Ameresco Wins Silver in Large Company of the Year Category at the 2024 Best in Biz Awards
Ameresco (NYSE: AMRC), a leading cleantech integrator, has been awarded the Silver Company of the Year Award in the Large Company category at the 2024 Best in Biz Awards. The recognition comes from an independent awards program with judges from prestigious publications including Barron's, Wired, and the Los Angeles Times.
The award acknowledges Ameresco's achievements in advancing sustainability and innovation through energy projects that enhance resiliency and reliability. The company has demonstrated success through partnerships with various sectors, including government entities, educational institutions, healthcare providers, and commercial clients.
Notable projects highlighted in Ameresco's nomination include collaborations with Kūpono Solar, Mountain Regional Water Signal Hill Water Treatment Plant, and the Brickyard Landfill project. These initiatives showcase the company's capability to deliver customized, scalable energy solutions while strengthening energy infrastructure.
Ameresco (NYSE: AMRC), un importante integratore di tecnologie pulite, ha ricevuto il Premio Silver Company of the Year nella categoria Grande Azienda ai Best in Biz Awards 2024. Questo riconoscimento proviene da un programma di premi indipendente con giudici provenienti da pubblicazioni prestigiose come Barron's, Wired e il Los Angeles Times.
Il premio riconosce i successi di Ameresco nel promuovere la sostenibilità e l'innovazione attraverso progetti energetici che migliorano la resilienza e l'affidabilità. L'azienda ha dimostrato successi attraverso partnership con vari settori, inclusi enti governativi, istituzioni educative, fornitori di assistenza sanitaria e clienti commerciali.
I progetti significativi evidenziati nella nomination di Ameresco includono collaborazioni con Kūpono Solar, Mountain Regional Water Signal Hill Water Treatment Plant e il progetto Brickyard Landfill. Queste iniziative dimostrano la capacità dell'azienda di fornire soluzioni energetiche personalizzate e scalabili, rafforzando al contempo l'infrastruttura energetica.
Ameresco (NYSE: AMRC), un integrador líder de tecnologías limpias, ha recibido el Premio Silver Company of the Year en la categoría de Gran Empresa en los Best in Biz Awards 2024. Este reconocimiento proviene de un programa de premios independiente con jueces de publicaciones prestigiosas como Barron's, Wired y el Los Angeles Times.
El premio reconoce los logros de Ameresco en la promoción de la sostenibilidad y la innovación a través de proyectos energéticos que mejoran la resiliencia y la fiabilidad. La empresa ha demostrado su éxito a través de alianzas con diversos sectores, incluidos entidades gubernamentales, instituciones educativas, proveedores de salud y clientes comerciales.
Los proyectos destacados en la nominación de Ameresco incluyen colaboraciones con Kūpono Solar, Mountain Regional Water Signal Hill Water Treatment Plant y el proyecto Brickyard Landfill. Estas iniciativas muestran la capacidad de la empresa para ofrecer soluciones energéticas personalizadas y escalables, al tiempo que refuerzan la infraestructura energética.
Ameresco (NYSE: AMRC), 선도적인 클린테크 통합 업체가 2024 Best in Biz Awards에서 대기업 부문 실버 올해의 회사상을 수상했습니다. 이 상은 Barron's, Wired, Los Angeles Times와 같은 권위 있는 출판사의 심사위원들이 참여하는 독립적인 상 프로그램에서 수여되었습니다.
이 상은 Ameresco가 회복력과 신뢰성을 높이는 에너지 프로젝트를 통해 지속 가능성과 혁신을 발전시킨 성과를 인정받은 것입니다. 이 회사는 정부 기관, 교육 기관, 의료 제공업체 및 상업 클라이언트 등 다양한 분야와의 파트너십을 통해 성공을 거두었습니다.
Ameresco의 지명에서 강조된 주목할 만한 프로젝트는 Kūpono Solar, Mountain Regional Water Signal Hill Water Treatment Plant 및 Brickyard Landfill 프로젝트와의 협업을 포함합니다. 이러한 이니셔티브는 에너지 인프라를 강화하면서 맞춤형, 확장 가능한 에너지 솔루션을 제공할 수 있는 회사의 능력을 보여줍니다.
Ameresco (NYSE: AMRC), un intégrateur de technologies propres de premier plan, a reçu le Prix Silver Company of the Year dans la catégorie Grande Entreprise lors des Best in Biz Awards 2024. Cette reconnaissance provient d'un programme de prix indépendant avec des juges issus de publications prestigieuses telles que Barron's, Wired et le Los Angeles Times.
Le prix reconnaît les réalisations d'Ameresco dans l'avancement de la durabilité et de l'innovation à travers des projets énergétiques qui améliorent la résilience et la fiabilité. L'entreprise a fait preuve de succès grâce à des partenariats avec divers secteurs, y compris les entités gouvernementales, les institutions éducatives, les prestataires de soins de santé et les clients commerciaux.
Parmi les projets notables mis en avant dans la nomination d'Ameresco figurent des collaborations avec Kūpono Solar, Mountain Regional Water Signal Hill Water Treatment Plant et le projet Brickyard Landfill. Ces initiatives montrent la capacité de l'entreprise à fournir des solutions énergétiques personnalisées et évolutives tout en renforçant l'infrastructure énergétique.
Ameresco (NYSE: AMRC), ein führender Dienstleister im Bereich Cleantech, wurde mit dem Silver Company of the Year Award in der Kategorie Großunternehmen bei den Best in Biz Awards 2024 ausgezeichnet. Die Auszeichnung stammt von einem unabhängigen Preisvergabeprogramm mit Juroren aus angesehenen Publikationen wie Barron's, Wired und den Los Angeles Times.
Die Auszeichnung würdigt die Errungenschaften von Ameresco bei der Förderung von Nachhaltigkeit und Innovation durch Energieprojekte, die Resilienz und Zuverlässigkeit verbessern. Das Unternehmen hat seinen Erfolg durch Partnerschaften mit verschiedenen Sektoren, einschließlich staatlicher Stellen, Bildungseinrichtungen, Gesundheitsanbietern und gewerblichen Kunden, unter Beweis gestellt.
Bemerkenswerte Projekte, die in der Nominierung von Ameresco hervorgehoben wurden, umfassen Kooperationen mit Kūpono Solar, Mountain Regional Water Signal Hill Water Treatment Plant und dem Brickyard Landfill Projekt. Diese Initiativen zeigen die Fähigkeit des Unternehmens, maßgeschneiderte, skalierbare Energielösungen anzubieten und gleichzeitig die Energieinfrastruktur zu stärken.
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Recognized for innovation, sustainability and its positive impact, Ameresco continues to lead in environmental and corporate responsibility
This recognition highlights Ameresco’s continued leadership in advancing sustainability and innovation. Over the past year, the company’s energy projects and initiatives have significantly enhanced energy resiliency and reliability, further solidifying its commitment to building a sustainable future. Ameresco has partnered with federal, state, and local governments, K-12 school districts, college campuses, healthcare providers, educational institutions, housing authorities, and commercial and industrial clients to deliver impactful energy solutions.
Since its inception in 2011, the Best in Biz Awards has celebrated companies that exemplify visionary innovation, cutting-edge technology applications, and unwavering commitments to environmental and corporate responsibility. "A true sign of a Best in Biz Awards winner is the positive impact they have in the world," noted the awards committee.
“We’re proud to be recognized with the Silver Company of the Year Award at the 2024 Best in Biz Awards,” said George Sakellaris, President and CEO of Ameresco. “This award is a reflection of our team’s passion and commitment to creating meaningful change in the energy space. By making sustainability and energy efficiency more accessible, we’re helping our clients and communities move toward a more resilient future—and it’s an honor to have our efforts acknowledged for the second year in a row.”
Among the projects recognized as part of Ameresco’s nomination were landmark initiatives including partnerships with Kūpono Solar, Mountain Regional Water Signal Hill Water Treatment Plant, and the Brickyard Landfill project. These efforts have showcased Ameresco’s ability to deliver customized, scalable energy solutions and have strengthened the energy infrastructure, ensuring a reliable energy supply for the future.
For more information about Ameresco’s Impact report, visit
About Ameresco, Inc.
Founded in 2000, Ameresco, Inc. (NYSE:AMRC) is a leading cleantech integrator and renewable energy asset developer, owner and operator. Our comprehensive portfolio includes solutions that help customers reduce costs, decarbonize to net zero, and build energy resiliency while leveraging smart, connected technologies. From implementing energy efficiency and infrastructure upgrades to developing, constructing, and operating distributed energy resources – we are a trusted sustainability partner. Ameresco has successfully completed energy saving, environmentally responsible projects with Federal, state and local governments, utilities, healthcare and educational institutions, housing authorities, and commercial and industrial customers. With its corporate headquarters in
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Media Contact:
Ameresco: Leila Dillon, 508-661-2264,
Source: Ameresco, Inc.
What award did Ameresco (AMRC) win at the 2024 Best in Biz Awards?
What major projects contributed to Ameresco's (AMRC) 2024 Best in Biz Award recognition?
Which publications were represented in the judging panel for Ameresco's (AMRC) 2024 award?
What sectors does Ameresco (AMRC) partner with for their energy solutions?