Amprius Technologies Receives Continued Listing Standard Notice from NYSE

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Amprius Technologies (NYSE: AMPX), a leader in next-generation lithium-ion batteries, has received a notice from the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) on September 19, 2024, indicating non-compliance with continued listing criteria. The issue stems from the average closing price of Amprius' common stock falling below $1.00 over a consecutive 30 trading-day period.

This notice is a deficiency notification, not a delisting action, and does not currently affect the listing or trading of Amprius' stock on the NYSE. The company has a six-month cure period to regain compliance by achieving a closing price of at least $1.00 per share on the last trading day of any calendar month during this period, along with an average closing share price of at least $1.00 over the 30 trading-day period ending on the last trading day of that month or the cure period.

Amprius intends to remain listed on the NYSE and is exploring all available options to regain compliance. The notice does not impact the company's ongoing business operations or SEC reporting requirements.

Amprius Technologies (NYSE: AMPX), un leader nelle batterie al litio di nuova generazione, ha ricevuto un avviso dalla Borsa di New York (NYSE) il 19 settembre 2024, che indica la non conformità ai criteri di quotazione continua. Il problema deriva dal prezzo medio di chiusura delle azioni ordinarie di Amprius sceso sotto $1.00 per un periodo di 30 giornate di trading consecutive.

Questo avviso è una notifica di carenza, non un'azione di delisting, e attualmente non influisce sulla quotazione o sul trading delle azioni di Amprius sulla NYSE. L'azienda ha un periodo di grazia di sei mesi per ripristinare la conformità raggiungendo un prezzo di chiusura di almeno $1.00 per azione nell'ultimo giorno di trading di un qualsiasi mese del calendario durante questo periodo, insieme a un prezzo medio di chiusura delle azioni di almeno $1.00 nel periodo di 30 giornate di trading che termina nell'ultimo giorno di trading di quel mese o del periodo di grazia.

Amprius intende rimanere quotata sulla NYSE ed è alla ricerca di tutte le opzioni disponibili per ripristinare la conformità. L'avviso non influisce sulle operazioni aziendali in corso né sui requisiti di reporting della SEC.

Amprius Technologies (NYSE: AMPX), un líder en baterías de litio de próxima generación, ha recibido un aviso de la Bolsa de Nueva York (NYSE) el 19 de septiembre de 2024, indicando el incumplimiento de los criterios de cotización continua. El problema se debe a que el precio medio de cierre de las acciones comunes de Amprius ha caído por debajo de $1.00 durante un período consecutivo de 30 días de negociación.

Este aviso es una notificación de deficiencia, no una acción de exclusión, y actualmente no afecta la cotización o negociación de las acciones de Amprius en la NYSE. La empresa tiene un período de gracia de seis meses para restablecer la conformidad alcanzando un precio de cierre de al menos $1.00 por acción en el último día de negociación de cualquier mes calendario durante este período, junto con un precio medio de cierre de al menos $1.00 durante el período de 30 días de negociación que termina en el último día de negociación de ese mes o del período de gracia.

Amprius tiene la intención de permanecer listado en la NYSE y está explorando todas las opciones disponibles para restablecer la conformidad. El aviso no impacta las operaciones comerciales en curso de la empresa ni los requisitos de informes de la SEC.

암프리우스 테크놀로지스(뉴욕증권거래소: AMPX)는 차세대 리튬 이온 배터리의 선두주자로 2024년 9월 19일 뉴욕증권거래소(NYSE)로부터 통지를 받았습니다. 이 통지는 계속된 상장 기준 미준수를 나타냅니다. 문제의 원인은 암프리우스 보통주 평균 종가가 연속 30 거래일 동안 $1.00 이하로 떨어진 것입니다.

이 통지는 결함 통지이며 상장 폐지 조치가 아닙니다 그리고 현재 암프리우스의 주식이 NYSE에 상장되거나 거래되는 것에 영향을 미치지 않습니다. 회사는 6개월의 치료 기간을 두고 이 기간 동안의 마지막 거래일에 주당 최소 $1.00의 종가를 달성하고, 그 달의 마지막 거래일 또는 치료 기간 종료 시점에 30 거래일 동안 평균 종가가 최소 $1.00 이상이 되도록 하여 준수 상태를 회복할 수 있습니다.

암프리우스는 NYSE에 계속 상장될 예정입니다 그리고 준수를 회복할 수 있는 모든 가능한 옵션을 모색하고 있습니다. 이 통지는 회사의 현재 영업 활동이나 SEC 보고 요건에 영향을 주지 않습니다.

Amprius Technologies (NYSE: AMPX), un leader dans le domaine des batteries lithium-ion de prochaine génération, a reçu un avis de la Bourse de New York (NYSE) le 19 septembre 2024, indiquant un non-respect des critères de cotation continue. Le problème vient du fait que le prix de clôture moyen des actions ordinaires d'Amprius est tombé en dessous de 1,00 $ pendant une période consécutive de 30 jours de négociation.

Cette notification est une notification de non-conformité, pas une action de radiation, et n'affecte actuellement pas la cotation ou le trading des actions d'Amprius sur la NYSE. L'entreprise dispose d'un délai de grâce de six mois pour retrouver la conformité en atteignant un prix de clôture d'au moins 1,00 $ par action lors du dernier jour de négociation de n'importe quel mois calendaire durant cette période, ainsi qu'un prix de clôture moyen d'au moins 1,00 $ sur la période de 30 jours de négociation se terminant le dernier jour de négociation de ce mois ou du délai de grâce.

Amprius a l'intention de rester coté à la NYSE et explore toutes les options disponibles pour restaurer la conformité. La notification n'impacte pas les opérations commerciales en cours de l'entreprise ni les exigences de reporting de la SEC.

Amprius Technologies (NYSE: AMPX), ein führendes Unternehmen im Bereich der Lithium-Ionen-Batterien der nächsten Generation, hat am 19. September 2024 eine Mitteilung von der New Yorker Börse (NYSE) erhalten, die auf die Nichterfüllung der Anforderungen für eine fortdauernde Listing hinweist. Das Problem resultiert aus dem durchschnittlichen Schlusskurs der Amprius-Stammaktien, der über einen aufeinanderfolgend 30-handelsrichtigen Zeitraum unter 1,00 USD gefallen ist.

Diese Mitteilung ist eine Benachrichtigung über Mängel, nicht eine Delisting-Maßnahme, und hat derzeit keinen Einfluss auf die Listung oder den Handel der Amprius-Aktien an der NYSE. Das Unternehmen hat einen sechsmonatigen Heilungszeitraum, um die Konformität wiederherzustellen, indem es am letzten Handelstag eines beliebigen Kalendermonats während dieses Zeitraums einen Schlusskurs von mindestens 1,00 USD pro Aktie erreicht, zusammen mit einem durchschnittlichen Schlusskurs von mindestens 1,00 USD im Zeitraum von 30 Handelszeiten, der am letzten Handelstag dieses Monats oder des Heilungszeitraums endet.

Amprius beabsichtigt, an der NYSE gelistet zu bleiben und prüft alle verfügbaren Optionen zur Wiederherstellung der Konformität. Die Mitteilung hat keine Auswirkungen auf die laufenden Geschäftstätigkeiten des Unternehmens oder die Anforderungen an die SEC-Berichterstattung.

  • Company remains listed on NYSE during the cure period
  • Six-month window provided to regain compliance
  • No immediate impact on business operations or SEC reporting requirements
  • Stock price fallen below $1.00 average over 30 trading days
  • Risk of potential delisting if compliance is not regained
  • Indication of poor stock performance and potential investor concern

Amprius Technologies' receipt of a non-compliance notice from the NYSE is a significant red flag for investors. The sub-$1 average share price over 30 trading days indicates severe market skepticism about the company's prospects. While not an immediate delisting threat, it reflects substantial financial challenges.

The six-month cure period provides a critical window for Amprius to implement strategies to boost its stock price. Options might include a reverse stock split, which could artificially inflate the share price, or significant business improvements to regain investor confidence. However, the underlying issues causing the price decline need addressing for sustainable recovery.

Investors should closely monitor Amprius' actions in the coming months, as failure to regain compliance could lead to delisting, severely impacting liquidity and investor access. This situation underscores the high-risk nature of investing in early-stage technology companies, especially in capital-intensive sectors like battery technology.

Despite the listing challenges, Amprius' Silicon Anode Platform remains a promising technology in the lithium-ion battery space. Silicon anodes offer potential for higher energy density and faster charging compared to traditional graphite anodes. However, the stock's performance suggests the market is skeptical about commercialization timelines or competitive positioning.

The battery industry is highly competitive, with established players and well-funded startups vying for market share. Amprius needs to demonstrate clear technological advantages and a viable path to mass production to regain investor confidence. Key metrics to watch include energy density improvements, cycle life and production cost reductions.

This situation highlights the gap between technological promise and market reality in the advanced materials sector. Investors should assess Amprius' IP portfolio, partnerships and progress in scaling manufacturing to gauge its long-term potential amid short-term stock price pressures.

FREMONT, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Amprius Technologies, Inc. ("Amprius" or the "Company") (NYSE: AMPX), a leader in next-generation lithium-ion batteries with its Silicon Anode Platform, received a notice (the “Notice”) from the New York Stock Exchange (“NYSE”) on September 19, 2024 that it is not in compliance with the continued listing criteria under Section 802.01C of the NYSE Listed Company Manual (the “Listing Rule”), because the average closing price of the Company's common stock was less than $1.00 over a consecutive 30 trading-day period. The Notice is a notice of deficiency, not delisting, and does not currently affect the listing or trading of the Company’s common stock on the NYSE.

Under the Listing Rule, the Company has six months from its receipt of the non-compliance notice to cure the deficiency and regain compliance by having a closing price of at least $1.00 per share on the last trading day of any calendar month during the six-month cure period and an average closing share price of at least $1.00 over the 30 trading-day period ending on the last trading day of that month or the last trading day of the cure period.

The Company intends to remain listed on the NYSE and is considering all available options to regain compliance with the NYSE’s continued listing standards. The NYSE notice has no immediate impact on the listing of the Company’s common stock, which will continue to be listed and traded on the NYSE during such cure period, subject to the Company’s compliance with other NYSE continued listing standards.

Furthermore, the Notice is not anticipated to impact the ongoing business operations of the Company or its reporting requirements with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”).

About Amprius Technologies, Inc.

Amprius Technologies, Inc. is a leading manufacturer of high-energy and high-power lithium-ion batteries, producing the industry’s highest-known energy density cells. The company’s commercially available SiMaxx™ batteries deliver up to 450 Wh/kg and 1,150 Wh/L, with third-party validation of 500Wh/kg and 1,300 Wh/L. Amprius expanded its product portfolio to include the SiCore™ platform in 2024, significantly enhancing its ability to serve additional customer applications. The company’s corporate headquarters is in Fremont, California, where it maintains an R&D lab and a MWh scale manufacturing facility for the fabrication of silicon anodes and cells. To serve customer demand, Amprius entered into several agreements to secure over 500MW/h of contract manufacturing available today and entered into a lease agreement for a gigawatt-hour-scale facility in Brighton, Colorado.

Forward-Looking Statements

This press release includes “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, each as amended. Forward-looking statements may be identified by the use of words such as “estimate,” “plan,” “project,” “forecast,” “intend,” “expect,” “anticipate,” “believe,” “seek” or other similar expressions that predict or indicate future events or trends or that are not statements of historical matters. These forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, statements regarding Amprius’ ability to maintain the listing of its common stock on the NYSE, the expected impacts of the Notice and any potential plans to regain compliance with the continued listing standards of the NYSE. These forward-looking statements are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties, including Amprius’ liquidity position; risks related to the rollout of Amprius’ business and the timing of expected business milestones; Amprius’ ability to commercially produce high performing batteries; the effects of competition on Amprius’ business; supply shortages in the materials necessary for the production of Amprius' batteries; and changes in domestic and foreign business, market, financial, political and legal conditions. For more information on these risks and uncertainties that may impact the operations and projections discussed herein can be found in the documents Amprius files from time to time with the SEC, all of which are available on the SEC’s website at There may be additional risks that Amprius does not presently know or that Amprius currently believes are immaterial that could also cause actual results to differ from those contained in the forward-looking statements. In addition, forward-looking statements reflect Amprius’ expectations, plans or forecasts of future events and views as of the date of this press release. These forward-looking statements should not be relied upon as representing Amprius’ assessments as of any date subsequent to the date of this press release. Accordingly, undue reliance should not be placed upon the forward-looking statements. Except as required by law, Amprius specifically disclaims any obligation to update any forward-looking statements.


Tom Colton, Greg Bradbury

Gateway Group, Inc.



Zach Kadletz, Brenlyn Motlagh

Gateway Group, Inc.


Source: Amprius Technologies, Inc.


Why did Amprius Technologies (AMPX) receive a notice from NYSE?

Amprius Technologies (AMPX) received a notice from NYSE because its average closing stock price was below $1.00 over a consecutive 30 trading-day period, violating NYSE's continued listing criteria.

What is the deadline for Amprius Technologies (AMPX) to regain compliance with NYSE listing standards?

Amprius Technologies (AMPX) has a six-month cure period from September 19, 2024, to regain compliance with NYSE listing standards by achieving required stock price levels.

Will Amprius Technologies (AMPX) be immediately delisted from NYSE?

No, Amprius Technologies (AMPX) will not be immediately delisted. The notice is a deficiency notification, not a delisting action, and the stock will continue to trade on NYSE during the cure period.

How can Amprius Technologies (AMPX) regain compliance with NYSE listing standards?

Amprius Technologies (AMPX) can regain compliance by having a closing price of at least $1.00 per share on the last trading day of any calendar month during the six-month cure period and an average closing share price of at least $1.00 over the 30 trading-day period ending on the last trading day of that month or the cure period.

Amprius Technologies, Inc.


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