AMD Announces Press Conference at CES 2025
AMD announced it will host a press conference during CES 2025 Media Days on January 6 at 11 a.m. PST at the Mandalay Bay. Jack Huynh, AMD's senior vice president and general manager of Computing and Graphics Group, along with other executives will discuss AMD's leadership in PCs and gaming, and showcase the company's high-performance computing and AI product portfolio. The event will be livestreamed on AMD's YouTube Channel with replay available afterward.
AMD ha annunciato che ospiterà una conferenza stampa durante i Media Days del CES 2025 il 6 gennaio alle 11:00 PST presso il Mandalay Bay. Jack Huynh, vicepresidente senior di AMD e direttore generale del Computing and Graphics Group, insieme ad altri dirigenti, discuterà della leadership di AMD nei PC e nel gaming, presentando il portafoglio di prodotti ad alta prestazione e di intelligenza artificiale dell'azienda. L'evento sarà trasmesso in diretta sul canale YouTube di AMD, con una replica disponibile successivamente.
AMD anunció que celebrará una conferencia de prensa durante los Días de Medios del CES 2025 el 6 de enero a las 11 a.m. PST en el Mandalay Bay. Jack Huynh, vicepresidente senior y director general del Grupo de Computación y Gráficos de AMD, junto con otros ejecutivos, discutirán el liderazgo de AMD en PCs y juegos, y mostrarán el portafolio de productos de computación de alto rendimiento y AI de la empresa. El evento se transmitirá en vivo en el canal de YouTube de AMD, con la posibilidad de ver una repetición más tarde.
AMD는 CES 2025 미디어 데이 동안 1월 6일 오전 11시 PST에 만달레이 베이에서 기자 회견을 진행할 것이라고 발표했습니다. Jack Huynh AMD의 수석 부사장 겸 컴퓨팅 및 그래픽 그룹 총괄이사와 다른 임원들이 PC와 게임 분야에서 AMD의 리더십에 대해 논의하고 회사의 고성능 컴퓨팅 및 AI 제품 포트폴리오를 선보일 예정입니다. 이 행사는 AMD의 유튜브 채널에서 생중계되며, 이후 다시 볼 수 있는 Replay가 제공됩니다.
AMD a annoncé qu'il organisera une conférence de presse pendant les Media Days du CES 2025 le 6 janvier à 11h PST au Mandalay Bay. Jack Huynh, vice-président senior et directeur général du groupe Computing and Graphics d'AMD, ainsi que d'autres dirigeants, discuteront du leadership d'AMD dans les PC et le jeu, et présenteront le portefeuille de produits informatiques haute performance et d'IA de l'entreprise. L'événement sera diffusé en direct sur la chaîne YouTube d'AMD, avec possibilité de revoir le contenu par la suite.
AMD kündigte an, dass es am 6. Januar um 11 Uhr PST während der Media Days des CES 2025 eine Pressekonferenz im Mandalay Bay abhalten wird. Jack Huynh, Senior Vice President und General Manager der Computing and Graphics Group von AMD, wird zusammen mit anderen Führungskräften über die Führungsposition von AMD im PC- und Gaming-Bereich sprechen und das Produktportfolio für Hochleistungsrechner und KI des Unternehmens präsentieren. Die Veranstaltung wird live auf dem YouTube-Kanal von AMD übertragen, mit einer späteren Wiederholung.
- None.
- None.
SANTA CLARA, Calif., Dec. 03, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- AMD (NASDAQ: AMD) today announced that it will be hosting a press conference as a part of the official CES 2025 Media Days. The press conference will take place on Monday, Jan. 6 at 11 a.m. PST at the Mandalay Bay.
AMD senior vice president and general manager of the Computing and Graphics Group Jack Huynh, along with other AMD executives will be joined by partners and customers to discuss how AMD is expanding its leadership across PCs and gaming, and highlight the breadth of the company's high-performance computing and AI product portfolio.
The keynote will be available to livestream on the AMD YouTube Channel, with replay available after the conclusion of the livestream event.
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For more than 50 years AMD has driven innovation in high-performance computing, graphics and visualization technologies. Billions of people, leading Fortune 500 businesses and cutting-edge scientific research institutions around the world rely on AMD technology daily to improve how they live, work and play. AMD employees are focused on building leadership high-performance and adaptive products that push the boundaries of what is possible. For more information about how AMD is enabling today and inspiring tomorrow, visit the AMD (NASDAQ: AMD) website, blog, LinkedIn and X pages.
Stacy MacDiarmid
AMD Communications
+1 (512) 658-2265
Mitch Haws
AMD Investor Relations
+1 (512) 944-07905

When is AMD's CES 2025 press conference?
What will AMD (AMD) discuss at CES 2025?
Who will present at AMD's CES 2025 press conference?