Amazon Unveils Simplified Product Launch, Optimization, and Measurement Solutions for Full-funnel Performance

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Amazon Ads announced new advertising capabilities at unBoxed 2024, focusing on full-funnel insights to help brands optimize media investments. Key features include:

1. New product campaigns: A managed service for launching products within 90 days, showing a 9% increase in weekly sales growth.

2. Audience bid boosting: Re-engages shoppers reached on streaming TV through Sponsored Brands and Products ads.

3. Amazon Marketing Cloud (AMC) solutions: No-code capabilities for advanced audience and measurement insights.

4. Multi-touch attribution model: Analyzes the relative contribution of marketing touchpoints to conversions.

5. Conversion path reporting: Shows top-converting paths to purchase from the previous 30 days.

6. Long-term sales insights: Estimates sales generated over the next year based on campaign effectiveness.

These tools aim to simplify ad optimization and measurement for advertisers of all sizes.

Amazon Ads ha annunciato nuove funzionalità pubblicitarie durante unBoxed 2024, focalizzandosi su analisi a tutto l'imbuto per aiutare i marchi a ottimizzare gli investimenti nei media. Le caratteristiche chiave includono:

1. Nuove campagne prodotto: Un servizio gestito per il lancio di prodotti entro 90 giorni, mostrando un incremento del 9% nella crescita delle vendite settimanali.

2. Aumento delle offerte per il pubblico: Riconnette gli acquirenti raggiunti su TV in streaming tramite annunci con Marchi e Prodotti Sponsorizzati.

3. Soluzioni Amazon Marketing Cloud (AMC): Funzionalità senza codice per approfondimenti avanzati su pubblico e misurazione.

4. Modello di attribuzione multi-touch: Analizza il contributo relativo dei punti di contatto di marketing alle conversioni.

5. Reportistica del percorso di conversione: Mostra i percorsi con il maggior tasso di conversione verso l'acquisto degli ultimi 30 giorni.

6. Approfondimenti sulle vendite a lungo termine: Stima le vendite generate nel prossimo anno basandosi sull'efficacia della campagna.

Questi strumenti mirano a semplificare l'ottimizzazione e la misurazione della pubblicità per inserzionisti di tutte le dimensioni.

Amazon Ads anunció nuevas capacidades publicitarias en unBoxed 2024, enfocándose en perspectivas de embudo completo para ayudar a las marcas a optimizar sus inversiones en medios. Las características clave incluyen:

1. Nuevas campañas de productos: Un servicio gestionado para lanzar productos en 90 días, mostrando un aumento del 9% en el crecimiento de ventas semanales.

2. Aumento de ofertas para la audiencia: Reengaña a los compradores alcanzados en TV por streaming a través de anuncios de Marcas y Productos Patrocinados.

3. Soluciones de Amazon Marketing Cloud (AMC): Capacidades sin código para obtener conocimientos avanzados sobre la audiencia y mediciones.

4. Modelo de atribución multi-táctil: Analiza la contribución relativa de los puntos de contacto de marketing a las conversiones.

5. Informe del camino de conversión: Muestra los caminos que más convierten hacia la compra de los últimos 30 días.

6. Perspectivas de ventas a largo plazo: Estima las ventas generadas en el próximo año basándose en la efectividad de la campaña.

Estas herramientas buscan simplificar la optimización y medición de anuncios para anunciantes de todos los tamaños.

아마존 광고는 2024년 unBoxed에서 새로운 광고 기능을 발표하며, 브랜드가 미디어 투자 최적화를 지원하기 위해 전체 퍼널 통찰력에 중점을 두었습니다. 주요 기능은 다음과 같습니다:

1. 신제품 캠페인: 90일 이내에 제품을 출시하는 관리 서비스로, 주간 판매 성장률이 9% 증가하였습니다.

2. 청중 입찰 증대: 스폰서 브랜드 및 제품 광고를 통해 스트리밍 TV에서 도달한 쇼핑객을 다시 참여시킵니다.

3. 아마존 마케팅 클라우드(AMC) 솔루션: 고급 관객 및 측정 통찰력을 위한 코드 없는 기능입니다.

4. 다중 터치 기여도 모델: 마케팅 접점의 상대적 기여도를 전환에 대해 분석합니다.

5. 전환 경로 보고서: 지난 30일 동안의 구매 전환 경로를 보여줍니다.

6. 장기 판매 통찰력: 캠페인 효과를 기반으로 향후 1년 동안 생성될 판매를 추정합니다.

이 도구들은 모든 규모의 광고주가 광고 최적화 및 측정을 간소화하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.

Amazon Ads a annoncé de nouvelles fonctionnalités publicitaires lors de unBoxed 2024, se concentrant sur les insights à tout le tunnel pour aider les marques à optimiser leurs investissements médias. Les fonctionnalités clés incluent :

1. Nouvelles campagnes produits: Un service géré pour le lancement de produits en 90 jours, affichant une augmentation de 9 % de la croissance des ventes hebdomadaires.

2. Augmentation des enchères pour le public: Rénouvelle l'engagement des acheteurs atteints sur la télévision en streaming via des annonces de marques et de produits sponsorisés.

3. Solutions Amazon Marketing Cloud (AMC): Capacités sans code pour des insights avancés sur le public et des mesures.

4. Modèle d'attribution multi-touch: Analyse la contribution relative des points de contact marketing aux conversions.

5. Rapport sur le chemin de conversion: Montre les chemins de conversion les plus performants vers l'achat des 30 derniers jours.

6. Insights sur les ventes à long terme: Estime les ventes générées au cours de l'année prochaine en fonction de l'efficacité des campagnes.

Ces outils visent à simplifier l'optimisation et la mesure de la publicité pour les annonceurs de toutes tailles.

Amazon Ads hat auf unBoxed 2024 neue Werbefunktionen angekündigt, die sich auf vollständige Trichteranalysen konzentrieren, um Marken bei der Optimierung ihrer Medieninvestitionen zu unterstützen. Zu den wichtigsten Funktionen gehören:

1. Neue Produktkampagnen: Ein verwalteter Service zur Einführung von Produkten innerhalb von 90 Tagen, der ein wöchentliches Verkaufswachstum von 9 % zeigt.

2. Erhöhung der Gebote für Zielgruppen: Engagiert Käufer, die über gesponserte Marken- und Produktanzeigen im Streaming-TV erreicht wurden.

3. Amazon Marketing Cloud (AMC) Lösungen: No-Code-Funktionen für fortgeschrittene Zielgruppen- und Maßnahmeneinblicke.

4. Multi-Touch-Attributionsmodell: Analysiert den relativen Beitrag von Marketingkontaktpunkten zu den Conversions.

5. Berichterstattung über den Konversionspfad: Zeigt die am besten konvertierenden Kaufpfade der letzten 30 Tage an.

6. Langfristige Verkaufsanalysen: Schätzt die im kommenden Jahr basierend auf der Kampagneneffektivität generierten Verkäufe.

Diese Tools sollen die Optimierung und Messung von Werbung für Werbetreibende aller Größenordnungen vereinfachen.

  • New product campaigns showed a 9% increase in weekly sales growth for advertisers
  • Introduction of no-code AMC solutions for advanced audience and measurement insights
  • Launch of multi-touch attribution model to analyze the impact of marketing touchpoints
  • Implementation of conversion path reporting to show top-converting paths to purchase
  • Development of long-term sales insights to estimate future sales based on campaign effectiveness
  • None.


Amazon Ads' new capabilities represent a significant advancement in full-funnel advertising solutions. The new product campaigns offer a managed service to boost product launches, showing a 9% increase in weekly sales growth. This is important for brands looking to establish new products quickly in a competitive market.

The introduction of audience bid boosting allows for more efficient re-engagement of customers, addressing the need for multiple touchpoints before purchase. This feature, combined with Amazon Marketing Cloud (AMC) solutions, provides advertisers with powerful tools to optimize their campaigns and target high-value customers.

The multi-touch attribution model and conversion path reporting are game-changers for measuring ad effectiveness. These tools will give advertisers a more accurate picture of how different ad types contribute to sales, potentially leading to more informed budget allocations and improved ROI.

Overall, these innovations position Amazon as a leader in data-driven advertising, offering solutions that cater to both small businesses and major brands. The focus on simplification and accessibility of advanced analytics could lead to increased adoption of Amazon's ad products across a broader range of advertisers.

Amazon's new advertising capabilities significantly enhance its value proposition for brands selling on its platform. The no-code AMC solutions democratize access to sophisticated analytics, allowing smaller brands to compete more effectively with larger ones. This could lead to increased competition and innovation in product offerings on Amazon.

The long-term sales insights feature is particularly noteworthy. By projecting sales over a year based on upper-funnel activities, Amazon is addressing a key challenge in e-commerce: attributing value to brand-building efforts. This could encourage more brands to invest in awareness-stage advertising on Amazon, potentially increasing ad revenue for the company.

For investors, these developments signal Amazon's commitment to growing its high-margin advertising business. By making its ad products more effective and accessible, Amazon is likely to attract more ad spend from both existing and new advertisers. This could contribute to continued growth in Amazon's "Other" revenue category, which is primarily composed of advertising services.

Amazon Ads announced several new capabilities that leverage its deep, full-funnel insights to help brands launch new products and extend its sophisticated measurement and optimization ad tech to all advertisers

AUSTIN, Texas--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- (NASDAQ: AMZN) — At unBoxed 2024, Amazon Ads launched a suite of new advertising capabilities that bring together insights from across the marketing funnel to help advertisers optimize their media investments. The announcements showcased how Amazon Ads is making its powerful insights easier to access and activate by every advertiser, across every ad product.

“Our mission is to be the most customer-obsessed advertising service by giving all brands the measurement and data-driven, machine learning optimization capabilities they need to drive business growth through simple, easy-to-use tools,” said Paula Despins, Vice President of Ads Measurement at Amazon Ads. “Today’s launches put our most sophisticated full-funnel measurement and optimization capabilities into the hands of all marketers from small businesses to major brands.”

Accelerate new product launches and reach high-value customers

As a leading destination for product discovery, Amazon has a unique ability to help brands successfully launch new products. New product campaigns are a fully-managed service that help brands quickly introduce new products to customers within the first 90 days of their launch, through advertising placements across Amazon’s properties and leading broadcasters and publishers.

New product campaigns help customers discover and learn about new products through clear and consistent messaging in the places they’re choosing to spend time – so that they can move from awareness, to consideration, to purchasing great products they want or need. For example, a customer could see an ad for an easy-to-use espresso machine while watching Prime Video. A week or so later, the customer may hear an ad for that espresso machine on Amazon Music and learn it’s designed to save counter space. The next time they’re shopping in the Amazon store, they may see a display ad for the same espresso machine that highlights it’s Prime-eligible. At this point the customer is more familiar with the product, putting them that much closer to a purchase. Advertisers using these media plans saw a 9% increase in their weekly sales growth on average compared to those that did not.

Once a product is launched advertisers need solutions that enable them to both continue acquiring new customers and engaging prospective customers as they move through the funnel, on an ongoing basis. According to a study by Boston Consulting Group, on average, advertisers need to reach customers at least 20 times before they make a purchase. To help advertisers do this more efficiently, Amazon Ads has audience bid boosting to re-engage shoppers reached on streaming TV through Sponsored Brands and Sponsored Products ads. Advertisers using Amazon Marketing Cloud (AMC), Amazon Ads secure clean room technology, can now adjust their Sponsored Brands and Sponsored Products bids specifically for audiences who have seen their streaming TV ads and also visited their website, for example, focusing their investments on these high-value customers.

“For over a century, Newell Brands’ products have been a trusted presence in households around the world. When we launched our latest products, we knew we needed a strategy that could effectively reach audiences across multiple platforms, and partnering with Amazon Ads made that possible. Amazon’s full-funnel approach for new product launches has helped us reach customers wherever they are—whether they’re watching Prime Video or browsing Amazon,” said Michal Geller, President of eCommerce & Digital at Newell Brands.

Simplify insights with AMC solutions

AMC enables advertisers to join their first-party data with Amazon Ads signals to understand the customer journey and build and activate audiences. New AMC solutions introduce no-code capabilities in an intuitive interface – extending AMC’s sophisticated analytics capabilities to brands of all sizes. Now any Amazon advertiser can use AMC to quickly uncover advanced audience and measurement insights, and optimize their campaigns.

The first two AMC solutions launching are high value audience and optimal frequency analyses. Brands can use the high value solution to instantly visualize how their customer base is distributed by total spend levels over a period of time. With just a few clicks they can create related audience segments and activate them in future campaigns. With the optimal frequency solution, advertisers can monitor how KPIs like conversion rate and return on ad spend evolve as ad interactions increase, and from there, determine the most efficient frequency caps for their campaign.

Honest Kitchen, a CPG brand, used the optimal frequency AMC solution to improve their Amazon DSP campaign performance. After better understanding their cross-campaign ad frequency, Honest Kitchen was able to adjust their daily frequency caps to increase their impressions by 23% and product detail page views by 44% – all while maintaining nearly the same budget.

Measure attribution, report on conversion paths, and project long-term sales

Amazon Ads announced a new multi-touch attribution model that helps advertisers understand how their marketing works to drive conversions, going beyond last touch attribution to consider the relative contribution of each marketing touchpoint leading to a conversion. Using advanced machine learning models to analyze trillions of shopping, streaming, and browsing signals, multi-touch attribution determines the relative impact of ad interactions along the path to purchase. It uses advanced techniques like hundreds of thousands of randomized control trial experiments – A/B tests – to establish impact. For example, if an advertiser uses streaming TV, display, Sponsored Products, and other ad types in their campaigns, multi-touch attribution will show the relative contribution of each tactic to their sales. Amazon Ads will start to test multi-touch attribution later this year, with a full rollout planned for 2025.

To help advertisers understand the insights from multi-touch attribution, Amazon Ads is launching conversion path reporting to show brands their top-converting paths to purchase from the previous 30-days. For example, advertisers might see their TV ad is showing in their top-converting paths and learn how it helped drive conversions through lower funnel channels. Conversion path reporting is AMC’s most popular insight report and it will soon be available self-service in ad console and Amazon DSP reports. It is currently in closed beta and will be available to U.S. advertisers in open beta later this year.

Advertisers also want to measure beyond immediate sales and understand the long-term impact of their upper-funnel tactics on outcomes. Long term sales insights estimate the sales that a brand can expect to generate over the next year based on how effectively their campaign moves new-to-brand shoppers down the purchase funnel. For example, a customer may click on an ad and engage with a brand for the first time by visiting their product page, and go on to purchase from that brand months later. With long-term sales insights, that campaign now receives credit for the new product page visit based on the historical outcome from customers who have also visited a product page. Together, immediate sales and long-term sales metrics help advertisers quantify immediate sales and potential return from driving key customer engagements throughout the funnel. Long-term sales insights are currently in closed beta and will be available to U.S. advertisers in open beta later this year.

To learn more about all of the announcements at unBoxed 2024, go to

About Amazon Ads

Amazon Ads offers full-funnel advertising solutions to help businesses of all sizes achieve their marketing goals at scale. Amazon Ads connects advertisers to highly relevant audiences through first-party insights; extensive reach across premium content like Prime Video, Twitch, and third-party publishers; the ability to connect and directly measure campaign tactics across awareness, consideration, and conversion; and generative AI to deliver appropriate creative at each step. Amazon Ads reaches a monthly ad-supported audience of 275 million+ customers across owned and operated properties in the U.S. For more information, please visit

About Amazon

Amazon is guided by four principles: customer obsession rather than competitor focus, passion for invention, commitment to operational excellence, and long-term thinking. Amazon strives to be Earth’s Most Customer-Centric Company, Earth’s Best Employer, and Earth’s Safest Place to Work. Customer reviews, 1-Click shopping, personalized recommendations, Prime, Fulfillment by Amazon, AWS, Kindle Direct Publishing, Kindle, Career Choice, Fire tablets, Fire TV, Amazon Echo, Alexa, Just Walk Out technology, Amazon Studios, and The Climate Pledge are some of the things pioneered by Amazon. For more information, visit and follow @AmazonNews., Inc.

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What new advertising capabilities did Amazon (AMZN) announce at unBoxed 2024?

Amazon announced several new capabilities including new product campaigns, audience bid boosting, Amazon Marketing Cloud (AMC) solutions, a multi-touch attribution model, conversion path reporting, and long-term sales insights.

How do Amazon's new product campaigns benefit advertisers?

New product campaigns help brands launch products within 90 days through advertising across Amazon's properties and leading broadcasters. Advertisers using these campaigns saw a 9% increase in weekly sales growth on average.

What is the purpose of Amazon's new multi-touch attribution model?

The multi-touch attribution model helps advertisers understand how different marketing touchpoints contribute to conversions, going beyond last-touch attribution to consider the relative impact of each interaction along the path to purchase.

When will Amazon's (AMZN) multi-touch attribution model be available?

Amazon Ads will start testing the multi-touch attribution model later this year, with a full rollout planned for 2025.

What are the benefits of Amazon's new AMC solutions for advertisers?

The new AMC solutions introduce no-code capabilities in an intuitive interface, allowing brands of all sizes to quickly uncover advanced audience and measurement insights, and optimize their campaigns without needing coding skills.

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