Ameresco Releases 2023 Impact Report on “Doing Well, by Doing Good: People, Planet and Policy”

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Ameresco, Inc. released its 2023 Impact Report focusing on 'Doing Well, by Doing Good: People, Planet and Policy'. The report highlights the company's commitment to clean energy projects, renewable energy assets, and sustainability efforts. Ameresco's customer projects and renewable energy assets avoided approximately 16 million metric tons of CO2 in 2023, contributing to a cumulative total of over 110 million metric tons since 2010. The report showcases the company's dedication to driving the clean energy transition through partnerships with various organizations. Key highlights include exemplary customer stories, a new mentorship program, diversity initiatives, safety practices, community volunteering, and eco-friendly challenges. Ameresco reaffirms its long-term commitments to achieving net zero emissions, reducing customers' carbon footprints, prioritizing safety, and fostering employee growth opportunities. The report underscores the company's transparency, leadership, and ESG commitments, emphasizing its proactive approach to addressing global climate change and promoting sustainability.
Ameresco, Inc. ha pubblicato il suo Rapporto di Impatto 2023, incentrato su 'Fare bene facendo del bene: Persone, Pianeta e Politiche'. Il rapporto evidenzia l'impegno dell'azienda nei progetti di energia pulita, gli asset energetici rinnovabili e gli sforzi per la sostenibilità. I progetti dei clienti di Ameresco e gli asset energetici rinnovabili hanno evitato circa 16 milioni di tonnellate metriche di CO2 nel 2023, contribuendo a un totale cumulativo di oltre 110 milioni di tonnellate metriche dal 2010. Il rapporto mette in luce il impegno dell'azienda nel promuovere la transizione energetica pulita attraverso partnership con varie organizzazioni. I punti salienti includono storie esemplari di clienti, un nuovo programma di mentorship, iniziative per la diversità, pratiche di sicurezza, volontariato nella comunità e sfide eco-compatibili. Ameresco ribadisce i suoi impegni a lungo termine per raggiungere emissioni nette zero, ridurre l'impronta di carbonio dei clienti, dare priorità alla sicurezza e promuovere opportunità di crescita per i dipendenti. Il rapporto sottolinea la trasparenza, la leadership e gli impegni ESG dell'azienda, enfatizzando il suo approccio proattivo nel rispondere al cambiamento climatico globale e promuovere la sostenibilità.
Ameresco, Inc. ha lanzado su Informe de Impacto 2023 centrado en 'Hacerlo bien, haciendo el bien: Personas, Planeta y Política'. El informe destaca el compromiso de la compañía con los proyectos de energía limpia, activos de energía renovable y esfuerzos de sostenibilidad. Los proyectos de los clientes de Ameresco y los activos de energía renovable evitaron aproximadamente 16 millones de toneladas métricas de CO2 en 2023, contribuyendo a un total acumulado de más de 110 millones de toneladas métricas desde 2010. El informe demuestra la dedicación de la compañía para impulsar la transición hacia la energía limpia a través de asociaciones con diversas organizaciones. Los aspectos destacados incluyen historias ejemplares de clientes, un nuevo programa de mentoría, iniciativas de diversidad, prácticas de seguridad, voluntariado comunitario y desafíos ecológicos. Ameresco reafirma sus compromisos a largo plazo para alcanzar cero emisiones netas, reducir la huella de carbono de los clientes, priorizar la seguridad y fomentar oportunidades de crecimiento para los empleados. El informe subraya la transparencia, liderazgo y compromisos ESG de la compañía, destacando su enfoque proactivo para abordar el cambio climático global y promover la sostenibilidad.
Ameresco, Inc가 '잘함으로써 선을 행함: 사람, 지구 및 정책'을 주제로 한 2023년 영향 보고서를 발표했습니다. 이 보고서는 회사의 청정 에너지 프로젝트, 재생 가능 에너지 자산 및 지속 가능성 노력에 대한 약속을 강조합니다. Ameresco의 고객 프로젝트와 재생 에너지 자산은 2023년에 약 1,600만 메트릭 톤의 CO2 배출을 피했으며, 이는 2010년 이후 누적 총액이 1억 1천만 메트릭 톤 이상입니다. 이 보고서는 다양한 조직과의 파트너십을 통해 청정 에너지 전환을 주도하는 회사의 헌신을 보여줍니다. 주요 하이라이트로는 모범적인 고객 사례, 새로운 멘토링 프로그램, 다양성 이니셔티브, 안전 관행, 지역사회 자원봉사 및 친환경 도전과제가 포함됩니다. Ameresco는 순제로 배출 달성, 고객의 탄소 발자국 감소, 안전 우선순위 설정 및 직원 성장 기회 증진에 대한 장기적인 약속을 재확인합니다. 이 보고서는 회사의 투명성, 리더십 및 ESG 약속을 강조하며 지속 가능성을 촉진하고 글로벌 기후 변화에 적극적으로 대응하는 회사의 접근 방식을 강조합니다.
Ameresco, Inc. a publié son Rapport d'Impact 2023 axé sur 'Bien faire en faisant le bien : les Personnes, la Planète et la Politique'. Le rapport met en avant l'engagement de l'entreprise envers les projets d'énergie propre, les actifs d'énergie renouvelable et les efforts de durabilité. Les projets des clients d'Ameresco et les actifs d'énergie renouvelable ont évité environ 16 millions de tonnes métriques de CO2 en 2023, contribuant à un total cumulé de plus de 110 millions de tonnes métriques depuis 2010. Le rapport présente l'engagement de l'entreprise à promouvoir la transition vers une énergie propre grâce à des partenariats avec diverses organisations. Les points forts incluent des histoires de clients exemplaires, un nouveau programme de mentorat, des initiatives de diversité, des pratiques de sécurité, du bénévolat communautaire et des défis écologiques. Ameresco réaffirme ses engagements à long terme pour atteindre des émissions nettes nulles, réduire les empreintes carbone des clients, prioriser la sécurité et favoriser les opportunités de croissance des employés. Le rapport souligne la transparence, le leadership et les engagements ESG de l'entreprise, mettant en avant son approche proactive pour répondre au changement climatique mondial et promouvoir la durabilité.
Ameresco, Inc. hat seinen Impact Report 2023 veröffentlicht, der sich auf 'Gut tun, indem man Gutes tut: Menschen, Planet und Politik' konzentriert. Der Bericht hebt das Engagement des Unternehmens für saubere Energieprojekte, erneuerbare Energieanlagen und Nachhaltigkeitsbemühungen hervor. Ameresco's Kundenprojekte und erneuerbare Energieanlagen haben 2023 etwa 16 Millionen metrische Tonnen CO2 vermieden und tragen damit zu einer kumulativen Gesamtmenge von über 110 Millionen metrischen Tonnen seit 2010 bei. Der Bericht zeigt das Engagement des Unternehmens, den Übergang zu sauberer Energie durch Partnerschaften mit verschiedenen Organisationen voranzutreiben. Zu den Höhepunkten gehören beispielhafte Kundengeschichten, ein neues Mentorenprogramm, Initiativen zur Diversität, Sicherheitspraktiken, ehrenamtliches Engagement in der Gemeinschaft und umweltfreundliche Herausforderungen. Ameresco bekräftigt seine langfristigen Verpflichtungen, Netto-Null-Emissionen zu erreichen, die Kohlenstoffbilanz der Kunden zu reduzieren, Sicherheit zu priorisieren und Mitarbeiterwachstumschancen zu fördern. Der Bericht unterstreicht die Transparenz, Führung und ESG-Verpflichtungen des Unternehmens und betont seinen proaktiven Ansatz zur Bekämpfung des globalen Klimawandels und zur Förderung der Nachhaltigkeit.
  • None.
  • None.

Customer projects and renewable energy assets avoided approximately 16 million metric tons of carbon dioxide in 2023

FRAMINGHAM, Mass.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Ameresco, Inc., (NYSE: AMRC), a leading cleantech integrator specializing in energy efficiency and renewable energy, today announced the release of its 2023 Impact Report on the theme of “Doing Well, by Doing Good: People, Planet and Policy.” The report demonstrates the lasting impact that Ameresco’s business has across employees, customers, partners, communities, planet, industry, and beyond. This year’s report showcases the multitude of ways that the company remains committed to bringing its vision to “energize a sustainable future” to life across its 1,500+ employees and broad customer footprint spanning North America and Europe.

Since its founding in 2000, Ameresco has led a dedicated tremendous effort to drive the clean energy transition through cost saving, environmentally responsible and resilience-strengthening projects with Federal, state and local governments, utilities, educational and healthcare institutions, and others. In 2023, Ameresco customer projects and the Company’s renewable energy assets avoided approximately 16 million metric tons of CO2 and now, over 110 million metric tons cumulatively since the company went public in 2010 through the end of 2023.

"Ameresco’s impact – and future impact – motivates me every day. As a pioneer in clean energy, our journey has granted us the opportunity to spearhead and shape the energy sector's transformation, and sustainability isn't just a principle for our customers; it's woven into the fabric of our daily operations," said George Sakellaris, President and CEO of Ameresco. "We are doing well by doing good, and I could not be prouder of what our customers and our team have been able to achieve when it comes to our people, our planet and our policies.”

Some of the report’s highlights from 2023 include:

  • Countless exemplary customer stories of how organizations are embracing energy efficiency, renewable generation, infrastructure modernization and more to drive cost savings, resiliency and decarbonization goals;
  • A new mentorship program whose initial cohort of 150 participants gained valuable cross-company engagement and coaching via mentor-mentee pairings;
  • Cultivating a diverse, equitable, and inclusive workplace through monthly themed programming, and partnering with nonprofits, such as STEM Like a Girl, to bolster the representation of underrepresented groups in the clean energy field;
  • Over 26,000 training hours completed by employees across safety, cybersecurity, human resources, and sales, marketing and technology topics;
  • A continued focus on health and safety across the global footprint, including a safety organization that utilizes an integrated safety management approach to perform work and adhere to core safety values;
  • Over 3,000 hours of volunteering in local communities including the 2023 Earth Day Cleanup where employees from MA to HI and Canada to the U.K., took action to protect the environment by removing trash and debris from trails and waterways;
  • The company’s annual Go Green Challenge consisting of daily eco-friendly activities focused on reducing food waste, minimizing vehicle emissions from commuting, and recycling – to maximize impact, the winning teams earned $7,000 in corporate donations to support nonprofits of their choice.

The report reiterates Ameresco’s long-term commitments to driving impact across people, planet, and policy areas such as: achieving net zero scope 1 and 2 emissions from operations by 2040; reducing customers’ carbon footprints by a cumulative 500 million metric tons by 2050; continued focus on building and operating on a strong foundation of safety first; developing career advancement programs that facilitate future employee growth opportunities; and more. This year’s report builds on the foundation of transparency, leadership, and commitments established in prior years’ environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) reports.

“I am energized by what is to come,” added Doran Hole, Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Executive Chair of Ameresco’s ESG Ambassador group. "By taking purposeful action focused on lasting impact, we reinforce our position as a trusted and dependable leader among our customers and industry partners. This proactive approach to people, planet and policy emphasizes our commitment to addressing global climate change, doing good for people and fostering a sustainable business future for all."

To view the 2023 Impact Report, please visit: To learn more about Ameresco, visit

About Ameresco, Inc.
Founded in 2000, Ameresco, Inc. (NYSE:AMRC) is a leading cleantech integrator and renewable energy asset developer, owner and operator. Our comprehensive portfolio includes solutions that help customers reduce costs, decarbonize to net zero, and build energy resiliency while leveraging smart, connected technologies. From implementing energy efficiency and infrastructure upgrades to developing, constructing, and operating distributed energy resources – we are a trusted sustainability partner. Ameresco has successfully completed energy saving, environmentally responsible projects with Federal, state and local governments, utilities, healthcare and educational institutions, housing authorities, and commercial and industrial customers. With its corporate headquarters in Framingham, MA, Ameresco has more than 1,500 employees providing local expertise in North America and Europe. For more information, visit


Ameresco: Leila Dillon, 508-661-2264,

Source: Ameresco, Inc.


How many metric tons of carbon dioxide did Ameresco's customer projects and renewable energy assets avoid in 2023?

Ameresco's customer projects and renewable energy assets avoided approximately 16 million metric tons of CO2 in 2023.

What is the cumulative total of metric tons of CO2 avoided by Ameresco since 2010?

Ameresco has avoided over 110 million metric tons of CO2 cumulatively since 2010.

What are some highlights from Ameresco's 2023 Impact Report?

Highlights from Ameresco's 2023 Impact Report include exemplary customer stories, a new mentorship program, diversity initiatives, safety practices, community volunteering, and eco-friendly challenges.

What long-term commitments does Ameresco reaffirm in the report?

Ameresco reaffirms long-term commitments to achieving net zero emissions, reducing customers' carbon footprints, prioritizing safety, and fostering employee growth opportunities.

Where can the 2023 Impact Report be viewed?

The 2023 Impact Report can be viewed at:

Ameresco Inc


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