Stonepeak Forms Joint Venture with American Tower to Construct a New Data Center in Denver, Colorado

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Stonepeak and American Tower's subsidiary CoreSite have formed a joint venture called CoreSite DevCo JV to develop an 18 megawatt data center in Denver, Colorado. Stonepeak will hold 85% equity, while CoreSite retains 15%. The project, named DE3, will be constructed in three 6 MW phases with a total estimated cost of over $250 million. Located less than 3.5 miles from CoreSite's existing DE1 and DE2 facilities, DE3 will be CoreSite's third data center in Denver.

The joint venture aims to capitalize on Denver's growing market and CoreSite's established presence as the primary carrier hotel in this key interconnection hub. DE3 will benefit from CoreSite's leading interconnection platform through dedicated dark fiber to existing facilities, providing customers with immediate access to an established ecosystem.

Stonepeak e la controllata di American Tower, CoreSite, hanno formato una joint venture chiamata CoreSite DevCo JV per sviluppare un centro dati da 18 megawatt a Denver, Colorado. Stonepeak detiene l'85% delle partecipazioni, mentre CoreSite conserva il 15%. Il progetto, denominato DE3, sarà costruito in tre fasi da 6 MW ciascuna, con un costo totale stimato di oltre 250 milioni di dollari. Situato a meno di 3,5 miglia dalle strutture esistenti DE1 e DE2 di CoreSite, DE3 sarà il terzo centro dati di CoreSite a Denver.

La joint venture mira a capitalizzare sul crescente mercato di Denver e sulla presenza consolidata di CoreSite come principale hotel per carrier in questo hub chiave per l'interconnessione. DE3 beneficerà della piattaforma di interconnessione leader di CoreSite tramite fibra oscura dedicata alle strutture esistenti, fornendo ai clienti accesso immediato a un ecosistema consolidato.

Stonepeak y la subsidiaria de American Tower, CoreSite, han formado una empresa conjunta llamada CoreSite DevCo JV para desarrollar un centro de datos de 18 megavatios en Denver, Colorado. Stonepeak poseerá el 85% de la participación, mientras que CoreSite retiene el 15%. El proyecto, denominado DE3, se construirá en tres fases de 6 MW cada una, con un costo total estimado de más de 250 millones de dólares. Ubicado a menos de 3.5 millas de las instalaciones existentes DE1 y DE2 de CoreSite, DE3 será el tercer centro de datos de CoreSite en Denver.

La empresa conjunta tiene como objetivo capitalizar el creciente mercado de Denver y la presencia establecida de CoreSite como el principal hotel de portadores en este importante centro de interconexión. DE3 se beneficiará de la plataforma de interconexión líder de CoreSite mediante fibra oscura dedicada a las instalaciones existentes, proporcionando a los clientes acceso inmediato a un ecosistema establecido.

스톤픽과 아메리칸 타워의 자회사인 코어사이트가 콜로라도주 덴버에 18메가와트 데이터 센터를 개발하기 위해 CoreSite DevCo JV라는 합작 회사를 설립했습니다. 스톤픽은 85%의 지분을 보유하고 있으며, 코어사이트는 15%를 보유하고 있습니다. 이 프로젝트는 DE3으로 명명되며, 총 비용이 2억 5천만 달러 이상으로 예상되는 6MW 단계로 세 번에 걸쳐 건설됩니다. DE1 및 DE2 시설에서 3.5마일도 채 되지 않는 거리에 위치한 DE3는 코어사이트의 세 번째 데이터 센터가 될 것입니다.

이 합작 회사는 덴버의 성장하는 시장과 이 주요 상호 연결 허브에서의 코어사이트의 확립된 존재를 활용하는 것을 목표로 합니다. DE3는 기존 시설에 대한 전용 다크 파이버를 통한 코어사이트의 선도적인 상호 연결 플랫폼의 혜택을 받아 고객에게 확립된 생태계에 대한 즉각적인 접근을 제공합니다.

Stonepeak et la filiale d'American Tower, CoreSite, ont formé une coentreprise appelée CoreSite DevCo JV pour développer un centre de données de 18 mégawatts à Denver, Colorado. Stonepeak détiendra 85% des parts, tandis que CoreSite conserve 15%. Le projet, nommé DE3, sera construit en trois phases de 6 MW avec un coût total estimé de plus de 250 millions de dollars. Situé à moins de 3,5 milles des installations DE1 et DE2 existantes de CoreSite, DE3 sera le troisième centre de données de CoreSite à Denver.

La coentreprise vise à capitaliser sur le marché en pleine croissance de Denver et la présence établie de CoreSite en tant qu'hôtel principal pour les transporteurs dans ce centre d'interconnexion clé. DE3 bénéficiera de la plateforme d'interconnexion de pointe de CoreSite grâce à de la fibre sombre dédiée vers les installations existantes, offrant aux clients un accès immédiat à un écosystème établi.

Stonepeak und die Tochtergesellschaft von American Tower, CoreSite, haben ein Joint Venture namens CoreSite DevCo JV gegründet, um ein 18-Megawatt-Datenzentrum in Denver, Colorado zu entwickeln. Stonepeak wird 85% des Eigenkapitals halten, während CoreSite 15% behält. Das Projekt mit dem Namen DE3 wird in drei Phasen von je 6 MW errichtet, mit geschätzten Gesamtbaukosten von über 250 Millionen Dollar. DE3 befindet sich weniger als 3,5 Meilen von den bestehenden DE1- und DE2-Anlagen von CoreSite entfernt und wird das dritte Datenzentrum von CoreSite in Denver sein.

Das Joint Venture zielt darauf ab, den wachsenden Markt in Denver und die etablierte Präsenz von CoreSite als primäres Carrier-Hotel in diesem wichtigen Interconnections-Hub zu nutzen. DE3 wird von der führenden Interconnections-Plattform von CoreSite profitieren, die durch dediziertes Dark Fiber zu bestehenden Einrichtungen bereitgestellt wird, und den Kunden sofortigen Zugang zu einem etablierten Ökosystem verschafft.

  • Formation of a strategic joint venture to expand data center capacity in a growing market
  • Estimated development cost of over $250 million, indicating significant investment
  • Leveraging CoreSite's established presence and interconnection platform in Denver
  • Modular construction approach allowing for phased development and scalability
  • None.

The joint venture between Stonepeak and American Tower's CoreSite to develop an 18 MW data center in Denver represents a significant $250 million investment in the growing digital infrastructure sector. This move is strategically important for several reasons:

  • It expands CoreSite's presence in the Denver market, strengthening its position as the primary interconnection hub in the area.
  • The modular construction approach (three 6 MW phases) allows for flexible capacity expansion in response to market demand.
  • Stonepeak's 85% equity stake in the joint venture demonstrates strong confidence in the project's potential returns.
  • The proximity to existing CoreSite facilities (DE1 and DE2) creates operational synergies and enhances the overall network effect of CoreSite's Denver platform.

From an investor's perspective, this venture aligns with the growing trend of data center investments driven by increasing digital transformation and cloud adoption. The partnership structure also allows American Tower to leverage external capital for growth while maintaining operational control, potentially enhancing returns on invested capital. However, investors should monitor the project's execution and leasing progress, as the data center market can be competitive and subject to technological shifts.

The new DE3 data center project in Denver showcases several technical advantages that could position it favorably in the market:

  • The dedicated dark fiber connection to CoreSite's existing facilities is a important differentiator, offering customers immediate access to an established ecosystem.
  • Its downtown location, less than 3.5 miles from DE1 and DE2, minimizes latency for interconnection-sensitive applications.
  • The 18 MW capacity, while not massive, is substantial for a downtown location and suitable for a wide range of enterprise and cloud service provider needs.
  • The modular construction approach allows for agile capacity management, potentially optimizing capital efficiency.

From a technical standpoint, this data center is well-positioned to serve both traditional colocation customers and emerging edge computing use cases. The integration with CoreSite's existing interconnection platform could be particularly attractive for customers requiring robust connectivity options. However, the success of this facility will also depend on its power efficiency, cooling solutions and ability to accommodate high-density computing environments, details of which are not provided in the announcement.

NEW YORK & BOSTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Stonepeak, a leading alternative investment firm specializing in infrastructure and real assets, today announced that it has executed definitive documentation with American Tower (NYSE:AMT) subsidiary CoreSite to form a new joint venture (“CoreSite DevCo JV”) to develop, construct, and operate an 18 megawatt (“MW”) data center in Denver, Colorado (“DE3”), with CoreSite operating DE3. Stonepeak is expected to hold 85% of the equity of the CoreSite DevCo JV, with CoreSite holding the remaining 15% ownership interest. The investment is being made primarily through the Stonepeak Opportunities Fund, which targets both control and structured capital solutions across North America and Europe.

American Tower operates a leading North American interconnection-focused data center platform through its investment in CoreSite, in which Stonepeak holds a minority interest having invested in the platform in 2022. CoreSite operates 28 facilities across 11 U.S. markets and has built an established presence in the growing Denver market over the past decade, operating the primary carrier hotel in this key interconnection hub. DE3 is a new, 18 MW purpose-built data center to be constructed on a modular basis over three 6 MW phases, for a total estimated development cost of over $250 million. The campus will be situated on owned land in downtown Denver, located less than 3.5 miles from CoreSite’s existing DE1 and DE2 facilities, and will be the third data center asset in CoreSite’s Denver platform once constructed.

Andrew Thomas, Senior Managing Director at Stonepeak, said, “We are excited to continue our long-term partnership with the American Tower and CoreSite teams to help accelerate investment behind key digitalization tailwinds. We believe the CoreSite DevCo JV will immediately benefit from CoreSite’s leading interconnection platform in the fast-growing Denver market through dedicated dark fiber to CoreSite’s existing facilities, which provides DE3 customers with differentiated access to an established ecosystem on Day 1.”

Steven Vondran, American Tower’s President and Chief Executive Officer, added, “We are pleased to continue our partnership with Stonepeak in our U.S. data center platform, with the formation of a new joint venture to construct a new data center in the growing Denver market. The CoreSite DevCo JV enables us to strategically execute on key growth opportunities by expanding our data center campus model in the region and create value by capitalizing on demand tailwinds as the primary interconnection hub in Denver.”

Sidley Austin LLP is serving as legal advisor to Stonepeak. Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP is serving as legal advisor to American Tower, who is also being advised by Sullivan & Worcester LLP with respect to certain REIT and tax matters.

About Stonepeak

Stonepeak is a leading alternative investment firm specializing in infrastructure and real assets with approximately $71.2 billion of assets under management. Through its investment in defensive, hard-asset businesses globally, Stonepeak aims to create value for its investors and portfolio companies, with a focus on downside protection and strong risk-adjusted returns. Stonepeak, as sponsor of private equity and credit investment vehicles, provides capital, operational support, and committed partnership to grow investments in its target sectors, which include communications, energy and energy transition, transport and logistics, and real estate. Stonepeak is headquartered in New York with offices in Hong Kong, Houston, London, Singapore, and Sydney. For more information, please visit

About American Tower

American Tower, one of the largest global REITs, is a leading independent owner, operator and developer of multitenant communications real estate with a portfolio of over 224,000 communications sites and a highly interconnected footprint of U.S. data center facilities. For more information about American Tower, please visit the “Earnings Materials” and “Investor Presentations” sections of our investor relations hub at

About CoreSite

CoreSite, an American Tower company (NYSE: AMT), provides hybrid IT solutions that empower enterprises, cloud, network, and IT service providers to monetize and future-proof their digital business. Its highly interconnected data center campuses offer a native digital supply chain featuring direct cloud onramps to enable its customers to build customized hybrid IT infrastructure and accelerate digital transformation. For more than 20 years, CoreSite’s team of technical experts has partnered with customers to optimize operations, elevate customer experience, dynamically scale, and leverage data to gain competitive edge. For more information, please visit


Kate Beers / Maya Brounstein

+1 (646) 540-5225

American Tower

Adam Smith

Senior Vice President, Investor Relations and FP&A

+1 (617) 375-7500


Megan Ruszkowski

Vice President of Marketing and Sales Development

+1 (720) 446-2014

Source: Stonepeak


What is the capacity of the new data center (DE3) being developed by Stonepeak and American Tower (AMT) in Denver?

The new data center (DE3) being developed in Denver will have a capacity of 18 megawatts (MW), constructed in three 6 MW phases.

How much is the estimated development cost for the DE3 data center project by American Tower (AMT) and Stonepeak?

The total estimated development cost for the DE3 data center project is over $250 million.

What is the ownership structure of the CoreSite DevCo JV between Stonepeak and American Tower (AMT)?

Stonepeak is expected to hold 85% of the equity in the CoreSite DevCo JV, while CoreSite (American Tower's subsidiary) will hold the remaining 15% ownership interest.

How far is the new DE3 data center from CoreSite's existing facilities in Denver?

The new DE3 data center will be located less than 3.5 miles from CoreSite's existing DE1 and DE2 facilities in Denver.

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