AMN Healthcare Introduces Televate™ Teletherapy Platform for Students K-12

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AMN Healthcare, the leading healthcare workforce solutions company, is launching Televate™, a new teletherapy platform for K-12 students. Set to debut in the 2024-2025 school year, Televate aims to increase access to therapy services in underserved areas. The platform offers unique features designed for high-quality therapy and evaluation services, including:

  • Virtual therapy rooms
  • Scheduling and document management
  • Individual and group sessions
  • Second camera integration
  • Collaborative tools like whiteboard and greenscreen
  • Integrated materials and assessments from leading publishers

AMN Healthcare will provide training to school districts and clinicians, and plans to make further enhancements based on user feedback throughout the school year.

AMN Healthcare, la principale azienda di soluzioni per il personale sanitario, sta lanciando Televate™, una nuova piattaforma di teleterapia per studenti della scuola K-12. Inaugurata per l'anno scolastico 2024-2025, Televate ha l'obiettivo di aumentare l'accesso ai servizi di terapia nelle aree svantaggiate. La piattaforma offre caratteristiche uniche progettate per servizi di terapia e valutazione di alta qualità, tra cui:

  • Stanze di terapia virtuali
  • Gestione della programmazione e dei documenti
  • Sedute individuali e di gruppo
  • Integrazione di una seconda telecamera
  • Strumenti collaborativi come lavagna e greenscreen
  • Materiali e valutazioni integrate da editori leader

AMN Healthcare fornirà formazione ai distretti scolastici e ai medici, e prevede di apportare ulteriori miglioramenti in base ai feedback degli utenti durante l'anno scolastico.

AMN Healthcare, la empresa líder en soluciones de personal de salud, está lanzando Televate™, una nueva plataforma de teleterapia para estudiantes de K-12. Su estreno está previsto para el año escolar 2024-2025 y Televate tiene como objetivo aumentar el acceso a los servicios de terapia en áreas desatendidas. La plataforma ofrece características únicas diseñadas para servicios de terapia y evaluación de alta calidad, que incluyen:

  • Salas de terapia virtual
  • Gestión de programación y documentos
  • Sesiones individuales y grupales
  • Integración de segunda cámara
  • Herramientas colaborativas como pizarra y pantalla verde
  • Materiales y evaluaciones integradas de editores líderes

AMN Healthcare proporcionará capacitación a los distritos escolares y a los clínicos, y planea realizar mejoras adicionales basadas en los comentarios de los usuarios a lo largo del año escolar.

AMN 헬스케어, 선도적인 의료 인력 솔루션 회사가 K-12 학생을 위한 새로운 원격 치료 플랫폼 Televate™를 출시합니다. 2024-2025 학년도에 데뷔할 예정인 Televate는 소외된 지역에서 치료 서비스에 대한 접근성을 향상시키는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. 이 플랫폼은 고품질 치료 및 평가 서비스를 위해 설계된 독특한 기능을 제공합니다. 포함 사항은 다음과 같습니다:

  • 가상 치료실
  • 일정 및 문서 관리
  • 개별 및 그룹 세션
  • 두 번째 카메라 통합
  • 화이트보드 및 그린스크린과 같은 협업 도구
  • 주요 출판사의 통합 자료 및 평가

AMN 헬스케어는 학교 구역과 임상의에게 교육을 제공하며, 학년 내내 사용자 피드백에 따라 추가 개선을 계획하고 있습니다.

AMN Healthcare, l'entreprise leader dans les solutions de personnel de santé, lance Televate™, une nouvelle plateforme de téléthérapie pour les élèves de K-12. Prévue pour le début de l'année scolaire 2024-2025, Televate vise à augmenter l'accès aux services de thérapie dans les zones mal desservies. La plateforme propose des fonctionnalités uniques conçues pour des services de thérapie et d'évaluation de haute qualité, y compris :

  • Salles de thérapie virtuelles
  • Gestion des horaires et des documents
  • Sessions individuelles et de groupe
  • Intégration d'une seconde caméra
  • Outils collaboratifs comme tableau blanc et écran vert
  • Matériaux et évaluations intégrés provenant d'éditeurs de premier plan

AMN Healthcare fournira une formation aux districts scolaires et aux cliniciens, et prévoit d'apporter d'autres améliorations en fonction des retours des utilisateurs tout au long de l'année scolaire.

AMN Healthcare, das führende Unternehmen für Lösungen im Gesundheitswesen, bringt Televate™, eine neue Teletherapie-Plattform für Schüler der Klassen K-12, auf den Markt. Diese wird im Schuljahr 2024-2025 eingeführt und hat das Ziel, den Zugang zu Therapiediensten in unterversorgten Gebieten zu erhöhen. Die Plattform bietet einzigartige Funktionen, die für hochwertige Therapie- und Bewertungsdienste konzipiert sind, darunter:

  • Virtuelle Therapieräume
  • Terminkoordination und Dokumentenmanagement
  • Einzel- und Gruppensitzungen
  • Integration einer zweiten Kamera
  • Kollaborationstools wie Whiteboard und Greenscreen
  • Integrierte Materialien und Bewertungen von führenden Verlagen

AMN Healthcare wird Schulbezirke und Fachkräfte schulen und plant, im Laufe des Schuljahres weitere Verbesserungen auf der Grundlage von Benutzerfeedback vorzunehmen.

  • Introduction of Televate™, a new teletherapy platform for K-12 students
  • Potential expansion of AMN Healthcare's market reach in the education sector
  • Addressing the increasing need for school-based therapy services
  • Offering unique features designed specifically for high-quality therapy and evaluation services
  • None.

AMN Healthcare's introduction of Televate™ marks a significant advancement in the EdTech sector, particularly in the realm of teletherapy for K-12 students. This platform addresses a critical gap in the market by offering a specialized solution for school-based therapy services, which is particularly timely given the increasing demand and access to therapists.

The platform's unique features, such as virtual therapy rooms, integrated scheduling and secure document management, set it apart from generic video conferencing tools currently used for teletherapy. The inclusion of collaborative tools like whiteboards and greenscreens demonstrates a deep understanding of the needs of both therapists and students in a virtual environment.

From a market perspective, Televate™ positions AMN Healthcare to capture a significant share of the growing teletherapy market in education. The platform's launch for the 2024-2025 school year is strategically timed to coincide with school districts' planning cycles, potentially leading to rapid adoption.

However, the success of Televate™ will largely depend on its ease of use, reliability and the quality of training provided to school districts and clinicians. The company's commitment to ongoing enhancements based on user feedback is a positive sign, but the initial rollout will be important in establishing the platform's reputation.

While this development is promising for AMN Healthcare's growth in the education sector, investors should monitor the platform's adoption rates and any potential regulatory challenges in the telehealth space for minors. The long-term impact on AMN Healthcare's revenue stream and market position will become clearer as the platform gains traction in the upcoming school year.

The launch of Televate™ by AMN Healthcare represents a strategic move to diversify and strengthen its position in the healthcare workforce solutions market. This platform addresses the growing demand for teletherapy services in schools, a sector that has seen increased attention since the COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the importance of remote healthcare delivery.

From a business perspective, this initiative aligns well with AMN Healthcare's core competencies in healthcare staffing and technology solutions. By offering a specialized platform for school-based therapy, the company is effectively creating a new revenue stream while also enhancing its value proposition to existing clients in the education sector.

The timing of this launch is particularly noteworthy. With the platform set to debut in the 2024-2025 school year, AMN Healthcare is positioning itself to capitalize on the ongoing digital transformation in education and healthcare. This move could potentially lead to increased market share and improved profit margins in the long term, as software solutions typically offer higher margins compared to traditional staffing services.

However, investors should be aware of potential challenges. The education technology market is increasingly competitive and AMN Healthcare will need to demonstrate clear differentiation and value to stand out. Additionally, the success of Televate™ will depend on factors such as user adoption rates, regulatory compliance (particularly regarding student data privacy) and the platform's ability to deliver measurable improvements in therapy outcomes.

Overall, while this development presents significant opportunities for AMN Healthcare, it also introduces new operational and market risks that will require careful management. Investors should closely monitor the platform's performance metrics and adoption rates in its initial rollout to gauge its potential impact on the company's future growth and profitability.

New Technology to Expand Access to Therapy in High-Need Areas

DALLAS, July 30, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- AMN Healthcare, the nation’s leading healthcare workforce solutions company, is introducing a new teletherapy platform designed to increase access to therapy services for students nationwide. “Televate™,” as the platform is called, allows school therapists, including psychologists, speech language pathologists and others, to conduct sessions in virtual therapy rooms, manage their scheduling, attendance, referrals and document uploads all in one secure location.

“The need for school-based therapy services is increasing, while access to therapists is limited,” said Kristin Martinez, M.A., CCC-SLP, Senior Director, Teletherapy with AMN Healthcare. “Televate offers an innovative way to expand access to individualized, essential services in underserved areas and other school districts where these services are urgently needed.”

While teletherapy now is available to some students, Televate offers unique features that create a new level of care, according to Martinez. Some current student teletherapy sessions take place on platforms designed for conference calls and webinars that were not developed to support high-quality therapy and evaluation services for children. Televate, by contrast, provides features designed to increase ease of student access, while engaging and empowering students to reach their developmental and academic goals, Martinez said.

These features include capacity for individual and group sessions, second camera integration, adjustable video feeds, and collaborative tools, including a whiteboard and greenscreen. In addition, clinicians can access a therapy room with integrated materials and assessments from leading publishers to meet standardized virtual evaluation requirements.

“Televate is a high-tech resource intended to achieve a high-touch outcome,” said Patrick O’Connor, President, School Solutions with AMN Healthcare. “It provides clinicians with everything they need to perform their jobs at an extremely high level, while allowing school districts to meet mandated therapy service requirements.”

Televate will be offered at the beginning of the 2024-2025 school year. Training on the platform will be provided to both school districts and clinicians staffed by AMN Healthcare. Throughout the school year, AMN Healthcare will partner with school districts and clinicians to make further enhancements to the platform if needed to better serve student needs.

For additional information about AMN Healthcare and its school staffing and technology services, visit

About AMN Healthcare  
AMN Healthcare is the leader and innovator in total talent solutions for healthcare organizations across the United States. Through a steadfast partnership approach, we solve the most pressing workforce challenges to enable better clinical outcomes and access to care. We provide a comprehensive network of quality healthcare professionals and deliver a fully integrated and customizable suite of workforce technologies.

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AMN Healthcare  
(866) 861-3229 


When will AMN Healthcare's Televate™ teletherapy platform be available for K-12 students?

Televate™ will be offered at the beginning of the 2024-2025 school year.

What unique features does AMN Healthcare's Televate™ platform offer for teletherapy?

Televate™ offers virtual therapy rooms, scheduling management, individual and group sessions, second camera integration, collaborative tools like whiteboard and greenscreen, and integrated materials and assessments from leading publishers.

How does AMN Healthcare's Televate™ platform aim to address the need for school-based therapy services?

Televate™ aims to expand access to individualized, essential therapy services in underserved areas and school districts where these services are urgently needed.

Will AMN Healthcare (AMN) provide training for the Televate™ platform?

Yes, AMN Healthcare will provide training on the Televate™ platform to both school districts and clinicians staffed by the company.

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