European Medicines Agency Confirms Acceptance of Marketing Application for AVT03, a Proposed Biosimilar to Prolia® and Xgeva®

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Alvotech (NASDAQ: ALVO) announced that the European Medicines Agency (EMA) has accepted a Marketing Authorization Application for AVT03, a proposed biosimilar to Prolia® and Xgeva® (denosumab). This marks a significant step towards making AVT03 available in Europe. Alvotech develops and manufactures AVT03, while STADA Arzneimittel AG and Dr. Reddy's Laboratories SA have agreements for its commercialization in Europe.

In July 2024, Alvotech reported positive topline results from confirmatory studies demonstrating clinical similarity of AVT03 to Prolia and Xgeva. The European denosumab market is currently valued at approximately US$1 billion. Biosimilar competition could expand patient access at the same or lower costs, addressing the significant burden of osteoporosis in Europe, where an estimated 32 million individuals are affected.

Alvotech (NASDAQ: ALVO) ha annunciato che l'Agenzia Europea dei Medicinali (EMA) ha accettato una Domanda di Autorizzazione alla Commercializzazione per AVT03, un biosimilare proposto di Prolia® e Xgeva® (denosumab). Questo rappresenta un passo significativo verso la disponibilità di AVT03 in Europa. Alvotech sviluppa e produce AVT03, mentre STADA Arzneimittel AG e Dr. Reddy's Laboratories SA hanno accordi per la sua commercializzazione in Europa.

Nel luglio 2024, Alvotech ha riportato risultati positivi preliminari da studi di conferma che dimostrano la somiglianza clinica di AVT03 con Prolia e Xgeva. Il mercato europeo del denosumab è attualmente valutato a circa 1 miliardo di dollari USA. La concorrenza dei biosimilari potrebbe ampliare l'accesso dei pazienti a costi equivalenti o inferiori, affrontando il grave problema dell'osteoporosi in Europa, dove si stima che 32 milioni di persone siano colpite.

Alvotech (NASDAQ: ALVO) anunció que la Agencia Europea de Medicamentos (EMA) ha aceptado una Solicitud de Autorización de Comercialización para AVT03, un biosimilar propuesto de Prolia® y Xgeva® (denosumab). Esto marca un paso significativo hacia la disponibilidad de AVT03 en Europa. Alvotech desarrolla y fabrica AVT03, mientras que STADA Arzneimittel AG y Dr. Reddy's Laboratories SA tienen acuerdos para su comercialización en Europa.

En julio de 2024, Alvotech informó sobre resultados preliminares positivos de estudios de confirmación que demuestran la similitud clínica de AVT03 con Prolia y Xgeva. El mercado europeo de denosumab está valorado actualmente en aproximadamente 1.000 millones de dólares estadounidenses. La competencia de los biosimilares podría ampliar el acceso de los pacientes a costos similares o inferiores, abordando la importante carga de la osteoporosis en Europa, donde se estima que 32 millones de individuos están afectados.

알보텍(나스닥: ALVO)는 유럽 의약품청(EMA)이 프로리아(Prolia®) 및 엑스제바(Xgeva®)의 바이오 시밀러로 제안된 AVT03에 대한 마케팅 승인 신청을 수락했다고 발표했습니다. 이는 AVT03이 유럽에서 이용 가능해지는 중요한 단계입니다. 알보텍은 AVT03을 개발하고 제조합니다, STADA Arzneimittel AG와 Dr. Reddy's Laboratories SA는 유럽에서의 상용화를 위한 계약을 체결했습니다.

2024년 7월, 알보텍은 확증 연구에서 긍정적인 최종 결과를 보고했습니다, AVT03가 프로리아 및 엑스제바와 임상적으로 유사함을 보여줍니다. 현재 유럽의 데노숨맙 시장은 약 10억 달러로 평가됩니다. 바이오시밀러 경쟁은 환자 접근성을 동일하거나 더 낮은 비용으로 확대하여, 유럽에서 약 3천200만명이 영향을 받는 골다공증의 중대한 부담을 해결할 수 있습니다.

Alvotech (NASDAQ: ALVO) a annoncé que l'Agence européenne des médicaments (EMA) a accepté une demande d'autorisation de mise sur le marché pour AVT03, un biosimilaire proposé de Prolia® et Xgeva® (dénosumab). Cela constitue une étape importante vers la disponibilité d'AVT03 en Europe. Alvotech développe et fabrique AVT03, tandis que STADA Arzneimittel AG et Dr. Reddy's Laboratories SA ont des accords pour sa commercialisation en Europe.

En juillet 2024, Alvotech a rapporté des résultats préliminaires positifs d'études de confirmation démontrant la similarité clinique d'AVT03 avec Prolia et Xgeva. Le marché européen du dénosumab est actuellement évalué à environ 1 milliard de dollars américains. La concurrence des biosimilaires pourrait élargir l'accès des patients à des coûts similaires ou inférieurs, abordant ainsi le fardeau important de l'ostéoporose en Europe, où environ 32 millions de personnes sont concernées.

Alvotech (NASDAQ: ALVO) gab bekannt, dass die Europäische Arzneimittel-Agentur (EMA) einen Antrag auf Marktzulassung für AVT03, ein vorgeschlagenes Biosimilar für Prolia® und Xgeva® (Denosumab), akzeptiert hat. Dies stellt einen bedeutenden Schritt zur Verfügbarkeit von AVT03 in Europa dar. Alvotech entwickelt und produziert AVT03, während STADA Arzneimittel AG und Dr. Reddy's Laboratories SA Vereinbarungen für dessen Vermarktung in Europa haben.

Im Juli 2024 berichtete Alvotech von positiven vorläufigen Ergebnissen aus Bestätigungsstudien, die die klinische Ähnlichkeit von AVT03 zu Prolia und Xgeva zeigen. Der europäische Denosumab-Markt wird derzeit auf etwa 1 Milliarde US-Dollar geschätzt. Der Wettbewerb mit Biosimilars könnte den Patientenzugang zu ähnlichen oder niedrigeren Kosten erweitern und somit die erhebliche Last der Osteoporose in Europa, von der geschätzt 32 Millionen Menschen betroffen sind, angehen.

  • EMA acceptance of Marketing Authorization Application for AVT03, a proposed biosimilar to Prolia® and Xgeva®
  • Positive topline results from confirmatory studies demonstrating clinical similarity of AVT03
  • Partnerships with STADA Arzneimittel AG and Dr. Reddy's Laboratories SA for commercialization in Europe
  • Potential to expand patient access in a market valued at approximately US$1 billion
  • None.


The EMA's acceptance of Alvotech's marketing application for AVT03, a biosimilar to Prolia® and Xgeva®, is a significant milestone. This development positions Alvotech to potentially capture a share of the $1 billion European denosumab market. The company's progress in multiple biosimilar candidates demonstrates its robust end-to-end platform, which could lead to increased market competitiveness. Positive topline results from clinical studies, showing similarity to Prolia in efficacy, safety and other key parameters, strengthen AVT03's prospects for approval. The potential introduction of this biosimilar could expand patient access to important osteoporosis and cancer-related bone treatments, addressing a significant unmet need in Europe where an estimated 70% of eligible women do not receive osteoporosis treatment. This market opportunity, coupled with partnerships for commercialization, positions Alvotech for potential revenue growth and market expansion in the biosimilars space.

The acceptance of Alvotech's AVT03 marketing application by the EMA is a positive step towards addressing critical healthcare challenges in Europe. With osteoporotic fractures costing an estimated $63 billion in direct costs across the EU, Switzerland and UK, the introduction of a biosimilar to Prolia® and Xgeva® could significantly impact healthcare economics. Biosimilars typically enter the market at lower prices, potentially reducing treatment costs and enabling broader patient access. This is particularly important given that 32 million individuals in Europe have osteoporosis, with a majority being undertreated. The potential approval of AVT03 aligns with broader healthcare policies aimed at improving treatment accessibility and managing rising healthcare costs. It also reflects a growing trend towards biosimilar adoption in Europe, which could lead to substantial savings for healthcare systems while maintaining treatment quality.

Alvotech (NASDAQ: ALVO), a global biotech company specializing in the development and manufacture of biosimilar medicines for patients worldwide, announced today that the European Medicines Agency (EMA) has accepted a Marketing Authorization Application for AVT03, a proposed biosimilar candidate to Prolia® and Xgeva® (denosumab).

“EMA acceptance marks an important step towards making AVT03 available to patients and caregivers in Europe,” said Joseph McClellan, Chief Scientific Officer of Alvotech. “Successful progression in the development of multiple biosimilar candidates demonstrates how Alvotech is able to leverage its end-to-end biosimilars platform in support of broader access to affordable biologic medicines.”

Alvotech develops and manufactures AVT03. STADA Arzneimittel AG and Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories SA, have entered into agreements with Alvotech for the commercialization of AVT03, each partner with semi-exclusive commercial rights in Europe, including Switzerland and the UK.

In July 2024, Alvotech announced positive topline results from a confirmatory patient study for AVT03. The AVT03-GL-C01 study, which met its primary endpoints, demonstrated clinical similarity of AVT03 to Prolia in terms of efficacy, safety, immunogenicity, and pharmacokinetics (PK) in 532 postmenopausal women with osteoporosis. Primary endpoints were also met in both the AVT03-GL-P01 study, which assessed the PK, safety, and tolerability of AVT03 compared to Prolia in 209 healthy adult participants, and the AVT03-GL-P03 study that assessed the PK, safety, and tolerability of AVT03 compared to Xgeva in 208 healthy adult participants.

Prolia is indicated to treat osteoporosis in postmenopausal women and in men at increased risk of fracture; bone loss in men receiving treatment for prostate cancer that increases their risk of facture; and bone loss in adults at increased risk of fractures who are treated long term with oral or injected corticosteroids [1]. Xgeva is used to prevent bone complications in adults with advanced cancer that has spread to the bone, as well as to treat giant cell tumor of bone in adults and adolescents whose bones have fully developed [2].   

Across all indications, the European denosumab market is currently valued at approximately US$1 billion [3]. Biosimilar competition to Prolia and Xgeva could expand patient access considerably at the same or lower overall costs.

In 2019 the total direct cost of osteoporotic fractures in the European Union, Switzerland and UK, was estimated at US$63 billion, excluding the individual disease burden. An estimated 32 million individuals in Europe had osteoporosis, 80% of which were women, but 70% of women eligible for treatment did not receive osteoporosis treatment [4].

About AVT03 (denosumab) 
AVT03 is a human monoclonal antibody and a biosimilar candidate to Prolia® and Xgeva® (denosumab). Denosumab targets and binds with high affinity and specificity to the RANK ligand membrane protein, preventing the RANK ligand/RANK interaction from occurring, resulting in reduced osteoclast numbers and function, thereby decreasing bone resorption and cancer-induced bone destruction [1]. AVT03 is an investigational product and has not received regulatory approval in any country. Biosimilarity has not been established by regulatory authorities and is not claimed.

Use of trademarks
Prolia and Xgeva are registered trademarks of Amgen Inc.

[1] Prolia product information, EMA
[2] Xgeva product information, EMA
[4] Key Statistics for Europe, International Osteoporosis Foundation

About Alvotech
Alvotech is a biotech company, founded by Robert Wessman, focused solely on the development and manufacture of biosimilar medicines for patients worldwide. Alvotech seeks to be a global leader in the biosimilar space by delivering high quality, cost-effective products, and services, enabled by a fully integrated approach and broad in-house capabilities. Two biosimilars, to Humira® (adalimumab) and Stelara® (ustekinumab) are already approved and marketed in multiple global markets. The current development pipeline includes nine disclosed biosimilar candidates aimed at treating autoimmune disorders, eye disorders, osteoporosis, respiratory disease, and cancer. Alvotech has formed a network of strategic commercial partnerships to provide global reach and leverage local expertise in markets that include the United States, Europe, Japan, China, and other Asian countries and large parts of South America, Africa and the Middle East. Alvotech’s commercial partners include Teva Pharmaceuticals, a US affiliate of Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. (US), STADA Arzneimittel AG (EU), Fuji Pharma Co., Ltd (Japan), Advanz Pharma (EEA, UK, Switzerland, Canada, Australia and New Zealand), Dr. Reddy’s (EEA, UK and US), Biogaran (FR), Cipla/Cipla Gulf/Cipla Med Pro (Australia, New Zealand, South Africa/Africa), JAMP Pharma Corporation (Canada), Yangtze River Pharmaceutical (Group) Co., Ltd. (China), DKSH (Taiwan, Hong Kong, Cambodia, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, India, Bangladesh and Pakistan), YAS Holding LLC (Middle East and North Africa), Abdi Ibrahim (Turkey), Kamada Ltd. (Israel), Mega Labs, Stein, Libbs, Tuteur and Saval (Latin America) and Lotus Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd. (Thailand, Vietnam, Philippines, and South Korea). Each commercial partnership covers a unique set of product(s) and territories. Except as specifically set forth therein, Alvotech disclaims responsibility for the content of periodic filings, disclosures and other reports made available by its partners. For more information, please visit None of the information on the Alvotech website shall be deemed part of this press release.

Forward Looking Statements
Certain statements in this communication may be considered “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, as amended. Forward-looking statements generally relate to future events or the future financial operating performance of Alvotech and may include, for example, Alvotech’s expectations regarding competitive advantages, business prospects and opportunities including pipeline product development, future plans and intentions, results, level of activities, performance, goals or achievements or other future events, regulatory submissions, review and interactions, the potential approval and commercial launch of its product candidates, the timing of regulatory approval, and market launches. In some cases, you can identify forward-looking statements by terminology such as “may”, “should”, “expect”, “intend”, “will”, “estimate”, “anticipate”, “believe”, “predict”, “potential”, “aim” or “continue”, or the negatives of these terms or variations of them or similar terminology. Such forward-looking statements are subject to risks, uncertainties, and other factors which could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are based upon estimates and assumptions that, while considered reasonable by Alvotech and its management, are inherently uncertain and are inherently subject to risks, variability, and contingencies, many of which are beyond Alvotech’s control. Factors that may cause actual results to differ materially from current expectations include, but are not limited to: (1) the ability to raise substantial additional funding, which may not be available on acceptable terms or at all; (2) the ability to maintain stock exchange listing standards; (3) changes in applicable laws or regulations; (4) the possibility that Alvotech may be adversely affected by other economic, business, and/or competitive factors; (5) Alvotech’s estimates of expenses and profitability; (6) Alvotech’s ability to develop, manufacture and commercialize the products and product candidates in its pipeline; (7) actions of regulatory authorities, which may affect the initiation, timing and progress of clinical studies or future regulatory approvals or marketing authorizations; (8) the ability of Alvotech or its partners to respond to inspection findings and resolve deficiencies to the satisfaction of the regulators; (9) the ability of Alvotech or its partners to enroll and retain patients in clinical studies; (10) the ability of Alvotech or its partners to gain approval from regulators for planned clinical studies, study plans or sites; (11) the ability of Alvotech’s partners to conduct, supervise and monitor existing and potential future clinical studies, which may impact development timelines and plans; (12) Alvotech’s ability to obtain and maintain regulatory approval or authorizations of its products, including the timing or likelihood of expansion into additional markets or geographies; (13) the success of Alvotech’s current and future collaborations, joint ventures, partnerships or licensing arrangements; (14) Alvotech’s ability, and that of its commercial partners, to execute their commercialization strategy for approved products; (15) Alvotech’s ability to manufacture sufficient commercial supply of its approved products; (16) the outcome of ongoing and future litigation regarding Alvotech’s products and product candidates; (17) the impact of worsening macroeconomic conditions, including rising inflation and interest rates and general market conditions, conflicts in Ukraine, the Middle East and other global geopolitical tension, on the Company’s business, financial position, strategy and anticipated milestones; and (18) other risks and uncertainties set forth in the sections entitled “Risk Factors” and “Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements” in documents that Alvotech may from time to time file or furnish with the SEC. There may be additional risks that Alvotech does not presently know or that Alvotech currently believes are immaterial that could also cause actual results to differ from those contained in the forward-looking statements. Nothing in this communication should be regarded as a representation by any person that the forward-looking statements set forth herein will be achieved or that any of the contemplated results of such forward-looking statements will be achieved. You should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date they are made. Alvotech does not undertake any duty to update these forward-looking statements or to inform the recipient of any matters of which any of them becomes aware of which may affect any matter referred to in this communication. Alvotech disclaims any and all liability for any loss or damage (whether foreseeable or not) suffered or incurred by any person or entity as a result of anything contained or omitted from this communication and such liability is expressly disclaimed. The recipient agrees that it shall not seek to sue or otherwise hold Alvotech or any of its directors, officers, employees, affiliates, agents, advisors, or representatives liable in any respect for the provision of this communication, the information contained in this communication, or the omission of any information from this communication.

Benedikt Stefansson, VP

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What is the status of Alvotech's AVT03 biosimilar application in Europe?

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) has accepted Alvotech's Marketing Authorization Application for AVT03, a proposed biosimilar to Prolia® and Xgeva® (denosumab).

What were the results of Alvotech's (ALVO) clinical studies for AVT03?

Alvotech reported positive topline results from confirmatory studies in July 2024, demonstrating clinical similarity of AVT03 to Prolia and Xgeva in terms of efficacy, safety, immunogenicity, and pharmacokinetics.

Who are Alvotech's (ALVO) commercialization partners for AVT03 in Europe?

STADA Arzneimittel AG and Dr. Reddy's Laboratories SA have entered into agreements with Alvotech for the commercialization of AVT03 in Europe, including Switzerland and the UK.

What is the current market value for denosumab in Europe that Alvotech's (ALVO) AVT03 is targeting?

The European denosumab market, which AVT03 is targeting, is currently valued at approximately US$1 billion across all indications.

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