New AlTi Tiedemann Global Index Reveals Stagnating Social Progress and Explores Private Capital Opportunities to Drive Recovery
AlTi Tiedemann Global (NASDAQ: ALTI) has released its 2025 Global Social Progress Index, revealing concerning trends in global social development. The index, analyzing 170 countries across health, safety, education, and other metrics since 2011, shows social progress has stagnated since 2020 despite economic recovery.
Key findings indicate that 43% of countries experienced minimal social progress, while 15% saw significant decline. The report identifies four critical areas where private capital could drive recovery: health infrastructure, rights protection, sustainability initiatives, and gender equity.
The study highlights voter dissatisfaction, with 79% of voters in countries with stagnating or declining social progress voting for change. AlTi, which manages over $77 billion in combined assets, emphasizes private capital's potential role in bridging the gap between economic and social progress, projecting a possible recovery in 2025.
AlTi Tiedemann Global (NASDAQ: ALTI) ha pubblicato il suo Indice Globale di Progresso Sociale 2025, rivelando tendenze preoccupanti nello sviluppo sociale globale. L'indice, che analizza 170 paesi in base a salute, sicurezza, istruzione e altri parametri dal 2011, mostra che il progresso sociale è stagnato dal 2020 nonostante la ripresa economica.
I risultati chiave indicano che il 43% dei paesi ha registrato un progresso sociale minimo, mentre il 15% ha visto un significativo declino. Il rapporto identifica quattro aree critiche in cui il capitale privato potrebbe guidare la ripresa: infrastrutture sanitarie, protezione dei diritti, iniziative di sostenibilità e parità di genere.
Lo studio evidenzia l'insoddisfazione degli elettori, con il 79% degli elettori in paesi con progresso sociale stagnante o in declino che votano per un cambiamento. AlTi, che gestisce oltre $77 miliardi in attivi combinati, sottolinea il potenziale ruolo del capitale privato nel colmare il divario tra progresso economico e sociale, prevedendo una possibile ripresa nel 2025.
AlTi Tiedemann Global (NASDAQ: ALTI) ha publicado su Índice Global de Progreso Social 2025, revelando tendencias preocupantes en el desarrollo social global. El índice, que analiza 170 países en salud, seguridad, educación y otros métricas desde 2011, muestra que el progreso social se ha estancado desde 2020 a pesar de la recuperación económica.
Los hallazgos clave indican que el 43% de los países experimentaron un progreso social mínimo, mientras que el 15% vio un declive significativo. El informe identifica cuatro áreas críticas donde el capital privado podría impulsar la recuperación: infraestructura de salud, protección de derechos, iniciativas de sostenibilidad y equidad de género.
El estudio destaca la insatisfacción de los votantes, con el 79% de los votantes en países con progreso social estancado o en declive votando por un cambio. AlTi, que gestiona más de $77 mil millones en activos combinados, enfatiza el potencial papel del capital privado en cerrar la brecha entre el progreso económico y social, proyectando una posible recuperación en 2025.
AlTi Tiedemann Global (NASDAQ: ALTI)는 2025년 글로벌 사회 발전 지수를 발표하며 글로벌 사회 발전의 우려스러운 경향을 드러냈습니다. 이 지수는 2011년부터 건강, 안전, 교육 및 기타 지표를 기준으로 170개국을 분석하며, 2020년 이후 사회 발전이 정체되었음을 보여줍니다. 경제 회복에도 불구하고 그렇습니다.
주요 발견에 따르면 43%의 국가가 최소한의 사회 발전을 경험했으며, 15%는 상당한 하락을 보였습니다. 보고서는 민간 자본이 회복을 주도할 수 있는 네 가지 주요 영역을 식별합니다: 건강 인프라, 권리 보호, 지속 가능성 이니셔티브 및 성 평등.
이 연구는 유권자의 불만을 강조하며, 79%의 유권자가 사회 발전이 정체되거나 감소하는 국가에서 변화를 요구하고 있습니다. AlTi는 770억 달러 이상의 자산을 관리하며, 민간 자본이 경제적 발전과 사회적 발전 간의 격차를 해소하는 데 잠재적인 역할을 할 수 있음을 강조하며, 2025년 회복 가능성을 전망하고 있습니다.
AlTi Tiedemann Global (NASDAQ: ALTI) a publié son Indice Global de Progrès Social 2025, révélant des tendances préoccupantes dans le développement social mondial. L'indice, qui analyse 170 pays en matière de santé, de sécurité, d'éducation et d'autres indicateurs depuis 2011, montre que le progrès social a stagné depuis 2020 malgré la reprise économique.
Les principales conclusions indiquent que 43% des pays ont connu un progrès social minimal, tandis que 15% ont connu un déclin significatif. Le rapport identifie quatre domaines critiques où le capital privé pourrait stimuler la reprise : infrastructure de santé, protection des droits, initiatives de durabilité et équité entre les sexes.
L'étude met en évidence l'insatisfaction des électeurs, avec 79% des électeurs dans des pays où le progrès social est stagnant ou en déclin votant pour un changement. AlTi, qui gère plus de 77 milliards de dollars d'actifs combinés, souligne le rôle potentiel du capital privé dans le comblement de l'écart entre le progrès économique et social, projetant une possible reprise en 2025.
AlTi Tiedemann Global (NASDAQ: ALTI) hat seinen Global Social Progress Index 2025 veröffentlicht, der besorgniserregende Trends in der globalen sozialen Entwicklung aufzeigt. Der Index analysiert seit 2011 170 Länder in den Bereichen Gesundheit, Sicherheit, Bildung und anderen Kennzahlen und zeigt, dass der soziale Fortschritt seit 2020 stagniert, trotz der wirtschaftlichen Erholung.
Wichtige Ergebnisse zeigen, dass 43% der Länder minimalen sozialen Fortschritt erlebt haben, während 15% einen signifikanten Rückgang verzeichneten. Der Bericht identifiziert vier kritische Bereiche, in denen privates Kapital die Erholung vorantreiben könnte: Gesundheitsinfrastruktur, Schutz der Rechte, Nachhaltigkeitsinitiativen und Geschlechtergerechtigkeit.
Die Studie hebt die Unzufriedenheit der Wähler hervor, wobei 79% der Wähler in Ländern mit stagnierendem oder rückläufigem sozialem Fortschritt für Veränderung stimmen. AlTi, das über 77 Milliarden Dollar an verwalteten Vermögenswerten verfügt, betont die potenzielle Rolle des privaten Kapitals bei der Überbrückung der Kluft zwischen wirtschaftlichem und sozialem Fortschritt und prognostiziert eine mögliche Erholung im Jahr 2025.
- Large asset base of $77 billion under management
- Strategic positioning in ESG and social impact investing
- Comprehensive analysis of 170 countries provides valuable market intelligence
- No direct revenue or profit metrics disclosed
- Business model heavily dependent on social impact trends
Findings show prospect of a recovery in 2025 and potential for private capital to make the biggest impact on social outcomes in a decade
This year’s Index shows that after a decade of steady growth in social progress up to 2020, the world has since stagnated. In the last year, 73 countries (
Looking ahead, the AlTi Global Social Progress Index shows the prospect of a recovery in 2025 with opportunities to drive the biggest social impact in a decade. For the first time, the Index is being used to shine a light on opportunities for private capital to make a tangible difference to some of the world’s biggest social challenges. In particular, the Index shows that there is an opportunity to accelerate progress through investments in four key areas explored more fully below: a healthier world, rebuilding rights and freedoms, sustainability and gender equity.
The global slowdown in social progress was also tested at the polls in the last year, with over half the world holding elections in 2024. A majority (
The trend is exemplified by countries such as
Beyond the changes in government that will undoubtedly shape the world this coming year, private capital will have a key role to play in making economic growth more sustainable and inclusive to support a social progress recovery.
Four key areas with scope for private capital to accelerate social progress
Investment in infrastructure and technology can boost health outcomes
Hunger, lack of access to clean water, and sanitation are the greatest blights on human health and a significant area for progress. For example, the Index found that half the world is experiencing a hunger crisis and progress on undernourishment has reversed since 2011. Investment in the production, supply, and distribution of food, water and sanitation has strong potential to make social progress gains.
The developed world also faces health challenges, including confidence in quality healthcare, which has slumped in many advanced economies, while demand is likely to grow due to aging population. Investment in new healthcare technologies and harnessing opportunities from AI to enhance productivity all offer significant opportunity for investors to make a difference.
Protecting rights through capital flows towards accountability
There has been a decade-long retreat on rights and freedoms across all regions, developed and developing. This is the only Index indicator that shows negative progress globally since 2011. Yet countries like
Continued flows of capital towards human rights groups and other civic organizations, as well as independent media outlets to defend basic freedoms and promote accountability of government, would support this positive momentum.
Sustainability remains an untapped opportunity for innovation
Environmental solutions continue to present an opportunity given the slow rate of progress globally. Lower-income regions such as
There is also a significant untapped market across the world for taking circularity seriously, through the reuse of waste and reduction of material consumption.
Continued investment is needed to drive gender equity
Recent decades have seen gains for women’s health and education, but progress has been slower on increasing access to contraception, early marriage, and, in particular, preventing domestic violence. Tackling these problems through investment in gender equity can support the potential of women globally.
Michael Tiedemann, CEO of AlTi Tiedemann Global, commented:
“Our clients are some of the most discerning and dynamic capital holders in the world, and collectively private capital has the power to make a tangible difference to the world’s most pressing problems. The Index shines a light on the specific areas where private capital can make the biggest difference, at a time when the world has plateaued on social progress. We hope that the Index will serve as an actionable and practical tool to drive faster social progress for the benefit of all.”
Jed Emerson, Senior Strategic Advisor to AlTi Tiedemann Global, commented:
“As a global wealth manager, it’s our job to help our clients put their capital to work in ways that have meaning for them, whether that be in healthcare, education, environmental protection or any other issue they might be passionate about. We look at value not just through the lens of generating returns, but also impact – how you want your money to work. The Index shows that there is unprecedented opportunity to generate value through social progress.”
Michael Green, CEO of the Social Progress Imperative, added:
“The AlTi Global Social Progress Index demonstrates that economic growth alone will not deliver social and environmental outcomes. Voters have delivered their verdict at the polls in the last year, rejecting leaders who delivered growth without social progress. Investors have a critical role in enabling and accelerating inclusive and sustainable growth through investments in the real things that matter to real people.”
About the AlTi Global Social Progress Index
The AlTi Global Social Progress Index was developed by the Social Progress Imperative under the guidance of Professor Michael E. Porter of Harvard Business School and Professor Scott Stern of the Sloan School of Management at MIT to provide a comprehensive measure of the real quality of life in a country, independent of economic indicators like GDP.
The AlTi Global Social Progress Index is conceptually anchored by the UN Sustainable Development Goals and uses 57 outcome indicators drawn from trusted sources to score and rank 170 countries.
The AlTi Global Social Progress Index shows that, while economic growth is correlated with high social progress, economic growth alone is not enough. Countries of similar GDP per capita can have widely different levels of social progress and growth without social progress is a real risk. An impact lens can help investors optimize for financial and social returns.
Full access to the 2025 AlTi Global Social Progress Index is available at
About AlTi Tiedemann Global
AlTi is a leading independent global wealth manager providing entrepreneurs, multi-generational families, institutions, and emerging next-generation leaders with fiduciary capabilities as well as alternative investment strategies and advisory services. AlTi’s comprehensive offering is underscored by a commitment to impact or values-aligned investing. The firm currently manages or advises on over
About Social Progress Imperative
The Social Progress Imperative, a US-based global nonprofit, is pioneering the use of social and environmental data to support decision-makers in prioritizing equitable and inclusive growth. Its evidence-based tools measure the true state of our society on issues that matter most – are people healthy and safe, do they live in an inclusive society, do they have access to opportunity, and more. Supported by a global network of local partners and advocates in more than 50 countries, the Social Progress Imperative’s tools help identify social vulnerabilities and opportunities to inform policies and investments that promote the well-being of people and the planet.
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Source: AlTi Tiedemann Global, Inc.
What are the key findings of AlTi's (ALTI) 2025 Global Social Progress Index?
How many countries does the ALTI Social Progress Index 2025 analyze?
What investment opportunities has ALTI identified for social progress in 2025?