Ameresco Works Side-By-Side with Students to Install Innovative Bi-facial Solar System on Career Center in Ohio
Ameresco (NYSE: AMRC) has completed a solar PV project at the Tri-County Career Center in Nelsonville, Ohio, featuring a new 185kW DC solar system with bi-facial solar panels. The innovative system, installed as part of a roof replacement project, is designed to provide up to 20% of the annual energy needs for two buildings while reducing CO2 emissions by 161 tons annually.
The project uniquely involved high school students from the Center's Electrical Trades Program, who gained hands-on experience during the three-week installation of 343 solar panels. Students participated in material handling, racking construction, and panel installation, aligning with Ameresco's initiative to build a future resilient energy workforce.
According to Ameresco's 2024 survey of 600 Gen Z and Millennial workers, 81% expressed interest in renewable energy careers despite understanding of the field. The project serves dual purposes: reducing the Career Center's energy costs and providing practical training in an industry projected to add approximately 1.5 billion jobs annually over the next decade.
Ameresco (NYSE: AMRC) ha completato un progetto di energia solare fotovoltaica presso il Tri-County Career Center di Nelsonville, Ohio, dotato di un nuovo sistema solare DC da 185 kW con pannelli solari bifacciali. Il sistema innovativo, installato come parte di un progetto di sostituzione del tetto, è progettato per fornire fino al 20% del fabbisogno energetico annuale per due edifici, riducendo le emissioni di CO2 di 161 tonnellate all'anno.
Il progetto ha coinvolto in modo unico gli studenti delle scuole superiori del Programma di Elettricità del Centro, che hanno acquisito esperienza pratica durante le tre settimane di installazione di 343 pannelli solari. Gli studenti hanno partecipato alla gestione dei materiali, alla costruzione delle strutture di supporto e all'installazione dei pannelli, in linea con l'iniziativa di Ameresco di costruire una forza lavoro energetica resiliente per il futuro.
Secondo l'indagine del 2024 di Ameresco su 600 lavoratori della Gen Z e dei Millennials, l'81% ha espresso interesse per le carriere nelle energie rinnovabili nonostante la comprensione del settore. Il progetto ha scopi doppi: ridurre i costi energetici del Career Center e fornire formazione pratica in un settore che si prevede aggiungerà circa 1,5 miliardi di posti di lavoro all'anno nel prossimo decennio.
Ameresco (NYSE: AMRC) ha completado un proyecto de energía solar fotovoltaica en el Tri-County Career Center en Nelsonville, Ohio, que cuenta con un nuevo sistema solar DC de 185 kW con paneles solares bifaciales. El sistema innovador, instalado como parte de un proyecto de reemplazo de techo, está diseñado para proporcionar hasta el 20% de las necesidades energéticas anuales de dos edificios, mientras reduce las emisiones de CO2 en 161 toneladas anualmente.
El proyecto involucró de manera única a estudiantes de secundaria del Programa de Comercio Eléctrico del Centro, quienes adquirieron experiencia práctica durante las tres semanas de instalación de 343 paneles solares. Los estudiantes participaron en la manipulación de materiales, la construcción de estructuras de soporte y la instalación de paneles, en línea con la iniciativa de Ameresco de construir una fuerza laboral energética resiliente para el futuro.
Según la encuesta de 2024 de Ameresco a 600 trabajadores de la Generación Z y Millennials, el 81% expresó interés en carreras de energía renovable a pesar de su comprensión del campo. El proyecto cumple dos propósitos: reducir los costos energéticos del Career Center y proporcionar capacitación práctica en una industria que se proyecta que agregará aproximadamente 1.5 mil millones de empleos anualmente en la próxima década.
Ameresco (NYSE: AMRC)는 오하이오주 넬슨빌에 위치한 Tri-County Career Center에서 185kW DC 태양광 시스템을 갖춘 태양광 PV 프로젝트를 완료했습니다. 이 혁신적인 시스템은 지붕 교체 프로젝트의 일환으로 설치되었으며, 두 건물의 연간 에너지 필요량의 최대 20%를 제공하도록 설계되었으며, 연간 161톤의 CO2 배출량을 줄입니다.
이 프로젝트는 센터의 전기 무역 프로그램에 참여하는 고등학생들을 독특하게 포함시켰으며, 343개의 태양광 패널 설치 기간 동안 실습 경험을 쌓았습니다. 학생들은 자재 취급, 랙 구조물 제작 및 패널 설치에 참여하였으며, 이는 Ameresco의 목표인 미래의 탄력적인 에너지 인력을 구축하는 것과 일치합니다.
Ameresco의 2024년 조사에 따르면 600명의 Z세대 및 밀레니얼 근로자 중 81%가 이 분야에 대한 이해에도 불구하고 재생 가능 에너지 경력에 관심을 표명했습니다. 이 프로젝트는 Career Center의 에너지 비용을 줄이고 향후 10년 동안 연간 약 15억 개의 일자리가 추가될 것으로 예상되는 산업에서 실용적인 교육을 제공하는 두 가지 목적을 가지고 있습니다.
Ameresco (NYSE: AMRC) a achevé un projet de photovoltaïque solaire au Tri-County Career Center à Nelsonville, Ohio, comprenant un nouveau système solaire DC de 185 kW avec des panneaux solaires bifaciaux. Ce système innovant, installé dans le cadre d'un projet de remplacement de toit, est conçu pour fournir jusqu'à 20 % des besoins énergétiques annuels de deux bâtiments tout en réduisant les émissions de CO2 de 161 tonnes par an.
Le projet a impliqué de manière unique des étudiants du programme de métiers électriques du Centre, qui ont acquis une expérience pratique lors de l'installation de 343 panneaux solaires pendant trois semaines. Les étudiants ont participé à la gestion des matériaux, à la construction des structures de support et à l'installation des panneaux, en accord avec l'initiative d'Ameresco de construire une main-d'œuvre énergétique résiliente pour l'avenir.
Selon l'enquête 2024 d'Ameresco auprès de 600 travailleurs de la génération Z et des Millennials, 81 % ont exprimé un intérêt pour les carrières dans les énergies renouvelables, malgré leur compréhension du domaine. Le projet remplit deux objectifs : réduire les coûts énergétiques du Career Center et fournir une formation pratique dans une industrie qui devrait ajouter environ 1,5 milliard d'emplois par an au cours de la prochaine décennie.
Ameresco (NYSE: AMRC) hat ein Solar-PV-Projekt im Tri-County Career Center in Nelsonville, Ohio, abgeschlossen, das über ein neues 185kW DC-Solarsystem mit bifacialen Solarpanels verfügt. Das innovative System, das im Rahmen eines Dacherneuerungsprojekts installiert wurde, ist darauf ausgelegt, bis zu 20% des jährlichen Energiebedarfs für zwei Gebäude bereitzustellen und die CO2-Emissionen um jährlich 161 Tonnen zu reduzieren.
Das Projekt bezog auf einzigartige Weise Schüler der Elektrotechnik-Ausbildung des Zentrums ein, die während der dreiwöchigen Installation von 343 Solarpanels praktische Erfahrungen sammelten. Die Schüler beteiligten sich an der Materialhandhabung, dem Bau von Gestellen und der Installation der Panels, was mit der Initiative von Ameresco übereinstimmt, eine zukunftsfähige und resiliente Energiearbeitskraft aufzubauen.
Laut der Umfrage von Ameresco 2024 unter 600 Gen Z- und Millennial-Arbeitnehmern äußerten 81% Interesse an Berufen im Bereich erneuerbare Energien, trotz ihres Verständnisses des Sektors. Das Projekt hat doppelte Ziele: die Energiekosten des Career Centers zu senken und praktische Schulungen in einer Branche zu bieten, die in den nächsten zehn Jahren voraussichtlich etwa 1,5 Milliarden Arbeitsplätze jährlich schaffen wird.
- Project generates new revenue stream through solar installation services
- Strengthens workforce development initiatives and potential recruitment pipeline
- Demonstrates successful execution of innovative bi-facial solar technology
- None.
The new solar system will help reduce the school’s energy costs, while providing students with on-the-job experience

Bi-facial Solar System on Tri-County Career Center
A new 185kW DC solar PV system was installed as part of a necessary roof replacement project. This innovative technology uses a reflective membrane and bi-facial solar panels to maximize energy production for the two buildings it serves. The project is designed to provide up to
As part of the project, Ameresco provided high school students from the Electrical Trades Program at Tri-County Career Center with on-the-job experience helping with the installation. This is part of Ameresco’s broader focus on building the resilient energy workforce of the future and expanding understanding of career options in the field. In a survey of 600 Generation Z and Millennial workers conducted by Ameresco in 2024,
“Ameresco not only managed this project smoothly from start to finish, but they also made sure that the installation process would meet the school’s mission to ‘inspire, challenge, and prepare students to reach their career potential,’” said Connie Altier, Superintendent of the Tri-Country Career Center. “We were thrilled to see our students gain true on-the-job experience with Ameresco and Commonwealth Solar.”
The renewable energy sector is projected to add approximately 1.5 billion jobs per year for the next ten years, and some analysts predict that there may not be enough skilled workers to fill those jobs. The students at Tri-County Career Center that helped install the project’s 343 solar panels are in an optimal position to benefit from this demand for skilled workers. As part of their program, they can earn ETA Photovoltaic Installer – Level 1 certification, along with other industry qualifications. In addition to providing hands on experience, Ameresco’s project manager and local contractor partner Commonwealth Solar spoke with students about joining their teams, supporting a direct workforce placement pipeline for the Career Center.
"Providing students with the opportunity to engage directly with potential career paths and improve their campus was one of the most exciting parts of seeing this project unfold,” said Lou Maltezos, President of Central &
The Career Center, which provides area high school students and adults with career education opportunities, is in an area of Appalachia that has been significantly impacted by coal plant closures. By reducing energy costs, this innovative solar system will enable the Career Center to allocate more funds toward enriching educational programs. This project not only supports sustainable energy practices but also empowers the community by investing in the future of its students.
To learn more about the building retrofit and solar solutions offered by Ameresco, visit
About Ameresco, Inc.
Founded in 2000, Ameresco, Inc. (NYSE:AMRC) is a leading energy solutions provider dedicated to helping customers reduce costs, enhance resilience, and decarbonize to net zero in the global energy transition. Our comprehensive portfolio includes implementing smart energy efficiency solutions, upgrading aging infrastructure, and developing, constructing, and operating distributed energy resources. As a trusted full-service partner, Ameresco shows the way by reducing energy use and delivering diversified generation solutions to Federal, state and local governments, utilities, educational and healthcare institutions, housing authorities, and commercial and industrial customers. Headquartered in
The announcement of completion of a customer’s project contract is not necessarily indicative of the timing or amount of revenue from such contract, of Ameresco’s overall revenue for any particular period or of trends in Ameresco’s overall total project backlog. This project was included in Ameresco’s previously reported contracted backlog as of December 31, 2024.
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Ameresco: Leila Dillon, 508-661-2264,
Source: Ameresco, Inc.