Alzamend Neuro Announces Full Data Set from Phase IIA Multiple Ascending Dose Clinical Trial for AL001 Treatment of Dementia Related to Alzheimer’s

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Alzamend Neuro (ALZN) has received the full data set from its multiple ascending dose clinical trial for AL001, a treatment for dementia related to Alzheimer's. The data confirms the positive topline results announced in June 2023, identifying a maximum tolerated dose (MTD) that is unlikely to require lithium therapeutic drug monitoring. The MTD delivers lithium at a lithium carbonate equivalent dose of 240 mg, taken three times daily.

AL001 is a novel lithium-salicylate/L-proline engineered ionic cocrystal designed to overcome toxicities associated with conventional lithium salts. It promises a next-generation lithium treatment with an enhanced safety profile and improved brain bioavailability. This innovation could potentially benefit the 43+ million Americans afflicted with Alzheimer's, bipolar disorder, major depressive disorder, and PTSD.

Alzamend plans to further evaluate AL001 in five 'Lithium in Brain' Phase II clinical trials in partnership with Massachusetts General Hospital.

Alzamend Neuro (ALZN) ha ricevuto l'intero insieme di dati dal suo trial clinico a dosi ascendenti multiple per AL001, un trattamento per la demenza legata all'Alzheimer. I dati confermano i risultati positivi annunciati a giugno 2023, identificando una dose massima tollerata (MTD) che difficilmente richiederà monitoraggio terapeutico del litio. L'MTD somministra litio a una dose equivalente di carbonato di litio di 240 mg, assunta tre volte al giorno.

AL001 è un nuovo cocrystal ionico ingegnerizzato a base di litio-salicilato/L-prolina progettato per superare le tossicità associate ai sali di litio convenzionali. Promette un trattamento con litio di nuova generazione con un profilo di sicurezza migliorato e una biodisponibilità cerebrale aumentata. Questa innovazione potrebbe potenzialmente beneficiare i più di 43 milioni di americani colpiti da Alzheimer, disturbo bipolare, disturbo depressivo maggiore e PTSD.

Alzamend prevede di valutare ulteriormente AL001 in cinque trial clinici di Fase II 'Litio nel cervello' in collaborazione con il Massachusetts General Hospital.

Alzamend Neuro (ALZN) ha recibido el conjunto completo de datos de su ensayo clínico de dosis ascendentes múltiples para AL001, un tratamiento para la demencia relacionada con el Alzheimer. Los datos confirman los resultados positivos anunciados en junio de 2023, identificando una dosis máxima tolerada (MTD) que probablemente no requerirá monitoreo terapéutico de litio. La MTD administra litio a una dosis equivalente de carbonato de litio de 240 mg, tomadas tres veces al día.

AL001 es un novedoso cocrystal iónico diseñado a base de litio-salicilato/L-prolina, diseñado para superar las toxicidades asociadas con las sales de litio convencionales. Promete un tratamiento de litio de próxima generación con un perfil de seguridad mejorado y una mayor biodisponibilidad en el cerebro. Esta innovación podría beneficiar potencialmente a los más de 43 millones de estadounidenses afectados por Alzheimer, trastorno bipolar, trastorno depresivo mayor y PTSD.

Alzamend planea evaluar más a fondo AL001 en cinco ensayos clínicos de Fase II 'Litio en el cerebro' en colaboración con el Massachusetts General Hospital.

Alzamend Neuro (ALZN)은 알츠하이머 관련 치매 치료제 AL001에 대한 다중 증량 임상 시험의 전체 데이터 세트를 받았습니다. 데이터는 2023년 6월에 발표된 긍정적인 최종 결과를 확인하며, 리튬 치료 약물 모니터링이 필요하지 않을 가능성이 있는 최대 허용 용량 (MTD)을 확인합니다. MTD는 하루 세 번, 240 mg의 리튬 탄산염에 해당하는 용량의 리튬을 제공합니다.

AL001은 기존 리튬 염과 관련된 독성을 극복하도록 설계된 새로운 리튬-살리실산염/L-프롤린 엔지니어링 이온 코크리스탈입니다. 이는 개선된 안전성과 향상된 뇌 생체이용률을 가진 차세대 리튬 치료법을 약속합니다. 이 혁신은 알츠하이머, 양극성 장애, 주요 우울 장애 및 PTSD에 영향을 받는 4천3백만 이상의 미국인에게 잠재적인 혜택을 줄 수 있습니다.

Alzamend는 Massachusetts General Hospital과 협력하여 '뇌의 리튬' 제2상 임상 시험 5건에서 AL001을 추가로 평가할 계획입니다.

Alzamend Neuro (ALZN) a reçu l'ensemble complet des données de son essai clinique à doses croissantes pour AL001, un traitement pour la démence liée à la maladie d'Alzheimer. Les données confirment les résultats positifs annoncés en juin 2023, identifiant une dose maximale tolérée (MTD) qui ne nécessitera probablement pas de surveillance thérapeutique du lithium. La MTD administre du lithium à une dose équivalente de carbonate de lithium de 240 mg, pris trois fois par jour.

AL001 est un cocrystal ionique innovant à base de lithium-salicylate/L-proline conçu pour surmonter les toxicités associées aux sels de lithium conventionnels. Il promet un traitement au lithium de nouvelle génération avec un profil de sécurité amélioré et une biodisponibilité cérébrale accrue. Cette innovation pourrait bénéficier potentiellement à plus de 43 millions d'Américains touchés par la maladie d'Alzheimer, le trouble bipolaire, le trouble dépressif majeur et le PTSD.

Alzamend prévoit d'évaluer davantage AL001 dans cinq essais cliniques de phase II 'Lithium dans le cerveau' en partenariat avec le Massachusetts General Hospital.

Alzamend Neuro (ALZN) hat den vollständigen Datensatz aus seiner klinischen Studie mit mehrfachen aufsteigenden Dosen für AL001 erhalten, eine Behandlung für mit Alzheimer verwandte Demenz. Die Daten bestätigen die positiven Spitzenwerte, die im Juni 2023 bekannt gegeben wurden, und identifizieren eine maximal tolerierte Dosis (MTD), die voraussichtlich keine therapeutische Überwachung von Lithium erfordert. Die MTD liefert Lithium in einer äquivalenten Dosis von Lithiumcarbonat von 240 mg, dreimal täglich eingenommen.

AL001 ist ein neuartiger, aus Lithium-Salicylat/L-Prolin entwickelter ionischer Kokristall, der darauf abzielt, die Toxizitäten konventioneller Lithiumsalze zu überwinden. Es verspricht eine neuartige Lithiumbehandlung mit einem verbesserten Sicherheitsprofil und erhöhter Bioverfügbarkeit im Gehirn. Diese Innovation könnte potenziell den mehr als 43 Millionen Amerikanern, die an Alzheimer, bipolarer Störung, schwerer depressiver Störung und PTSD leiden, zugutekommen.

Alzamend plant, AL001 in fünf 'Lithium im Gehirn'-Phase-II-Studien in Partnerschaft mit dem Massachusetts General Hospital weiter zu evaluieren.

  • Successful determination of a maximum tolerated dose (MTD) for AL001
  • MTD unlikely to require traditional lithium therapeutic drug monitoring
  • AL001 designed to overcome toxicities associated with conventional lithium salts
  • Potential for enhanced safety profile and improved brain bioavailability
  • Plans for five 'Lithium in Brain' Phase II clinical trials
  • None.


The full data set from Alzamend Neuro's Phase IIA trial for AL001 marks a significant milestone in Alzheimer's treatment development. The confirmation of a maximum tolerated dose (MTD) that doesn't require therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) is a game-changer for lithium-based therapies.

Key points:

  • MTD established at lithium carbonate equivalent of 240 mg TID
  • No TDM likely required, addressing a major hurdle in lithium treatments
  • Novel AL001 formulation designed to overcome toxicities of conventional lithium salts
  • Potential applications beyond Alzheimer's, including bipolar disorder, major depressive disorder and PTSD

This development could lead to a more accessible and safer lithium treatment, particularly beneficial for vulnerable populations like the elderly. The upcoming "Lithium in Brain" Phase II trials in partnership with Massachusetts General Hospital will be important in further validating AL001's potential across multiple indications.

Alzamend's AL001 represents a potential breakthrough in lithium-based therapies. The novel lithium-salicylate/L-proline ionic cocrystal formulation addresses several key limitations of current lithium treatments:

  • Improved brain bioavailability
  • Reduced toxicity profile
  • Potentially eliminated need for therapeutic drug monitoring

These advancements could significantly expand lithium's therapeutic use beyond its current applications. The established MTD of 240 mg TID lithium carbonate equivalent suggests a wider therapeutic window, which is important for treating complex neurological and psychiatric disorders.

The upcoming Phase II trials across multiple indications will be critical in demonstrating AL001's efficacy and safety profile in diverse patient populations. If successful, this could revolutionize treatment approaches for Alzheimer's, bipolar disorder, major depressive disorder and PTSD.

  • Data confirm the positive topline results announced in June 2023 identifying a maximum tolerated dose as assessed by an independent safety review committee
  • Identified dose is unlikely to require lithium therapeutic drug monitoring
  • Data will guide upcoming “Lithium in Brain” Phase II clinical trials in partnership with Massachusetts General Hospital, which were announced in August 2024

ATLANTA--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Alzamend Neuro, Inc. (Nasdaq: ALZN) (“Alzamend”), a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company focused on developing novel products for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease (“Alzheimer’s”), bipolar disorder (“BD”), major depressive disorder (“MDD”) and post-traumatic stress disorder (“PTSD”), today announced that it has received the final full data set from its multiple ascending dose clinical trial for AL001 treatment of dementia related to Alzheimer’s.

Building on the promising preliminary results released in June 2023, Alzamend’s full data set confirms the successful determination of a maximum tolerated dose (“MTD”) for AL001. Identified by an independent safety review committee, this MTD represents a pivotal step forward; it delivers lithium at a lithium carbonate equivalent dose of 240 mg, taken three times daily (“TID”). This is an AL001 formulation that will unlikely require the need for traditional lithium therapeutic drug monitoring (“TDM”). This innovation is specifically designed to address the needs of fragile populations, such as elderly and Alzheimer’s patients, by offering a potentially more efficient and safer alternative to existing treatments.

Lithium, renowned for its efficacy as a first-line therapy for manic episodes and maintenance in bipolar disorder, has long been underutilized due to the complexities of TDM. Current U.S. Food and Drug Administration-approved lithium salts (carbonate and citrate) are limited by a narrow therapeutic window that requires regular TDM of plasma lithium levels and blood chemistry by a clinician to mitigate adverse events. Since conventional lithium salts are eliminated relatively quickly, multiple administrations throughout the day are required to safely reach therapeutic plasma concentrations. Existing lithium drugs suffer from chronic toxicity, poor physicochemical properties, and poor brain bioavailability. Alzamend’s novel AL001 formulation, a lithium-salicylate/L-proline engineered ionic cocrystal, is designed to overcome the toxicities associated with conventional lithium salts, promising a next-generation lithium treatment with an enhanced safety profile and advantageous distribution to brain and brain structures.

“This is a major step towards providing a significant breakthrough for the 43+ million Americans afflicted with Alzheimer’s, BD, MDD and PTSD. The data not only highlight AL001’s safety and tolerability but also herald its potential as a transformative lithium therapy that could redefine patient care by avoiding the need for TDM in clinical practice, thereby significantly enhancing effectiveness and safety,” said Stephan Jackman, Chief Executive Officer of Alzamend. “We appreciate the extraordinary efforts of our colleagues and partners to identify a rigorously determined MTD from this multiple-ascending dose study. We look forward to further evaluating AL001 in five ‘Lithium in Brain’ Phase II clinical trials in healthy subjects and patients diagnosed with mild to moderate Alzheimer’s, BD, MDD and PTSD, in partnership with Massachusetts General Hospital.”

About AL001 Phase IIA Study

The Phase IIA study evaluated the safety and tolerability of AL001 under multiple-dose, steady‑state conditions. It determined the MTD in patients diagnosed with mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease and in healthy non-elderly and elderly subjects with adequate renal function. Lithium has been well characterized for safety and is approved and marketed in multiple formulations for BD. Lithium dosing for the multiple-ascending dose cohorts consisted of increasing fractions of, and a full usual dose, for treatment of BD. In each cohort, consisting of six active and two placebo subjects (as per randomization), multiple ascending doses were administered TID for 14 days, up to tolerability/safety limits. The results were:

  • The safety profile was demonstrated to be benign at all dose levels, and so the selected dose level chosen for further development was based on avoidance of plasma drug concentrations associated in the medical literature with exceeding the upper limit of the therapeutic range of drug concentrations, thereby serving to mitigate potential toxicity;
  • Under the conditions of this study, multiple dose administrations of AL001 were well tolerated in healthy elderly and non-elderly subjects, and in subjects with Alzheimer’s, regardless of their comorbidities; and
  • No clinically obvious or relevant lithium or salicylate pharmacokinetic differences were observed between non-elderly and elderly healthy subjects, or Alzheimer’s subjects under the conditions of this study.

Based on the results from this study, Alzamend plans to initiate five clinical trials to determine relative increased lithium levels in the brain compared to a marketed lithium salt for healthy subject and patients diagnosed with mild to moderate Alzheimer’s, BD, MDD and PTSD, based on published mouse studies that predict that lithium can be given at lower doses for equivalent therapeutic benefit when treating with AL001. For example, the goal is to replace the amount of lithium needed for maintenance treatment of BD with a clinically relevant, lower AL001 lithium carbonate equivalent lithium dose. Such lithium dose mitigation could redefine the landscape of neuropsychiatric, neurodegenerative, and neurological treatment practices.

About Alzamend Neuro

Alzamend is an early clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company focused on developing novel products for the treatment of Alzheimer’s, BPD, MDD and PTSD. Our mission is to rapidly develop and market safe and effective treatments. Our current pipeline consists of two novel therapeutic drug candidates, AL001 - a patented ionic cocrystal technology delivering lithium via a therapeutic combination of lithium, salicylate, and L-proline, and AL002 - a patented method using a mutant-peptide sensitized cell as a cell-based therapeutic biologic vaccine that seeks to restore the ability of a patient’s immunological system to combat Alzheimer’s. Both of our product candidates are licensed from the University of South Florida Research Foundation, Inc. pursuant to royalty-bearing exclusive worldwide licenses.

Forward-Looking Statements

This press release contains “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. These forward-looking statements generally include statements that are predictive in nature and depend upon or refer to future events or conditions, and include words such as “believes,” “plans,” “anticipates,” “projects,” “estimates,” “expects,” “intends,” “strategy,” “future,” “opportunity,” “may,” “will,” “should,” “could,” “potential,” or similar expressions. Statements that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are based on current beliefs and assumptions that are subject to risks and uncertainties. Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date they are made, and Alzamend undertakes no obligation to update any of them publicly in light of new information or future events. Actual results could differ materially from those contained in any forward-looking statement as a result of various factors. More information, including potential risk factors, that could affect Alzamend’s business and financial results are included in Alzamend’s filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. All filings are available at and on Alzamend’s website at

Email: or call: 1-844-722-6333

Source: Alzamend Neuro, Inc.


What is the maximum tolerated dose (MTD) identified for AL001 in Alzamend Neuro's (ALZN) clinical trial?

The maximum tolerated dose (MTD) for AL001 delivers lithium at a lithium carbonate equivalent dose of 240 mg, taken three times daily (TID).

How does AL001 differ from conventional lithium treatments for Alzheimer's and other disorders?

AL001 is a novel lithium-salicylate/L-proline engineered ionic cocrystal designed to overcome toxicities associated with conventional lithium salts. It promises enhanced safety and improved brain bioavailability without requiring therapeutic drug monitoring.

What are the next steps for Alzamend Neuro (ALZN) in developing AL001?

Alzamend Neuro plans to conduct five 'Lithium in Brain' Phase II clinical trials in partnership with Massachusetts General Hospital, evaluating AL001 in healthy subjects and patients with Alzheimer's, bipolar disorder, major depressive disorder, and PTSD.

What potential benefits does AL001 offer for patients with Alzheimer's and other disorders?

AL001 could potentially provide a safer and more effective lithium treatment without the need for therapeutic drug monitoring, benefiting the 43+ million Americans afflicted with Alzheimer's, bipolar disorder, major depressive disorder, and PTSD.

Alzamend Neuro, Inc.


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