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Amentum (NYSE: AMTM) has been selected as part of a consortium to manage and operate Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory. The contract was awarded to Fermi Forward Discovery Group, , led by the University of Chicago and Universities Research Association, with Amentum and Longenecker & Associates as partners. The contract has a maximum value of $5 billion for an initial five-year base period with potential extensions up to 20 years. Operations will begin January 1, 2025, following a 90-day transition starting October 1, 2024. Fermilab, located in Batavia, Illinois, focuses on particle physics research using advanced accelerators and collaborates with over 50 countries.
Amentum (NYSE: AMTM) has secured a $490 million contract from the U.S. Navy to provide comprehensive contractor logistics support for the T-54A Multi Engine Training System (METS). The contract aims to modernize the Navy's training aircraft fleet, replacing the aging T-44C aircraft. The METS program will support pilot training for Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, and allied forces through 2055, facilitating transitions to advanced aircraft like the V-22 Osprey and P-8 Poseidon. The contract includes a one-year base period with four one-year options, with operations based at Naval Air Station Corpus Christi, Texas.
Amentum (NYSE: AMTM) has scheduled a conference call for December 17, 2024, at 8:30 AM EST to discuss its fiscal year 2024 financial results, covering the period ending September 27, 2024. The company will release its financial results before the call.
The event will be accessible to the public through a webcast link on Amentum's Investor Relations Website, where interested parties can later access the replay, earnings release, presentation slides, and supplemental financial information.
Amentum (NYSE: AMTM) has been awarded the Fully Integrated Lifecycle Mission Support Services II (FILMSS II) contract by NASA, with a maximum value of $256 million. This contract aims to support NASA's exploration and aeronautics objectives at the Ames Research Center. Amentum will introduce advanced project management tools and deliver tailored solutions across various NASA missions, including planetary science, astrophysics, space biosciences, and more.
The contract includes a two-year base period with three one-year options. Amentum's scope of work encompasses program, science, engineering, operations, and project management solutions. The majority of the work will be conducted on-site at NASA's Ames Research Center in California.
Jacobs (NYSE: J) has completed the spin-off of its Critical Mission Solutions and Cyber & Intelligence government services businesses, which have merged with Amentum Parent Holdings to form Amentum Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: AMTM). This strategic move transforms Jacobs into a more focused, higher-value company specializing in critical infrastructure and sustainability solutions.
The simplified Jacobs will concentrate on high-growth sectors such as advanced manufacturing, cities & places, energy, environmental, life sciences, transportation, and water. The company retains its innovative data solutions and digital technologies business, important for delivering digitally enabled critical infrastructure solutions.
Post-transaction, Jacobs' shareholders hold approximately 51% of Amentum's stock, with Jacobs retaining a 7.5% stake. An additional 4.5% is held in escrow as contingent consideration, subject to the Separated Business meeting certain fiscal year 2024 operating profit targets.
Jacobs Solutions has announced key dates for the spin-off of its Critical Mission Solutions and Cyber & Intelligence government services businesses. The record date is set for September 23, 2024, and the distribution date for September 27, 2024. This spin-off will merge these businesses with Amentum, creating a new publicly traded company on the NYSE under the ticker symbol AMTM.
Jacobs shareholders will receive one share of Amentum common stock for every Jacobs share held on the record date. Post-transaction, Jacobs shareholders will own 51% of Amentum, with Jacobs retaining 7.5%. An additional 4.5% will be held in escrow as contingent consideration. Jacobs intends to dispose of its stake in Amentum within 12 months of the distribution.
What is the current stock price of Amentum Holdings (AMTM)?