2024 Altair Enlighten Award Winners Announced

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Altair (Nasdaq: ALTR) has announced the winners of the 2024 Altair Enlighten Award, recognizing sustainability and lightweighting advancements in the automotive industry. The award, presented with the Center for Automotive Research (CAR), honors innovations that reduce carbon footprint, mitigate water and energy consumption, and promote material reuse and recycling.

Key winners include:

  • DuPont for Sustainable Product
  • BMW M GmbH and partners for Sustainable Process
  • Syensqo and General Motors for Module Lightweighting
  • CompositeEdge GmbH for Enabling Technology
  • WEAV3D, Braskem, and Clemson Composites Center for Future of Lightweighting
  • Dow Inc. for Responsible AI

The winners showcase innovative technologies such as energy-efficient adhesives, sustainable materials in seat design, lightweight battery structures, and AI-powered polyurethane solutions. The awards ceremony will be held on August 6, 2024, at the CAR Management Briefing Seminars.

Altair (Nasdaq: ALTR) ha annunciato i vincitori del 2024 Altair Enlighten Award, riconoscendo i progressi nella sostenibilità e nel lightweighting nell'industria automobilistica. Il premio, presentato in collaborazione con il Center for Automotive Research (CAR), onora le innovazioni che riducono l'impronta di carbonio, mitigano il consumo di acqua ed energia e promuovono il riutilizzo e il riciclaggio dei materiali.

I principali vincitori includono:

  • DuPont per il Prodotto Sostenibile
  • BMW M GmbH e partner per il Processo Sostenibile
  • Syensqo e General Motors per il Lightweighting dei Moduli
  • CompositeEdge GmbH per la Tecnologia Abilitante
  • WEAV3D, Braskem e il Clemson Composites Center per il Futuro del Lightweighting
  • Dow Inc. per l'AI Responsabile

I vincitori mostrano tecnologie innovative come adesivi ad alta efficienza energetica, materiali sostenibili nel design dei sedili, strutture leggere per batterie e soluzioni in poliuretano supportate dall'AI. La cerimonia di premiazione si terrà il 6 agosto 2024, durante i CAR Management Briefing Seminars.

Altair (Nasdaq: ALTR) ha anunciado los ganadores del Premio Altair Enlighten 2024, que reconoce los avances en sostenibilidad y reducción de peso en la industria automotriz. El premio, presentado junto con el Center for Automotive Research (CAR), honra las innovaciones que reducen la huella de carbono, mitigan el consumo de agua y energía, y promueven la reutilización y el reciclaje de materiales.

Los ganadores clave incluyen:

  • DuPont por Producto Sostenible
  • BMW M GmbH y sus socios por Proceso Sostenible
  • Syensqo y General Motors por Reducción de Peso en Módulos
  • CompositeEdge GmbH por Tecnología Habilitante
  • WEAV3D, Braskem y el Clemson Composites Center por el Futuro del Reducción de Peso
  • Dow Inc. por AI Responsable

Los ganadores muestran tecnologías innovadoras como adhesivos energéticamente eficientes, materiales sostenibles en el diseño de asientos, estructuras ligeras de baterías y soluciones de poliuretano impulsadas por IA. La ceremonia de premiación se llevará a cabo el 6 de agosto de 2024, durante los Seminarios de Información para la Gestión de CAR.

알테어(나스닥: ALTR)가 2024 알테어 엔라이트먼트 어워드 수상자를 발표했습니다. 이 상은 자동차 산업에서의 지속 가능성 및 경량화의 발전을 인정하는 것입니다. 자동차 연구 센터(CAR)와 함께 수여되는 이 상은 탄소 발자국을 줄이고, 물과 에너지 소비를 완화하며, 소재 재사용 및 재활용을 촉진하는 혁신을 기립니다.

주요 수상자는 다음과 같습니다:

  • 지속 가능한 제품 부문: 듀폰
  • 지속 가능한 프로세스 부문: BMW M GmbH 및 파트너들
  • 모듈 경량화 부문: 시옌스쿼 및 제너럴 모터스
  • 기술 부문: 컴포지트엣지 GmbH
  • 경량화의 미래 부문: WEAV3D, 브라스켐 및 클렘슨 복합재 센터
  • 책임 있는 AI 부문: 다우 Inc.

수상자들은 에너지 효율이 높은 접착제, 좌석 디자인의 지속 가능한 소재, 경량 배터리 구조, AI 기반의 폴리우레탄 솔루션과 같은 혁신적인 기술을 선보입니다. 시상식은 2024년 8월 6일 CAR 경영 브리핑 세미나에서 열릴 예정입니다.

Altair (Nasdaq: ALTR) a annoncé les lauréats du Prix Altair Enlighten 2024, qui reconnaît les avancées en matière de durabilité et de légèreté dans l'industrie automobile. Ce prix, remis en partenariat avec le Center for Automotive Research (CAR), honore les innovations qui réduisent l'empreinte carbone, atténuent la consommation d'eau et d'énergie, et promeuvent la réutilisation et le recyclage des matériaux.

Les principaux lauréats incluent :

  • DuPont pour Produit Durable
  • BMW M GmbH et partenaires pour Processus Durable
  • Syensqo et General Motors pour Allègement de Modules
  • CompositeEdge GmbH pour Technologie Facilitante
  • WEAV3D, Braskem et le Clemson Composites Center pour l'Avenir de l'Allègement
  • Dow Inc. pour IA Responsable

Les lauréats présentent des technologies innovantes telles que des adhésifs écoénergétiques, des matériaux durables dans la conception de sièges, des structures de batteries légères et des solutions en polyuréthane propulsées par l'IA. La cérémonie de remise des prix se tiendra le 6 août 2024, lors des Séminaires de Gestion de CAR.

Altair (Nasdaq: ALTR) hat die Gewinner des Altair Enlighten Award 2024 bekannt gegeben, der die Fortschritte in Bezug auf Nachhaltigkeit und Leichtbau in der Automobilindustrie anerkennt. Der Preis, der in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Center for Automotive Research (CAR) verliehen wird, ehrt Innovationen, die den CO2-Fußabdruck reduzieren, den Wasser- und Energieverbrauch mindern und die Wiederverwendung und das Recycling von Materialien fördern.

Die Hauptgewinner sind:

  • DuPont für nachhaltiges Produkt
  • BMW M GmbH und Partner für nachhaltigen Prozess
  • Syensqo und General Motors für die Modul-Leichtbauweise
  • CompositeEdge GmbH für befähigende Technologien
  • WEAV3D, Braskem und das Clemson Composites Center für die Zukunft des Leichtbaus
  • Dow Inc. für verantwortungsvolle KI

Die Gewinner zeigen innovative Technologien wie energieeffiziente Klebstoffe, nachhaltige Materialien im Sitzdesign, leichte Batteriekonstruktionen und KI-gestützte Polyurethanlösungen. Die Preisverleihung findet am 6. August 2024 im Rahmen der CAR Management Briefing Seminars statt.

  • None.
  • None.

DuPont, BMW M GmbH, Dow Inc., Toyota, General Motors, and others creating sustainable, lightweight future

TROY, Mich., Aug. 6, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Altair (Nasdaq: ALTR), a global leader in computational intelligence, has named the winners of the 2024 Altair Enlighten Award. Presented in association with the Center for Automotive Research (CAR), the award honors the greatest sustainability and lightweighting advancements that successfully reduce carbon footprint, mitigate water and energy consumption, and leverage material reuse and recycling efforts.

Throughout its 12-year history, this prestigious Enlighten Award has become a coveted prize sought after by the automotive industry's most forward-thinking companies. It was also recognized by EV Magazine as a top 10 sustainability award in 2024.

"The Enlighten Award is the leading award highlighting the automotive industry's finest innovations in sustainable technology. We are thrilled to once again recognize the organizations creating a more sustainable future," said James R. Scapa, founder and chief executive officer, Altair. "This year's winners can consider themselves the best innovators meeting those challenging targets."

"Each edition of the Enlighten Award showcases the products, processes, and organizations that are ushering in the next generation of groundbreaking automotive technology," said Alan Amici, president and chief executive officer, Center for Automotive Research. "We cannot wait to recognize this year's winners, and we are once again thrilled to present this award in conjunction with Altair and the rest of our valued partners."

Below is the complete list of all winning organizations, runners-up, and honorable mentions.

Sustainable Product 
Winner: DuPont – DuPont™ BETAMATE™ Broad Bake Adhesive Technology

  • DuPont™ BETAMATE™ broad bake adhesive technology helps reduce energy use and greenhouse gas emissions during vehicle body manufacturing by allowing adhesives to cure at lower temperatures, thus saving energy via reduced e-coat oven temperatures and shorter oven cycle times. The technology also eliminates the need for cold storage thanks to a special formulation that extends shelf life.

Runner-up: Bridgestone Americas – Turanza EV Tire

  • The Turanza EV grand touring tire is manufactured with 50% renewable and recycled materials – one of the highest percentages among commercially available replacement tires – and features Bridgestone ENLITEN™ technology to optimize performance and improve tire life span. By 2050, Bridgestone is aiming for all their tires to be composed of 100% renewable and recycled materials.

Sustainable Process
Winner: BMW M GmbH, AMC GmbH, Bcomp Ltd., Gradel Lightweight Sàrl, and Lasso Ingenieurgesellschaft – BMW M Visionary Materials Seat

  • The BMW M Visionary Materials Seat focuses on circular design principles and sustainable materials. The seat features a monomaterial lightweight design that emphasizes using sustainable, renewable materials such as recycled polyester textile, flaxfiber BioComposite, and biogene leather alternatives. Where possible, petrol-based raw materials through bio-based materials were made from algaes and plant-based fillers – such as chalk and cork. The composite can be made from carbon, basalt, glass fiber, or natural fibers as needed.

Runner-up: Toyota Motor Manufacturing Canada and PPG Industries – EPIC200X Electrocoat

  • The EPIC200X electrocoat enhances corrosion protection for automotive bodies while significantly reducing environmental impact. At the Toyota facility, the new product and application process enables a total reduction of 3,500 metric tons of CO2 emissions per year. More specifically, the new product reduces the amount of applied product by vehicle by 0.6 kg, while the new application process saves 5,626,000 kWh of energy and 1,843,000 gallons of water per year. 

Module Lightweighting 
Winner: Syensqo and General Motors – High-Performance Thermoplastic Battery Module Structure

  • Syensqo and General Motors have collaboratively designed an innovative high-performance thermoplastic battery module structure that delivers a remarkable 37% weight reduction and a 25% cost savings compared to traditional aluminum. Key features include enhanced vehicle performance through precision injection molding, streamlined component consolidation for simplified assembly, and a unique cell-lock feature that stabilizes battery cells. Additionally, the design eliminates multiple components and processes, further optimizing efficiency.

Runner-up: Toyota Motor Company, US Farathane, and BASF Corporation – Toyota Tacoma Second-Row Composite Seat Structure

  • The Toyota Tacoma Second Row Comprise Seat Structure features 30% less mass than the previous generation of steel seats and 20% less mass than the current resin seats seen in the 2022 Toyota Tundra. In addition, the new seat structure consolidated more than 55 parts into just four parts that take little time to be injection molded and shipped.

Enabling Technology
Winner: CompositeEdge GmbH – Next-Gen Sustainable High-Performance Structures

  • Aiming to minimize overall material usage, CompositeEdge GmbH utilized natural fiber composites – such as flax and hemp fiber – blended with plastic to form high-performance structures that can support the automated manufacture of car body panels, interior trims, chassis parts, suspension elements, and more without additional adhesives. The use of natural fiber composites significantly reduces carbon emissions and energy consumption compared to synthetic materials. Overall, the technology enables the production of sustainable, lightweight automotive components.

Runner-up: Teijin Automotive Technologies – Fully Automated Preforming Process Enabling Complex CFRP Part

  • Teijin Automotive Technologies' fully automated preforming process enables the mass production of carbon fiber preforms to be used in automotive components – in this case a vehicle door. The precision of the automated process optimizes the amount of material used and recycles a small amount of offal (waste). The previous labor-intensive process was unsuitable for mass production and often resulted in avoidable waste due to human error. The new process is much more efficient, reducing required labor by 20%.

Honorable Mention: Bemis Manufacturing Company and BASF Corporation – Large Hydraulic Tanks for Compact Excavators via BASF's Ultramid Polyamide 

  • Bemis Manufacturing Company and BASF Corporation developed large hydraulic tanks for compact excavators using BASF's polyamide, which provided an eco-efficient solution that delivered both environmental savings (reductions in life cycle CO2 emissions) and reduced life cycle cost. In addition, by combining injection molding and vibration welding, the approach resulted in 5% mass savings and 20% lower costs compared to traditional roto-molding. 

Future of Lightweighting
Winner: WEAV3D, Braskem, and Clemson Composites Center – Cost-Effective Lightweight Vehicle Body Structures 

  • WEAV3D, Braskem, and the Clemson Composites Center developed a composite lattice-reinforced polypropylene sheet tailorable to match the performance of any vehicle body structure on the market. Manufactured with a high rate, highly automated forming cycle that produces more parts using less energy, the new sheet cost 50% less and weighed 23% less than CFPA6 organosheet (nylon 6) and weighed between 60-70% less than steel. The material also boasted a 62% reduction in trim scrap by weight. Lastly, compared to steel, the polypropylene sheet featured superior energy absorption and shape recovery.

Runner-up: Carsolia Composites Corporation – Composite Suspension Coil Spring by Carsolia

  • Carsolia Composites Corporation introduced a patent-pending composite coil spring that's 50% lighter than steel. The carbon fiber composite material also has 50% less CO2 equivalent per kilogram vs. steel, resulting in a 75% overall reduction of CO2 emissions. Manufactured with an efficient production process that supports high volume vehicle production, the spring also enables unique appearance design possibilities that were previously impossible. Ideally suited for battery electric vehicle (BEV) platforms, it's a direct replacement for current vehicles as a "bolt-on solution" – no redesign needed.

Responsible AI 
Winner: Dow Inc. – Sustainable SPECFLEXTM Polyurethane Solutions

  • Dow Inc.'s sustainable SPECFLEXTM polyurethane solutions focus on developing and using cleaner raw materials and unique design principles to optimize performance. Achieving equivalent mechanical and ageing properties compared to traditional formulations, these solutions are significantly safer and more sustainable – with over 50% lower total volatile organic compounds (VOCs), 60% lower formaldehyde, and 80% lower acetaldehyde. Moreover, an AI aldehyde predictive model accelerates market response by capturing the factors contributing to odor and translating complicated non-linear features into real-world related performance features – enabling outcome prediction.

As the world demands safer, more efficient and innovative products and processes, Altair aims to transform design and decision making by applying AI-powered engineering, high-performance computing, and optimization throughout product lifecycles. By helping customers accomplish this, Altair helps to reduce the environmental impact of goods and services across a broad array of industries worldwide. Altair's software technology and consulting services are by their very essence at the core of designing a healthier and more sustainable future for humanity. To learn more, visit

The Enlighten Award winners will be announced in an awards ceremony at the CAR Management Briefing Seminars on August 6, 2024, at 8:00 a.m. EDT. For more information about the Enlighten Award, visit

Partners for the 2024 Enlighten Award include Auto Bild Japan, Autocar Professional, Automobil Industrie, Auto Messe Web, Auto Messe Web Worldwide, Center for Automotive Research, Google Cloud, Korean Society of Automotive Engineers (KSAE), SAE Automotive Engineering, and Tech Briefs.

About Altair 
Altair is a global leader in computational intelligence that provides software and cloud solutions in simulation, high-performance computing (HPC), data analytics, and AI. Altair enables organizations across all industries to compete more effectively and drive smarter decisions in an increasingly connected world – all while creating a greener, more sustainable future. To learn more, please visit

Media contacts

Altair Corporate

Altair Investor Relations

Bridget Hagan

Stephen Palmtag



Altair Europe/The Middle East/Africa

Charlotte Hartmann

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Who won the Sustainable Product category in the 2024 Altair Enlighten Award?

DuPont won the Sustainable Product category with their BETAMATE™ Broad Bake Adhesive Technology, which reduces energy use and greenhouse gas emissions during vehicle body manufacturing.

What was the winning entry for Module Lightweighting in the 2024 Altair Enlighten Award?

Syensqo and General Motors won the Module Lightweighting category with their High-Performance Thermoplastic Battery Module Structure, which achieved a 37% weight reduction and 25% cost savings compared to traditional aluminum.

When and where will the 2024 Altair Enlighten Award ceremony be held?

The 2024 Altair Enlighten Award ceremony will be held on August 6, 2024, at 8:00 a.m. EDT during the CAR Management Briefing Seminars.

What is the significance of the Altair Enlighten Award for the automotive industry?

The Altair Enlighten Award is a prestigious recognition for automotive companies that have made significant advancements in sustainability and lightweighting, helping to reduce carbon footprint and promote material reuse and recycling in the industry.

How does the winning entry in the Responsible AI category contribute to sustainability?

Dow Inc.'s winning SPECFLEX™ polyurethane solutions use AI to develop cleaner raw materials and optimize performance, resulting in over 50% lower total volatile organic compounds, 60% lower formaldehyde, and 80% lower acetaldehyde compared to traditional formulations.

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