HubSpot and Amplitude Join Forces to Bolster Product-led Growth

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Amplitude (NASDAQ: AMPL) and HubSpot (NYSE: HUBS) have announced a strategic partnership at INBOUND 2024 to enhance product-led growth for Go To Market (GTM) teams. The collaboration integrates Amplitude's digital analytics with HubSpot's Smart CRM, enabling teams to:

1. Leverage enhanced Lead Scoring with product usage insights
2. Utilize Customer Health Scoring for better expansion timing and churn prevention
3. View Amplitude charts in HubSpot dashboards
4. Target customer cohorts based on product usage
5. Analyze marketing campaign performance with combined data

The partnership aims to provide GTM teams with a unified view of customer behavior, improving lead prioritization, sales conversion, and customer retention. Joint customers like UserGuiding have reported significant boosts in sales conversions and operational efficiency.

Amplitude (NASDAQ: AMPL) e HubSpot (NYSE: HUBS) hanno annunciato una partnership strategica all'INBOUND 2024 per migliorare la crescita guidata dal prodotto per i team Go To Market (GTM). La collaborazione integra le analisi digitali di Amplitude con il CRM intelligente di HubSpot, consentendo ai team di:

1. Sfruttare un Lead Scoring potenziato con approfondimenti sull'utilizzo del prodotto
2. Utilizzare il Customer Health Scoring per migliorare il tempismo dell'espansione e prevenire l'abbandono
3. Visualizzare i grafici di Amplitude nei dashboard di HubSpot
4. Mirare a coorti di clienti basate sull'utilizzo del prodotto
5. Analizzare le performance delle campagne marketing con dati combinati

La partnership mira a fornire ai team GTM una visione unificata del comportamento dei clienti, migliorando la priorità dei lead, la conversione delle vendite e la fidelizzazione dei clienti. Clienti comuni come UserGuiding hanno riportato aumenti significativi nelle conversioni di vendita e nell'efficienza operativa.

Amplitude (NASDAQ: AMPL) y HubSpot (NYSE: HUBS) han anunciado una asociación estratégica en INBOUND 2024 para mejorar el crecimiento impulsado por el producto para los equipos Go To Market (GTM). La colaboración integra el análisis digital de Amplitude con el CRM inteligente de HubSpot, permitiendo a los equipos:

1. Aprovechar un Lead Scoring mejorado con información sobre el uso del producto
2. Utilizar el Customer Health Scoring para un mejor momento de expansión y prevención de la pérdida de clientes
3. Ver gráficos de Amplitude en los paneles de HubSpot
4. Dirigir grupos de clientes basados en el uso del producto
5. Analizar el rendimiento de las campañas de marketing con datos combinados

La asociación tiene como objetivo proporcionar a los equipos de GTM una visión unificada del comportamiento del cliente, mejorando la priorización de leads, la conversión en ventas y la retención de clientes. Clientes conjuntos como UserGuiding han informado aumentos significativos en las conversiones de ventas y en la eficiencia operativa.

Amplitude (NASDAQ: AMPL)와 HubSpot (NYSE: HUBS)는 INBOUND 2024에서 Go To Market (GTM) 팀의 제품 주도 성장 향상을 위한 전략적 파트너십을 발표했습니다. 이번 협업은 Amplitude의 디지털 분석과 HubSpot의 스마트 CRM을 통합하여 팀이:

1. 제품 사용 통찰력을 바탕으로 향상된 리드 스코어링 활용
2. 더 나은 확장 타이밍과 이탈 방지를 위한 고객 건강 스코어링 이용
3. HubSpot 대시보드에서 Amplitude 차트 보기
4. 제품 사용에 기반하여 고객 집단 타겟팅
5. 결합된 데이터로 마케팅 캠페인 성과 분석

파트너십의 목표는 GTM 팀에 고객 행동에 대한 통합된 관점을 제공하여 리드 우선 순위, 판매 전환 및 고객 유지 개선입니다. UserGuiding과 같은 공동 고객들은 판매 전환율과 운영 효율성의 상당한 증가를 보고했습니다.

Amplitude (NASDAQ: AMPL) et HubSpot (NYSE: HUBS) ont annoncé un partenariat stratégique lors de l'INBOUND 2024 pour améliorer la croissance axée sur le produit pour les équipes Go To Market (GTM). Cette collaboration intègre l'analyse numérique d'Amplitude avec le CRM intelligent de HubSpot, permettant aux équipes de :

1. Tirer parti d'un Lead Scoring amélioré grâce à des insights sur l'utilisation du produit
2. Utiliser le Customer Health Scoring pour un meilleur timing d'expansion et pour prévenir le churn
3. Visualiser les graphiques Amplitude dans les tableaux de bord HubSpot
4. Cibler des cohortes de clients en fonction de l'utilisation du produit
5. Analyser les performances des campagnes marketing avec des données combinées

Le partenariat vise à fournir aux équipes GTM une vue unifiée du comportement des clients, améliorant la priorisation des leads, la conversion des ventes et la fidélisation des clients. Des clients communs comme UserGuiding ont signalé des augmentations significatives des conversions de vente et de l'efficacité opérationnelle.

Amplitude (NASDAQ: AMPL) und HubSpot (NYSE: HUBS) haben auf der INBOUND 2024 eine strategische Partnerschaft angekündigt, um das produktorientierte Wachstum für die Go To Market (GTM) Teams zu verbessern. Die Zusammenarbeit integriert Amplitudes digitale Analysen mit HubSpots Smart CRM und ermöglicht es den Teams:

1. Verbesserung des Lead Scoring durch Produktnutzungsanalysen
2. Nutzung des Customer Health Scoring für besseres Timing bei der Expansion und zur Vermeidung von Kundenabwanderung
3. Ansicht von Amplitude-Diagrammen in HubSpot-Dashboards
4. Ansprache von Kundengruppen basierend auf der Produktnutzung
5. Analyse der Leistung von Marketingkampagnen mit kombinierten Daten

Die Partnerschaft zielt darauf ab, den GTM-Teams eine einheitliche Sicht auf das Kundenverhalten zu bieten, was die Priorisierung von Leads, die Verkaufsumwandlung und die Kundenbindung verbessert. Gemeinsame Kunden wie UserGuiding berichten von signifikanten Steigerungen bei den Verkaufsumwandlungen und der betrieblichen Effizienz.

  • Strategic partnership between Amplitude (AMPL) and HubSpot (HUBS) to enhance product-led growth
  • Integration of Amplitude's digital analytics with HubSpot's Smart CRM for improved customer insights
  • Enhanced Lead Scoring and Customer Health Scoring capabilities
  • Easier installation and faster value realization for HubSpot customers using Amplitude
  • Amplitude is now a HubSpot Certified App, meeting various quality standards
  • None.

This partnership between HubSpot and Amplitude is a strategic move that could significantly impact both companies' market positions. By integrating Amplitude's product analytics with HubSpot's CRM, they're addressing a important pain point for Go-To-Market teams. This collaboration has the potential to increase customer retention and upsell opportunities, which could translate to higher revenue for both firms.

For investors, this partnership could lead to improved profit margins and customer lifetime value for both companies. However, the real test will be in the execution and adoption rates among existing customers. Keep an eye on future earnings reports for indicators of success, such as changes in customer churn rates and average revenue per user.

The integration of Amplitude's behavioral analytics into HubSpot's CRM platform represents a significant technological advancement in the SaaS industry. This partnership addresses the growing demand for product-led growth strategies by providing a unified view of customer interactions across marketing, sales and product usage.

The technical implementation seems streamlined, with a one-line code integration and native integration in the HubSpot App Marketplace. This ease of use could drive rapid adoption among HubSpot's customer base. However, the real technical challenge lies in ensuring seamless data synchronization and maintaining performance at scale. Investors should monitor user feedback and any reported technical issues that could impact the partnership's success.

This partnership taps into the growing trend of data-driven decision making in sales and marketing. By combining CRM data with product usage insights, HubSpot and Amplitude are positioning themselves at the forefront of the product-led growth movement. This could give both companies a competitive edge in their respective markets.

Early adopter feedback, like that from UserGuiding and Polly, suggests positive outcomes in terms of sales conversions and operational efficiency. However, it's important to track wider market adoption and customer satisfaction over time. Investors should watch for changes in market share and customer acquisition costs for both companies as indicators of the partnership's success in driving growth.

Strategic partnership enables Go To Market teams to automatically prioritize leads, improve sales conversion, and retain more customers

BOSTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Today at INBOUND 2024, Amplitude, Inc. (Nasdaq: AMPL), a leading digital analytics platform, and HubSpot, Inc. (NYSE: HUBS), the customer platform for scaling companies, announced a global strategic partnership to help Go To Market (GTM) teams close more deals.

HubSpot's Smart CRM offers a comprehensive, customizable company record, allowing marketing, sales, and service teams to have a single, unified view of the customer. However, most GTM teams still struggle to understand how customers are using their products. They don't know which users are most engaged, when they're ready to upgrade, or why they're struggling.

Now, teams can combine the power of HubSpot and Amplitude's customer behavior data to drive growth. Marketers can leverage HubSpot's enhanced Lead Scoring with Amplitude insights baked in, enabling them to serve up better leads to sales and build more targeted marketing campaigns. Sales and Customer Success teams can use HubSpot's Customer Health Scoring to understand the right time for expansions and mitigate the risk of customer churn. With behavioral insights infused into every customer touchpoint, your entire GTM organization can produce better results.

"HubSpot customers have told us they want better visibility into user behavior in their products. They know this data is key to accelerating growth," said Andy Pitre, Executive Vice President of Product at HubSpot. "Our partnership with Amplitude delivers the context organizations need to be successful. When marketing, sales, and support teams are aligned, they can drive better results."

With HubSpot and Amplitude's expanded integration, GTM teams can easily track product usage alongside traditional CRM data. Before, product and marketing data were disconnected, making it impossible to deliver personalized experiences at scale. Now, joint customers can see Amplitude charts in their HubSpot dashboards and target customer cohorts based on product usage or other key buying signals. This empowers teams to engage users with the right message at the right time. Teams can also bring HubSpot data into Amplitude to understand marketing campaign performance. Joint customer UserGuiding says the integration between Amplitude and HubSpot has significantly boosted its sales conversions, while also delivering operational gains.

"We want to help every company achieve their growth goals, and that starts with unlocking the power of their products," said Francois Ajenstat, Chief Product Officer at Amplitude. "Product-led growth is the most efficient way to drive revenue, but it's not easy to pull off. Amplitude and HubSpot are changing that. Instead of wasting time on the wrong leads and the wrong campaigns, teams can use product behavior signals to upsell, convert, and retain more customers."

It's now easier and faster for HubSpot customers to install and get value from Amplitude as well. With one line of code and no learning curve, anyone can get up and running in a matter of minutes. Amplitude is also natively integrated into the HubSpot App Marketplace. As a HubSpot Certified App, Amplitude meets HubSpot's security, privacy, reliability, performance, usability, accessibility, and value standards.

"Marketing campaigns are notoriously difficult to measure, and email open rates aren't enough. We want to understand how campaigns influence customer behavior in the product and affect key metrics like retention and revenue growth," said Anas Masood, Growth Product Manager at Polly. "Amplitude and HubSpot are making this possible. When product and marketing data are unified, we can create a more cohesive and personalized experience for our users."

Learn more about HubSpot and Amplitude's partnership here. Visit Amplitude at booth #44 at INBOUND 2024, happening now through September 20, 2024.

About HubSpot

HubSpot (NYSE: HUBS) is the customer platform that helps businesses connect and grow better. HubSpot delivers seamless connection for customer-facing teams with a unified platform that includes AI-powered engagement hubs, a Smart CRM, and a connected ecosystem with over 1,500 App Marketplace integrations, a community network, and educational content. Learn more at

About Amplitude

Amplitude is a leading digital analytics platform that helps companies unlock the power of their products. More than 3,200 customers, including Atlassian, NBCUniversal, Under Armour, Shopify, and Jersey Mike’s, rely on Amplitude to gain self-service visibility into the entire customer journey. Amplitude guides companies every step of the way as they capture data they can trust, uncover clear insights about customer behavior, and take faster action. When teams understand how people are using their products, they can deliver better product experiences that drive growth. Amplitude is the best-in-class analytics solution for product, data, and marketing teams, ranked #1 in multiple categories by G2's Summer 2024 Report. Learn how to optimize your digital products and business at



Source: Amplitude


What is the purpose of the Amplitude (AMPL) and HubSpot (HUBS) partnership announced at INBOUND 2024?

The partnership aims to help Go To Market (GTM) teams close more deals by combining Amplitude's digital analytics with HubSpot's Smart CRM, providing better insights into customer product usage and behavior.

How will the Amplitude (AMPL) integration benefit HubSpot (HUBS) customers?

HubSpot customers will gain enhanced Lead Scoring, Customer Health Scoring, and the ability to view Amplitude charts in HubSpot dashboards. This will enable better lead prioritization, improved sales conversion, and more effective customer retention strategies.

What specific features does the Amplitude (AMPL) and HubSpot (HUBS) integration offer?

The integration offers enhanced Lead Scoring with product usage insights, Customer Health Scoring for expansion timing and churn prevention, Amplitude charts in HubSpot dashboards, and the ability to target customer cohorts based on product usage signals.

How has the Amplitude (AMPL) and HubSpot (HUBS) integration impacted joint customers?

Joint customers like UserGuiding have reported significant boosts in sales conversions and operational efficiency due to the integration between Amplitude and HubSpot.

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