China's National Medical Products Administration (NMPA) Approves VYLOY™ (zolbetuximab) for First-Line Treatment of Advanced Gastric or Gastroesophageal Junction Adenocarcinoma
Astellas Pharma announced that China's NMPA has approved VYLOY™ (zolbetuximab) for first-line treatment of advanced gastric or gastroesophageal junction adenocarcinoma. The approval is specifically for HER2-negative patients whose tumors are claudin (CLDN) 18.2 positive, in combination with chemotherapy.
The approval is supported by Phase 3 GLOW and SPOTLIGHT trials, which showed significant improvements in survival rates. In the GLOW trial, median progression-free survival was 8.21 months with zolbetuximab plus CAPOX versus 6.80 months with placebo. Overall survival was 14.39 versus 12.16 months. The SPOTLIGHT trial showed similar improvements.
This approval is particularly significant as China has the highest number of gastric cancer cases globally, with over 260,000 deaths in 2022. The drug targets CLDN18.2, a biomarker expressed in 35% of Chinese patients with advanced gastric cancer.
Astellas Pharma ha annunciato che l'NMPA della Cina ha approvato VYLOY™ (zolbetuximab) per il trattamento di prima linea dell'adenocarcinoma gastrico avanzato o della giunzione gastroesofagea. L'approvazione è specificamente per pazienti HER2-negativi i cui tumori sono positivi per claudin (CLDN) 18.2, in combinazione con chemioterapia.
L'approvazione è supportata dagli studi di Fase 3 GLOW e SPOTLIGHT, che hanno mostrato miglioramenti significativi nei tassi di sopravvivenza. Nello studio GLOW, la sopravvivenza senza progressione mediana è stata di 8,21 mesi con zolbetuximab più CAPOX rispetto a 6,80 mesi con placebo. La sopravvivenza globale è stata di 14,39 contro 12,16 mesi. Lo studio SPOTLIGHT ha mostrato miglioramenti simili.
Questa approvazione è particolarmente significativa poiché la Cina ha il numero più alto di casi di cancro gastrico a livello globale, con oltre 260.000 decessi nel 2022. Il farmaco mira a CLDN18.2, un biomarcatore espresso nel 35% dei pazienti cinesi con cancro gastrico avanzato.
Astellas Pharma anunció que la NMPA de China ha aprobado VYLOY™ (zolbetuximab) para el tratamiento de primera línea del adenocarcinoma gástrico avanzado o de la unión gastroesofágica. La aprobación es específicamente para pacientes HER2-negativos cuyos tumores son positivos para claudin (CLDN) 18.2, en combinación con quimioterapia.
La aprobación está respaldada por los ensayos de Fase 3 GLOW y SPOTLIGHT, que mostraron mejoras significativas en las tasas de supervivencia. En el ensayo GLOW, la supervivencia libre de progresión mediana fue de 8,21 meses con zolbetuximab más CAPOX en comparación con 6,80 meses con placebo. La supervivencia global fue de 14,39 frente a 12,16 meses. El ensayo SPOTLIGHT mostró mejoras similares.
Esta aprobación es particularmente significativa ya que China tiene el mayor número de casos de cáncer gástrico en todo el mundo, con más de 260,000 muertes en 2022. El fármaco se dirige a CLDN18.2, un biomarcador expresado en el 35% de los pacientes chinos con cáncer gástrico avanzado.
아스텔라스 제약은 중국의 NMPA가 VYLOY™ (졸베투시맙)을 진행성 위암 또는 위식도 접합부 선암의 1차 치료제로 승인했다고 발표했습니다. 이 승인은 HER2 음성 환자 중에서 클로딘 (CLDN) 18.2 양성 종양을 가진 환자에 대해 화학요법과 병용하여 적합합니다.
이 승인은 생존율의 상당한 개선을 보여준 3상 GLOW 및 SPOTLIGHT 임상 시험에 의해 뒷받침됩니다. GLOW 임상 시험에서, 졸베투시맙과 CAPOX의 중간 무진행 생존 기간은 8.21개월이었고, 위약군은 6.80개월이었습니다. 전체 생존 기간은 각각 14.39개월 대 12.16개월이었습니다. SPOTLIGHT 임상 시험에서도 유사한 개선이 나타났습니다.
중국은 세계적으로 위암 발생률이 가장 높은 국가로, 2022년에 26만 건 이상의 사망자를 기록하는 등 이 승인은 특히 중요합니다. 이 약물은 진행성 위암 환자의 35%에서 발현되는 바이오마커인 CLDN18.2를 표적으로 합니다.
Astellas Pharma a annoncé que la NMPA de Chine a approuvé VYLOY™ (zolbetuximab) pour le traitement de première ligne de l'adénocarcinome gastrique avancé ou de la jonction gastro-œsophagienne. L'approbation concerne spécifiquement les patients HER2-négatifs dont les tumeurs sont positives pour la claudine (CLDN) 18.2, en association avec une chimiothérapie.
L'approbation est soutenue par les essais de Phase 3 GLOW et SPOTLIGHT, qui ont montré des améliorations significatives des taux de survie. Dans l'essai GLOW, la survie sans progression médiane était de 8,21 mois avec le zolbetuximab associé au CAPOX contre 6,80 mois avec un placebo. La survie globale était de 14,39 contre 12,16 mois. L'essai SPOTLIGHT a montré des améliorations similaires.
Cette approbation est particulièrement significative, car la Chine a le taux le plus élevé de cas de cancer gastrique au monde, avec plus de 260 000 décès en 2022. Le médicament cible la CLDN18.2, un biomarqueur exprimé chez 35 % des patients chinois atteints de cancer gastrique avancé.
Astellas Pharma gab bekannt, dass die NMPA in China VYLOY™ (Zolbetuximab) für die Erstlinientherapie von fortgeschrittenem Magenkarzinom oder Adenokarzinom der gastroösophagealen Übergangszone genehmigt hat. Die Genehmigung gilt speziell für HER2-negative Patienten, deren Tumoren positiv für Claudin (CLDN) 18.2 sind, in Kombination mit Chemotherapie.
Die Genehmigung wird durch die Phase-3-Studien GLOW und SPOTLIGHT unterstützt, die bedeutende Verbesserungen der Überlebensraten zeigten. In der GLOW-Studie betrug das mediane progressionsfreie Überleben 8,21 Monate mit Zolbetuximab plus CAPOX im Vergleich zu 6,80 Monaten mit Placebo. Das Gesamtüberleben betrug 14,39 gegenüber 12,16 Monaten. Die SPOTLIGHT-Studie zeigte ähnliche Verbesserungen.
Diese Genehmigung ist besonders wichtig, da China die höchste Anzahl von Magenkrebsfällen weltweit hat, mit über 260.000 Todesfällen im Jahr 2022. Das Medikament richtet sich gegen CLDN18.2, einen Biomarker, der bei 35 % der chinesischen Patienten mit fortgeschrittenem Magenkrebs exprimiert wird.
- First NMPA-approved monoclonal antibody targeting CLDN18.2 in gastric cancer
- Significant survival improvements shown in clinical trials (PFS: 8.21 vs 6.80 months; OS: 14.39 vs 12.16 months)
- Targets large market opportunity with 35% of Chinese gastric cancer patients expressing CLDN18.2
- Financial impact already included in fiscal year 2025 forecast
- to specific patient subset (HER2-negative, CLDN18.2-positive only)
- Common adverse events reported including nausea, vomiting, and decreased appetite
- Zolbetuximab is the first and only therapy approved in
- Treatment with the claudin 18.2-targeted monoclonal antibody shown to significantly extend both progression-free survival and overall survival in the Phase 3 GLOW and SPOTLIGHT trials3,4 -
Gastric cancer is the third leading cause of cancer-related mortality in
Professor Xu Ruihua, Lead Primary Investigator of the Phase 3 GLOW Study, Director of the Cancer Prevention and Treatment Center of Sun Yat-sen University, President of the Chinese Society of Clinical Oncology (CSCO):
Professor Xu Jianming, Lead Primary Investigator of the Phase 3 SPOTLIGHT Study in
"We are extremely encouraged that the NMPA has approved zolbetuximab in
Moitreyee Chatterjee-Kishore, Ph.D., M.B.A., Senior Vice President and Head of Immuno-Oncology Development, Astellas:
The NMPA's approval of zolbetuximab is supported by data from the global Phase 3 GLOW and SPOTLIGHT clinical trials which included 145 and 36 patients from mainland
Astellas has already reflected the impact from the NMPA approval of zolbetuximab in its financial forecast for the current fiscal year ending March 31, 2025.
About Locally Advanced Unresectable Metastatic Gastric and Gastroesophageal Junction Cancer
Gastric and gastroesophageal junction (G/GEJ) cancers are known to be histologically similar, are recommended to be managed in the same way in treatment guidelines, and frequently display aligned responses to treatment.8 Across
Because early-stage cancer symptoms frequently overlap with more common stomach-related conditions, G/GEJ cancers are often diagnosed in the advanced or metastatic stage, or once they have spread from the tumor's origin to other body tissues or organs.10
Early signs and symptoms can include indigestion or heartburn, pain or discomfort in the abdomen, nausea and vomiting, bloating of the stomach after meals, and loss of appetite.10,11 Signs of more advanced G/GEJ cancer can include unexplained weight loss, weakness and fatigue, sensation of food getting stuck in the throat while eating, vomiting blood or having blood in the stool.10,11,12 Risk factors associated with G/GEJ cancer can include older age, male gender, family history, H. pylori infection, smoking, and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).13,14
About the GLOW Phase 3 Clinical Trial
GLOW is a Phase 3, global, multi-center, double-blind, randomized study, assessing the efficacy and safety of zolbetuximab plus CAPOX (a combination chemotherapy regimen that includes capecitabine and oxaliplatin) compared to placebo plus CAPOX as a first-line treatment in patients with locally advanced unresectable or metastatic HER2-negative gastric or GEJ adenocarcinoma whose tumors were CLDN18.2 positive. The study enrolled 507 patients at 166 study locations in the
Data from the GLOW study were initially presented at the March 2023 ASCO Plenary Series with an updated oral presentation at the 2023 ASCO Annual Meeting on June 3, 2023, and were subsequently published in Nature Medicine on July 31, 2023.4
For more information, please visit under Identifier NCT03653507.
About the SPOTLIGHT Phase 3 Clinical Trial
SPOTLIGHT is a Phase 3, global, multi-center, double-blind, randomized study, assessing the efficacy and safety of zolbetuximab plus mFOLFOX6 (a combination chemotherapy regimen that includes oxaliplatin, leucovorin, and fluorouracil) compared to placebo plus mFOLFOX6 as a first-line treatment in patients with locally advanced unresectable or metastatic HER2-negative gastric or GEJ adenocarcinoma whose tumors were CLDN18.2 positive. The study enrolled 565 patients at 215 study locations in the
Data from the SPOTLIGHT clinical trial were presented during the 2023 American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Gastrointestinal (GI) Cancers Symposium in an oral presentation on January 19, 2023, and were subsequently published in The Lancet on April 14, 2023.3
For more information, please visit under Identifier NCT03504397.
About Zolbetuximab
Zolbetuximab is a first-in-class monoclonal antibody (mAb) specifically designed to target tumor cells that express CLDN18.2, a transmembrane protein. Zolbetuximab is the only CLDN18.2 targeted therapy to be approved in combination with fluoropyrimidine- and platinum-containing chemotherapy for the first-line treatment of patients with locally advanced unresectable or metastatic human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2)-negative gastric or gastroesophageal junction (GEJ) adenocarcinoma whose tumors are claudin (CLDN) 18.2 positive.
Zolbetuximab has been approved in a number of countries around the world including
By binding to CLDN18.2, zolbetuximab induces cancer cell death and tumor growth inhibition by activating two distinct immune system pathways — antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) and complement-dependent cytotoxicity (CDC).15 This targeted approach that specifically focuses on CLDN18.2, a biomarker shown to be positively expressed in gastric and GEJ cancers, could help to identify patients who are most likely to respond to treatment.
Investigational Pipeline in CLDN18.2
An expanded Phase 2 trial of zolbetuximab in metastatic pancreatic adenocarcinoma is in progress involving 393 patients worldwide. The trial is a randomized, multi-center, open-label study, evaluating the safety and efficacy of investigational zolbetuximab in combination with gemcitabine plus nab-paclitaxel as a first-line treatment in patients with metastatic pancreatic adenocarcinoma with CLDN18.2 positive tumors (defined as ≥
In addition to zolbetuximab, ASP2138 is under development in our Primary Focus Immuno-Oncology area and is currently recruiting patients. ASP2138 is a bispecific monoclonal antibody that binds to CD3 and CLDN18.2, and it is currently in a Phase 1/1b study in participants with metastatic or locally advanced unresectable gastric or GEJ adenocarcinoma or metastatic pancreatic adenocarcinoma whose tumors have CLDN18.2 expression. The safety and efficacy of the agent under investigation have not been established for the uses being considered. For more information, please visit under Identifier NCT05365581.
There is no guarantee that the agent(s) will receive regulatory approval and become commercially available for the uses being investigated.
About Astellas
Astellas is a global life sciences company committed to turning innovative science into VALUE for patients. We provide transformative therapies in disease areas that include oncology, ophthalmology, urology, immunology and women's health. Through our research and development programs, we are pioneering new healthcare solutions for diseases with high unmet medical need. Learn more at
Cautionary Notes
In this press release, statements made with respect to current plans, estimates, strategies and beliefs and other statements that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements about the future performance of Astellas. These statements are based on management's current assumptions and beliefs in light of the information currently available to it and involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties. A number of factors could cause actual results to differ materially from those discussed in the forward-looking statements. Such factors include, but are not limited to: (i) changes in general economic conditions and in laws and regulations, relating to pharmaceutical markets, (ii) currency exchange rate fluctuations, (iii) delays in new product launches, (iv) the inability of Astellas to market existing and new products effectively, (v) the inability of Astellas to continue to effectively research and develop products accepted by customers in highly competitive markets, and (vi) infringements of Astellas' intellectual property rights by third parties. Information about pharmaceutical products (including products currently in development) which is included in this press release is not intended to constitute an advertisement or medical advice.
1 World Cancer Research Fund International. Stomach Cancer Statistics. Available at: Last accessed: January 2025. |
2 Shitara K, Xu R-H, Moran DM, et al. Global prevalence of CLDN18.2 in patients with locally advanced (LA) unresectable or metastatic gastric or gastroesophageal junction (mG/GEJ) adenocarcinoma: Biomarker analysis of two zolbetuximab phase 3 studies (SPOTLIGHT and GLOW). J Clin Oncol. 2023;41:4035. |
3 Shitara K, Lordick F, Bang Y-J, et al. Zolbetuximab plus mFOLFOX6 in patients with CLDN18.2-positive, HER2-negative, untreated, locally advanced unresectable or metastatic gastric or gastro-oesophageal junction adenocarcinoma (SPOTLIGHT): a multicentre, randomised, double-blind, phase 3 trial. The Lancet. 2023;401(10389):1655-1668. |
4 Shah MA, Shitara K, Ajani JA, et al. Zolbetuximab plus CAPOX in CLDN18.2-positive gastric or gastroesophageal junction adenocarcinoma: the randomized, phase 3 GLOW trial. Nat Med. 2023;29(8):2133-2141. |
5 World Health Organization, International Agency for Research on Cancer. Globocan China Factsheet. Available at: Last accessed: January 2025. |
6 Astellas data on file. CancerMPact® Treatment Architecture - Gastric Cancer, |
7 Li H, Zhang H, Zhang H, et al. Survival of gastric cancer in |
8 Barra WF, Moreira FC, Pereira Cruz AM, et al. GEJ cancers: gastric or esophageal tumors? Searching for the answer according to molecular identity. Oncotarget. 2017;8(61):104286-104294. |
9 American Cancer Society. About esophagus cancer (03-20-2020). Available at: Last accessed: January 2025. |
10 American Cancer Society. Stomach Cancer Early Detection, Diagnosis, and Staging. Signs and Symptoms of Stomach Cancer (10-02-2024). Available at Last accessed: January 2025. |
11 National Cancer Institute. Stomach Cancer Symptoms (10-30-2024). Available at: Last accessed: January 2025. |
12 The Royal Marsden. Stomach cancer symptoms: What are the signs of gastric cancer? (05-23-2022). Available at: Last accessed: January 2025. |
13 American Cancer Society. Stomach cancer causes, risk factors and prevention (01-22-2021). Available at: Last accessed: January 2025. |
14 American Cancer Society. Esophageal cancer causes, risk factors, and prevention (06-09-2020). Available at: Last accessed: January 2025. |
15 Sahin U, Türeci Ö, Manikhas G, et al. FAST: a randomised phase II study of zolbetuximab (IMAB362) plus EOX versus EOX alone for first-line treatment of advanced CLDN18.2-positive gastric and gastro-oesophageal adenocarcinoma. Ann Oncol. 2021;32(5):609-19. |
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SOURCE Astellas Pharma Inc.