Ameresco Partners with the City of Brockton to Modernize Historic Buildings and Promote Sustainability
Ameresco (NYSE: AMRC) has partnered with the City of Brockton to modernize and preserve historic buildings through energy-efficient upgrades. The collaboration focuses on two significant projects:
1. City Hall (built 1892): Part of a $7 million energy savings performance contract (ESPC) including advanced lighting, energy management technologies, and HVAC systems. The building will feature a Direct Outdoor Air System (DOAS) for improved air quality.
2. War Memorial Building (dedicated 1930): Underwent $3 million in ESPC improvements including new HVAC, lighting systems, roof, window restoration, and energy-efficient upgrades.
The projects, scheduled for completion in 2025, aim to enhance sustainability while preserving historical integrity. Additional improvements extend to the Council on Aging, city parks, playgrounds, and Cosgrove Memorial Pool.
Ameresco (NYSE: AMRC) ha collaborato con la città di Brockton per modernizzare e preservare edifici storici attraverso aggiornamenti energeticamente efficienti. La collaborazione si concentra su due progetti significativi:
1. Municipio (costruito nel 1892): Parte di un contratto di prestazione energetica da 7 milioni di dollari (ESPC) che include illuminazione avanzata, tecnologie di gestione dell'energia e sistemi HVAC. L'edificio presenterà un sistema di aria esterna diretta (DOAS) per migliorare la qualità dell'aria.
2. Edificio del Memoriale di Guerra (dedicato nel 1930): Ha subito miglioramenti per un valore di 3 milioni di dollari in ESPC, tra cui nuovi sistemi HVAC, sistemi di illuminazione, restauro del tetto e delle finestre, e aggiornamenti energeticamente efficienti.
I progetti, previsti per il completamento nel 2025, mirano a migliorare la sostenibilità mantenendo l'integrità storica. Ulteriori miglioramenti si estendono al Consiglio per gli Anziani, ai parchi cittadini, ai parchi giochi e alla piscina Cosgrove Memorial.
Ameresco (NYSE: AMRC) se ha asociado con la ciudad de Brockton para modernizar y preservar edificios históricos a través de mejoras energéticamente eficientes. La colaboración se centra en dos proyectos significativos:
1. Ayuntamiento (construido en 1892): Parte de un contrato de rendimiento energético de 7 millones de dólares (ESPC) que incluye iluminación avanzada, tecnologías de gestión de energía y sistemas HVAC. El edificio contará con un Sistema de Aire Exterior Directo (DOAS) para mejorar la calidad del aire.
2. Edificio del Memorial de Guerra (dedicado en 1930): Se realizaron mejoras por valor de 3 millones de dólares en ESPC, que incluyen nuevos sistemas HVAC, sistemas de iluminación, restauración del techo y ventanas, y mejoras energéticamente eficientes.
Los proyectos, programados para completarse en 2025, tienen como objetivo mejorar la sostenibilidad mientras se preserva la integridad histórica. Las mejoras adicionales se extienden al Consejo de Ancianos, parques de la ciudad, áreas de juegos y la piscina Cosgrove Memorial.
Ameresco (NYSE: AMRC)는 브록턴 시와 협력하여 역사적인 건물을 현대화하고 에너지 효율적인 업그레이드를 통해 보존하고 있습니다. 이 협력은 두 가지 주요 프로젝트에 중점을 두고 있습니다:
1. 시청 (1892년 건축): 고급 조명, 에너지 관리 기술 및 HVAC 시스템을 포함한 700만 달러 규모의 에너지 절약 성과 계약(ESPC)의 일환입니다. 이 건물은 공기 질 개선을 위한 직접 외부 공기 시스템(DOAS)을 갖출 예정입니다.
2. 전쟁 기념관 (1930년 헌정): 새로운 HVAC, 조명 시스템, 지붕, 창문 복원 및 에너지 효율적인 업그레이드를 포함하여 300만 달러의 ESPC 개선이 이루어졌습니다.
2025년 완료 예정인 이 프로젝트는 역사적 무결성을 유지하면서 지속 가능성을 향상시키는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. 추가 개선 사항은 노인 회의소, 시립 공원, 놀이터 및 코스그로브 기념 수영장으로 확대됩니다.
Ameresco (NYSE: AMRC) a établi un partenariat avec la ville de Brockton pour moderniser et préserver des bâtiments historiques grâce à des améliorations énergétiquement efficaces. La collaboration se concentre sur deux projets significatifs :
1. Hôtel de Ville (construit en 1892) : Partie d'un contrat de performance énergétique de 7 millions de dollars (ESPC) incluant un éclairage avancé, des technologies de gestion de l'énergie et des systèmes CVC. Le bâtiment sera équipé d'un système d'air extérieur direct (DOAS) pour améliorer la qualité de l'air.
2. Bâtiment du Mémorial de Guerre (inauguré en 1930) : A bénéficié d'améliorations de 3 millions de dollars dans le cadre de l'ESPC, y compris de nouveaux systèmes CVC, des systèmes d'éclairage, la restauration du toit et des fenêtres, ainsi que des mises à niveau énergétiquement efficaces.
Les projets, prévus pour être achevés en 2025, visent à améliorer la durabilité tout en préservant l'intégrité historique. D'autres améliorations concernent le Conseil des Personnes Âgées, les parcs de la ville, les aires de jeux et la piscine Cosgrove Memorial.
Ameresco (NYSE: AMRC) hat sich mit der Stadt Brockton zusammengeschlossen, um historische Gebäude durch energieeffiziente Modernisierungen zu erhalten und zu modernisieren. Die Zusammenarbeit konzentriert sich auf zwei bedeutende Projekte:
1. Rathaus (gebaut 1892): Teil eines 7 Millionen Dollar umfassenden Energieeinsparungsvertrags (ESPC), der fortschrittliche Beleuchtung, Energiemanagement-Technologien und HVAC-Systeme umfasst. Das Gebäude wird mit einem direkten Außenluftsystem (DOAS) ausgestattet, um die Luftqualität zu verbessern.
2. Kriegsdenkmalgebäude (geweiht 1930): Wurde mit 3 Millionen Dollar in ESPC-Verbesserungen ausgestattet, darunter neue HVAC-Systeme, Beleuchtungssysteme, Dach- und Fensterrestaurierung sowie energieeffiziente Upgrades.
Die Projekte, die bis 2025 abgeschlossen sein sollen, zielen darauf ab, die Nachhaltigkeit zu verbessern und gleichzeitig die historische Integrität zu bewahren. Weitere Verbesserungen betreffen den Seniorenrat, städtische Parks, Spielplätze und das Cosgrove Memorial Pool.
- None.
- None.
The ESPC Projects to Improve Air Quality and Energy Efficiency Across Multiple City Buildings

Generational projects underway to preserve the city's heritage and improve infrastructure. (Photo: Business Wire)
"Ameresco is honored to collaborate with the
The War Memorial Building, dedicated to honoring the memory of the men and women who served our country in times of war, has undergone significant enhancements and upgrades. The
"We are incredibly proud of the work being done to preserve and upgrade
“This historic investment in our infrastructure has allowed us to make generational changes to the City's most visible assets like the City Hall, War Memorial Building, the Council on Aging, city parks and playgrounds, and the Cosgrove Memorial Pool,” said Troy Clarkson, CFO,
These projects are set to positively impact
To learn more about ESPC and Energy Performance Contracting offered by Ameresco, visit
About Ameresco, Inc.
Founded in 2000, Ameresco, Inc. (NYSE:AMRC) is a leading energy solutions provider dedicated to helping customers reduce costs, enhance resilience, and decarbonize to net zero in the global energy transition. Our comprehensive portfolio includes implementing smart energy efficiency solutions, upgrading aging infrastructure, and developing, constructing, and operating distributed energy resources. As a trusted full-service partner, Ameresco shows the way by reducing energy use and delivering diversified generation solutions to Federal, state and local governments, utilities, educational and healthcare institutions, housing authorities, and commercial and industrial customers. Headquartered in
The announcement of completion of a customer’s project contract is not necessarily indicative of the timing or amount of revenue from such contract, of Ameresco’s overall revenue for any particular period or of trends in Ameresco’s overall total project backlog. This project was included in Ameresco’s previously reported contracted backlog as of December 31, 2024.
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Ameresco: Leila Dillon, 508-661-2264,
Source: Ameresco, Inc.