central) ha elegido Amazon Web Services (AWS) para mejorar las operaciones de su línea Yamanashi Maglev, que contará con los trenes más rápidos del mundo. JR Central está aprovechando las capacidades de IoT, aprendizaje automático e inteligencia artificial generativa de AWS para mejorar el mantenimiento de las vías, predecir fallos en los equipos y optimizar el despliegue de trabajadores. El tren Super Conducting Maglev (SC Maglev), capaz de alcanzar velocidades de hasta 500 km/h, reducirá significativamente los tiempos de viaje entre las principales ciudades. Por ejemplo, el trayecto de Tokio a Nagoya se reducirá de 86 a 40 minutos.

JR Central está utilizando Amazon SageMaker para construir modelos de ML para detectar anormalidades en los equipos y Amazon QuickSight para visualización de datos. La empresa planea implementar Amazon Bedrock para generar acciones recomendadas basadas en manuales de equipos y registros de mantenimiento. Esta colaboración tiene como objetivo establecer nuevos estándares globales de eficiencia y seguridad en las operaciones ferroviarias de alta velocidad.

중앙 일본 철도 회사(JR 중앙)는 아마존 웹 서비스(AWS)를 선택하여 세계에서 가장 빠른 기차가 특징인 야마나시 마그레브 노선의 운영을 향상시키고 있습니다. JR 중앙은 AWS의 사물인터넷(IoT), 기계 학습 및 생성적 인공지능 기능을 활용하여 선로 유지보수, 장비 고장 예측 및 직원 배치 최적화를 개선하고 있습니다. 초전도 마그레브(SC 마그레브) 기차는 최대 500 km/h의 속도에 도달할 수 있으며, 주요 도시 간의 이동 시간을 크게 단축할 것입니다. 예를 들어 도쿄에서 나고야까지의 여정은 86분에서 40분으로 단축됩니다.

JR 중앙은 아마존 세이지메이커를 사용해 장비 이상 감지를 위한 ML 모델을 구축하고 아마존 퀵사이트로 데이터 시각화를 하고 있습니다. 회사는 장비 매뉴얼 및 유지보수 기록을 기반으로 권장 작업을 생성하기 위해 아마존 베드록을 구현할 계획입니다. 이 협업은 고속 철도 운영에서 효율성과 안전성의 새로운 글로벌 기준을 설정하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.

La Central Japan Railway Company (JR Central) a choisi Amazon Web Services (AWS) pour améliorer les opérations de sa ligne Yamanashi Maglev, qui présentera les trains les plus rapides du monde. JR Central exploite les capacités de l'IoT, de l'apprentissage automatique et de l'intelligence artificielle générative d'AWS pour améliorer l'entretien des voies, prédire les pannes d'équipement et optimiser le déploiement des travailleurs. Le train Super Conducting Maglev (SC Maglev), capable d'atteindre des vitesses allant jusqu'à 500 km/h, réduira considérablement les temps de trajet entre les grandes villes. Par exemple, le trajet de Tokyo à Nagoya sera réduit de 86 à 40 minutes.

JR Central utilise Amazon SageMaker pour construire des modèles de ML pour la détection d'anomalies d'équipement et Amazon QuickSight pour la visualisation des données. L'entreprise prévoit de mettre en œuvre Amazon Bedrock pour générer des actions recommandées basées sur des manuels d'équipement et des dossiers de maintenance. Cette collaboration vise à établir de nouvelles normes mondiales en matière d'efficacité et de sécurité dans les opérations ferroviaires à grande vitesse.

Die Central Japan Railway Company (JR Central) hat sich für Amazon Web Services (AWS) entschieden, um die Betriebsabläufe ihrer Yamanashi Maglev Line zu verbessern, die mit den schnellsten Zügen der Welt ausgestattet ist. JR Central nutzt die IoT-, Machine Learning- und generative KI-Funktionen von AWS, um die Gleisinstandhaltung zu verbessern, Geräteausfälle vorherzusagen und den Einsatz von Mitarbeitern zu optimieren. Der Super Conducting Maglev (SC Maglev) Zug, der Geschwindigkeiten von bis zu 500 km/h erreichen kann, wird die Reisezeiten zwischen großen Städten erheblich verkürzen. So wird beispielsweise die Fahrt von Tokio nach Nagoya von 86 auf 40 Minuten verkürzt.

JR Central verwendet Amazon SageMaker, um ML-Modelle zur Erkennung von Anomalien in Geräten zu erstellen, und Amazon QuickSight zur Datenvisualisierung. Das Unternehmen plant, Amazon Bedrock zur Generierung empfohlener Maßnahmen basierend auf Gerätemanualen und Wartungsprotokollen einzusetzen. Diese Zusammenarbeit zielt darauf ab, neue globale Standards für Effizienz und Sicherheit im Hochgeschwindigkeitsbetrieb zu setzen.

  • Partnership with AWS to enhance operations and efficiency for the Yamanashi Maglev Line
  • Implementation of advanced technologies (IoT, ML, generative AI) for predictive maintenance and operational optimization
  • Significant reduction in travel times (e.g., Tokyo to Nagoya cut from 86 to 40 minutes)
  • Creation of a backup high-speed rail route to improve infrastructure resilience
  • Employee training program to boost cloud proficiency across the organization
  • None.

JR Central's adoption of AWS technologies for the Yamanashi Maglev Line marks a significant leap in railway innovation. The use of IoT, machine learning and generative AI for predictive maintenance and operational efficiency is particularly noteworthy. By leveraging Amazon SageMaker for ML model development and Amazon QuickSight for data visualization, JR Central can proactively identify equipment abnormalities, potentially reducing downtime and maintenance costs.

The planned integration of Amazon Bedrock for generative AI applications could revolutionize maintenance procedures by providing context-aware recommendations. This tech-forward approach not only enhances safety but also positions JR Central at the forefront of smart railway operations, setting a new standard for the industry globally.

The Super Conducting Maglev (SC Maglev) project represents a quantum leap in high-speed rail technology. With speeds up to 500 km/h, it's set to halve travel times between major cities, significantly impacting regional connectivity and economic dynamics. The Chuo Shinkansen line's role as a backup to the Tokaido Shinkansen adds a important layer of infrastructure resilience, particularly valuable in earthquake-prone Japan.

JR Central's focus on data-driven operations through AWS technologies demonstrates a strategic shift towards predictive maintenance and operational optimization. This approach could lead to substantial cost savings and improved service reliability, potentially setting new benchmarks for railway efficiency worldwide.

While specific financial figures aren't provided, the investment in AWS technologies and the SC Maglev project likely represents a significant capital expenditure for JR Central. However, the potential long-term benefits are substantial. Predictive maintenance capabilities could lead to reduced operational costs and improved asset utilization. The faster travel times of the SC Maglev could drive increased ridership and revenue, particularly on the lucrative Tokyo-Osaka route.

The partnership with AWS for employee training is also noteworthy, as it builds internal capabilities that could drive further innovation and efficiency. Investors should monitor for future updates on project timelines, cost savings from predictive maintenance and any impact on ticket pricing or ridership projections.

One of Japan's leading railways to use AWS generative AI, machine learning, and IoT technologies to improve track maintenance and deliver high-quality passenger experiences on the world’s fastest trains

SEATTLE--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Amazon Web Services, Inc. (AWS), an, Inc. company (NASDAQ: AMZN), today announced that the Central Japan Railway Company (JR Central), which provides high-speed railway services to more than 170 million passengers through Tokaido Shinkansen annually, is using AWS technologies to enhance operations for its Yamanashi Maglev Line. By building critical IT infrastructure workloads on AWS and using AWS's Internet of Things (IoT), machine learning (ML), and generative artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities, JR Central will advance its data-driven operations, drive operational efficiencies, and reduce maintenance costs.

A Photo of the Super Conducting Maglev Train (Photo: Business Wire)

A Photo of the Super Conducting Maglev Train (Photo: Business Wire)

JR Central is preparing to launch the next generation Super Conducting Maglev (SC Maglev), an ultra-high-speed train that travels at twice the speed of bullet trains by floating and propelling above the tracks using magnetic forces. This new high-speed train service, which is in trial operation in the Yamanashi Maglev Line and expected to travel at speeds of up to 500 km per hour, will cut train travel times in half. For example, Chuo Shinkansen, a new line that is currently under construction, uses the SC Maglev system to take passengers from Tokyo to Nagoya in 40 minutes (versus 86 minutes) and Tokyo to Osaka in 67 minutes (versus 134 minutes). The Chuo Shinkansen will serve as a backup route to the Tokaido Shinkansen in case of emergencies, such as major earthquakes, creating a dual high-speed rail artery.

AWS’s ML and IoT capabilities allow the Yamanashi Maglev Line to use railway infrastructure monitoring data, generated by power lines and electronic track inspection vehicles, to detect signs of impending failure and take corrective action. These insights allow JR Central to predict outages and equipment failure, optimizing the deployment of railroad maintenance workers. For example, the company built an ML model with Amazon SageMaker that identifies power transmission equipment abnormalities. The rail operator visualizes the data with Amazon QuickSight, a cloud-based business intelligence service, to identify machine irregularities, enabling preemptive maintenance to prevent outages and service disruptions. In the future, the Yamanashi Maglev Line plans to use Amazon Bedrock, the easiest way to build and scale generative AI applications with foundation models, to provide employees with recommended actions to take based on equipment manuals and maintenance records.

“By accelerating various innovations using AWS in the Yamanashi Maglev Line, we will realize the future vision of high-speed railway operations,” said Motoaki Terai, senior corporate executive officer, director general of the Maglev System Development Division of the Chuo Shinkansen Promotion Division, Central Japan Railway Company. “At JR Central, we're committed to delivering new transportation solutions for our passengers using innovative technology. Our next-generation SC Maglev train line will not only revolutionize travel between Tokyo, Nagoya, and Osaka, but it will also set new global standards for efficiency and safety through data-driven operations.”

To drive cloud proficiency across its organization, JR Central’s Maglev System Development Division works with AWS to provide hands-on employee cloud skills training. In 2023, the AWS Professional Services ML Talent Development Support Program trained the division’s mechanical engineers to build and optimize an ML model that identifies power transmission equipment abnormalities.

“Japan’s world-leading transportation sector is leveraging the cloud to make high-speed rail safer, more efficient, and more enjoyable for passengers,” said Jaime Vallés, vice president and general manager, Asia Pacific and Japan at AWS. “Built on AWS, JR Central has the resiliency and innovation needed to offer one of the world’s fastest and most advanced train services operation, using the power of generative AI, machine learning, and data to drive unmatched efficiency. Our partnership is just getting started, and we look forward to pushing the bounds of what’s possible in train travel.”

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Since 2006, Amazon Web Services has been the world’s most comprehensive and broadly adopted cloud. AWS has been continually expanding its services to support virtually any workload, and it now has more than 240 fully featured services for compute, storage, databases, networking, analytics, machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), mobile, security, hybrid, media, and application development, deployment, and management from 108 Availability Zones within 34 geographic regions, with announced plans for 18 more Availability Zones and six more AWS Regions in Mexico, New Zealand, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Taiwan, Thailand, and the AWS European Sovereign Cloud. Millions of customers—including the fastest-growing startups, largest enterprises, and leading government agencies—trust AWS to power their infrastructure, become more agile, and lower costs. To learn more about AWS, visit

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What speed will the Super Conducting Maglev (SC Maglev) trains reach on the Yamanashi Maglev Line?

The SC Maglev trains on the Yamanashi Maglev Line are expected to travel at speeds of up to 500 km per hour, which is twice the speed of current bullet trains.

How is JR Central using AWS technologies for the Yamanashi Maglev Line?

JR Central is using AWS's IoT, machine learning, and generative AI capabilities to improve track maintenance, predict equipment failures, optimize worker deployment, and enhance overall operational efficiency for the Yamanashi Maglev Line.

What AWS services is JR Central utilizing for the Yamanashi Maglev Line project?

JR Central is using Amazon SageMaker to build ML models for detecting equipment abnormalities, Amazon QuickSight for data visualization, and plans to implement Amazon Bedrock for generating recommended actions based on equipment manuals and maintenance records.

How will the new Chuo Shinkansen line using SC Maglev technology affect travel times?

The Chuo Shinkansen line using SC Maglev technology will significantly reduce travel times. For example, the journey from Tokyo to Nagoya will be cut from 86 minutes to 40 minutes, and Tokyo to Osaka will be reduced from 134 minutes to 67 minutes.

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