Autoliv Capital Markets Day New Date: June 4, 2025
Autoliv (NYSE: ALV), the global automotive safety systems leader, has announced its 2025 Capital Markets Day event, titled 'Leading the Way', scheduled for June 4, 2025 in Stockholm, Sweden.
The event will showcase Autoliv's medium and long-term growth strategies, featuring presentations on product solutions, strategic roadmap, and advancements in automation and operational efficiency. President & CEO Mikael Bratt will host the event, which includes demonstrations of latest innovations, technology exhibitions, and opportunities to experience new vehicle models from innovative manufacturers.
The program includes product exhibitions, tech shows, customer collaboration exhibits with test drives, and concludes with a boat tour to Central Stockholm for dinner at the Vasa Museum. Formal invitation and registration details will be released in April 2025.
Autoliv (NYSE: ALV), leader globale nei sistemi di sicurezza automobilistica, ha annunciato il suo evento 'Capital Markets Day 2025', intitolato 'Guidare il Futuro', previsto per il 4 giugno 2025 a Stoccolma, Svezia.
L'evento presenterà le strategie di crescita a medio e lungo termine di Autoliv, con presentazioni su soluzioni di prodotto, roadmap strategica e progressi nell'automazione e nell'efficienza operativa. Il Presidente e CEO Mikael Bratt ospiterà l'evento, che includerà dimostrazioni delle ultime innovazioni, esposizioni tecnologiche e opportunità per provare nuovi modelli di veicoli da produttori innovativi.
Il programma comprende esposizioni di prodotti, spettacoli tecnologici, mostre di collaborazione con i clienti con prove su strada e si concluderà con un tour in barca verso il centro di Stoccolma per una cena al Museo Vasa. I dettagli sull'invito formale e sulla registrazione saranno rilasciati ad aprile 2025.
Autoliv (NYSE: ALV), líder mundial en sistemas de seguridad automotriz, ha anunciado su evento 'Capital Markets Day 2025', titulado 'Marcando el Camino', programado para el 4 de junio de 2025 en Estocolmo, Suecia.
El evento destacará las estrategias de crecimiento a medio y largo plazo de Autoliv, con presentaciones sobre soluciones de productos, hoja de ruta estratégica y avances en automatización y eficiencia operativa. El Presidente y CEO Mikael Bratt será el anfitrión del evento, que incluirá demostraciones de las últimas innovaciones, exposiciones tecnológicas y oportunidades para experimentar nuevos modelos de vehículos de fabricantes innovadores.
El programa incluye exposiciones de productos, espectáculos tecnológicos, exhibiciones de colaboración con clientes con pruebas de manejo y concluirá con un tour en barco hacia el centro de Estocolmo para una cena en el Museo Vasa. Los detalles sobre la invitación formal y el registro se publicarán en abril de 2025.
Autoliv (NYSE: ALV), 글로벌 자동차 안전 시스템 리더,는 'Leading the Way'라는 제목의 2025 자본 시장의 날 이벤트를 발표했습니다. 이 행사는 2025년 6월 4일 스웨덴 스톡홀름에서 열릴 예정입니다.
이 이벤트에서는 Autoliv의 중장기 성장 전략을 선보이며, 제품 솔루션, 전략적 로드맵 및 자동화 및 운영 효율성의 발전에 대한 발표가 포함됩니다. 사장 겸 CEO인 Mikael Bratt가 이 행사를 주최하며, 최신 혁신의 시연, 기술 전시, 혁신적인 제조업체의 새로운 차량 모델을 경험할 수 있는 기회가 포함됩니다.
프로그램에는 제품 전시, 기술 쇼, 고객 협력 전시와 시승이 포함되며, 바사 박물관에서 저녁 식사를 위해 중앙 스톡홀름으로 가는 보트 투어로 마무리됩니다. 공식 초대 및 등록 세부사항은 2025년 4월에 발표될 예정입니다.
Autoliv (NYSE: ALV), leader mondial des systèmes de sécurité automobile, a annoncé son événement 'Capital Markets Day 2025', intitulé 'Montrer le Chemin', prévu pour le 4 juin 2025 à Stockholm, Suède.
L'événement mettra en avant les stratégies de croissance à moyen et long terme d'Autoliv, avec des présentations sur les solutions de produits, la feuille de route stratégique et les avancées en matière d'automatisation et d'efficacité opérationnelle. Le Président et CEO Mikael Bratt animera l'événement, qui comprendra des démonstrations des dernières innovations, des expositions technologiques et des opportunités pour découvrir de nouveaux modèles de véhicules de fabricants innovants.
Le programme comprend des expositions de produits, des salons technologiques, des expositions de collaboration avec les clients avec des essais de conduite, et se terminera par une croisière vers le centre de Stockholm pour un dîner au Musée Vasa. Les détails de l'invitation formelle et de l'inscription seront publiés en avril 2025.
Autoliv (NYSE: ALV), der weltweit führende Anbieter von Sicherheitssystemen für die Automobilindustrie, hat sein Event 'Capital Markets Day 2025' mit dem Titel 'Den Weg weisen' angekündigt, das für den 4. Juni 2025 in Stockholm, Schweden, geplant ist.
Die Veranstaltung wird die mittel- und langfristigen Wachstumsstrategien von Autoliv präsentieren, einschließlich Präsentationen zu Produktlösungen, strategischen Fahrplänen und Fortschritten in der Automatisierung und Betriebseffizienz. Präsident und CEO Mikael Bratt wird die Veranstaltung moderieren, die Demonstrationen der neuesten Innovationen, technologische Ausstellungen und Möglichkeiten bietet, neue Fahrzeugmodelle von innovativen Herstellern zu erleben.
Das Programm umfasst Produktpräsentationen, Technologiemessen, Ausstellungen zur Kundenkooperation mit Testfahrten und endet mit einer Bootstour ins zentrale Stockholm zum Abendessen im Vasa-Museum. Die formelle Einladung und Registrierungsdetails werden im April 2025 veröffentlicht.
- None.
- None.
Autoliv invites financial analysts, institutional investors and journalists with a focus on automotive safety technology to its Capital Markets Day, on Wednesday, June 4, 2025, in
The "Leading the Way" event will focus on Autoliv's medium and long-term growth avenues, products and solutions, strategic roadmap, and progress in automation and operational efficiency. Autoliv management will present how Autoliv works strategically with OEMs, securing a strong position with future winners which will support Autoliv's long term success.
The day will be hosted by Autoliv President & CEO, Mikael Bratt. "Leading the Way" will feature presentations from members of the Autoliv Executive Management Team, exhibitions of Autoliv's latest innovations and technologies, and opportunities to view and try out new and exciting vehicle models from innovative vehicle manufacturers.
Date: | June 4, 2025 |
Time: | Approximately 1:00 pm to 5:30pm Central European Time (TBC) |
Location: | Artipelag Art Museum in the Stockholm Archipelago |
Format: | Webcasted live presentations |
followed by
- Meet-and-Greet with Autoliv team members
- Experience Product Exhibition, Tech show and Customer Collaboration Exhibits including test drives
- Boat tour to
Central Stockholm for dinner at the Vasa Museum for registered guests
A formal invitation with an official agenda, registration site, and other relevant information will be released in April. Information will also later be available on the Autoliv website
We look forward to welcoming you to the lovely capital city of
Anders Trapp | Henrik Kaar |
V.P. Investor Relations | Director, Investor Relations |
Autoliv, Inc. | Autoliv, Inc. |
Contact details:
Anders Trapp
About Autoliv
Autoliv, Inc. (NYSE: ALV); (Nasdaq Stockholm: ALIV.sdb) is the worldwide leader in automotive safety systems. Through our group companies, we develop, manufacture and market protective systems, such as airbags, seatbelts, and steering wheels for all major automotive manufacturers in the world, as well as mobility safety solutions, such as commercial vehicles and electrical safety solutions. At Autoliv, we challenge and re-define the standards of mobility safety to sustainably deliver leading solutions. In 2024, our products saved approximately 37,000 lives and reduced around 600,000 injuries.
We have operations in 25 countries, and we drive innovation, research, and development at our 13 technical centers. Our 65,000 employees are passionate about our vision of Saving More Lives and quality is at the heart of everything we do. Sales in 2024 amounted to
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