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Altimmune expresses condolences on the passing of Dr. Stephen Harrison, a key figure in the field of metabolic liver disease. Dr. Harrison's contributions and advocacy for patients will leave a lasting impact on the community.
Altimmune esprime le sue condoglianze per la scomparsa del Dottor Stephen Harrison, una figura chiave nel campo della malattia epatica metabolica. I contributi del Dottor Harrison e il suo impegno a favore dei pazienti avranno un impatto duraturo sulla comunità.
Altimmune expresa sus condolencias por el fallecimiento del Dr. Stephen Harrison, una figura clave en el campo de la enfermedad hepática metabólica. Las contribuciones del Dr. Harrison y su defensa por los pacientes dejarán un impacto duradero en la comunidad.
Altimmune은 대사성 간 질환 분야의 주요 인물인 스티븐 해리슨 박사의 별세에 대해 애도를 표합니다. 해리슨 박사의 공헌과 환자 옹호는 커뮤니티에 지속적인 영향을 미칠 것입니다.
Altimmune exprime ses condoléances pour le décès du Dr Stephen Harrison, une figure clé dans le domaine de la maladie hépatique métabolique. Les contributions du Dr Harrison et son plaidoyer en faveur des patients auront un impact durable sur la communauté.
Altimmune drückt sein Beileid zum Tod von Dr. Stephen Harrison aus, einer Schlüsselfigur im Bereich der metabolischen Lebererkrankungen. Dr. Harrisons Beiträge und sein Einsatz für Patienten werden eine dauerhafte Wirkung auf die Gemeinschaft haben.
GAITHERSBURG, Md., April 25, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Altimmune team would like to express our sorrow and extend our heartfelt condolences to Dr. Stephen Harrison’s family following his tragic and unexpected passing.
Dr. Harrison’s countless contributions to advancing needed treatments for metabolic liver disease will leave a profound and lasting legacy throughout our field, with his patients and the people engaged in understanding and treating liver disease. His brilliance and vision were only rivaled by his eloquence, charisma and steadfast commitment to improving the lives of people with liver disease. He was a tireless advocate for patients and a deeply respected advisor, investigator and friend to Altimmune.
We will miss him greatly as we adjust to this tremendous loss for the community. We honor his memory and are grateful for having known and worked with him.
Who passed away according to the Altimmune statement?
Dr. Stephen Harrison passed away, as mentioned in the Altimmune statement.
What field did Dr. Stephen Harrison work in?
Dr. Stephen Harrison worked in the field of metabolic liver disease, as highlighted in the Altimmune statement.
What was Dr. Stephen Harrison known for according to Altimmune?
Dr. Stephen Harrison was known for his contributions to advancing treatments for metabolic liver disease, as stated by Altimmune.
How does Altimmune describe Dr. Stephen Harrison?
Altimmune describes Dr. Stephen Harrison as brilliant, visionary, eloquent, charismatic, and deeply committed to improving the lives of people with liver disease.
Who will miss Dr. Stephen Harrison according to Altimmune?
Altimmune mentions that they will greatly miss Dr. Stephen Harrison and adjust to the loss experienced by the community.