Autoliv Appoints Adriana Karaboutis to its Board of Directors
Autoliv, Inc. (NYSE: ALV), the global leader in automotive safety systems, has appointed Adriana Karaboutis as a new independent director to its Board, effective September 16, 2024. This expands the Board from eleven to twelve members. Ms. Karaboutis brings extensive experience from her roles at National Grid PLC, Biogen Inc., Dell, Inc., General Motors, and Ford Motor Company. She has expertise in technology, business solutions, and corporate affairs.
Jan Carlson, Chairman of Autoliv's Board, welcomed Ms. Karaboutis, noting her industry experience and public company leadership as valuable additions during a dynamic time for Autoliv and the automotive industry. Ms. Karaboutis' term will expire at the 2025 Annual General Meeting of Stockholders, coinciding with the expected retirement of Mr. Hasse Johansson.
Autoliv, Inc. (NYSE: ALV), leader mondiale nei sistemi di sicurezza automobilistica, ha nominato Adriana Karaboutis come nuovo direttore indipendente del suo Consiglio di Amministrazione, con effetto dal 16 settembre 2024. Questo amplia il Consiglio da undici a dodici membri. La signora Karaboutis porta con sé una vasta esperienza maturata in ruoli presso National Grid PLC, Biogen Inc., Dell, Inc., General Motors e Ford Motor Company. Ha competenze in tecnologia, soluzioni aziendali e affari societari.
Jan Carlson, Presidente del Consiglio di Amministrazione di Autoliv, ha dato il benvenuto alla signora Karaboutis, sottolineando che la sua esperienza nel settore e la leadership in imprese pubbliche sono aggiunte preziose in un momento dinamico per Autoliv e l'industria automobilistica. Il mandato della signora Karaboutis scadrà durante l'Assemblea Annuale dei Soci del 2025, in coincidenza con il previsto ritiro del signor Hasse Johansson.
Autoliv, Inc. (NYSE: ALV), líder mundial en sistemas de seguridad automotriz, ha designado a Adriana Karaboutis como nueva directora independiente de su Junta, con efecto a partir del 16 de septiembre de 2024. Esto amplía la Junta de once a doce miembros. La Sra. Karaboutis aporta una amplia experiencia de sus roles en National Grid PLC, Biogen Inc., Dell, Inc., General Motors y Ford Motor Company. Tiene experiencia en tecnología, soluciones empresariales y asuntos corporativos.
Jan Carlson, Presidente de la Junta de Autoliv, dio la bienvenida a la Sra. Karaboutis, señalando que su experiencia en la industria y su liderazgo en empresas públicas son adiciones valiosas en un momento dinámico para Autoliv y la industria automotriz. El mandato de la Sra. Karaboutis expirará en la Junta General Anual de Accionistas de 2025, coincidiendo con la jubilación esperada del Sr. Hasse Johansson.
Autoliv, Inc. (NYSE: ALV), 자동차 안전 시스템의 세계적 리더, 가 아드리아나 카라부티스를 새로운 독립 이사로 임명하였습니다 이사회에, 2024년 9월 16일부터 효력이 발생합니다. 이를 통해 이사회는 11명에서 12명으로 확대됩니다. 카라부티스 씨는 내셔널 그리드 PLC, 바이오젠 Inc., 델 Inc., 제너럴 모터스 및 포드 모터 컴퍼니에서 수행한 역할을 통해 쌓은 광범위한 경험을 제공합니다. 그녀는 기술, 비즈니스 솔루션 및 기업 업무에 대한 전문성을 가지고 있습니다.
Autoliv 이사회의 회장인 잔 칼슨은 이 시기를 분주한 Autoliv와 자동차 산업에 중요한 추가 사항으로 그녀의 산업 경험과 공개 기업 리더십을 환영했습니다. 카라부티스 씨의 임기는 2025년 주주 총회에서 만료되어 예상되는 하세 요한손 씨의 은퇴와 일치합니다.
Autoliv, Inc. (NYSE: ALV), leader mondial des systèmes de sécurité automobile, a nommé Adriana Karaboutis comme nouvelle administratrice indépendante de son Conseil d'Administration, à compter du 16 septembre 2024. Cela élargit le Conseil de onze à douze membres. Mme Karaboutis apporte une vaste expérience acquise au sein de National Grid PLC, Biogen Inc., Dell, Inc., General Motors et Ford Motor Company. Elle possède une expertise en technologie, solutions commerciales et affaires corporatives.
Jan Carlson, Président du Conseil d'Administration d'Autoliv, a souhaité la bienvenue à Mme Karaboutis, notant que son expérience dans l'industrie et sa direction dans des entreprises publiques sont des ajouts précieux en cette période dynamique pour Autoliv et l'industrie automobile. Le mandat de Mme Karaboutis expirera lors de l'Assemblée Générale Annuelle des Actionnaires de 2025, coïncidant avec la retraite prévue de M. Hasse Johansson.
Autoliv, Inc. (NYSE: ALV), der weltweite Marktführer für Fahrzeugsicherheitssysteme, hat Adriana Karaboutis als neue unabhängige Direktorin in seinen Vorstand berufen, mit Wirkung zum 16. September 2024. Dies erweitert den Vorstand von elf auf zwölf Mitglieder. Frau Karaboutis bringt umfassende Erfahrung aus ihren Positionen bei National Grid PLC, Biogen Inc., Dell, Inc., General Motors und Ford Motor Company mit. Sie hat Fachkenntnisse in den Bereichen Technologie, Geschäftslösungen und Unternehmensangelegenheiten.
Jan Carlson, Vorsitzender des Vorstands von Autoliv, begrüßte Frau Karaboutis und betonte, dass ihre Branchenerfahrung und Führungsstärke in öffentlichen Unternehmen in einer dynamischen Zeit für Autoliv und die Automobilindustrie wertvolle Ergänzungen darstellen. Die Amtszeit von Frau Karaboutis endet auf der Jahreshauptversammlung der Aktionäre 2025, was mit der erwarteten Pensionierung von Herrn Hasse Johansson zusammenfällt.
- Addition of a new independent director with extensive industry and technology experience
- Expansion of the Board from eleven to twelve members, potentially bringing fresh perspectives
- Appointment aligns with the company's focus on innovation and technology in automotive safety
- None.
On September 13, 2024, the Autoliv Board of Directors appointed Ms. Adriana Karaboutis as an independent director to the Autoliv Board of Directors effective immediately. With the addition of Ms. Karaboutis, Autoliv has expanded its Board size from eleven to twelve directors.
Ms. Karaboutis most recently served as Group Chief Information and Digital Officer of National Grid PLC, one of the world's largest public utility companies, a position she held from 2017 to 2023. She previously served as Executive Vice President, Technology, Business Solutions and Corporate Affairs at Biogen Inc., a global biotechnology company, overseeing Business Solutions from 2014 to 2017 with incremental responsibility for Corporate Affairs from 2015 to 2017. Prior to that, Ms. Karaboutis was Vice President and Global Chief Information Officer of Dell, Inc., a global technology company from March 2010 to September 2014.
Ms. Karaboutis previously spent more than 20 years at General Motors Company and Ford Motor Company in various international leadership positions, including computer-integrated manufacturing, supply chain operations, and information technology. Ms. Karaboutis has served on the board of directors of Perrigo Company plc, since May 2017, Aon plc, since September 2022, and Savills plc, since March 2024, and previously served on the boards of directors of Aspen Technology, Inc., Advance Auto Parts, Inc., and Blue Cross Blue Shield of
"I am very pleased to welcome Adriana to the Autoliv Board of Directors," said Jan Carlson, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Autoliv, Inc. "Adriana's solid industry experience and public company leadership is a welcome addition to the Autoliv Board at a dynamic time for Autoliv and the automotive industry."
Ms. Karaboutis is appointed for a term expiring at the 2025 Annual General Meeting of Stockholders at which time the Board is expected to contract to eleven members with the retirement of Mr. Hasse Johansson.
Media: Gabriella Etemad, Tel +46 (70) 612 64 24
Investors & Analysts: Anders Trapp, Tel +46 (0)8 587 206 71
Investors & Analysts: Henrik Kaar, Tel +46 (0)8 587 206 14
About Autoliv
Autoliv, Inc. (NYSE: ALV; Nasdaq Stockholm: ALIV.sdb) is the worldwide leader in automotive safety systems. Through our group companies, we develop, manufacture and market protective systems, such as airbags, seatbelts, and steering wheels for all major automotive manufacturers in the world as well as mobility safety solutions, such as pedestrian protection, connected safety services and safety solutions for riders of powered two wheelers. At Autoliv, we challenge and re-define the standards of mobility safety to sustainably deliver leading solutions. In 2023, our products saved 35,000 lives and reduced more than 450,000 injuries.
Our 70,000 associates in 25 countries are passionate about our vision of Saving More Lives and quality is at the heart of everything we do. We drive innovation, research, and development at our 14 technical centers, with their 20 test tracks. Sales in 2023 amounted to
Safe Harbor Statement
This report contains statements that are not historical facts but rather forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such forward-looking statements include those that address activities, events or developments that Autoliv, Inc. or its management believes or anticipates may occur in the future. All forward-looking statements are based upon our current expectations, various assumptions and data available from third parties. Our expectations and assumptions are expressed in good faith and we believe there is a reasonable basis for them. However, there can be no assurance that such forward-looking statements will materialize or prove to be correct as forward-looking statements are inherently subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause actual future results, performance or achievements to differ materially from the future results, performance or achievements expressed in or implied by such forward-looking statements. Numerous risks, uncertainties and other factors may cause actual results to differ materially from those set out in the forward-looking statements, including general economic conditions and fluctuations in the global automotive market. For any forward-looking statements contained in this or any other document, we claim the protection of the safe harbor for forward-looking statements contained in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, and we assume no obligation to update publicly or revise any such statements in light of new information or future events, except as required by law.
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