City of Pendleton, Oregon Celebrates Groundbreaking Renewable Energy Milestone at Wastewater Treatment Facility
Ameresco Inc. (NYSE: AMRC) and the City of Pendleton, Oregon, celebrated the groundbreaking of a $1.8 million solar PV canopy project at the city's Wastewater Treatment and Resource Recovery Facility (WWTRRF). The 240 kW system is expected to generate 325,000 kWh of electricity annually, reducing the facility's reliance on non-renewable energy and bringing it closer to net-zero.
The project, funded by state grants, federal incentives, utility incentives, and city resources, will cut about 30% off the facility's power bill annually. It also enhances the wastewater treatment process by providing shade to the chlorine contact chamber, improving efficiency and water quality. The initiative aligns with Oregon's Community Renewable Energy Grant Program (CREP) goals, incorporating workforce training, supplier diversity, and student outreach focused on rural and underserved populations.
Ameresco Inc. (NYSE: AMRC) e la città di Pendleton, Oregon, hanno celebrato la posa della prima pietra di un progetto di tettoia solare PV da 1,8 milioni di dollari presso l'impianto di trattamento delle acque reflue e recupero delle risorse (WWTRRF) della città. Il sistema da 240 kW si prevede che genererà 325.000 kWh di elettricità all'anno, riducendo la dipendenza dell'impianto da energia non rinnovabile e avvicinandolo al net zero.
Il progetto, finanziato da sovvenzioni statali, incentivi federali, incentivi delle utenze e risorse della città, ridurrà di circa il 30% la bolletta elettrica dell'impianto ogni anno. Inoltre, migliora il processo di trattamento delle acque reflue fornendo ombra alla camera di contatto con il cloro, migliorando l'efficienza e la qualità dell'acqua. L'iniziativa è in linea con gli obiettivi del Programma di Sovvenzioni per le Energie Rinnovabili della Comunità dell'Oregon (CREP), incorporando formazione della forza lavoro, diversità dei fornitori e outreach per studenti focalizzato su popolazioni rurali e svantaggiate.
Ameresco Inc. (NYSE: AMRC) y la ciudad de Pendleton, Oregón, celebraron la inauguración de un proyecto de dosel solar PV de 1,8 millones de dólares en la Planta de Tratamiento de Aguas Residuales y Recuperación de Recursos (WWTRRF) de la ciudad. Se espera que el sistema de 240 kW genere 325,000 kWh de electricidad anualmente, reduciendo la dependencia de la instalación de energía no renovable y acercándola a cero neto.
El proyecto, financiado por subvenciones estatales, incentivos federales, incentivos de servicios públicos y recursos de la ciudad, reducirá aproximadamente el 30% de la factura eléctrica de la instalación anualmente. También mejora el proceso de tratamiento de aguas residuales al proporcionar sombra a la cámara de contacto con cloro, mejorando así la eficiencia y la calidad del agua. La iniciativa se alinea con los objetivos del Programa de Subvenciones para Energía Renovable Comunitaria de Oregón (CREP), e incorpora capacitación laboral, diversidad de proveedores y outreach estudiantil enfocado en poblaciones rurales y desatendidas.
Ameresco Inc. (NYSE: AMRC)와 오리건주 펜들턴 시가 180만 달러 규모의 태양광 캐노피 프로젝트의 착공식을 열었습니다. 이 240 kW 시스템은 연간 32만5천 kWh의 전력을 생성할 것으로 예상되며 시설의 비재생 에너지 의존도를 줄이고 탄소 중립에 한 발짝 더 다가가게 됩니다.
주 정부 보조금, 연방 인센티브, 공공 서비스 인센티브 및 도시 자원으로 자금을 지원받은 이 프로젝트는 매년 시설 전기 요금의 약 30%를 절감할 것입니다. 또한 염소 접촉실에 그늘을 제공하여 폐수 처리 공정을 개선하고 효율성과 수질을 향상시킵니다. 이 initiative는 오리건주 커뮤니티 재생 가능 에너지 보조금 프로그램(CREP)의 목표와 일치하며, 인력 교육, 공급업체 다양성 및 농촌과 소외된 지역 사회에 초점을 맞춘 학생 Outreach를 포함합니다.
Ameresco Inc. (NYSE: AMRC) et la ville de Pendleton, en Oregon, ont célébré le lancement d'un projet de toiture solaire PV d'un montant de 1,8 million de dollars à l'installation de traitement des eaux usées et de récupération des ressources (WWTRRF) de la ville. Le système de 240 kW devrait produire 325 000 kWh d'électricité par an, réduisant ainsi la dépendance de l'installation à l'égard des énergies non renouvelables et la rapprochant d'un bilan carbone neutre.
Le projet, financé par des subventions étatiques, des incitations fédérales, des incitations des services publics et des ressources de la ville, devrait réduire d'environ 30 % la facture d'électricité de l'installation chaque année. Il améliore également le processus de traitement des eaux usées en fournissant de l'ombre à la chambre de contact au chlore, améliorant ainsi l'efficacité et la qualité de l'eau. L'initiative est conforme aux objectifs du Programme de subventions en faveur de l'énergie renouvelable communautaire (CREP) de l'Oregon, intégrant la formation des travailleurs, la diversité des fournisseurs et des actions de sensibilisation destinées aux étudiants, axées sur les populations rurales et défavorisées.
Ameresco Inc. (NYSE: AMRC) und die Stadt Pendleton, Oregon, feierten den Baustart eines 1,8 Millionen US-Dollar Solar-PV-Carport-Projekts an der Abwasserbehandlungs- und Ressourcengewinnungsanlage (WWTRRF) der Stadt. Das 240 kW System wird voraussichtlich 325.000 kWh Strom jährlich erzeugen, wodurch die Abhängigkeit der Anlage von nicht erneuerbarer Energie verringert und sie näher an einem Null-Emissionen-Ziel gebracht wird.
Das Projekt, das durch staatliche Zuschüsse, föderale Anreize, Versorgungsanreize und Ressourcen der Stadt finanziert wird, wird die Stromrechnung der Anlage jährlich um etwa 30% senken. Es verbessert auch den Abwasserbehandlungsprozess, indem es Schatten für die Chlor-Kontakt-Kammer bietet und damit Effizienz und Wasserqualität erhöht. Die Initiative steht im Einklang mit den Zielen des Community Renewable Energy Grant Program (CREP) in Oregon und umfasst Aus- und Weiterbildung der Arbeitskräfte, Diversität bei Anbietern und Schülerkontakte, die sich auf ländliche und benachteiligte Bevölkerungsgruppen konzentrieren.
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(Photo: Business Wire)
The ESPC solar PV canopy project, funded by a combination of state grants, federal incentives, utility incentives, and city resources, is designed to generate approximately 325,000 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of electricity annually. This innovative installation not only reduces the facility's reliance on non-renewable energy sources but also enhances the efficiency of the wastewater treatment process by providing shade to the chlorine contact chamber, leading to lower operational costs and improved water quality.
“This has been an idea for about 10 years, so it feels awesome to be here,” said Kyle Willman, Technician and Lead Plant Operator, at Wastewater Treatment Resource Recovery Facility (WWTRRF). “We really try to focus on recovering as many resources as we can, and this project will cut about 30 percent off our power bill annually. I can’t wait to move forward.”
The event saw the participation of key stakeholders, including Kyle Willman, Lead Plant Operator at Pendleton WWTRRF, Robb Corbett, City Manager of
“Pendleton’s ongoing efforts to build a more sustainable and resilient future showcase what can be achieved when communities, utilities, and energy partners work together toward common environmental goals,” said Lou Maltezos, Executive Vice President, at Ameresco. “We’re thrilled to be working on this project and setting a strong benchmark for similar facilities across the region.”
This project is part of a broader initiative at the Pendleton WWTRRF, which includes a suite of renewable energy and efficiency upgrades designed to reduce the facility's carbon footprint and operational costs. In addition to the solar PV canopy, future plans include the integration of a Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) that will further enhance the facility’s energy management capabilities.
For more information about Ameresco and its sustainability initiatives, visit
About Ameresco, Inc.
Founded in 2000, Ameresco, Inc. (NYSE:AMRC) is a leading cleantech integrator and renewable energy asset developer, owner and operator. Our comprehensive portfolio includes solutions that help customers reduce costs, decarbonize to net zero, and build energy resiliency while leveraging smart, connected technologies. From implementing energy efficiency and infrastructure upgrades to developing, constructing, and operating distributed energy resources – we are a trusted sustainability partner. Ameresco has successfully completed energy saving, environmentally responsible projects with Federal, state and local governments, utilities, healthcare and educational institutions, housing authorities, and commercial and industrial customers. With its corporate headquarters in
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The announcement of a customer’s entry into a project contract is not necessarily indicative of the timing or amount of revenue from such contract, of the company’s overall revenue for any particular period or of trends in Ameresco’s overall total project backlog. This project was included in our previously reported contracted backlog as of June 30, 2024.
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Ameresco: Leila Dillon, 508-661-2264,
Source: Ameresco, Inc.
What is the capacity of the solar PV canopy project at Pendleton's WWTRRF?
How much electricity is the Pendleton WWTRRF solar project expected to generate annually?
What is the cost of the solar PV canopy project at Pendleton's wastewater facility?
How much will the solar project reduce Pendleton WWTRRF's power bill?