Ameresco Partners with North Ayrshire Council to Advance Net-Zero Goals with Solar Farms on Repurposed Landfill Sites
Ameresco (NYSE: AMRC) announced progress on two solar projects in North Ayrshire, Scotland, transforming former landfill sites into renewable energy sources. The Nethermains and Shewalton solar farms, developed with Detra Solar, will support North Ayrshire Council's goal of achieving net-zero carbon emissions by 2030.
The projects feature a combined DC capacity of 12.91 MW with 20,650 solar panels, generating approximately 13,177 MWh of clean energy annually—enough to power over 2,000 homes. The installation will reduce regional CO2 emissions by about 3,030 tonnes per year.
A notable challenge arose when badgers were discovered at the Nethermains site, requiring a redesign to protect their habitat. The projects will generate revenue for North Ayrshire Council through a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) while supporting local employment. Both solar farms are scheduled to begin energy production in early 2024.
Ameresco (NYSE: AMRC) ha annunciato progressi in due progetti solari a North Ayrshire, Scozia, trasformando ex discariche in fonti di energia rinnovabile. I parchi solari di Nethermains e Shewalton, sviluppati con Detra Solar, supporteranno l'obiettivo del Consiglio di North Ayrshire di raggiungere emissioni di carbonio nette pari a zero entro il 2030.
I progetti presentano una capacità DC combinata di 12,91 MW con 20.650 pannelli solari, generando circa 13.177 MWh di energia pulita all'anno, sufficiente per alimentare oltre 2.000 abitazioni. L'installazione ridurrà le emissioni di CO2 nella regione di circa 3.030 tonnellate all'anno.
Una sfida significativa è emersa quando sono stati scoperti tassi nel sito di Nethermains, richiedendo un redesign per proteggere il loro habitat. I progetti genereranno entrate per il Consiglio di North Ayrshire attraverso un Accordo di Acquisto di Energia (PPA) mentre supporteranno l'occupazione locale. Entrambi i parchi solari sono programmati per iniziare la produzione di energia all'inizio del 2024.
Ameresco (NYSE: AMRC) anunció avances en dos proyectos solares en North Ayrshire, Escocia, transformando antiguos vertederos en fuentes de energía renovable. Las granjas solares de Nethermains y Shewalton, desarrolladas junto a Detra Solar, apoyarán el objetivo del Consejo de North Ayrshire de alcanzar emisiones de carbono netas cero para 2030.
Los proyectos cuentan con una capacidad DC combinada de 12.91 MW con 20,650 paneles solares, generando aproximadamente 13,177 MWh de energía limpia anualmente, suficiente para abastecer a más de 2,000 hogares. La instalación reducirá las emisiones de CO2 en la región en aproximadamente 3,030 toneladas al año.
Un desafío notable surgió cuando se descubrieron tejones en el sitio de Nethermains, lo que requirió un rediseño para proteger su hábitat. Los proyectos generarán ingresos para el Consejo de North Ayrshire a través de un Acuerdo de Compra de Energía (PPA) mientras apoyan el empleo local. Ambas granjas solares están programadas para comenzar la producción de energía a principios de 2024.
Ameresco (NYSE: AMRC)는 스코틀랜드 노스 아얀셔에서 두 개의 태양광 프로젝트의 진전을 발표하며, 이전 쓰레기 매립지를 재생 가능한 에너지 원으로 전환하고 있습니다. 네더메인즈 및 셔왈턴 태양광 발전소는 Detra Solar와 함께 개발되어 노스 아얀셔 카운슬의 2030년까지 탄소 배출량 제로 목표를 지원합니다.
이 프로젝트는 총 DC 용량 12.91 MW와 20,650개의 태양광 패널을 갖추고 있으며, 연간 약 13,177 MWh의 청정 에너지를 생성하여 2,000 가구 이상을 전력 공급할 수 있습니다. 이 설치는 지역의 CO2 배출량을 연간 약 3,030톤 줄일 것입니다.
테드 카드가 네더메인즈 부지에서 발견되어 서식지를 보호하기 위한 재설계가 필요했던 중요한 도전도 있었습니다. 이 프로젝트는 Power Purchase Agreement (PPA)를 통해 노스 아얀셔 카운슬에 수익을 창출하며, 지역 고용을 지원할 것입니다. 두 태양광 발전소는 2024년 초에 에너지 생산을 시작할 예정입니다.
Ameresco (NYSE: AMRC) a annoncé des avancées sur deux projets solaires à North Ayrshire, en Écosse, transformant d'anciens sites d'enfouissement en sources d'énergie renouvelable. Les parcs solaires de Nethermains et Shewalton, développés avec Detra Solar, soutiendront l'objectif du Conseil de North Ayrshire d'atteindre des émissions nettes de carbone nulles d'ici 2030.
Les projets disposent d'une capacité DC combinée de 12,91 MW avec 20.650 panneaux solaires, générant environ 13.177 MWh d'énergie propre chaque année, suffisant pour alimenter plus de 2.000 foyers. L'installation permettra de réduire les émissions de CO2 dans la région d'environ 3.030 tonnes par an.
Un défi notable a surgi lorsque des blaireaux ont été découverts sur le site de Nethermains, nécessitant une reconfiguration pour protéger leur habitat. Les projets généreront des revenus pour le Conseil de North Ayrshire grâce à un contrat d'achat d'énergie (PPA) tout en soutenant l'emploi local. Les deux parcs solaires sont programmés pour commencer à produire de l'énergie début 2024.
Ameresco (NYSE: AMRC) hat Fortschritte bei zwei Solarprojekten in North Ayrshire, Schottland, angekündigt, indem ehemalige Deponiestandorte in erneuerbare Energiequellen umgewandelt werden. Die Solarfarmen Nethermains und Shewalton, die zusammen mit Detra Solar entwickelt werden, unterstützen das Ziel des Rates von North Ayrshire, bis 2030 netto null Kohlenstoffemissionen zu erreichen.
Die Projekte haben eine kombinierte DC-Kapazität von 12,91 MW mit 20.650 Solarpanels, die jährlich etwa 13.177 MWh saubere Energie erzeugen – genug, um über 2.000 Haushalte mit Strom zu versorgen. Die Installation wird die CO2-Emissionen in der Region um etwa 3.030 Tonnen pro Jahr reduzieren.
Eine bemerkenswerte Herausforderung trat auf, als Dachse auf dem Nethermains-Gelände entdeckt wurden, was ein Redesign zum Schutz ihres Lebensraums erforderte. Die Projekte werden Einnahmen für den Rat von North Ayrshire durch einen Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) generieren und gleichzeitig Arbeitsplätze vor Ort unterstützen. Beide Solarparks sollen Anfang 2024 mit der Energieproduktion beginnen.
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Transforming underutilized land into a source of clean energy to power over 2,000 homes annually
Nethermains solar farm (Photo: Business Wire)
The two sites, with a combined DC capacity of 12.91 MW, will house 20,650 solar panels, generating approximately 13,177 MWh of clean energy annually—enough to power over 2,000 homes. These projects transform previously unusable land into a source of renewable energy, reducing regional CO2 emissions by approximately 3,030 tonnes per year.
“We are thrilled to be spearheading this groundbreaking solar installation for North Ayrshire Council. By transforming previously unusable landfill sites into shining examples of sustainability and clean energy, we are making a substantial impact on the region’s carbon footprint. These solar arrays will not only provide green electricity but also create valuable employment opportunities for local communities, reinforcing our commitment to environmental stewardship and economic growth,” said Mark Apsey MBE, Senior Vice President at Ameresco.
Councilor Tony Gurney, Cabinet Member for Green Environment and Economy at North Ayrshire Council, said: “A huge amount of work has taken place at Nethermains and Shewalton, and it won’t be long before both sites are producing clean energy which will feed into the national grid. As well as providing a welcome revenue stream for the Council which can be re-invested into
The Nethermains site presented a unique challenge when badgers were discovered late in the design phase, necessitating a comprehensive redesign to protect their habitat. This unexpected obstacle highlighted the delicate balance between advancing clean energy and preserving biodiversity. The project’s success demonstrates that renewable energy development and wildlife conservation can coexist, setting a precedent for future infrastructure projects.
The solar farms will deliver multiple benefits to the local community and environment. In addition to advancing net-zero goals, the projects will generate a long-term revenue stream for North Ayrshire Council through a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) while contributing to local employment and economic growth.
Construction on the sites is progressing rapidly, with both farms on track to begin energy production early this year. By transforming landfill sites into thriving solar farms while preserving critical habitats, Ameresco and its partners illustrate how innovative solutions can address climate goals and biodiversity needs simultaneously.
For more information about Ameresco and its renewable energy solutions, visit
About Ameresco, Inc.
Founded in 2000, Ameresco, Inc. (NYSE:AMRC) is a leading cleantech integrator and renewable energy asset developer, owner and operator. Our comprehensive portfolio includes solutions that help customers reduce costs, decarbonize to net zero, and build energy resiliency while leveraging smart, connected technologies. From implementing energy efficiency and infrastructure upgrades to developing, constructing, and operating distributed energy resources – we are a trusted sustainability partner. Ameresco has successfully completed energy saving, environmentally responsible projects with Federal, state and local governments, utilities, healthcare and educational institutions, housing authorities, and commercial and industrial customers. With its corporate headquarters in
The announcement of a customer’s entry into a project contract is not necessarily indicative of the timing or amount of revenue from such contract, of Ameresco’s overall revenue for any particular period or of trends in Ameresco’s overall total project backlog. This project was included in Ameresco’s previously reported contracted backlog as of September 30, 2024.
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Ameresco: Leila Dillon, 508-661-2264,
Source: Ameresco, Inc.
What is the total capacity and expected energy output of Ameresco's North Ayrshire solar projects?
How many homes will AMRC's North Ayrshire solar farms power?
What environmental impact will Ameresco's Scottish solar projects have?
How did AMRC address the wildlife conservation challenge at Nethermains solar farm?
What financial benefits will North Ayrshire Council receive from AMRC's solar projects?