HSGS-Ameresco LLC Celebrates Completion of $10.9M Water Resiliency Microgrid Project at White Sands Missile Range
Ameresco (NYSE: AMRC) and Hannah Solar Government Services have successfully completed a $10.9 million Water Resiliency Microgrid Project at White Sands Missile Range (WSMR). The project, celebrated with a ribbon-cutting ceremony on February 26, 2025, features an innovative microgrid system integrating:
- 700kW solar photovoltaic array
- 500kW natural gas generator
- 500kW lithium-ion battery system
The system provides backup power to four groundwater wells, ensuring WSMR maintains critical missions during extended power outages. This aligns with the U.S. Army's requirement for 14-day energy and water independence from civilian supplies. The project, executed through a Service-Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business joint venture, demonstrates WSMR's commitment to operational readiness and sustainable energy solutions.
Ameresco (NYSE: AMRC) e Hannah Solar Government Services hanno completato con successo un progetto di microrete per la resilienza idrica da 10,9 milioni di dollari presso il White Sands Missile Range (WSMR). Il progetto, celebrato con una cerimonia di inaugurazione il 26 febbraio 2025, presenta un sistema di microrete innovativo che integra:
- un impianto fotovoltaico da 700kW
- un generatore a gas naturale da 500kW
- un sistema di batterie agli ioni di litio da 500kW
Il sistema fornisce energia di riserva a quattro pozzi di acqua sotterranea, garantendo che il WSMR possa mantenere missioni critiche durante prolungati blackout. Questo è in linea con il requisito dell'Esercito degli Stati Uniti di indipendenza energetica e idrica per 14 giorni dalle forniture civili. Il progetto, realizzato attraverso una joint venture con una piccola impresa di veterani disabili, dimostra l'impegno del WSMR per la prontezza operativa e soluzioni energetiche sostenibili.
Ameresco (NYSE: AMRC) y Hannah Solar Government Services han completado con éxito un proyecto de microred de resiliencia hídrica de 10,9 millones de dólares en White Sands Missile Range (WSMR). El proyecto, celebrado con una ceremonia de inauguración el 26 de febrero de 2025, presenta un innovador sistema de microred que integra:
- un sistema fotovoltaico de 700kW
- un generador de gas natural de 500kW
- un sistema de baterías de iones de litio de 500kW
El sistema proporciona energía de respaldo a cuatro pozos de agua subterránea, asegurando que el WSMR mantenga misiones críticas durante apagones prolongados. Esto se alinea con el requisito del Ejército de EE. UU. de independencia energética y hídrica durante 14 días de los suministros civiles. El proyecto, ejecutado a través de una empresa conjunta de pequeñas empresas propiedad de veteranos con discapacidades, demuestra el compromiso del WSMR con la preparación operativa y soluciones energéticas sostenibles.
Ameresco (NYSE: AMRC)와 Hannah Solar Government Services가 1천만 9천 달러 규모의 수자원 회복력 마이크로그리드 프로젝트를 화이트 샌드 미사일 사격장(WSMR)에서 성공적으로 완료했습니다. 이 프로젝트는 2025년 2월 26일에 열린 기념식에서 축하받았으며, 다음과 같은 혁신적인 마이크로그리드 시스템을 특징으로 합니다:
- 700kW 태양광 발전소
- 500kW 천연가스 발전기
- 500kW 리튬 이온 배터리 시스템
이 시스템은 네 개의 지하수 우물에 백업 전력을 제공하여 WSMR이 장기 정전 동안 중요한 임무를 유지할 수 있도록 보장합니다. 이는 미국 육군의 14일 에너지 및 수자원 독립성 요구 사항과 일치합니다. 이 프로젝트는 장애인을 고용한 소규모 기업 간의 공동 벤처를 통해 실행되었으며, WSMR의 운영 준비 및 지속 가능한 에너지 솔루션에 대한 헌신을 보여줍니다.
Ameresco (NYSE: AMRC) et Hannah Solar Government Services ont réussi à achever un projet de micro-réseau de résilience hydrique de 10,9 millions de dollars au White Sands Missile Range (WSMR). Le projet, célébré par une cérémonie d'inauguration le 26 février 2025, se compose d'un système de micro-réseau innovant intégrant :
- une installation photovoltaïque de 700 kW
- un générateur à gaz naturel de 500 kW
- un système de batteries lithium-ion de 500 kW
Ce système fournit une alimentation de secours à quatre puits d'eau souterraine, garantissant que le WSMR maintienne des missions critiques pendant de longues coupures de courant. Cela s'aligne sur l'exigence de l'Armée américaine d'une indépendance énergétique et hydrique de 14 jours vis-à-vis des approvisionnements civils. Le projet, réalisé à travers une coentreprise avec une petite entreprise détenue par des vétérans handicapés, démontre l'engagement du WSMR envers la préparation opérationnelle et les solutions énergétiques durables.
Ameresco (NYSE: AMRC) und Hannah Solar Government Services haben erfolgreich ein 10,9 Millionen Dollar teures Wasserresilienz-Mikronetzprojekt am White Sands Missile Range (WSMR) abgeschlossen. Das Projekt, das am 26. Februar 2025 mit einer Eröffnungszeremonie gefeiert wurde, umfasst ein innovatives Mikronetzsystem, das Folgendes integriert:
- 700kW Solarphotovoltaikanlage
- 500kW Erdgasgenerator
- 500kW Lithium-Ionen-Batteriesystem
Das System bietet Backup-Strom für vier Grundwasserbrunnen und stellt sicher, dass WSMR kritische Missionen während längerer Stromausfälle aufrechterhalten kann. Dies entspricht den Anforderungen der US-Armee an eine 14-tägige Energie- und Wasserunabhängigkeit von zivilen Versorgungen. Das Projekt, das durch ein Joint Venture mit einem von Behinderten geführten Kleinunternehmen durchgeführt wurde, zeigt das Engagement von WSMR für betriebliche Einsatzbereitschaft und nachhaltige Energielösungen.
- None.
- None.
Hannah Solar Government Services and Ameresco Completed Innovative Microgrid System Through Joint Venture

White Sands Missile Range held a ribbon cutting ceremony for a
This project which was designed and built by HSGS-Ameresco, LLC, a joint venture certified as a Service-Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business (SDVOSB) by the Small Business Administration and the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), delivers energy generation, smart controls, and building efficiency solutions to the VA and other Federal agencies nationwide.
The innovative microgrid system, which integrates a 700kW solar photovoltaic array, a 500kW natural gas generator, and a 500kW lithium-ion battery system, will provide backup power to four groundwater wells on the range. This helps WSMR maintain its critical missions without disruption, even during extended power outages.
The microgrid project aligns with the
“The project helps WSMR meet the
Harnessing the power of advanced technology, the newly implemented microgrid at White Sands Missile Range integrates multiple energy sources to ensure a reliable and continuous power supply. The solar array captures energy from the sun during the day, while the natural gas generator provides a dependable backup power source. The lithium-ion battery system efficiently stores excess energy generated by the solar array and releases it when needed, helping to ensure an uninterrupted power supply. This entire system is managed by an advanced microgrid controller that optimizes energy production and distribution, balancing the load between the solar array, generator, and battery storage.
“This microgrid project is a great example of how innovative energy solutions can enhance the resilience and efficiency of critical infrastructure," said Nicole Bulgarino, President of Federal Solutions and Utility Infrastructure at Ameresco. " Our collaboration with White Sands Missile Range has resulted in a robust system that ensures continuous operation and supports the mission readiness of the installation. We are proud to contribute to a more sustainable and secure energy future."
“This would not be possible without our hard work and the collaboration of our partners, our contractors, planners and especially the Garrison DPW team and other key stakeholders,” said WSMR Garrison Commander Col. Donyeill Mozer. “Their dedication in making this project a reality ensures that White Sands Missile Range will have the infrastructure needed to support our current and future operations.”
“As an Army veteran every time I go to an Army base and work alongside fellow soldiers and contractors it feels like I am coming home,” said Dave McNeil, CEO/President of Hannah Solar Government Services-Ameresco, LLC. "I am really proud of the fact that our company is dedicated to providing energy security for America and especially for our Army and our military."
The successful implementation of the microgrid project at White Sands Missile Range highlights a strong commitment to innovation, sustainability, and collaboration. This project enhances energy resiliency and operational readiness, demonstrating how effective partnerships can address unique energy challenges. It contributes to a more sustainable and secure future for our nation's infrastructure.
To learn more about microgrid and energy security systems offered by Ameresco, visit https://www.ameresco.com/microgrid/
About Ameresco, Inc.
Founded in 2000, Ameresco, Inc. (NYSE: AMRC) is a leading energy solutions provider dedicated to helping customers reduce costs, enhance resilience, and decarbonize to net zero in the global energy transition. Our comprehensive portfolio includes implementing smart energy efficiency solutions, upgrading aging infrastructure, and developing, constructing, and operating distributed energy resources. As a trusted full-service partner, Ameresco shows the way by reducing energy use and delivering diversified generation solutions to Federal, state and local governments, utilities, educational and healthcare institutions, housing authorities, and commercial and industrial customers. Headquartered in
About HSGS-Ameresco, Inc.
HSGS-Ameresco, LLC, a joint venture certified as a Service-Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business (SDVOSB) by the Small Business Administration and the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), delivers energy generation, smart controls, and building efficiency solutions to the VA and other Federal agencies nationwide. The HSGS-Ameresco team has extensive Federal contracting expertise, specializing in design-build services, energy savings performance contracts (ESPC), and Energy Supply Agreements (ESAs)/Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs). The company helps Federal agencies reduce their energy consumption and carbon footprint, assure their missions, improve their energy security and resiliency postures, and meet and exceed statutory requirements regarding energy management and the sustainability of Federal facilities.
The announcement of completion of a customer’s project contract is not necessarily indicative of the timing or amount of revenue from such contract, of Ameresco’s overall revenue for any particular period or of trends in Ameresco’s overall total project backlog. Ameresco’s share of this project was included in Ameresco’s previously reported contracted backlog as of December 31, 2024.
View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20250317531527/en/
Media Contact:
Ameresco: Leila Dillon, 508-661-2264, news@ameresco.com
Source: Ameresco, Inc.