American Software, Inc. Changes Name to Logility Supply Chain Solutions, Inc. and Updates NASDAQ Ticker Symbol to LGTY

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American Software, Inc., a leader in AI-first supply chain planning software, is changing its name to Logility Supply Chain Solutions, Inc. (Logility) to align with its globally recognized brand. On October 2, the company's NASDAQ ticker symbol will change from AMSWA to LGTY. Shareholders approved a reclassification of the dual-class share structure to a single Class A common stock on August 20, 2024, aiming to attract a wider range of investors.

This strategic shift follows the divestiture of non-core assets and recent acquisitions of AI-powered demand forecasting and network optimization capabilities. Logility, now a SaaS leader in supply chain planning and management solutions, is focusing on its core competencies and advancing an AI-first strategy to transform the industry. The company aims to help customers navigate complex global challenges with unprecedented accuracy and efficiency.

American Software, Inc., leader nel software di pianificazione della supply chain con Intelligenza Artificiale, cambierà nome in Logility Supply Chain Solutions, Inc. (Logility) per allinearsi con il suo marchio riconosciuto a livello globale. A partire dal 2 ottobre, il simbolo di borsa NASDAQ dell'azienda cambierà da AMSWA a LGTY. Gli azionisti hanno approvato la riclassificazione della struttura azionaria a doppia classe in un'unica azione comune di Classe A il 20 agosto 2024, con l'obiettivo di attrarre una gamma più ampia di investitori.

Questo cambiamento strategico segue la dismissione di attività non core e recenti acquisizioni di capabilities di previsione della domanda e ottimizzazione della rete basate su IA. Logility, ora un leader SaaS nelle soluzioni di pianificazione e gestione della supply chain, si sta concentrando sulle sue competenze chiave e avanzando una strategia AI-first per trasformare il settore. L'azienda mira ad aiutare i clienti a affrontare sfide globali complesse con una precisione e un'efficienza senza precedenti.

American Software, Inc., líder en software de planificación de la cadena de suministro con inteligencia artificial, cambiará su nombre a Logility Supply Chain Solutions, Inc. (Logility) para alinearse con su marca reconocida globalmente. A partir del 2 de octubre, el símbolo de NASDAQ de la compañía cambiará de AMSWA a LGTY. Los accionistas aprobaron la reclasificación de la estructura de acciones de doble clase a una sola acción común de Clase A el 20 de agosto de 2024, con el objetivo de atraer a una gama más amplia de inversionistas.

Este cambio estratégico sigue a la desinversión de activos no centrales y adquisiciones recientes de capacidades de pronóstico de demanda y optimización de redes impulsadas por IA. Logility, ahora un líder SaaS en soluciones de planificación y gestión de la cadena de suministro, se está enfocando en sus competencias clave y avanzando en una estrategia centrada en la IA para transformar la industria. La compañía busca ayudar a los clientes a navegar desafíos globales complejos con una precisión y eficiencia sin precedentes.

American Software, Inc.는 AI 기반 공급망 계획 소프트웨어의 선두주자로서 이름을 Logility Supply Chain Solutions, Inc. (Logility)로 변경하여 전 세계적으로 인지度 높은 브랜드와의 일치를 꾀하고 있습니다. 10월 2일부터 회사의 NASDAQ 티커 기호AMSWA에서 LGTY로 변경됩니다. 주주들은 2024년 8월 20일 이중 클래스 주식 구조를 단일 A 클래스 보통주로 재분류하는 것을 승인하여 더 넓은 범위의 투자자를 유치할 계획입니다.

이 전략적 전환은 비핵심 자산 매각 및 최근 인수 AI 기반 수요 예측 및 네트워크 최적화 기능에 따릅니다. Logility는 이제 공급망 계획 및 관리 솔루션의 SaaS 리더로서, 핵심 역량에 집중하고 산업 변화를 위한 AI 우선 전략을 추진하고 있습니다. 이 회사는 고객이 복잡한 글로벌 문제를 전례 없는 정확성과 효율성으로 극복할 수 있도록 도와주고자 합니다.

American Software, Inc., un leader dans le domaine des logiciels de planification de la chaîne d'approvisionnement basés sur l'IA, change de nom pour devenir Logility Supply Chain Solutions, Inc. (Logility) afin de s'aligner sur sa marque mondialement reconnue. À partir du 2 octobre, le symbole boursier NASDAQ de l'entreprise changera de AMSWA à LGTY. Les actionnaires ont approuvé une reclassification de la structure d'actions en deux classes en une seule action ordinaire de Classe A le 20 août 2024, dans le but d'attirer une gamme plus large d'investisseurs.

Ce changement stratégique fait suite à la cession d'actifs non essentiels et à de récentes acquisitions de capacités de prévision de la demande et d'optimisation des réseaux alimentées par l'IA. Logility, désormais un leader SaaS dans les solutions de planification et de gestion de la chaîne d'approvisionnement, se concentre sur ses compétences fondamentales et développe une stratégie axée sur l'IA pour transformer l'industrie. L'entreprise vise à aider ses clients à faire face à des défis mondiaux complexes avec une précision et une efficacité sans précédent.

American Software, Inc., ein führendes Unternehmen im Bereich KI-basierte Software für die Planung von Lieferketten, wird seinen Namen in Logility Supply Chain Solutions, Inc. (Logility) ändern, um sich mit seiner global anerkannten Marke in Einklang zu bringen. Ab dem 2. Oktober wird das NASDAQ-Tickersymbol des Unternehmens von AMSWA auf LGTY geändert. Die Aktionäre genehmigten am 20. August 2024 die Umklassifizierung der dualen Aktienstruktur in eine einzige Klasse A-Stammaktie, um ein breiteres Spektrum an Investoren zu gewinnen.

Dieser strategische Wandel folgt der Abspaltung von Nicht-Kernvermögen und den jüngsten Übernahmen von KI-gestützten Prognose- und Netzwerkoptimierungsfähigkeiten. Logility, jetzt ein SaaS-Führer in der Planung und Verwaltung von Lieferkettenlösungen, konzentriert sich auf seine Kernkompetenzen und verfolgt eine KI-first-Strategie, um die Branche zu transformieren. Das Unternehmen hat das Ziel, seinen Kunden zu helfen, komplexe globale Herausforderungen mit beispielloser Genauigkeit und Effizienz zu bewältigen.

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ATLANTA--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- American Software, Inc., a leader in AI-first supply chain planning software, is changing its name to Logility Supply Chain Solutions, Inc. (Logility) to align its name with its brand, which is recognized in the industry and around the world. On October 2, the company's NASDAQ ticker symbol will also change from AMSWA to LGTY, aligning with the new name.

As part of this evolution, the company’s shareholders approved a reclassification of its dual-class share structure on August 20, 2024 from a dual-class capital structure to a single Class A common stock. This move is a response to feedback from shareholders and proxy advisory firms and is expected to attract a wider range of investors.

“As we continue to innovate and lead in AI-first supply chain solutions, we are excited to align the company name with the brand for which we are globally recognized,” said Allan Dow, President and CEO of Logility.

This strategic shift is part of a larger initiative aligned with the company’s continued focus on its core competencies. Following the divestiture of non-core assets and the recent acquisitions of AI-powered demand forecasting and network optimization capabilities, Logility is a SaaS leader in supply chain planning and management solutions.

With decades of global supply chain management expertise and experience, Logility is a trusted leader focused on leveraging its history of pioneering supply chain advancements to advance an AI-first strategy that is transforming both the company and the industry. Logility is reimagining the future of supply chain management with a vision that further positions the company as a leader in next-generation technologies but also allows customers to navigate complex global challenges with unprecedented accuracy and efficiency.

About Logility

Logility is a market-leading provider of AI-first supply chain management solutions engineered to help organizations build sustainable digital supply chains that improve people’s lives and the world we live in. The company’s approach is designed to reimagine supply chain planning by shifting away from traditional “what happened” processes to an AI-driven strategy that combines the power of humans and machines to predict and be ready for what’s coming. Logility’s fully integrated, end-to-end platform helps clients know faster, turn uncertainty into opportunity, and transform supply chain from a cost center to an engine for growth. With over 600 clients in 80 countries, the company is headquartered in Atlanta, GA. Learn more at

Source: American Software, Inc.


What is the new name of American Software, Inc. and when does it take effect?

American Software, Inc. is changing its name to Logility Supply Chain Solutions, Inc. The new name aligns with the company's globally recognized brand, Logility.

How will the NASDAQ ticker symbol for AMSWA change?

The NASDAQ ticker symbol for American Software, Inc. (AMSWA) will change to LGTY on October 2, reflecting the company's new name, Logility Supply Chain Solutions, Inc.

What changes were made to American Software's share structure?

On August 20, 2024, shareholders approved a reclassification of the company's dual-class share structure to a single Class A common stock, aiming to attract a wider range of investors.

What is Logility's main focus in the supply chain industry?

Logility is focused on AI-first supply chain solutions, leveraging its history of pioneering supply chain advancements to transform both the company and the industry.

What recent acquisitions has Logility made to enhance its capabilities?

Logility has recently acquired AI-powered demand forecasting and network optimization capabilities to strengthen its position as a SaaS leader in supply chain planning and management solutions.

American Software, Inc.


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Software - Application
Services-prepackaged Software
United States of America