AMD President Victor Peng to Retire
AMD has announced the retirement of President Victor Peng, effective August 30, 2024. Peng, who rejoined AMD in 2022 following the Xilinx acquisition, will continue in an advisory role until his retirement date. Under his leadership, AMD became the industry's #1 provider of FPGA and adaptive computing solutions.
As part of the transition, Vamsi Boppana, Senior VP of the Artificial Intelligence Group, will expand his responsibilities to include the AMD Instinct™ data center AI accelerator business. Salil Raje, Senior VP and GM of the Adaptive and Embedded Computing Group, will continue leading the AMD embedded business. Both Boppana and Raje will report directly to AMD Chair and CEO Dr. Lisa Su.
AMD ha annunciato il ritiro del presidente Victor Peng, che sarà effettivo il 30 agosto 2024. Peng, che è tornato in AMD nel 2022 dopo l'acquisizione di Xilinx, continuerà a svolgere un ruolo di consulenza fino alla data del suo ritiro. Sotto la sua leadership, AMD è diventata il fornitore numero 1 del settore di soluzioni FPGA e di calcolo adattivo.
Come parte della transizione, Vamsi Boppana, Vicepresidente Senior del Gruppo Intelligenza Artificiale, amplierà le sue responsabilità per includere il business degli acceleratori AI AMD Instinct™ per i data center. Salil Raje, Vicepresidente Senior e GM del Gruppo Calcolo Adattivo ed Embeddato, continuerà a guidare il business embedded di AMD. Sia Boppana che Raje riporteranno direttamente al Presidente e CEO di AMD, Dr. Lisa Su.
AMD ha anunciado la jubilación del presidente Victor Peng, que será efectiva el 30 de agosto de 2024. Peng, que se reincorporó a AMD en 2022 tras la adquisición de Xilinx, continuará en un rol de asesoría hasta la fecha de su jubilación. Bajo su liderazgo, AMD se convirtió en el proveedor número 1 de la industria de soluciones FPGA y de computación adaptativa.
Como parte de la transición, Vamsi Boppana, Vicepresidente Senior del Grupo de Inteligencia Artificial, ampliará sus responsabilidades para incluir el negocio de aceleradores de IA para centros de datos AMD Instinct™. Salil Raje, Vicepresidente Senior y Gerente General del Grupo de Computación Adaptativa y Embebida, continuará liderando el negocio embebido de AMD. Tanto Boppana como Raje reportarán directamente a la presidenta y CEO de AMD, la Dra. Lisa Su.
AMD는 대통령 빅터 펭의 퇴임을 발표했으며, 이는 2024년 8월 30일자로 시행됩니다. 펭은 2022년 자일린스 인수 이후 AMD에 재합류하였으며, 퇴임일까지 자문 역할을 계속 수행할 것입니다. 그의 리더십 아래에서, AMD는 FPGA 및 적응형 컴퓨팅 솔루션의 업계 1위 공급자가 되었습니다.
전환의 일환으로, 밤시 보파나, 인공지능 그룹의 수석 부사장은 AMD Instinct™ 데이터 센터 AI 가속기 사업을 포함하도록 책임을 확대할 것입니다. 살릴 라제, 적응형 및 임베디드 컴퓨팅 그룹의 수석 부사장 및 총 책임자는 AMD의 임베디드 비즈니스를 계속 이끌 것입니다. 보파나와 라제는 모두 AMD 회장 겸 CEO인 리사 수 박사에게 직접 보고할 것입니다.
AMD a annoncé le départ à la retraite du président Victor Peng, qui prendra effet le 30 août 2024. Peng, qui a rejoint AMD en 2022 après l'acquisition de Xilinx, continuera à occuper un rôle de conseil jusqu'à sa date de départ à la retraite. Sous sa direction, AMD est devenu le premier fournisseur de la branche en solutions FPGA et en informatique adaptative.
Dans le cadre de cette transition, Vamsi Boppana, vice-président senior du groupe Intelligence Artificielle, étendra ses responsabilités pour inclure l'activité des accélérateurs d'IA pour centres de données AMD Instinct™. Salil Raje, vice-président senior et directeur général du groupe Informatique Adapative et Intégrée, continuera à diriger l'activité intégrée d'AMD. Boppana et Raje rendront tous deux compte directement à la présidente et PDG d'AMD, Dr. Lisa Su.
AMD hat den Rücktritt von Präsident Victor Peng bekannt gegeben, der am 30. August 2024 wirksam wird. Peng, der 2022 nach der Übernahme von Xilinx zu AMD zurückkehrte, wird bis zu seinem Rücktrittsdatum weiterhin in beratender Funktion tätig sein. Unter seiner Führung wurde AMD der branchenweit führende Anbieter von FPGA- und adaptiven Computing-Lösungen.
Im Rahmen des Übergangs wird Vamsi Boppana, Senior VP der Künstlichen Intelligenz Gruppe, seine Verantwortlichkeiten erweitern, um das Geschäft mit den AMD Instinct™ KI-Beschleunigern für Rechenzentren einzuschließen. Salil Raje, Senior VP und GM der Gruppe für Adaptive und Embedded Computing, wird das AMD-Embedded-Geschäft weiterhin leiten. Sowohl Boppana als auch Raje werden direkt an die Vorsitzende und CEO von AMD, Dr. Lisa Su, berichten.
- AMD became the industry's #1 provider of FPGA and adaptive computing solutions under Peng's leadership
- Smooth transition plan with experienced executives Vamsi Boppana and Salil Raje taking on expanded roles
- Departure of a key executive, Victor Peng, who played a important role in integrating Xilinx and scaling the embedded business
SANTA CLARA, Calif., July 22, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- AMD (NASDAQ: AMD) today announced that AMD President Victor Peng is retiring effective August 30, 2024. He will continue to serve on the AMD executive team in an advisory role and support the transition until his retirement date.
“Victor re-joined AMD in 2022 following the acquisition of Xilinx and played an important role successfully integrating and scaling our embedded business and leading our cross-company AI strategy,” said AMD Chair and CEO Dr. Lisa Su. “Under his leadership, AMD became the industry’s #1 provider of FPGA and adaptive computing solutions. On behalf of the AMD Board, executive leadership team and the thousands of employees who have worked with him, I want to thank Victor for his outstanding leadership and wish him the best in his retirement.”
Peng retires with over 40 years of experience defining and delivering leadership technologies across FPGAs, SoCs, GPUs and high-performance CPUs. He has served as president at AMD since February 2022 when he rejoined the company after the acquisition of Xilinx, where he spent 14 years, most recently serving as president, CEO and member of the board of directors.
As part of the transition, Senior Vice President of the Artificial Intelligence Group (AIG) Vamsi Boppana will expand his current responsibilities to include the AMD Instinct™ data center AI accelerator business. Boppana joined Xilinx in 2008 and has served in a variety of technical and business leadership positions. He is currently responsible for cross-company AI software and ecosystem development and AI hardware roadmaps. Senior Vice President and General Manager, Adaptive and Embedded Computing Group Salil Raje will continue in his role leading the AMD embedded business. Boppana and Raje will now report to AMD Chair and CEO Dr. Lisa Su.
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For more than 50 years AMD has driven innovation in high-performance computing, graphics and visualization technologies. Billions of people, leading Fortune 500 businesses and cutting-edge scientific research institutions around the world rely on AMD technology daily to improve how they live, work and play. AMD employees are focused on building leadership high-performance and adaptive products that push the boundaries of what is possible. For more information about how AMD is enabling today and inspiring tomorrow, visit the AMD (NASDAQ: AMD) website, blog, LinkedIn and X pages.
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Brandi Martina
AMD Communications
+1 512-705-1720
Suresh Bhaskaran
AMD Investor Relations
+1 408-749-2845

When is AMD President Victor Peng retiring?
Who will take over Victor Peng's responsibilities at AMD?
What was Victor Peng's role in AMD's success?