Alumis Reports Second Quarter 2024 Financial Results and Highlights Recent Development and Corporate Achievements

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Alumis Inc. (Nasdaq: ALMS) reported its Q2 2024 financial results and recent achievements. Key highlights include:

1. Initiated ESK-001 Phase 3 ONWARD clinical program for moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis.

2. Started Phase 1 clinical trial for A-005 in healthy participants.

3. Completed IPO and private placement, raising $250M in gross proceeds.

4. Cash position of $209.5M as of June 30, 2024, expected to fund operations into 2026.

5. Q2 2024 financials: R&D expenses $48.6M, G&A expenses $7.6M, net loss $56.5M.

6. Upcoming milestones include ESK-001 Phase 2 OLE data update in psoriasis (Q3 2024) and A-005 Phase 1 clinical trial data (end of 2024).

Alumis Inc. (Nasdaq: ALMS) ha riportato i risultati finanziari del secondo trimestre 2024 e i recenti traguardi raggiunti. I principali punti salienti includono:

1. Iniziato il programma clinico ESK-001 Fase 3 ONWARD per la psoriasi a placche da moderata a grave.

2. Avviato il trial clinico di Fase 1 per A-005 su partecipanti sani.

3. Completato l'IPO e la collocazione privata, raccogliendo 250 milioni di dollari in proventi lordi.

4. Posizione di cassa di 209,5 milioni di dollari al 30 giugno 2024, prevista per finanziare le operazioni fino al 2026.

5. Finanziari del Q2 2024: spese per R&S 48,6 milioni di dollari, spese generali e amministrative 7,6 milioni di dollari, perdita netta 56,5 milioni di dollari.

6. Prossimi traguardi includono l'aggiornamento dei dati della Fase 2 OLE di ESK-001 nella psoriasi (Q3 2024) e i dati del trial clinico di Fase 1 di A-005 (fine 2024).

Alumis Inc. (Nasdaq: ALMS) informó sobre sus resultados financieros del segundo trimestre de 2024 y los logros recientes. Los aspectos más destacados incluyen:

1. Se inició el programa clínico ESK-001 Fase 3 ONWARD para la psoriasis en placas de moderada a grave.

2. Comenzó el ensayo clínico de Fase 1 para A-005 en participantes sanos.

3. Se completó la IPO y la colocación privada, recaudando 250 millones de dólares en ingresos brutos.

4. Posición de efectivo de 209,5 millones de dólares al 30 de junio de 2024, que se espera financie las operaciones hasta 2026.

5. Resultados del Q2 2024: gastos en I+D 48,6 millones de dólares, gastos G&A 7,6 millones de dólares, pérdida neta 56,5 millones de dólares.

6. Los próximos hitos incluyen la actualización de datos de ESK-001 Fase 2 OLE en psoriasis (Q3 2024) y los datos del ensayo clínico Fase 1 de A-005 (finales de 2024).

알루미스 주식회사 (Nasdaq: ALMS)는 2024년 2분기 재무 결과와 최근 성과를 보고했습니다. 주요 하이라이트는 다음과 같습니다:

1. 중등도에서 심한 판상 건선에 대한 ESK-001 3상 ONWARD 임상 프로그램을 시작했습니다.

2. 건강한 참여자를 모집하여 A-005의 1상 임상 시험을 시작했습니다.

3. IPO 및 사모 배정을 완료하여 2억 5천만 달러의 총 수익을 모금했습니다.

4. 2024년 6월 30일 기준으로 2억 0천9백 5십만 달러의 현금 보유를 가지고 있으며, 2026년까지 운영 자금을 지원할 것으로 예상됩니다.

5. 2024년 2분기 재무 사항: R&D 비용 4천8백60만 달러, 일반 관리비 7백60만 달러, 순손실 5천6백50만 달러.

6. 향후 주요 이정표로는 판상 건선에 대한 ESK-001 2상 OLE 데이터 업데이트 (2024년 3분기)와 A-005 1상 임상 시험 데이터 (2024년 말)가 포함됩니다.

Alumis Inc. (Nasdaq: ALMS) a publié ses résultats financiers du deuxième trimestre 2024 et ses réalisations récentes. Les points forts comprennent :

1. Démarrage du programme clinique ESK-001 Phase 3 ONWARD pour la psoriasis en plaques modéré à sévère.

2. Début du essai clinique de Phase 1 pour A-005 chez des participants en bonne santé.

3. Clôture de l'IPO et de la placement privé, ayant levé 250 millions de dollars de produits bruts.

4. Position de trésorerie de 209,5 millions de dollars au 30 juin 2024, prévue pour financer les opérations jusqu'en 2026.

5. Finances du T2 2024 : dépenses R&D 48,6 millions de dollars, frais G&A 7,6 millions de dollars, perte nette 56,5 millions de dollars.

6. Prochaines étapes incluent la mise à jour des données de la Phase 2 OLE d'ESK-001 dans la psoriasis (T3 2024) et les données de l'essai clinique de Phase 1 d'A-005 (fin 2024).

Alumis Inc. (Nasdaq: ALMS) hat seine finanziellen Ergebnisse für das zweite Quartal 2024 und die jüngsten Erfolge bekannt gegeben. Die wichtigsten Highlights sind:

1. Start des ESK-001 Phase 3 ONWARD klinischen Programms für moderate bis schwere Plaque-Psoriasis.

2. Beginn der Phase 1 klinischen Studie für A-005 mit gesunden Teilnehmern.

3. Abschluss des IPO und der Privatplatzierung, wodurch 250 Millionen USD an Bruttoeinnahmen erzielt wurden.

4. Geldmittel in Höhe von 209,5 Millionen USD zum 30. Juni 2024, die voraussichtlich die Betriebstätigkeit bis 2026 finanzieren werden.

5. Finanzen für Q2 2024: F&E-Ausgaben 48,6 Millionen USD, Verwaltungskosten 7,6 Millionen USD, Nettoverlust 56,5 Millionen USD.

6. Kommende Meilensteine umfassen das Update der ESK-001 Phase 2 OLE-Daten zur Psoriasis (Q3 2024) sowie die Daten der A-005 Phase 1 klinischen Studie (Ende 2024).

  • Initiated ESK-001 Phase 3 ONWARD clinical program in moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis
  • Started Phase 1 clinical trial for A-005 in healthy participants
  • Raised $250M in gross proceeds through IPO and private placement
  • Strong cash position of $209.5M, expected to fund operations into 2026
  • Advancing multiple clinical programs with potential value-driving milestones in the next 12-18 months
  • Increased net loss to $56.5M in Q2 2024 compared to $36.3M in Q2 2023
  • Higher R&D expenses of $48.6M in Q2 2024 compared to $32.8M in Q2 2023
  • Increased G&A expenses to $7.6M in Q2 2024 from $4.8M in Q2 2023

Alumis's Q2 2024 results showcase significant financial and operational progress. The company's cash position of $209.5 million, bolstered by $233.2 million in net proceeds from its IPO, provides a runway into 2026. This strong financial footing is important for advancing its clinical programs.

R&D expenses increased by 48% year-over-year to $48.6 million, reflecting intensified development efforts. The 58% rise in G&A expenses to $7.6 million indicates preparation for public company operations. While the net loss widened to $56.5 million, this is expected for a clinical-stage biotech ramping up its pipeline.

Investors should monitor cash burn rate and clinical milestone achievements as key indicators of Alumis's progress and potential.

Alumis's clinical progress is noteworthy. The initiation of the ONWARD Phase 3 program for ESK-001 in psoriasis marks a significant advancement, supported by positive Phase 2 data. This positions Alumis as a late-stage company in the competitive immunology space.

The launch of A-005's Phase 1 trial for neuroinflammatory diseases demonstrates pipeline diversification. As a CNS-penetrant TYK2 inhibitor, A-005 could potentially address unmet needs in multiple sclerosis and Parkinson's disease.

The upcoming milestones, including ESK-001's OLE data in psoriasis and A-005's Phase 1 results, will be critical in validating Alumis's approach. The ambitious timeline for multiple Phase 2 and 3 readouts by 2026 could significantly enhance the company's value proposition if met successfully.

Alumis's focus on precision therapies for immune-mediated diseases positions it in a rapidly growing market. The global psoriasis treatment market, where ESK-001 is being developed, is projected to reach $37.1 billion by 2028. The neurodegenerative disease market, targeted by A-005, is expected to exceed $50 billion by 2025.

The company's allosteric TYK2 inhibitor approach could differentiate it from competitors, potentially offering improved efficacy and safety profiles. However, Alumis faces stiff competition from established players and other emerging biotechs in these lucrative markets.

Investor attention will likely focus on comparative efficacy data and the potential for label expansions into additional indications, which could significantly expand Alumis's market opportunity.

– Initiated patient dosing in ESK-001 Phase 3 ONWARD clinical program in moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis –

– Initiated Phase 1 clinical trial for A-005 in healthy participants –

– Completed IPO and private placement raising gross proceeds of $250M

SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., Aug. 13, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Alumis Inc. (Nasdaq: ALMS), a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company developing oral therapies using a precision approach to optimize clinical outcomes and significantly improve the lives of patients with immune-mediated diseases, today reported financial results for the second quarter ended June 30, 2024, and provided a summary of recent corporate achievements and upcoming milestones.

“We have made significant progress across our entire business, achieving several critical development and corporate milestones to support our precision approach to replace broad immuno-suppression with targeted therapies,” said Martin Babler, President and Chief Executive Officer of Alumis. “Notably, we initiated a pivotal Phase 3 clinical trial of ESK-001 in moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis, advanced our second candidate, A-005, into the clinic for neuroinflammatory and neurodegenerative diseases, and strengthened our balance sheet with a successful initial public offering. These achievements will enable us to drive forward our mission to bring new, effective treatment options to patients living with immune-mediated diseases.”

Babler added, “As we continue to advance ESK-001 with the initiation of the ONWARD Phase 3 program, the ongoing LUMUS Phase 2b clinical trial for systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and potentially additional indications in the future, we enter a new phase of growth as a late-stage development company and look forward to several value-driving milestones anticipated over the next 12 to 18 months.”

Second Quarter 2024 and Recent Corporate Highlights

  • Initiated patient dosing in the ONWARD Phase 3 clinical program in psoriasis: In July, Alumis announced the initiation of the ONWARD Phase 3 clinical program, which consists of two identical 24-week global Phase 3 clinical trials (ONWARD1 and ONWARD2) designed to evaluate the efficacy and safety of ESK-001, a highly selective allosteric tyrosine kinase 2 (TYK2) inhibitor, in adult patients with moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis and also includes a long-term extension (LTE) trial, ONWARD3, that will evaluate durability and maintenance of response and long-term safety. The pivotal Phase 3 program is supported by positive Phase 2 clinical data from the STRIDE trial, as well as an ongoing open-label extension (OLE) study with data out to 28 weeks of treatment. Topline results are anticipated in 2026.
  • Initiated a Phase 1 clinical trial of A-005 in healthy participants: In April, Alumis announced that the first participant had been dosed in a Phase 1 clinical trial of A-005, a potential first-in-class, central nervous system (CNS) penetrant TYK2 inhibitor being developed for the treatment of neuroinflammatory and neurodegenerative diseases, with potential application in diseases such as multiple sclerosis and Parkinson’s Disease. The Phase 1 clinical trial is designed to assess the safety, tolerability, and pharmacokinetics of single and multiple-ascending orally administered doses of A-005 in healthy volunteers, including confirmation of CNS penetration in humans.
  • Completed initial public offering: In July, Alumis completed its initial public offering (IPO) and a concurrent private placement, raising $250.0 million in aggregate gross proceeds before deducting underwriting discounts and commissions and other offering expenses. Alumis issued 15,625,000 shares of common stock at an offering price of $16.00 per share.

Anticipated Milestones


  • ESK-001 Phase 2 OLE data update in psoriasis (3Q 2024)
  • A-005: Phase 1 clinical trial data in healthy participants (by year-end 2024)


  • A-005: Initiation of Phase 2 clinical trial in multiple sclerosis (MS)
  • ESK-001: Phase 2 OLE 52-week data update in psoriasis
  • Third pipeline program: Investigational New Drug Application filing for third clinical candidate


  • ESK-001: Psoriasis Phase 3 topline data
  • ESK-001: SLE Phase 2b topline data
  • A-005: MS Phase 2 topline data

Second Quarter 2024 Financial Results

  • As of June 30, 2024, Alumis had cash and cash equivalents and marketable securities of $209.5 million, which, together with aggregate net proceeds from the closing of its IPO and concurrent private placement of $233.2 million, is expected to fund operations into 2026.
  • Research and development expenses were $48.6 million for the quarter ended June 30, 2024, compared to $32.8 million for the same period in 2023. The increase was primarily driven by an increase in contract manufacturing, preclinical, and clinical costs for the ESK-001 program and increased headcount in research and development teams to support development efforts.
  • General and administrative expenses were $7.6 million for the quarter ended June 30, 2024, compared to $4.8 million for the same period in 2023. The increase was primarily attributable to the expansion of administrative functions to support business operations and to prepare Alumis to operate as a public company.
  • Net loss was $56.5 million for the quarter ended June 30, 2024, compared to $36.3 million for the same period in 2023.

Upcoming Events

  • Alumis expects to participate in the following conferences:
    • Morgan Stanley Global Healthcare Conference, September 5, 2024, New York, NY
    • Wells Fargo Healthcare Conference, September 6, 2024, Boston, MA
    • Baird Global Healthcare Conference, September 11, 2024, New York, NY
    • Cantor Fitzgerald Global Healthcare Conference, September 17, 2024, New York, NY
    • Stifel Immunology and Inflammation Virtual Summit, September 18, 2024
    • 33rd Annual Congress for the European Academy of Dermatology & Venereology, September 25-28, 2024, Amsterdam, Netherlands

About Alumis
Alumis is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company developing oral therapies using a precision approach to optimize clinical outcomes and significantly improve the lives of patients with immune-mediated diseases. Leveraging its proprietary precision data analytics platform, Alumis is building a pipeline of molecules with the potential to address a broad range of immune-mediated diseases as monotherapy or combination therapies. Alumis’ most advanced product candidate, ESK-001, is an oral, highly selective, small molecule, allosteric inhibitor of tyrosine kinase 2 that is currently being evaluated for the treatment of patients with moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis and systemic lupus erythematosus. Alumis is also developing A-005, a CNS-penetrant, allosteric TYK2 inhibitor for the treatment of neuroinflammatory and neurodegenerative diseases. Beyond TYK2, Alumis’ proprietary precision data analytics platform and drug discovery expertise have led to the identification of additional preclinical programs that exemplify its precision approach. Incubated by Foresite Labs and led by a team of industry veterans experienced in small-molecule compound drug development for immune-mediated diseases, Alumis is pioneering a precision approach to drug development to potentially produce the next generation of treatment to address immune dysfunction. For more information, visit

Forward-Looking Statements
This press release contains forward-looking statements, including statements made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These statements may be identified by words such as "aims," "anticipates," "believes," "could," "estimates," "expects," "forecasts," "goal," "intends," "may," "plans," "possible," "potential," "seeks," "will" and variations of these words or similar expressions that are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Any such statements in this press release that are not statements of historical fact may be deemed to be forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements include, without limitation, statements regarding Alumis’ future plans and prospects, its anticipated milestones over the next twelve to eighteen months, its participation at upcoming conferences, its ability to accomplish its mission to bring new, effective treatment options to patients living with immune-mediated diseases, the success, cost and timing of its product candidate development activities and current and future clinical trials and studies, including study design, any expectations regarding the safety, efficacy or tolerability of ESK-001, including based on the clinical update from Alumis’ Phase 2 STRIDE clinical trial and ongoing OLE study, the ability of ESK-001 to treat moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis or SLE, and expectations regarding the sufficiency of capital resources. Any forward-looking statements in this press release are based on Alumis’ current expectations, estimates and projections only as of the date of this release and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially and adversely from those set forth in or implied by such forward-looking statements. Readers are cautioned that actual results, levels of activity, safety, efficacy, performance or events and circumstances could differ materially from those expressed or implied in Alumis’ forward-looking statements due to a variety of risks and uncertainties, which include, without limitation, risks and uncertainties related to Alumis’ ability to advance ESK-001 and its other clinical candidates and to obtain regulatory approval of and ultimately commercialize Alumis’ clinical candidates, the timing and results of preclinical and clinical trials, Alumis’ ability to fund development activities and achieve development goals, Alumis’ ability to protect its intellectual property and other risks and uncertainties described in Alumis’ filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), including those described from time to time under the caption “Risk Factors” and elsewhere in Alumis’ current and future reports filed with the SEC, including its Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 2024. Alumis explicitly disclaims any obligation to update any forward-looking statements except to the extent required by law.

  Three months ended June 30,  Six months ended June 30,
Operating expenses:            
Research and development expenses $48,565  $32,848  $90,526  $65,283 
General and administrative expenses  7,575   4,775   13,207   9,000 
Total operating expenses  56,140   37,623   103,733   74,283 
Loss from operations  (56,140)  (37,623)  (103,733)  (74,283)
Other income (expense):            
Interest income  1,977   913   2,831   1,558 
Change in fair value of derivative liability  (2,311)  432   (5,406)  432 
Other income (expenses), net  (34)  (11)  (49)  (23)
Total other income (expense), net  (368)  1,334   (2,624)  1,967 
Net loss $(56,508) $(36,289) $(106,357) $(72,316)
Other comprehensive income (loss):            
Unrealized gain (loss) on marketable securities, net     30   (3)  130 
Net loss and other comprehensive loss $(56,508) $(36,259) $(106,360) $(72,186)

  June 30,  December 31,
  2024 2023
Current assets      
Cash and cash equivalents $155,108  $45,996 
Restricted cash  113   113 
Marketable securities  54,423   2,956 
Research and development prepaid expenses  13,200   2,661 
Other prepaid expenses and current assets  2,012   1,631 
Total current assets  224,856   53,357 
Restricted cash, non-current  1,024   1,024 
Property and equipment, net  22,173   22,441 
Operating lease right-of-use assets, net  12,772   12,783 
Other long-term assets  4,354   7 
Total assets $265,179  $89,612 
Liabilities, Redeemable Convertible Preferred Stock and Stockholders’ Deficit      
Current liabilities      
Accounts payable $9,188  $1,118 
Research and development accrued expenses  14,584   10,946 
Other accrued expenses and current liabilities  8,118   7,087 
Operating lease liabilities, current  1,523   1,720 
Total current liabilities  33,413   20,871 
Operating lease liabilities, non-current  30,050   30,860 
Share repurchase liability  1,234   1,771 
Total liabilities  64,697   53,502 
Redeemable convertible preferred stock  639,237   375,370 
Stockholders’ deficit:      
Common stock  1   1 
Additional paid-in capital  31,920   25,055 
Accumulated other comprehensive (loss) income  (1)  2 
Accumulated deficit  (470,675)  (364,318)
Total stockholders’ deficit  (438,755)  (339,260)
Total liabilities, redeemable convertible preferred stock and stockholders’ deficit $265,179  $89,612 

Alumis Contact Information

Teri Dahlman
Red House Communications


What were Alumis' (ALMS) key financial results for Q2 2024?

Alumis reported R&D expenses of $48.6M, G&A expenses of $7.6M, and a net loss of $56.5M for Q2 2024. The company had a cash position of $209.5M as of June 30, 2024.

What major clinical developments did Alumis (ALMS) announce in Q2 2024?

Alumis initiated the ESK-001 Phase 3 ONWARD clinical program for moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis and started a Phase 1 clinical trial for A-005 in healthy participants.

How much did Alumis (ALMS) raise in its IPO and private placement in 2024?

Alumis raised $250 million in gross proceeds through its initial public offering and concurrent private placement in July 2024.

What are the upcoming milestones for Alumis (ALMS) in 2024?

Alumis expects to provide an ESK-001 Phase 2 OLE data update in psoriasis in Q3 2024 and A-005 Phase 1 clinical trial data in healthy participants by the end of 2024.

Alumis Inc.


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