Amalgamated Bank Issues Annual Environmental, Social and Governance Report for 2023

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Amalgamated Bank, a subsidiary of Amalgamated Financial Corp. (Nasdaq: AMAL), has released its 2023 Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report. The report highlights the bank's commitment to ESG principles and its impact on clients and investors. Key achievements include:

- B-Corp recertification with a score of 155.3
- Over $2 billion in funding for climate solutions (39% of lending portfolio)
- 70% of lending portfolios are high-impact and 100% mission-aligned
- Industry-leading emissions intensity of 14.7 tons CO2e per million dollars invested
- Supported clean energy projects resulting in 243,010 tons of avoided emissions
- Achieved substantial pay parity for women and minorities
- Received a perfect score on the Human Rights Campaign Foundation's Corporate Index

The bank remains committed to aligning its business practices with the Paris Climate Agreement goals and continues to develop financial products prioritizing environmental and social benefits alongside financial returns.

Amalgamated Bank, una sussidiaria di Amalgamated Financial Corp. (Nasdaq: AMAL), ha pubblicato il suo Rapporto Ambientale, Sociale e di Governance (ESG) 2023. Il rapporto evidenzia l'impegno della banca nei principi ESG e il suo impatto su clienti e investitori. I risultati chiave includono:

- Ricertificazione B-Corp con un punteggio di 155,3
- Oltre 2 miliardi di dollari in finanziamenti per soluzioni climatiche (39% del portafoglio di prestiti)
- Il 70% dei portafogli di prestiti sono ad alto impatto e il 100% allineati a missioni
- Intensity di emissioni leader di settore di 14,7 tonnellate CO2e per milione di dollari investiti
- Supportato progetti per energie rinnovabili che hanno portato a 243.010 tonnellate di emissioni evitate
- Raggiunto un significativo equilibrio retributivo per donne e minoranze
- Ricevuto un punteggio perfetto nell'Corporate Index della Human Rights Campaign Foundation

La banca rimane impegnata ad allineare le proprie pratiche commerciali agli obiettivi dell'Accordo di Parigi sul Clima e continua a sviluppare prodotti finanziari che danno priorità ai vantaggi ambientali e sociali insieme ai rendimenti finanziari.

Amalgamated Bank, una subsidiaria de Amalgamated Financial Corp. (Nasdaq: AMAL), ha publicado su Informe Ambiental, Social y de Gobernanza (ESG) 2023. Este informe destaca el compromiso del banco con los principios ESG y su impacto en clientes e inversores. Los logros clave incluyen:

- Recertificación B-Corp con un puntaje de 155.3
- Más de $2 mil millones en financiamiento para soluciones climáticas (39% de la cartera de préstamos)
- El 70% de las carteras de préstamos tienen un alto impacto y el 100% están alineadas con la misión
- Intensidad de emisiones líder en la industria de 14.7 toneladas CO2e por millón de dólares invertidos
- Apoyo a proyectos de energía limpia que resultaron en 243,010 toneladas de emisiones evitadas
- Logro de una paridad salarial sustancial para mujeres y minorías
- Obtención de un puntaje perfecto en el Corporate Index de la Human Rights Campaign Foundation

El banco sigue comprometido a alinear sus prácticas comerciales con los objetivos del Acuerdo de París sobre el Clima y continúa desarrollando productos financieros que priorizan los beneficios ambientales y sociales junto con los rendimientos financieros.

Amalgamated Bank, 아말가메이티드 파이낸셜 코프의 자회사(나스닥: AMAL), 가 2023 환경, 사회 및 거버넌스(ESG) 보고서를 발표했습니다. 이 보고서는 은행의 ESG 원칙에 대한 약속과 고객 및 투자자에 대한 영향을 강조합니다. 주요 성과는 다음과 같습니다:

- 점수 155.3으로 B-Corp 재인증
- 기후 솔루션을 위한 20억 달러 이상의 자금 지원(대출 포트폴리오의 39%)
- 대출 포트폴리오의 70%가 높은 임팩트와 100% 미션 정렬
- 투자 100만 달러 당 14.7톤 CO2e의 업계 최고 배출 강도
- 243,010톤의 배출량을 피한 청정 에너지 프로젝트 지원
- 여성 및 소수 민족을 위한 상당한 급여 형평성 확보
- 인권 캠페인 재단의 기업 지수에서 완벽한 점수 획득

은행은 파리 기후 협정 목표에 비즈니스 관행을 맞추는 데 전념하고 있으며 재정적 수익과 함께 환경 및 사회적 이점을 우선시하는 금융 상품을 계속 개발하고 있습니다.

Amalgamated Bank, une filiale de Amalgamated Financial Corp. (Nasdaq: AMAL), a publié son Rapport Environnemental, Social et de Gouvernance (ESG) 2023. Ce rapport met en avant l'engagement de la banque envers les principes ESG et son impact sur ses clients et investisseurs. Les résultats clés incluent :

- Recertification B-Corp avec un score de 155,3
- Plus de 2 milliards de dollars de financement pour des solutions climatiques (39% du portefeuille de prêts)
- 70% des portefeuilles de prêts ont un impact élevé et 100% sont alignés sur la mission
- Intensité des émissions de 14,7 tonnes CO2e par million de dollars investis, leader du secteur
- Soutien aux projets d'énergie propre ayant permis d'éviter 243 010 tonnes d'émissions
- Atteinte d'une parité salariale substantielle pour les femmes et les minorités
- Obtention d'un score parfait dans l'Index des Entreprises de la Human Rights Campaign Foundation

La banque reste engagée à aligner ses pratiques commerciales sur les objectifs de l'Accord de Paris sur le Climat et continue de développer des produits financiers qui privilégient les avantages environnementaux et sociaux, en parallèle des rendements financiers.

Amalgamated Bank, eine Tochtergesellschaft der Amalgamated Financial Corp. (Nasdaq: AMAL), hat ihren ESG-Bericht (Umwelt, Soziales und Unternehmensführung) 2023 veröffentlicht. Der Bericht hebt das Engagement der Bank für ESG-Prinzipien und deren Auswirkungen auf Kunden und Investoren hervor. Zu den wichtigsten Erfolgen gehören:

- B-Corp-Rezertifizierung mit einer Punktzahl von 155,3
- Über 2 Milliarden Dollar an Finanzierungen für Klimaschutzlösungen (39% des Kreditportfolios)
- 70% der Kreditportfolios sind von hohem Einfluss und 100% missioniert
- Branchenführende Emissionsintensität von 14,7 Tonnen CO2e pro eine Million Dollar Investitionen
- Unterstützung von Projekten für saubere Energie, die zu 243.010 Tonnen vermiedener Emissionen geführt haben
- Erheblicher Lohngleichheit für Frauen und Minderheiten erreicht
- Perfekte Punktzahl im Corporate Index der Human Rights Campaign Foundation erhalten

Die Bank verpflichtet sich weiterhin, ihre Geschäftspraktiken an den Zielen des Pariser Klimaschutzabkommens auszurichten und entwickelt kontinuierlich Finanzprodukte, die Umwelt- und Sozialvorteile neben finanziellen Erträgen priorisieren.

  • Achieved B-Corp recertification with a score of 155.3, almost double the required score
  • Funding to climate solutions totaled over $2 billion, representing 39% of lending portfolio
  • 70% of lending portfolios are high-impact and 100% mission-aligned
  • Reported industry-leading emissions intensity of 14.7 tons CO2e per million dollars invested
  • Supported clean energy projects resulting in 243,010 tons of avoided emissions
  • Achieved substantial pay parity for women and minorities
  • Received a perfect score on the Human Rights Campaign Foundation's Corporate Index
  • None.

NEW YORK, Sept. 25, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Amalgamated Bank, a subsidiary of Amalgamated Financial Corp. (Nasdaq: AMAL), today announced the publication of its 2023 Environmental, Social and Governance (“ESG”) Report. The annual report provides a comprehensive overview of Amalgamated Bank’s performance in its approach to addressing ESG risk as a part of delivering value for clients and investors.

“Amalgamated Bank’s unwavering commitment to operating with the best interest of our clients in mind is a cornerstone of our mission. We take pride in partnering with companies who prioritize environmental stewardship, champion social justice, and demonstrate exemplary corporate governance,” said Priscilla Sims Brown, Amalgamated Bank’s President and CEO. “And we continue our commitment to using our financial resources and corporate influence to advance economic, social and environmental change.”

Highlights of the report include:

Business Impact: Redefining Success

In 2023, Amalgamated Bank achieved B-Corp recertification with a score of 155.3, almost double the score needed to qualify and over three times the score of an ordinary business; setting a new standard for corporate responsibility. Its funding to climate solutions totaled more than $2 billion representing more than 39% of its lending portfolio and Property Assessed Clean Energy (“PACE”) assessments. Nearly 70% of Amalgamated Bank’s lending portfolios are high-impact and 100% mission aligned.

Climate Action: Leading the Charge on Sustainability

Amalgamated Bank is also committed to aligning all of its business practices with the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement. While growing its total amount of loans and investments, Amalgamated Bank reported a fifth consecutive year of increasing the share dedicated to climate solutions. In 2023, Amalgamated Bank reported an industry leading emissions intensity of 14.7 tons of CO2e per million dollars invested and supported clean energy projects that resulted in 243,010 tons of avoided emissions.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: A Workforce that Reflects Our Values

For the second year in a row, its pay equity analysis showed substantial parity in pay for women and minorities. Based on last year’s pay equity analysis, the Bank earned an “A” on Arjuna Capital’s Racial and Gender Pay Scorecard, the highest score in the financial sector. The Bank received a perfect score on the Human Rights Campaign Foundation’s Corporate Index. The Bank’s workforce diversity data reveals that its commitment to building a diverse and vibrant workforce that reflects the communities it serves remains intact. In addition to EEO-1 aligned reporting, the Bank also discloses industry leading, workforce-related data on hiring, promotion, and departures.

“We continue to develop financial products that prioritize environmental and social benefits alongside financial returns,” said Ivan Frishberg, Amalgamated Bank’s Chief Sustainability Officer. “Every product and service we offer is designed with more than the bottom line in mind, ensuring our impact extends far beyond financial success. We are proud to lead by example and set new standards for what it means to be a responsible and forward-thinking financial institution.”

About Amalgamated Financial Corp.

Amalgamated Financial Corp. is a Delaware public benefit corporation and a bank holding company engaged in commercial banking and financial services through its wholly-owned subsidiary, Amalgamated Bank. Amalgamated Bank is a New York-based full-service commercial bank and a chartered trust company with a combined network of five branches across New York City, Washington D.C., and San Francisco, and a commercial office in Boston. Amalgamated Bank was formed in 1923 as Amalgamated Bank of New York by the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America, one of the country’s oldest labor unions. Amalgamated Bank provides commercial banking and trust services nationally and offers a full range of products and services to both commercial and retail customers. Amalgamated Bank is a proud member of the Global Alliance for Banking on Values and is a certified B Corporation®. As of June 30, 2024, our total assets were $8.3 billion, total net loans were $4.4 billion, and total deposits were $7.4 billion. Additionally, as of June 30, 2024, our trust business held $34.6 billion in assets under custody and $14.0 billion in assets under management.

Investor Contact:
Jamie Lillis
Solebury Strategic Communications

Source: Amalgamated Financial Corp.


What was Amalgamated Bank's (AMAL) B-Corp recertification score in 2023?

Amalgamated Bank achieved B-Corp recertification with a score of 155.3 in 2023, which is almost double the score needed to qualify and over three times the score of an ordinary business.

How much did Amalgamated Bank (AMAL) invest in climate solutions in 2023?

In 2023, Amalgamated Bank's funding to climate solutions totaled more than $2 billion, representing over 39% of its lending portfolio and Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) assessments.

What percentage of Amalgamated Bank's (AMAL) lending portfolios are high-impact and mission-aligned?

Nearly 70% of Amalgamated Bank's lending portfolios are high-impact and 100% mission-aligned.

What was Amalgamated Bank's (AMAL) emissions intensity in 2023?

In 2023, Amalgamated Bank reported an industry-leading emissions intensity of 14.7 tons of CO2e per million dollars invested.

Amalgamated Financial Corp.


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