Almonty Industries Has Entered Into an Offtake Agreement with SeAH Group, the Korean Steel Giant and SpaceX Contractor, to Supply SeAH with the Entire Production of Molybdenum from Almonty's Sangdong Molybdenum Project for the Life of Mine

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Almonty Industries has signed an exclusive offtake agreement with SeAH M&S, South Korea's largest molybdenum processor, for 100% of the production from its Sangdong Molybdenum Project for the entire life of mine. The project, expected to begin production by end of 2026, has a projected 60-year mine life and will produce approximately 5,600 tons of molybdenum annually at full capacity.

The agreement includes a floor price of US$19.00/Lb (before treatment charges), providing financial stability for the project. Currently, molybdenum trades at approximately US$22/Lb. SeAH, which is building a US$110 million metals facility in Texas to supply SpaceX and the U.S. aerospace sector, will use the production to strengthen South Korea's domestic supply chain and reduce dependence on Chinese imports.

The Sangdong Molybdenum Project is located approximately 150 meters from Almonty's Tungsten Project, allowing for operational synergies and cost efficiencies. The project is fully permitted for mining and environmental requirements.

Almonty Industries ha firmato un accordo di compravendita esclusivo con SeAH M&S, il più grande processore di molibdeno della Corea del Sud, per il 100% della produzione del suo Progetto Molybdeno di Sangdong per l'intera vita mineraria. Il progetto, che si prevede inizi a produrre entro la fine del 2026, ha una vita mineraria stimata di 60 anni e produrrà circa 5.600 tonnellate di molibdeno all'anno a piena capacità.

L'accordo include un prezzo minimo di 19,00 USD/Lb (prima delle spese di trattamento), garantendo stabilità finanziaria per il progetto. Attualmente, il molibdeno viene scambiato a circa 22 USD/Lb. SeAH, che sta costruendo un impianto metallico da 110 milioni di USD in Texas per rifornire SpaceX e il settore aerospaziale statunitense, utilizzerà la produzione per rafforzare la catena di approvvigionamento interna della Corea del Sud e ridurre la dipendenza dalle importazioni cinesi.

Il Progetto Molybdeno di Sangdong si trova a circa 150 metri dal Progetto Tungsteno di Almonty, permettendo sinergie operative ed efficienze nei costi. Il progetto è completamente autorizzato per i requisiti minerari e ambientali.

Almonty Industries ha firmado un acuerdo exclusivo de venta con SeAH M&S, el mayor procesador de molibdeno de Corea del Sur, para el 100% de la producción de su Proyecto de Molibdeno de Sangdong durante toda la vida útil de la mina. Se espera que el proyecto comience a producir a finales de 2026, con una vida útil proyectada de 60 años y una producción aproximada de 5,600 toneladas de molibdeno anualmente a plena capacidad.

El acuerdo incluye un precio mínimo de 19,00 USD/Lb (antes de los cargos por tratamiento), proporcionando estabilidad financiera al proyecto. Actualmente, el molibdeno se comercializa a aproximadamente 22 USD/Lb. SeAH, que está construyendo una instalación de metales de 110 millones de USD en Texas para abastecer a SpaceX y al sector aeroespacial de EE. UU., utilizará la producción para fortalecer la cadena de suministro interna de Corea del Sur y reducir la dependencia de las importaciones chinas.

El Proyecto de Molibdeno de Sangdong se encuentra a aproximadamente 150 metros del Proyecto de Tungsteno de Almonty, lo que permite sinergias operativas y eficiencias en costos. El proyecto tiene todos los permisos necesarios para las condiciones mineras y ambientales.

Almonty Industries는 한국 최대의 몰리브덴 가공업체인 SeAH M&S와 그의 상돈 몰리브덴 프로젝트에서 생산되는 100%의 생산량에 대해 생애 주기 동안 독점 매매 계약을 체결했습니다. 이 프로젝트는 2026년 말에 생산을 시작할 것으로 예상되며, 60년의 광산 수명을 예정하고 있으며, 전 생산 능력에서 연간 약 5,600 톤의 몰리브덴을 생산할 것입니다.

계약에는 19.00 USD/Lb (처리비용 제외)의 기준 가격이 포함되어 있으며, 이는 프로젝트의 재정적 안정을 제공합니다. 현재 몰리브덴은 약 22 USD/Lb에 거래되고 있습니다. SeAH는 SpaceX와 미국 항공 우주 산업에 공급하기 위해 텍사스에 1억 1천만 달러 규모의 금속 시설을 건설 중이며, 이 생산량은 한국의 국내 공급망을 강화하고 중국 수입 의존도를 줄이는 데 사용할 것입니다.

상돈 몰리브덴 프로젝트는 Almonty의 텅스텐 프로젝트에서 약 150미터 떨어져 있어 운영 시너지 및 비용 효율성을 가능하게 합니다. 이 프로젝트는 채굴 및 환경 요구 사항을 위한 모든 권한이 부여되어 있습니다.

Almonty Industries a signé un contrat d'achat exclusif avec SeAH M&S, le plus grand transformateur de molybdène de Corée du Sud, pour 100 % de la production de son Projet de Molybdène de Sangdong pour toute la durée de vie de la mine. Le projet, qui devrait entrer en production d'ici la fin de 2026, a une durée de vie minière estimée à 60 ans et produira environ 5 600 tonnes de molybdène par an à pleine capacité.

Le contrat inclut un prix minimal de 19,00 USD/Lb (avant frais de traitement), offrant une stabilité financière au projet. Actuellement, le molybdène se négocie à environ 22 USD/Lb. SeAH, qui construit une installation métallurgique de 110 millions USD au Texas pour approvisionner SpaceX et le secteur aérospatial américain, utilisera cette production pour renforcer la chaîne d'approvisionnement interne de la Corée du Sud et réduire sa dépendance aux importations chinoises.

Le Projet de Molybdène de Sangdong est situé à environ 150 mètres du Projet de Tungstène d'Almonty, permettant des synergies opérationnelles et des économies de coûts. Le projet est entièrement autorisé pour les exigences minières et environnementales.

Almonty Industries hat eine exklusive Abnahmevereinbarung mit SeAH M&S, dem größten Molydänverarbeiter Südkoreas, für 100% der Produktion seines Sangdong-Molybdänprojekts über die gesamte Lebensdauer der Mine unterzeichnet. Es wird erwartet, dass das Projekt bis Ende 2026 mit der Produktion beginnt, eine prognostizierte Lebensdauer von 60 Jahren hat und bei voller Kapazität jährlich etwa 5.600 Tonnen Molybdän produziert.

Die Vereinbarung umfasst einen Mindestpreis von 19,00 USD/Lb (vor Behandlungskosten), der finanzielle Stabilität für das Projekt bietet. Derzeit wird Molybdän bei etwa 22 USD/Lb gehandelt. SeAH, das ein 110 Millionen USD teures Metallwerk in Texas baut, um SpaceX und den US-Luftfahrtsektor zu beliefern, wird die Produktion nutzen, um die inländische Lieferkette Südkoreas zu stärken und die Abhängigkeit von chinesischen Importen zu verringern.

Das Sangdong-Molybdänprojekt befindet sich etwa 150 Meter von Almontys Wolframprojekt entfernt, was betriebliche Synergien und Kosteneffizienz ermöglicht. Das Projekt ist vollständig für Bergbau- und Umweltanforderungen genehmigt.

  • Secured life-of-mine offtake agreement with major industry player SeAH M&S
  • Guaranteed floor price of US$19.00/Lb provides revenue stability
  • Large production capacity of 5,600 tons annually
  • Extensive 60-year mine life
  • Operational synergies with nearby Tungsten project
  • Project is fully permitted for mining and environmental requirements
  • None.

TORONTO--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Almonty Industries Inc. (“Almonty” or the “Company“) (TSX: AII / ASX: AII / OTCQX: ALMTF / Frankfurt: ALI) announces that it has entered into an exclusive offtake agreement (“Agreement” or “Offtake”) with SeAH M&S (“SeAH”), the largest processor of molybdenum products in South Korea and the second largest Molybdenum oxide smelter in the world, pursuant to which SeAH has agreed to purchase 100% of the material produced from Almonty’s Sangdong Molybdenum Project (the “Sangdong Molybdenum Project”) for life of mine. The Sangdong Molybdenum Project, which is being developed by Almonty’s wholly owned subsidiary, Almonty Korea Moly Corp. (“AKMC”), is already fully permitted (Mining and Environmental) and is expected to begin producing by the end of 2026 with an anticipated life of mine of 60 years based on historical Korean Government data. When operating at full capacity, the mine will produce approximately 5,600 tons of molybdenum annually. SeAH is building a US$110 million metals and fabrication facility in Temple, Texas, that is slated to provide fabricated metal products to Space Exploration Technologies Corp. (“SpaceX”) and to the U.S. defense and civilian aerospace sectors.

The Offtake includes a hard floor price of US$19.00/Lb. (prior to the deduction of treatment charges) to ensure financial stability and a predictable revenue base as Almonty advances this transformative project. The current price of molybdenum is approximately US$22/Lb. South Korea has a large metals and shipbuilding industries which is currently almost entirely dependent on imported molybdenum, with China being the largest single source of the metal. By supplying material from the Sangdong Molybdenum Project to SeAH, South Korea’s domestic supply chain will be strengthened with reduced dependence on foreign imports and local manufacturers should greatly benefit.

The proximity of the Sangdong Molybdenum Project to Almonty’s Sangdong Tungsten Project is approximately 150 metres which will allow for significant synergies that enhance logistical efficiency, reduce costs, and leverage shared infrastructure and expertise.

“We are thrilled to partner with SeAH M&S, a highly respected leader in the Korean market,” said Lewis Black, CEO of Almonty. “This Agreement underscores the strategic importance of AKMC and reflects strong confidence in Almonty’s ability to deliver high-quality resources. The floor price provides a stable foundation and access to low-rate domestic construction lending as we advance our moly project, while keeping the material in South Korea strengthens local supply chains and supports domestic industry. This collaboration builds on the success of our Sangdong Tungsten Project, positioning us to deliver another transformative project and further reinforce our leadership in the critical materials sector.”

This Offtake represents a pivotal step in advancing AKMC and the Sangdong Molybdenum Project and aligns with Almonty’s strategic plan and commitment to addressing the increasing Western demand for molybdenum, a critical material essential to numerous industries especially including defense, green energy technologies and advanced manufacturing.

About Almonty

The principal business of Toronto, Canada-based Almonty Industries Inc. is the mining, processing and shipping of tungsten concentrate from its Los Santos Mine in western Spain and its Panasqueira mine in Portugal as well as the development of its Sangdong tungsten mine in Gangwon Province, South Korea and the development of the Valtreixal tin/tungsten project in northwestern Spain. The Los Santos Mine was acquired by Almonty in September 2011 and is located approximately 50 kilometres from Salamanca in western Spain and produces tungsten concentrate. The Panasqueira mine, which has been in production since 1896, is located approximately 260 kilometres northeast of Lisbon, Portugal, was acquired in January 2016 and produces tungsten concentrate. The Sangdong mine, which was historically one of the largest tungsten mines in the world and one of the few long-life, high-grade tungsten deposits outside of China, was acquired in September 2015 through the acquisition of a 100% interest in Woulfe Mining Corp. Almonty owns 100% of the Valtreixal tin-tungsten project in north- western Spain. Further information about Almonty’s activities may be found at and under Almonty’s profile at

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When used in this press release, the words “estimate”, “project”, “belief”, “anticipate”, “intend”, “expect”, “plan”, “predict”, “may” or “should” and the negative of these words or such variations thereon or comparable terminology are intended to identify forward-looking statements and information. These statements and information are based on management’s beliefs, estimates and opinions on the date that statements are made and reflect Almonty’s current expectations.

Forward-looking statements are subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause the actual results, level of activity, performance or achievements of Almonty to be materially different from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements, including but not limited to: any specific risks relating to fluctuations in the price of ammonium para tungstate (“APT”) from which the sale price of Almonty’s tungsten concentrate is derived, actual results of mining and exploration activities, environmental, economic and political risks of the jurisdictions in which Almonty’s operations are located and changes in project parameters as plans continue to be refined, forecasts and assessments relating to Almonty’s business, credit and liquidity risks, hedging risk, competition in the mining industry, risks related to the market price of Almonty’s shares, the ability of Almonty to retain key management employees or procure the services of skilled and experienced personnel, risks related to claims and legal proceedings against Almonty and any of its operating mines, risks relating to unknown defects and impairments, risks related to the adequacy of internal control over financial reporting, risks related to governmental regulations, including environmental regulations, risks related to international operations of Almonty, risks relating to exploration, development and operations at Almonty’s tungsten mines, the ability of Almonty to obtain and maintain necessary permits, the ability of Almonty to comply with applicable laws, regulations and permitting requirements, lack of suitable infrastructure and employees to support Almonty’s mining operations, uncertainty in the accuracy of mineral reserves and mineral resources estimates, production estimates from Almonty’s mining operations, inability to replace and expand mineral reserves, uncertainties related to title and indigenous rights with respect to mineral properties owned directly or indirectly by Almonty, the ability of Almonty to obtain adequate financing, the ability of Almonty to complete permitting, construction, development and expansion, challenges related to global financial conditions, risks related to future sales or issuance of equity securities, differences in the interpretation or application of tax laws and regulations or accounting policies and rules and acceptance of the TSX of the listing of Almonty shares on the TSX.

Forward-looking statements are based on assumptions management believes to be reasonable, including but not limited to, no material adverse change in the market price of ammonium para tungstate (APT), the continuing ability to fund or obtain funding for outstanding commitments, expectations regarding the resolution of legal and tax matters, no negative change to applicable laws, the ability to secure local contractors, employees and assistance as and when required and on reasonable terms, and such other assumptions and factors as are set out herein. Although Almonty has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results, level of activity, performance or achievements to differ materially from those contained in forward-looking statements, there may be other factors that cause results, level of activity, performance or achievements not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. There can be no assurance that forward-looking statements will prove to be accurate and even if events or results described in the forward-looking statements are realized or substantially realized, there can be no assurance that they will have the expected consequences to, or effects on, Almonty. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements and are cautioned that actual outcomes may vary.

Investors are cautioned against attributing undue certainty to forward-looking statements. Almonty cautions that the foregoing list of material factors is not exhaustive. When relying on Almonty’s forward-looking statements and information to make decisions, investors and others should carefully consider the foregoing factors and other uncertainties and potential events.

Almonty has also assumed that material factors will not cause any forward-looking statements and information to differ materially from actual results or events. However, the list of these factors is not exhaustive and is subject to change and there can be no assurance that such assumptions will reflect the actual outcome of such items or factors.


For further information, please contact:

Lewis Black

Chairman, President and CEO

Telephone: +1 647 438-9766


Source: Almonty Industries Inc.


What is the production capacity of Almonty's (ALMTF) Sangdong Molybdenum Project?

The Sangdong Molybdenum Project is expected to produce approximately 5,600 tons of molybdenum annually when operating at full capacity.

When will ALMTF's Sangdong Molybdenum Project begin production?

The Sangdong Molybdenum Project is expected to begin producing by the end of 2026.

What is the floor price in ALMTF's offtake agreement with SeAH?

The offtake agreement includes a hard floor price of US$19.00/Lb, before the deduction of treatment charges.

How long is the expected mine life of ALMTF's Sangdong Molybdenum Project?

Based on historical Korean Government data, the Sangdong Molybdenum Project has an anticipated life of mine of 60 years.

What is the distance between ALMTF's Sangdong Molybdenum and Tungsten projects?

The Sangdong Molybdenum Project is located approximately 150 metres from Almonty's Sangdong Tungsten Project.

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