Ameresco and Mountain Regional Water Celebrate Completion of Utah’s First Floating Solar Project at Signal Hill
Ameresco and Mountain Regional Water have completed Utah's first floating solar project at the Signal Hill Water Treatment Plant. The 587.5 KW array, developed with D3Energy and supported by a $400,000 grant from Rocky Mountain Power's Blue Sky Award program, will generate 871,086 kilowatt-hours of clean energy annually. This innovative project will:
- Offset 92% of the plant's grid energy consumption
- Reduce energy costs by 80%
- Cut carbon dioxide emissions by 609 metric tons yearly
The project demonstrates the potential of utilizing water surfaces for renewable energy production without impacting land resources. It was completed ahead of schedule, with full utility permission to operate expected by October 23, 2024.
Ameresco e Mountain Regional Water hanno completato il primo progetto solare fluttuante dell'Utah presso l'impianto di trattamento delle acque di Signal Hill. L'array da 587,5 KW, sviluppato con D3Energy e supportato da un finanziamento di $400.000 del programma Blue Sky Award di Rocky Mountain Power, genererà 871.086 kilowattora di energia pulita ogni anno. Questo progetto innovativo:
- Compenserà il 92% del consumo di energia della rete dell'impianto
- Ridurrà i costi energetici del 80%
- Eliminerà 609 tonnellate metriche di emissioni di anidride carbonica ogni anno
Il progetto dimostra il potenziale di utilizzare le superfici acquatiche per la produzione di energia rinnovabile senza impattare le risorse di terra. È stato completato in anticipo, con il permesso completo per operare atteso entro il 23 ottobre 2024.
Ameresco y Mountain Regional Water han completado el primer proyecto de energía solar flotante de Utah en la planta de tratamiento de agua de Signal Hill. El array de 587.5 KW, desarrollado con D3Energy y respaldado por una subvención de $400,000 del programa Blue Sky Award de Rocky Mountain Power, generará 871,086 kilovatios-hora de energía limpia anualmente. Este proyecto innovador:
- Compensará el 92% del consumo de energía de la red de la planta
- Reducirá los costos de energía en un 80%
- Elimará 609 toneladas métricas de emisiones de dióxido de carbono anualmente
El proyecto demuestra el potencial de utilizar las superficies de agua para la producción de energía renovable sin afectar los recursos de tierra. Se completó antes de lo previsto, con el permiso total para operar esperado para el 23 de octubre de 2024.
Ameresco와 Mountain Regional Water는 Signail Hill 수처리장에서 유타의 첫 번째 부유식 태양광 프로젝트를 완료했습니다. D3Energy와 함께 개발된 이 587.5 KW 배열은 Rocky Mountain Power의 Blue Sky Award 프로그램에서 받은 $400,000의 보조금으로 지원받아, 매년 871,086킬로와트시의 청정 에너지를 생성할 것입니다. 이 혁신적인 프로젝트는:
- 플랜트의 그리드 에너지 소비의 92%를 상쇄합니다.
- 에너지 비용을 80% 줄입니다.
- 매년 609 메트릭 톤의 이산화탄소 배출을 줄입니다.
이 프로젝트는 땅 자원에 영향을 주지 않고 재생 가능 에너지를 생성하기 위해 수면을 활용하는 가능성을 보여줍니다. 예정보다 일찍 완료되었으며, 2024년 10월 23일까지 운영을 위한 완전한 허가를 받을 것으로 예상됩니다.
Ameresco et Mountain Regional Water ont achevé le premier projet solaire flottant de l'Utah à l'usine de traitement des eaux de Signal Hill. Le jeu de panneaux de 587,5 KW, développé avec D3Energy et soutenu par une subvention de 400 000 $ du programme Blue Sky Award de Rocky Mountain Power, générera 871 086 kilowattheures d'énergie propre chaque année. Ce projet innovant :
- Compensera 92% de la consommation d'énergie du réseau de l'usine
- Réduira les coûts d'énergie de 80%
- Réduira les émissions de dioxyde de carbone de 609 tonnes métriques par an
Le projet démontre le potentiel d'utiliser les surfaces d'eau pour la production d'énergie renouvelable sans impacter les ressources terrestres. Il a été achevé avant la date prévue, avec une autorisation complète d'exploitation attendue d'ici le 23 octobre 2024.
Ameresco und Mountain Regional Water haben Utahs erstes schwimmendes Solarprojekt in der Wasseraufbereitungsanlage Signal Hill abgeschlossen. Das 587,5 KW-Modul, das mit D3Energy entwickelt und von einem 400.000-Dollar-Zuschuss des Blue Sky Award Programms von Rocky Mountain Power unterstützt wird, wird jährlich 871.086 Kilowattstunden saubere Energie erzeugen. Dieses innovative Projekt wird:
- 92% des Energieverbrauchs des Werks aus dem Netz ausgleichen
- Die Energiekosten um 80% senken
- Die Kohlenstoffdioxidemissionen um jährlich 609 metrische Tonnen reduzieren
Das Projekt zeigt das Potenzial, Wasseroberflächen zur Produktion erneuerbarer Energie zu nutzen, ohne Landressourcen zu beeinträchtigen. Es wurde vor dem Zeitplan abgeschlossen, wobei die vollständige Genehmigung zum Betrieb bis zum 23. Oktober 2024 erwartet wird.
- None.
- None.
Innovative project to power Signal Hill Water Treatment Plant with renewable energy, offsetting

Ribbon cutting ceremony was held today at Signal Hill, marking the launch of innovative floating solar project. (Photo: Business Wire)
Ameresco partnered with the leading floating PV developer, D3Energy, to develop the innovative 587.5 KW floating solar array, supported by a
“This floating solar array demonstrates the benefit of thinking beyond conventional approaches,” said Lou Maltezos, Executive Vice President of Ameresco. “The notion that solar panels must be installed on land is an unnecessary limitation. By reconsidering their placement, we unlock new opportunities for sustainability. The District isn't just implementing solar energy for its own sake - they are deeply invested in the economic aspects of this project. This first-ever floating solar array in
The floating solar array efficiently uses available water surfaces to generate renewable energy, providing an ideal solution for maximizing energy production without impacting land resources.
“Traditional ground or rooftop solar wasn’t an option for us at this facility, but this innovative floating solar installation makes use of an untapped resource,” said Chris Braun, Mountain Regional Chief Technology Officer. “This is one more piece of the puzzle for us to get to a ‘Net-Zero’ energy goal as we strive to be responsible stewards for the community and the environment.”
“For over 20 years, the Blue Sky program has offered Rocky Mountain Power customers a simple and powerful way to reduce their carbon footprint and support renewable energy while simply living their lives,” said Shawn Grant, Director of Customer Solutions at Rocky Mountain Power. “From installing new solar panels to helping community organizations reduce operating costs to launching innovative battery projects, we are committed to fostering sustainable, renewable energy for generations to come.”
The project was completed ahead of schedule, with construction finalized by September 10, 2024, and commissioning completed on September 20th. Full utility permission to operate is expected by October 23, 2024.
Rocky Mountain Power’s Blue Sky program awarded this project to the Mountain Regional Water Service District as one of a dozen community-based renewable energy projects awarded in 2023. Blue Sky is an opt-in program that gives Rocky Mountain Power customers the option to match all or part of their energy use with renewable energy, reducing their carbon footprints and driving demand for new renewable energy in the West. Since 2006, Blue Sky program participants have helped fund over 216 new, community-based renewable energy projects in
For more information about Ameresco, visit
About Ameresco, Inc.
Founded in 2000, Ameresco, Inc. (NYSE:AMRC) is a leading cleantech integrator and renewable energy asset developer, owner and operator. Our comprehensive portfolio includes solutions that help customers reduce costs, decarbonize to net zero, and build energy resiliency while leveraging smart, connected technologies. From implementing energy efficiency and infrastructure upgrades to developing, constructing, and operating distributed energy resources – we are a trusted sustainability partner. Ameresco has successfully completed energy saving, environmentally responsible projects with Federal, state and local governments, utilities, healthcare and educational institutions, housing authorities, and commercial and industrial customers. With its corporate headquarters in
About Mountain Regional Water
Mountain Regional Special Service District is a governmental public water supply entity created and governed by the Summit County Council. The district provides drinking water services to the Snyderville Basin area of
About Rocky Mountain Power
Rocky Mountain Power provides safe and reliable electric service to more than 1.1 million customers in
About D3Energy
D3Energy has been at the forefront of floating solar innovation since 2015, exclusively focusing on the development and construction of floating solar systems. As the market leader in the industry, D3Energy has built more floating PV systems than any other company in
The announcement of completion of a customer’s project contract is not necessarily indicative of the timing or amount of revenue from such contract, of Ameresco’s overall revenue for any particular period or of trends in Ameresco’s overall total project backlog. This project was included in Ameresco’s previously reported contracted backlog as of June 30, 2024.
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Media Contact:
Ameresco: Leila Dillon, 508-661-2264,
Mountain Regional Water: Andy Garland, 435-940-1916,
Rocky Mountain Power: Jona Whitesides, 385-408-6743,
D3 Energy: Kirsten Rangel, 305-330-6425,
Source: Ameresco, Inc.
What is the capacity of Utah's first floating solar project at Signal Hill?
How much will the floating solar project reduce energy costs for the Signal Hill Water Treatment Plant?
What percentage of the Signal Hill plant's grid energy consumption will be offset by the floating solar array?
When is the floating solar project at Signal Hill expected to receive full utility permission to operate?