Ameresco Partners with City of Hurst, Texas to Replace Aging Water Meter Technology and Improve Efficiency

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Ameresco (NYSE: AMRC) has partnered with the City of Hurst, Texas for a $9 million project to modernize water management infrastructure. The initiative includes replacing residential and commercial water meters and implementing advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) technology.

The project, which began in February 2024 with field surveys and meter testing, will feature mass meter deployment starting in May 2025. Key components include:

  • Installation of new AMI technology
  • Web-based customer portal for monitoring daily water consumption
  • Lead-line and copper surveys to meet EPA requirements
  • GPS coordinate collection for all accounts

This upgrade aims to address significant water waste concerns, as the EPA reports average American families waste up to 9,400 gallons annually. With 40 out of 50 U.S. state water managers expecting water shortages within the next decade, this technology will help the city better manage water resources and provide residents with improved usage monitoring capabilities.

Ameresco (NYSE: AMRC) ha stretto una partnership con la Città di Hurst, Texas, per un progetto da 9 milioni di dollari volto a modernizzare le infrastrutture di gestione dell'acqua. L'iniziativa prevede la sostituzione dei contatori dell'acqua residenziali e commerciali e l'implementazione della tecnologia di infrastruttura di misurazione avanzata (AMI).

Il progetto, iniziato a febbraio 2024 con sondaggi sul campo e test dei contatori, prevede il dispiegamento massiccio dei contatori a partire da maggio 2025. I componenti chiave includono:

  • Installazione della nuova tecnologia AMI
  • Portale web per i clienti per monitorare il consumo giornaliero di acqua
  • Sondaggi su tubi di piombo e rame per soddisfare i requisiti dell'EPA
  • Raccolta di coordinate GPS per tutti i conti

Questo aggiornamento mira a affrontare le significative preoccupazioni riguardanti lo spreco d'acqua, poiché l'EPA riporta che le famiglie americane mediamente sprecano fino a 9.400 galloni all'anno. Con 40 su 50 gestori dell'acqua degli Stati Uniti che si aspettano carenze idriche nel prossimo decennio, questa tecnologia aiuterà la città a gestire meglio le risorse idriche e a fornire ai residenti migliori capacità di monitoraggio dell'uso.

Ameresco (NYSE: AMRC) se ha asociado con la Ciudad de Hurst, Texas, para un proyecto de 9 millones de dólares destinado a modernizar la infraestructura de gestión del agua. La iniciativa incluye la sustitución de medidores de agua residenciales y comerciales, así como la implementación de tecnología de infraestructura de medición avanzada (AMI).

El proyecto, que comenzó en febrero de 2024 con encuestas de campo y pruebas de medidores, contará con un despliegue masivo de medidores a partir de mayo de 2025. Los componentes clave incluyen:

  • Instalación de nueva tecnología AMI
  • Portal web para clientes para monitorear el consumo diario de agua
  • Encuestas de líneas de plomo y cobre para cumplir con los requisitos de la EPA
  • Recolección de coordenadas GPS para todas las cuentas

Esta actualización tiene como objetivo abordar las preocupaciones significativas sobre el desperdicio de agua, ya que la EPA informa que las familias estadounidenses desperdician hasta 9,400 galones anualmente. Con 40 de los 50 gerentes de agua de EE. UU. esperando escasez de agua en la próxima década, esta tecnología ayudará a la ciudad a gestionar mejor los recursos hídricos y a proporcionar a los residentes mejores capacidades de monitoreo del uso.

Ameresco (NYSE: AMRC)는 텍사스 허스트 시와 협력하여 900만 달러 규모의 프로젝트를 통해 물 관리 인프라를 현대화합니다. 이 이니셔티브는 주거용 및 상업용 수도 미터기를 교체하고 고급 계량 인프라(AMI) 기술을 구현하는 것을 포함합니다.

2024년 2월에 현장 조사 및 미터 테스트가 시작된 이 프로젝트는 2025년 5월부터 대량 미터 배포를 특징으로 합니다. 주요 구성 요소는 다음과 같습니다:

  • 새로운 AMI 기술 설치
  • 일일 물 소비를 모니터링하는 고객용 웹 포털
  • EPA 요구 사항을 충족하기 위한 납선 및 구리 조사
  • 모든 계정에 대한 GPS 좌표 수집

이 업그레이드는 EPA가 보고한 바와 같이 평균 미국 가정이 연간 최대 9,400갤런의 물을 낭비하고 있다는 심각한 물 낭비 문제를 해결하는 것을 목표로 합니다. 미국의 50개 주 중 40개 주의 물 관리자가 향후 10년 내에 물 부족을 예상하고 있는 가운데, 이 기술은 도시가 물 자원을 더 잘 관리하고 주민들에게 향상된 사용 모니터링 기능을 제공하는 데 도움을 줄 것입니다.

Ameresco (NYSE: AMRC) s'est associé à la ville de Hurst, au Texas, pour un projet de 9 millions de dollars visant à moderniser les infrastructures de gestion de l'eau. L'initiative comprend le remplacement des compteurs d'eau résidentiels et commerciaux et la mise en œuvre de la technologie d'infrastructure de mesure avancée (AMI).

Le projet, qui a débuté en février 2024 avec des études de terrain et des tests de compteurs, comportera un déploiement massif de compteurs à partir de mai 2025. Les composants clés comprennent :

  • Installation de la nouvelle technologie AMI
  • Portail client basé sur le web pour surveiller la consommation d'eau quotidienne
  • Enquêtes sur les conduites en plomb et en cuivre pour répondre aux exigences de l'EPA
  • Collecte de coordonnées GPS pour tous les comptes

Cette mise à niveau vise à répondre aux préoccupations importantes concernant le gaspillage d'eau, car l'EPA rapporte que les familles américaines gaspillent en moyenne jusqu'à 9 400 gallons par an. Avec 40 des 50 gestionnaires de l'eau des États-Unis s'attendant à des pénuries d'eau dans la prochaine décennie, cette technologie aidera la ville à mieux gérer ses ressources en eau et à offrir aux résidents de meilleures capacités de surveillance de l'utilisation.

Ameresco (NYSE: AMRC) hat eine Partnerschaft mit der Stadt Hurst, Texas, für ein 9-Millionen-Dollar-Projekt geschlossen, um die Wasserverwaltungsinfrastruktur zu modernisieren. Die Initiative umfasst den Austausch von Wasserzählern für Wohn- und Geschäftsgebäude sowie die Implementierung fortschrittlicher Messinfrastruktur (AMI) Technologie.

Das Projekt, das im Februar 2024 mit Felduntersuchungen und Zählerprüfungen begann, wird ab Mai 2025 mit der massenhaften Bereitstellung von Zählern beginnen. Zu den Hauptkomponenten gehören:

  • Installation neuer AMI-Technologie
  • Webbasiertes Kundenportal zur Überwachung des täglichen Wasserverbrauchs
  • Untersuchungen von Bleirohren und Kupferleitungen zur Erfüllung der EPA-Anforderungen
  • GPS-Koordinatensammlung für alle Konten

Dieses Upgrade zielt darauf ab, erhebliche Bedenken hinsichtlich des Wasserverbrauchs zu adressieren, da die EPA berichtet, dass durchschnittliche amerikanische Familien jährlich bis zu 9.400 Gallonen verschwenden. Da 40 von 50 Wasserverwaltern in den USA innerhalb des nächsten Jahrzehnts mit Wasserknappheit rechnen, wird diese Technologie der Stadt helfen, die Wasserressourcen besser zu verwalten und den Einwohnern verbesserte Möglichkeiten zur Überwachung des Verbrauchs zu bieten.

  • Secured $9+ million contract for water infrastructure modernization
  • Project provides recurring revenue through system-wide upgrades and maintenance
  • Expands presence in municipal water management sector
  • Extended project timeline with mass deployment not starting until May 2025


Ameresco's $9+ million contract with the City of Hurst represents a positive development in the company's municipal services portfolio. For a company with a $686 million market cap, this single contract contributes meaningfully to revenue, though its financial impact will be distributed across multiple quarters given the May 2025 deployment timeline.

This project strengthens Ameresco's position in the growing water infrastructure modernization sector. Water management technology offers a natural extension of their core energy services business, potentially opening additional revenue streams as municipalities nationwide face similar infrastructure challenges.

The contract demonstrates Ameresco's ability to secure significant municipal projects amid increasing water conservation priorities. The EPA's data highlighting water waste concerns suggests growing market opportunities as 40 out of 50 state water managers anticipate shortages in the coming decade.

From a financial perspective, these types of long-term municipal contracts provide revenue visibility and potentially recurring service components. Ameresco's presentation at the Smart Cities Connect Conference may further enhance their competitive positioning for similar projects, creating a potential pipeline of comparable opportunities with other municipalities.

The Hurst project demonstrates Ameresco's technical capability in Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) implementation beyond their traditional energy efficiency focus. The comprehensive scope includes not just meter replacement but also customer portal development, lead-line surveys, and software integration—showing a full-solution approach that addresses both infrastructure and user engagement needs.

The timing is strategic as aging water infrastructure and conservation needs converge nationwide. With EPA data showing families wasting 9,400 gallons annually and 80% of states expecting water shortages, AMI technology positions municipalities to better manage critical resources.

From an execution standpoint, Ameresco's phased approach reflects industry best practices: beginning with field surveys and testing in February 2024, progressing through an investment grade audit, and planning full deployment for May 2025. This methodical implementation minimizes disruption while ensuring system integrity.

The customer portal component is particularly valuable as it enables consumption-based behavioral changes—a proven method for reducing water waste through increased user awareness. This technology-enabled conservation approach offers municipalities a path to postpone costly infrastructure expansions while improving resource management.

The over $9 million project involves the replacement of residential and commercial water meters along with the installation of a customer portal

FRAMINGHAM, Mass. & HURST, Texas--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Ameresco, Inc. (NYSE: AMRC), a leading energy solutions provider dedicated to helping customers navigate the energy transition, announced its partnership with the City of Hurst. This collaboration aims to install water meters and advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) technology, significantly enhancing the city's water management capabilities and ensuring more efficient, accurate, and transparent water usage data for its residents.

Collaborating with the City of Hurst, TX, Ameresco is replacing residential and commercial water meters and introducing a customer portal, ensuring efficient and modern water management for the community.

Collaborating with the City of Hurst, TX, Ameresco is replacing residential and commercial water meters and introducing a customer portal, ensuring efficient and modern water management for the community.

The project kicked off in February 2024 with various field surveys, meter testing, and data analysis; with all results being included in Ameresco’s investment grade audit (IGA) report performed on city-operated water metering infrastructure in August 2024. Since then, the Ameresco team has begun conducting lead-line and copper surveys to meet EPA requirements, coordinating all software integrations, and collecting sub-meter GPS coordinates for all residential and commercial accounts in preparations for mass meter deployment to start in May 2025.

The project involves a system-wide upgrade, including new AMI technology to improve efficiency and allow customers to monitor their daily water consumption through a web-based customer portal. This project also includes required ancillary materials such as meter boxes, shutoff valves, bolts and gaskets, as well as an engagement communication plan to help inform businesses and residents of the upcoming work.

“Updating the water meter technology represents a strategic step forward by the City. It will provide regular and periodic data to help customers monitor their usage, conserve water, and make more informed decisions on their water usage. Additionally, the new system will help the City better understand and manage its water resources,” said Clayton Fulton, Assistant City Manager of Hurst. “We appreciate Ameresco’s partnership on this endeavor and are grateful for their ongoing support of the project.”

According to the EPA, the average American family can waste as much as 9,400 gallons of water annually. When 40 out of 50 U.S. state water managers anticipate water shortages in some parts of their state over the next decade, saving wasted gallons can significantly impact preserving water resources. New technology allows cities to better understand their overall water usage and adjust accordingly to prevent and mitigate water shortages and droughts.

"We're thrilled to be partnering with the City of Hurst in installing this cutting-edge technology, designed to enhance water conservation efforts, reduce waste and provide residents with greater control and transparency related to their water consumption,” said Louis Maltezos, President of Central & Western USA, Canada Regions at Ameresco. “By integrating near real-time data, we're helping the city build a more efficient, resilient water system that will benefit their community for years to come.”

In conjunction with this exciting project, representatives from Ameresco and the City of Hurst will attend the Smart Cities Connect Conference and Expo April 14-16, 2025, in San Antonio, TX, and discuss this project in a breakout panel. For more information about the conference, visit the conference website.

To learn more about the Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) and Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) systems offered by Ameresco, visit

About Ameresco, Inc.
Founded in 2000, Ameresco, Inc. (NYSE:AMRC) is a leading solutions provider dedicated to helping customers reduce costs, enhance resilience, and decarbonize to net zero in the global energy transition. Our comprehensive portfolio includes implementing smart energy efficiency solutions, upgrading aging infrastructure, and developing, constructing, and operating distributed energy resources. As a trusted full-service partner, Ameresco shows the way by reducing energy use and delivering diversified generation solutions to Federal, state and local governments, utilities, educational and healthcare institutions, housing authorities, and commercial and industrial customers. Headquartered in Framingham, MA, Ameresco has more than 1,500 employees providing local expertise in North America and Europe. For more information, visit

The announcement of a customer’s entry into a project contract is not necessarily indicative of the timing or amount of revenue from such contract, of Ameresco’s overall revenue for any particular period or of trends in Ameresco’s overall total project backlog. This project was included in Ameresco’s previously reported contracted backlog as of December 31, 2024.

Media Contact:

Ameresco: Leila Dillon, 508-661-2264,

Source: Ameresco, Inc.


What is the value and scope of Ameresco's (AMRC) water meter project in Hurst, Texas?

The project is valued at over $9 million and includes replacing residential and commercial water meters, installing AMI technology, and implementing a customer portal for water usage monitoring.

When will Ameresco (AMRC) begin mass meter deployment in Hurst, Texas?

Mass meter deployment is scheduled to begin in May 2025, following preliminary work that started in February 2024.

What technology improvements will Ameresco (AMRC) implement in the Hurst water system?

Ameresco will install advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) technology, a web-based customer portal, and new water meters with GPS coordination capabilities.

How will the Ameresco (AMRC) water meter project benefit Hurst residents?

Residents will gain access to near real-time water consumption data through a web portal, enabling better monitoring, conservation, and informed decision-making about water usage.
Ameresco Inc


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