Altair Joins Aston Martin and Sarginsons in £5.8 Million Performance Integrated Vehicle Optimization Technology (PIVOT) Project to Revolutionize Sustainable Vehicle Manufacturing

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Altair (Nasdaq: ALTR) has joined the £5.8 million Performance Integrated Vehicle Optimization Technology (PIVOT) project, supported by Innovate UK and the Advanced Propulsion Centre. The initiative aims to revolutionize sustainable vehicle manufacturing through the development of 100% recycled cast aluminum structures that are up to 30% lighter and feature 95% less embedded carbon emissions.

The project, led by Sarginsons Industries, brings together partners including Altair, Aston Martin, Brunel University London, and GESCRAP. Altair's AI-powered engineering technology will drive the creation of innovative software combining casting simulation, topology optimization, and AI to design optimized components for weight, structural performance, and manufacturability.

Funded partly by a £2.9 million government grant, PIVOT will showcase how AI, recycled materials, and advanced casting processes can reshape vehicle manufacturing while reducing environmental impact. The project is expected to deliver critical advancements in the coming years, enabling OEMs and foundries to adopt more efficient and sustainable production methods.

Altair (Nasdaq: ALTR) ha aderito al progetto da £5,8 milioni chiamato Performance Integrated Vehicle Optimization Technology (PIVOT), sostenuto da Innovate UK e dal Advanced Propulsion Centre. L'iniziativa punta a rivoluzionare la produzione di veicoli sostenibili attraverso lo sviluppo di strutture in alluminio fuso 100% riciclato, che sono fino a 30% più leggere e presentano 95% in meno di emissioni di carbonio incorporate.

Il progetto, guidato da Sarginsons Industries, riunisce partner come Altair, Aston Martin, Brunel University London e GESCRAP. La tecnologia di ingegneria potenziata dall'AI di Altair guiderà la creazione di software innovativi che combinano simulazione di colata, ottimizzazione topologica e intelligenza artificiale per progettare componenti ottimizzati per peso, prestazioni strutturali e capacità di produzione.

Finanziato in parte da una sovvenzione governativa di £2,9 milioni, PIVOT mostrerà come l'AI, i materiali riciclati e i processi di colata avanzati possano trasformare la produzione di veicoli riducendo al contempo l'impatto ambientale. Si prevede che il progetto porti a progressi critici nei prossimi anni, consentendo agli OEM e alle fonderie di adottare metodi di produzione più efficienti e sostenibili.

Altair (Nasdaq: ALTR) se ha unido al proyecto de £5.8 millones llamado Performance Integrated Vehicle Optimization Technology (PIVOT), respaldado por Innovate UK y el Centro de Propulsión Avanzada. La iniciativa tiene como objetivo revolucionar la fabricación de vehículos sostenibles mediante el desarrollo de estructuras de aluminio fundido 100% recicladas, que son hasta 30% más ligeras y presentan 95% menos de emisiones de carbono integradas.

El proyecto, dirigido por Sarginsons Industries, reúne a socios como Altair, Aston Martin, Brunel University London y GESCRAP. La tecnología de ingeniería impulsada por IA de Altair impulsará la creación de software innovador que combine simulación de colada, optimización topológica e IA para diseñar componentes optimizados en peso, rendimiento estructural y manufacturabilidad.

Financiado en parte por una subvención gubernamental de £2.9 millones, PIVOT mostrará cómo la IA, los materiales reciclados y los procesos de colada avanzados pueden redefinir la fabricación de vehículos mientras se reduce el impacto ambiental. Se espera que el proyecto aporte avances críticos en los próximos años, permitiendo a los OEM y a las fundiciones adoptar métodos de producción más eficientes y sostenibles.

알테어(Nasdaq: ALTR)는 영국 혁신청(Innovate UK)과 고급 추진 센터의 지원을 받아 £580만의 성과 통합 차량 최적화 기술(PIVOT) 프로젝트에 참여했습니다. 이 이니셔티브는 지속 가능한 차량 제조를 혁신하는 것을 목표로 하며, 100% 재활용된 주조 알루미늄 구조물을 개발하여 최대 30% 더 가벼운 제품을 제공하고 95% 적은 내장 탄소 배출을 특징으로 합니다.

사르진슨스 산업(Sarginsons Industries)이 주도하는 이 프로젝트는 알테어, 애스턴 마틴, 런던 브루넬 대학, GESCRAP 등 여러 파트너를 모았습니다. 알테어의 AI 기반 엔지니어링 기술은 주조 시뮬레이션, 위상 최적화 및 AI를 결합하여 무게, 구조적 성능 및 제조 가능성을 최적화한 부품을 설계하는 혁신적인 소프트웨어를 제작할 것입니다.

£290만의 정부 보조금으로 일부 자금을 지원받은 PIVOT는 AI, 재활용 재료 및 고급 주조 프로세스가 차량 제조를 어떻게 재구성하고 환경 영향을 줄일 수 있는지를 보여줄 것입니다. 이 프로젝트는 차세대 OEM 및 주물 공장이 더 효율적이고 지속 가능한 생산 방법을 채택할 수 있도록 하는 중요한 발전을 가져올 것으로 기대됩니다.

Altair (Nasdaq: ALTR) a rejoint le projet de 5,8 millions de livres appelé Performance Integrated Vehicle Optimization Technology (PIVOT), soutenu par Innovate UK et le Centre de propulsion avancée. L'initiative vise à révolutionner la fabrication de véhicules durables grâce au développement de structures en aluminium fondu 100 % recyclé, qui sont jusqu'à 30 % plus légères et présentent 95 % d'émissions de carbone intégrées en moins.

Le projet, dirigé par Sarginsons Industries, regroupe des partenaires tels qu'Altair, Aston Martin, l'Université Brunel de Londres et GESCRAP. La technologie d'ingénierie alimentée par l'IA d'Altair favorisera la création de logiciels innovants alliant simulation de fusion, optimisation topologique et intelligence artificielle pour concevoir des composants optimisés en poids, performance structurelle et fabricabilité.

Partiellement financé par une subvention gouvernementale de 2,9 millions de livres, PIVOT montrera comment l'IA, les matériaux recyclés et les procédés de fusion avancés peuvent transformer la fabrication de véhicules tout en réduisant leur impact environnemental. Le projet devrait apporter des avancées critiques dans les années à venir, permettant aux OEM et aux fonderies d'adopter des méthodes de production plus efficaces et durables.

Altair (Nasdaq: ALTR) hat sich dem £5,8 Millionen schweren Projekt zur Performance Integrated Vehicle Optimization Technology (PIVOT) angeschlossen, das von Innovate UK und dem Advanced Propulsion Centre unterstützt wird. Ziel dieser Initiative ist es, die nachhaltige Fahrzeugproduktion durch die Entwicklung von 100% recycelten Aluminiumgussstrukturen zu revolutionieren, die bis zu 30% leichter sind und 95% weniger eingebettete Kohlenstoffemissionen aufweisen.

Das Projekt, das von Sarginsons Industries geleitet wird, vereint Partner wie Altair, Aston Martin, die Brunel University London und GESCRAP. Die KI-gestützte Ingenieurechnologie von Altair wird die Schaffung innovativer Software vorantreiben, die Gießsimulation, Topologieoptimierung und KI kombiniert, um optimierte Komponenten in Bezug auf Gewicht, strukturelle Leistung und Herstellbarkeit zu entwerfen.

Das Projekt PIVOT, das teilweise durch einen staatlichen Zuschuss in Höhe von £2,9 Millionen finanziert wird, wird zeigen, wie KI, recycelte Materialien und fortschrittliche Gießprozesse die Fahrzeugproduktion umgestalten können, während die Umweltauswirkungen verringert werden. In den kommenden Jahren wird mit wichtigen Fortschritten gerechnet, die es OEMs und Gießereien ermöglichen, effizientere und nachhaltige Produktionsmethoden zu übernehmen.

  • Participation in a £5.8 million project to develop sustainable vehicle manufacturing technology
  • Potential to reduce vehicle component weight by up to 30%
  • Possibility to decrease embedded carbon emissions in components by up to 95%
  • Development of innovative software combining casting simulation, topology optimization, and AI
  • Collaboration with major industry partners like Aston Martin
  • None.


The PIVOT project represents a significant leap in sustainable automotive manufacturing. By leveraging Altair's AI and simulation capabilities, the initiative aims to create components that are 30% lighter while maintaining structural integrity. This weight reduction is important for improving vehicle efficiency, particularly in the context of electric vehicles where every gram counts.

The use of 100% recycled aluminum with a 95% reduction in embedded carbon emissions is a game-changer for the industry. This addresses two critical challenges: resource scarcity and environmental impact. The project's focus on overcoming the mechanical weaknesses of recycled aluminum through advanced grain refinement techniques is particularly noteworthy, as it could open up new possibilities for using secondary alloys in critical structural applications.

The collaboration between industry leaders and academic institutions in this £5.8 million project, backed by government funding, underscores the importance of this initiative. If successful, PIVOT could set new standards for sustainable manufacturing in the automotive sector, potentially influencing practices across the entire industry.

This project positions Altair (ALTR) at the forefront of sustainable automotive technology, which could significantly impact its market position and financial outlook. The company's involvement in a high-profile, government-backed initiative enhances its credibility and could lead to increased adoption of its AI-powered engineering solutions across the automotive industry.

While the immediate financial impact may be , the long-term potential is substantial. As automakers increasingly prioritize sustainability and efficiency, Altair's technology could become integral to their design and manufacturing processes. This could drive revenue growth and expand Altair's market share in the competitive automotive software sector.

Investors should note that successful outcomes from this project could lead to new revenue streams and strengthen Altair's relationships with major OEMs. However, it's important to consider that the full benefits may take several years to materialize and success is not guaranteed in such cutting-edge research projects.

Altair's AI-powered engineering technology to drive the development of 100% recycled cast aluminum structures that weigh up to 30% less and feature 95% less embedded carbon emissions

TROY, Mich., Sept. 25, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Altair (Nasdaq: ALTR), a global leader in computational intelligence, has announced its involvement in the £5.8 million Performance Integrated Vehicle Optimization Technology (PIVOT) project, supported by Innovate UK and the Advanced Propulsion Centre (APC). The project aims to revolutionize vehicle manufacturing by creating lighter, more sustainable components, thanks to Altair's cutting-edge artificial intelligence (AI) and simulation capabilities.

Led by Sarginsons Industries, the PIVOT project brings together key partners including Altair, Aston Martin, Brunel University London, and metal recycling experts GESCRAP. The initiative will develop innovative software that combines casting simulation, topology optimization, and AI, which will enable organizations to design components optimized for weight, structural performance, and manufacturability. These breakthroughs will result in cast aluminum structures that are up to 30% lighter while maintaining performance requirements.

"This collaboration demonstrates how our AI-powered engineering technology enables manufacturers to develop more efficient vehicle components, cutting down on weight and drastically reducing environmental impact," said Sam Mahalingam, chief technical officer, Altair. "We are proud to work with like-minded organizations to showcase how innovations in manufacturing contribute to a more sustainable automotive future."

Funded in part by a £2.9 million government grant from Innovate UK and APC, the PIVOT project will focus on using 100% recycled aluminum to reduce embedded carbon emissions in vehicle components by up to 95%. By overcoming mechanical weaknesses inherent in recycled aluminum through advanced grain refinement techniques developed by Brunel University London, PIVOT will make it possible to use secondary alloys for cast structural applications such as vehicle chassis systems.

"PIVOT represents a huge step forward for the casting industry," said Mark Nunan, managing director, Sarginsons Industries. "With Altair's state-of-the-art technology, we are pushing the boundaries of what's possible, creating components that are not only lighter and stronger but also significantly greener."

The PIVOT project will serve as a showcase for how AI, recycled materials, and advanced casting processes can reshape vehicle manufacturing while reducing environmental footprint. The project is expected to deliver critical advancements in the coming years, enabling OEMs and foundries to adopt more efficient and sustainable production methods.

For more information about Innovate UK and the APC's initiatives, visit

About Altair

Altair is a global leader in computational intelligence that provides software and cloud solutions in simulation, high-performance computing (HPC), data analytics, and AI. Altair enables organizations across all industries to compete more effectively and drive smarter decisions in an increasingly connected world – all while creating a greener, more sustainable future. To learn more, please visit

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What is the goal of the PIVOT project that Altair (ALTR) is participating in?

The PIVOT project aims to revolutionize sustainable vehicle manufacturing by developing 100% recycled cast aluminum structures that are up to 30% lighter and feature 95% less embedded carbon emissions.

How much funding has been allocated to the PIVOT project involving Altair (ALTR)?

The PIVOT project has a total budget of £5.8 million, including a £2.9 million government grant from Innovate UK and the Advanced Propulsion Centre.

What technology will Altair (ALTR) contribute to the PIVOT project?

Altair will contribute its AI-powered engineering technology to develop innovative software that combines casting simulation, topology optimization, and AI for designing optimized vehicle components.

Who are the key partners collaborating with Altair (ALTR) in the PIVOT project?

The key partners collaborating with Altair in the PIVOT project include Sarginsons Industries (project lead), Aston Martin, Brunel University London, and metal recycling experts GESCRAP.

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