Amcor released 2024 Sustainability Report highlighting key achievements and progress

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Amcor (NYSE: AMCR; ASX: AMC) released its 2024 Sustainability Report, showcasing significant achievements and progress. Key highlights include:

  • Safest year on record
  • 94% of flexible packaging portfolio has recycle-ready solutions
  • 95% of rigid packaging is recyclable in practice and at scale
  • Surpassed 10% post-consumer recycled plastic goal one year early
  • Purchased over 254,000 metric tons of recycled material
  • 9% reduction in absolute greenhouse gas emissions compared to FY23
  • 14% of electricity used was renewable, a 64% increase from previous year

Amcor's short-term and net-zero targets have been approved by the Science Based Targets initiative. The company published a Decarbonization Roadmap outlining its approach to reach net-zero by 2050. Amcor emphasizes the need for consumer participation and infrastructure development to achieve true circularity in packaging.

Amcor (NYSE: AMCR; ASX: AMC) ha pubblicato il proprio Rapporto di Sostenibilità 2024, evidenziando risultati significativi e progressi. I punti salienti includono:

  • Il anno più sicuro mai registrato
  • Il 94% del portafoglio di imballaggi flessibili ha soluzioni pronte per il riciclo
  • Il 95% degli imballaggi rigidi è riciclabile nella pratica e su larga scala
  • Superato l'obiettivo del 10% di plastica riciclata post-consumo con un anno di anticipo
  • Acquistate oltre 254.000 tonnellate metriche di materiale riciclato
  • Riduzione del 9% nelle emissioni assolute di gas a effetto serra rispetto all'anno fiscale 2023
  • Il 14% dell'elettricità utilizzata era rinnovabile, con un aumento del 64% rispetto all'anno precedente

Gli obiettivi a breve termine e di net-zero di Amcor sono stati approvati dall'iniziativa Science Based Targets. L'azienda ha pubblicato una Tabella di marcia per la decarbonizzazione che delinea il suo approccio per raggiungere il net-zero entro il 2050. Amcor sottolinea l'importanza della partecipazione dei consumatori e dello sviluppo delle infrastrutture per raggiungere la vera circolarità negli imballaggi.

Amcor (NYSE: AMCR; ASX: AMC) ha publicado su Informe de Sostenibilidad 2024, destacando logros y avances significativos. Los puntos más destacados incluyen:

  • El año más seguro en registro
  • El 94% de la cartera de empaques flexibles tiene soluciones listas para reciclaje
  • El 95% de los empaques rígidos es reciclable en la práctica y a gran escala
  • Superado el objetivo del 10% de plástico reciclado post-consumo un año antes
  • Compradas más de 254,000 toneladas métricas de material reciclado
  • Reducción del 9% en las emisiones absolutas de gases de efecto invernadero en comparación con el año fiscal 23
  • El 14% de la electricidad utilizada fue renovable, un aumento del 64% respecto al año anterior

Los objetivos a corto plazo y de neutralidad de carbono de Amcor han sido aprobados por la iniciativa Science Based Targets. La empresa publicó un Mapa de Ruta de Descarbonización que describe su enfoque para alcanzar la neutralidad de carbono para 2050. Amcor enfatiza la necesidad de la participación del consumidor y el desarrollo de infraestructuras para lograr una verdadera circularidad en los empaques.

암코르 (NYSE: AMCR; ASX: AMC)는 2024 지속 가능성 보고서를 발표하며 중요한 성과와 진전을 보여주었습니다. 주요 하이라이트는 다음과 같습니다:

  • 최고의 안전한 해 기록
  • 유연한 포장 포트폴리오의 94%가 재활용 준비 솔루션 보유
  • 단단한 포장의 95%는 실제로 대규모로 재활용 가능
  • 소비 후 재활용 플라스틱 목표 10%를 1년 일찍 초과 달성
  • 254,000톤 이상의 재활용 소재 구매
  • 2023 회계 연도 대비 온실가스 배출량 9% 감소
  • 사용한 전기의 14%가 재생 가능 에너지로, 전년도 대비 64% 증가

암코르의 단기 및 넷 제로 목표는 Science Based Targets 이니셔티브에 의해 승인되었습니다. 이 회사는 2050년까지 넷 제로에 도달하기 위한 접근 방식을 설명하는 탈탄소화 로드맵을 발표했습니다. 암코르는 포장의 진정한 순환성을 달성하기 위해 소비자의 참여와 인프라 개발의 필요성을 강조합니다.

Amcor (NYSE: AMCR; ASX: AMC) a publié son Rapport de Durabilité 2024, mettant en avant des réalisations et des progrès significatifs. Les principales points à retenir comprennent :

  • L'année la plus sûre jamais enregistrée
  • 94% du portefeuille d'emballages flexibles dispose de solutions prêtes pour le recyclage
  • 95% des emballages rigides sont en pratique recyclables à grande échelle
  • Objectif de 10% de plastique recyclé post-consommation dépassé d'un an
  • Achat de plus de 254 000 tonnes métriques de matériaux recyclés
  • Réduction de 9% des émissions absolues de gaz à effet de serre par rapport à l'exercice 2023
  • 14% de l'électricité utilisée provenait de sources renouvelables, soit une augmentation de 64% par rapport à l'année précédente

Les objectifs à court terme et de zéro émission nette d'Amcor ont été approuvés par l'initiative Science Based Targets. L'entreprise a publié une feuille de route de décarbonisation décrivant son approche pour atteindre zéro émission nette d'ici 2050. Amcor souligne l'importance de la participation des consommateurs et du développement des infrastructures pour atteindre une véritable circularité des emballages.

Amcor (NYSE: AMCR; ASX: AMC) hat seinen Nachhaltigkeitsbericht 2024 veröffentlicht und bedeutende Erfolge sowie Fortschritte präsentiert. Wichtige Highlights umfassen:

  • Das sicherste Jahr in der Geschichte
  • 94% des flexiblen Verpackungsportfolios verfügt über recyclingfähige Lösungen
  • 95% der starren Verpackungen sind in der Praxis und im großen Maßstab recyclingfähig
  • Über 10% Ziel für post-consumer Recyclingkunststoff ein Jahr früher überschritten
  • Über 254.000 metrische Tonnen Recyclingmaterial gekauft
  • 9% Reduktion der absoluten Treibhausgasemissionen im Vergleich zum Geschäftsjahr 2023
  • 14% des verwendeten Stroms waren erneuerbar, ein Anstieg von 64% im Vergleich zum Vorjahr

Die kurzfristigen Ziele und das Netto-Null-Ziel von Amcor wurden von der Science Based Targets Initiative genehmigt. Das Unternehmen veröffentlichte eine Dekarbonisierungs-Roadmap, die seinen Ansatz zur Erreichung von Netto-Null bis 2050 skizziert. Amcor betont die Notwendigkeit der Beteiligung der Verbraucher und der Entwicklung der Infrastruktur, um eine echte Kreislaufwirtschaft in der Verpackung zu erreichen.

  • None.
  • None.

ZURICH, Oct. 18, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Amcor (NYSE: AMCR; ASX: AMC), a global leader in developing and producing responsible packaging solutions, released today its 2024 Sustainability Report. The report shows significant achievements and continued progress in the company's sustainability aspirations.

In addition to having its safest year ever, more than 94% of Amcor's flexible packaging portfolio by area had a recycle-ready solution available, and 95% of rigid packaging by weight was recyclable in practice and at scale. Amcor also surpassed its goal of including 10% post-consumer recycled plastic one year ahead of schedule and purchased more than 254,000 metric tons of recycled material for its solutions.

Amcor Chief Executive Officer Peter Konieczny said, "Amcor has led the way in making incredible progress designing our products to be recyclable and more efficient, but design alone is not enough. Society needs consumer participation and infrastructure development to make circularity real—to make sure used packaging is not left in nature but recycled to become new packaging. Sustainability is at the heart of our company and drives a sense of purpose, inspiration and energy in everything we do."

Amcor's short-term and net-zero targets have been approved by the Science Based Targets initiative and the company published a Decarbonization Roadmap to share its approach to reach net-zero by 2050. In addition, the company achieved a 9% reduction in absolute greenhouse gas emissions compared to FY23. 14% of the electricity used was renewable, which represents a 64% increase compared to the previous year.

Amcor Chief Sustainability Officer David Clark added, "Amcor is committed to leading the packaging industry toward a circular society. We are ramping up our efforts in advocating for consistent and effective regulations, encouraging infrastructure development, and educating both customers and consumers. We can all contribute to a more sustainable future."

Read Amcor's 2024 Sustainability Report and discover more sustainable packaging solutions on

About Amcor

Amcor is a global leader in developing and producing responsible packaging solutions across a variety of materials for food, beverage, pharmaceutical, medical, home and personal-care, and other products. Amcor works with leading companies around the world to protect products, differentiate brands, and improve supply chains. The Company offers a range of innovative, differentiating flexible and rigid packaging, specialty cartons, closures and services. The company is focused on making packaging that is increasingly recyclable, reusable, lighter weight and made using an increasing amount of recycled content. In fiscal year 2024, 41,000 Amcor people generated $13.6 billion in annual sales from operations that span 212 locations in 40 countries. NYSE: AMCR; ASX: AMC I LinkedIn I YouTube

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What are the key achievements in Amcor's 2024 Sustainability Report?

Amcor's 2024 Sustainability Report highlights several key achievements, including its safest year on record, 94% of flexible packaging with recycle-ready solutions, 95% of rigid packaging being recyclable, surpassing the 10% post-consumer recycled plastic goal ahead of schedule, and a 9% reduction in absolute greenhouse gas emissions compared to FY23.

How much recycled material did Amcor (AMCR) purchase for its solutions in 2024?

According to the 2024 Sustainability Report, Amcor purchased more than 254,000 metric tons of recycled material for its packaging solutions.

What percentage of Amcor's electricity usage was renewable in 2024?

Amcor's 2024 Sustainability Report states that 14% of the electricity used was renewable, representing a 64% increase compared to the previous year.

Has Amcor (AMCR) set any science-based targets for sustainability?

Yes, Amcor's short-term and net-zero targets have been approved by the Science Based Targets initiative. The company has also published a Decarbonization Roadmap outlining its approach to reach net-zero by 2050.

What is Amcor's stance on achieving circularity in packaging?

Amcor emphasizes that design alone is not enough for circularity. The company stresses the need for consumer participation and infrastructure development to ensure used packaging is recycled and becomes new packaging, rather than being left in nature.

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