Amplitude Launches Self-Service A/B Testing to Help Web & Digital Teams Drive Faster Innovation

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Amplitude (Nasdaq: AMPL) has launched Web Experimentation, a new product enabling easy A/B testing and web experience personalization. This self-service tool allows product managers, marketers, and growth leaders to conduct experiments with minimal engineering support, accelerating the testing process. Key features include:

  • Visual editing and point-and-click interaction
  • High-performance infrastructure to eliminate screen flicker
  • Advanced statistics for complex experiments
  • Custom code editor for testing modals, banners, and layouts
  • Integration with Amplitude's digital analytics platform

The product aims to address common challenges in A/B testing, such as resource-intensive setups, lack of flexibility, and page slowdowns. Web Experimentation is now available to all customers, with free inclusion in the Starter plan.

Amplitude (Nasdaq: AMPL) ha lanciato Web Experimentation, un nuovo prodotto che consente facili test A/B e personalizzazione dell'esperienza web. Questo strumento self-service permette a product manager, marketer e leader della crescita di condurre esperimenti con un supporto ingegneristico minimo, accelerando il processo di test. Le caratteristiche principali includono:

  • Editing visivo e interazione con click-point
  • Infrastruttura ad alte prestazioni per eliminare il flickering dello schermo
  • Statistiche avanzate per esperimenti complessi
  • Editor di codice personalizzato per testare modali, banner e layout
  • Integrazione con la piattaforma di analisi digitale di Amplitude

Il prodotto mira a risolvere le sfide comuni nei test A/B, come configurazioni che richiedono molte risorse, mancanza di flessibilità e rallentamenti delle pagine. Web Experimentation è ora disponibile per tutti i clienti, con inclusione gratuita nel piano Starter.

Amplitude (Nasdaq: AMPL) ha lanzado Web Experimentation, un nuevo producto que facilita la realización de pruebas A/B y la personalización de la experiencia web. Esta herramienta de autoservicio permite a gerentes de productos, especialistas en marketing y líderes de crecimiento realizar experimentos con un soporte de ingeniería mínimo, acelerando el proceso de pruebas. Las características clave incluyen:

  • Edición visual e interacción con clic
  • Infraestructura de alto rendimiento para eliminar el parpadeo en la pantalla
  • Estadísticas avanzadas para experimentos complejos
  • Editor de código personalizado para probar modales, banners y diseños
  • Integración con la plataforma de análisis digital de Amplitude

El producto tiene como objetivo abordar los desafíos comunes en las pruebas A/B, como configuraciones que requieren muchos recursos, falta de flexibilidad y lentitud de las páginas. Web Experimentation ya está disponible para todos los clientes, con inclusión gratuita en el plan Starter.

앰플리튜드(Nasdaq: AMPL)는 웹 실험(Web Experimentation)을 출시했습니다. 이 새로운 제품은 쉽고 간편하게 A/B 테스트와 웹 경험 개인화를 가능하게 합니다. 이 셀프 서비스 도구는 제품 관리자, 마케팅 담당자 및 성장 리더가 최소한의 엔지니어링 지원으로 실험을 수행할 수 있게 하여 테스트 프로세스를 가속화합니다. 주요 기능은 다음과 같습니다:

  • 비주얼 편집 및 클릭하여 상호작용
  • 화면 깜박임을 없애는 고성능 인프라
  • 복잡한 실험을 위한 고급 통계 기능
  • 모달, 배너 및 레이아웃을 테스트하는 개인화된 코드 편집기
  • 앰플리튜드의 디지털 분석 플랫폼과의 통합

이 제품은 프로젝트 설정이 많은 리소스를 소모하거나 유연성이 부족하고 페이지 로딩 속도가 느린 것과 같은 A/B 테스트의 일반적인 문제를 해결하는 것을 목표로 합니다. 웹 실험은 현재 모든 고객이 이용할 수 있으며, 스타터 플랜에 무료로 포함되어 있습니다.

Amplitude (Nasdaq: AMPL) a lancé Web Experimentation, un nouveau produit permettant de réaliser facilement des tests A/B et de personnaliser l'expérience web. Cet outil en libre-service permet aux chefs de produit, aux spécialistes du marketing et aux responsables de la croissance de mener des expériences avec un support technique minimal, accélérant ainsi le processus de test. Les principales fonctionnalités comprennent :

  • Édition visuelle et interaction par clic
  • Infrastructure haute performance pour éliminer le scintillement de l'écran
  • Statistiques avancées pour des expériences complexes
  • Éditeur de code personnalisé pour tester des modaux, des bannières et des mises en page
  • Intégration avec la plateforme d'analyse numérique d'Amplitude

Le produit vise à répondre aux défis courants des tests A/B, tels que les configurations gourmandes en ressources, le manque de flexibilité et les ralentissements des pages. Web Experimentation est maintenant disponible pour tous les clients, avec une inclusion gratuite dans le plan Starter.

Amplitude (Nasdaq: AMPL) hat Web Experimentation eingeführt, ein neues Produkt, das einfaches A/B-Testing und die Personalisierung des Web-Erlebnisses ermöglicht. Dieses Self-Service-Tool erlaubt es Produktmanagern, Marketingfachleuten und Wachstumsführern, Experimente mit minimaler Ingenieursunterstützung durchzuführen und beschleunigt den Testprozess. Zu den Hauptfunktionen gehören:

  • Visuelle Bearbeitung und Point-and-Click-Interaktion
  • Hochleistungsinfrastruktur zur Beseitigung von Bildschirmflackern
  • Erweiterte Statistiken für komplexe Experimente
  • Benutzerdefinierter Code-Editor für das Testen von Modalen, Bannern und Layouts
  • Integration mit der digitalen Analyseplattform von Amplitude

Das Produkt zielt darauf ab, häufige Herausforderungen beim A/B-Testing zu adressieren, wie ressourcenintensive Setups, mangelnde Flexibilität und Seitenverlangsamungen. Web Experimentation ist jetzt für alle Kunden verfügbar und ist kostenlos im Starter-Plan enthalten.

  • Launch of Web Experimentation product for easy A/B testing
  • Reduced need for engineering support in conducting experiments
  • Integration with Amplitude's existing digital analytics platform
  • Free inclusion of Web Experimentation in the Starter plan
  • None.


Amplitude's new Web Experimentation product is a significant development for digital teams. It addresses key pain points in A/B testing by offering:

  • Visual editing and point-and-click interaction, reducing reliance on engineering resources
  • High-performance infrastructure to eliminate page slowdowns
  • Integration with Amplitude's analytics platform for better insights

This self-service approach could accelerate innovation cycles and improve conversion rates for web and digital teams. The inclusion in the Starter plan makes it accessible to companies of all sizes, potentially disrupting the market for A/B testing tools.

However, the impact on Amplitude's revenue and market position remains to be seen. While this launch enhances their product offering, it's unclear how it will translate to new customer acquisition or upselling existing customers. The real test will be in adoption rates and customer feedback over the coming quarters.

Amplitude's launch of Web Experimentation is a strategic move in the competitive digital analytics market. Key observations:

  • It addresses a gap in the market for user-friendly, scalable A/B testing tools
  • The integration with Amplitude's existing analytics platform creates a more comprehensive offering
  • The focus on reducing engineering dependencies aligns with the trend of empowering non-technical teams

This product could potentially expand Amplitude's total addressable market by appealing to marketing and growth teams, not just product managers. However, the impact on Amplitude's financial performance will depend on:

  • Adoption rates among existing customers
  • Ability to attract new customers from competitors
  • Potential for upselling to higher-tier plans

Investors should monitor customer testimonials, usage metrics and future earnings reports to gauge the success of this launch.

Scale experimentation and improve conversion with clicks, not code

SAN FRANCISCO--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Amplitude (Nasdaq: AMPL), a leading digital analytics platform, today announced Web Experimentation – a new product that makes it easy for product managers, marketers, and growth leaders to A/B test and personalize web experiences. With visual editing and point-and-click interaction, Web Experimentation reduces the need for engineering support and accelerates testing.

Today's most successful organizations see experimentation as essential, but A/B testing tools are often difficult to use and scale. They require extensive engineering resources. They lack flexibility and introduce page slowness, which impacts conversion rates. And they suffer from disconnected data and clunky integrations.

With Web Experimentation, Amplitude now offers a powerful and self-serve way to easily run A/B tests. This enables teams to drive better conversion without compromising page performance. With step-by-step guidance, teams can modify the page, add targeting options, and start their experiment in a few clicks. And this isn't just for simple test cases. Amplitude's high-performance infrastructure provides advanced statistics that scale to meet every customer's needs. This gives teams of all sizes the confidence to run complex experiments without wasting engineering resources.

"Change is the only constant in technology. As a result, teams have to be ready to move faster than ever," said Francois Ajenstat, chief product officer at Amplitude. "We want to help anyone embrace experimentation without slowing them down. That's why we created a powerful Web Experimentation product that's easy to adopt, use, and scale. Now, anyone can run effective experiments that lead to better conversion and drive growth."

Amplitude Web Experimentation is the latest addition to the company’s integrated digital analytics platform, which helps companies everywhere build better digital products and experiences. Amplitude's platform offers Analytics, Session Replay, Feature Experimentation, and CDP.

Highlights of the new product include:

  • Visual experiment editor: Use clicks, not code, to run experiments directly on top of your website or single-page app (SPA).
  • Guided user experience: Get step-by-step help to set up your A/B tests correctly every time.
  • High-performance infrastructure: Eliminate screen flicker and customize your tests with built-in statistical algorithms like sequential testing, CUPED, and multi-armed bandits.
  • Custom code editor: With minimal engineering help, teams can use blocks of JavaScript, CSS, and HTML in their variants to test modals, banners, page layouts, and more.
  • Insight-driven experiments: Drive better personalization and conversion rates by combining customer insights with targeted A/B testing.

These capabilities are available today for all customers and included for free in our Starter plan.

“Experimentation is a fundamental part of our culture at Lendi Group, but a lot of the tools out there are complicated, clunky, and not scalable,” said Adam Craig, Website Product Manager at Lendi Group. “Amplitude Web Experimentation is a game-changer for us. Our marketing and growth teams can now easily run their own experiments without engineering support. This sets us up to move faster and drive better conversion rates.”

Learn more about Amplitude Web Experimentation and our Digital Analytics Platform on our blog.

About Amplitude

Amplitude is a leading digital analytics platform that helps companies unlock the power of their products. More than 3,200 customers, including Atlassian, NBCUniversal, Under Armour, Shopify, and Jersey Mike’s, rely on Amplitude to gain self-service visibility into the entire customer journey. Amplitude guides companies every step of the way as they capture data they can trust, uncover clear insights about customer behavior, and take faster action. When teams understand how people are using their products, they can deliver better product experiences that drive growth. Amplitude is the best-in-class analytics solution for product, data, and marketing teams, ranked #1 in multiple categories by G2's Summer 2024 Report. Learn how to optimize your digital products and business at

Source: Amplitude


What is Amplitude's new Web Experimentation product?

Amplitude's Web Experimentation is a self-service A/B testing tool that allows product managers, marketers, and growth leaders to easily test and personalize web experiences with minimal engineering support.

How does Amplitude Web Experimentation differ from other A/B testing tools?

Amplitude Web Experimentation offers visual editing, point-and-click interaction, high-performance infrastructure, and advanced statistics, addressing common issues like resource-intensive setups, lack of flexibility, and page slowdowns.

What are the key features of Amplitude's Web Experimentation product?

Key features include a visual experiment editor, guided user experience, high-performance infrastructure, custom code editor, and insight-driven experiments for better personalization and conversion rates.

Is Amplitude's Web Experimentation product available for all customers?

Yes, Web Experimentation is available for all Amplitude customers and is included for free in the Starter plan.

Amplitude, Inc.


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