Allego Secures €20 Million Loan from EBRD to Boost EV Charging Infrastructure in Poland

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Allego (NYSE: ALLG), a leading pan-European electric vehicle network, has secured a €20 million loan from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) as part of the CROSS-E project co-funded by the European Union. This funding will support Allego's expansion of EV-charging infrastructure in Poland, where EV charging penetration is among the lowest in Europe.

The project aims to deploy over 200 light and heavy-duty vehicle EV recharging points across more than 50 strategic locations in Poland. Allego will install, integrate, maintain, and operate these facilities, enhancing user experience with smart charging and efficient billing systems. This initiative is part of the EU's efforts to decarbonize road transportation and is co-funded by the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) program.

Allego (NYSE: ALLG), una delle principali reti di veicoli elettrici pan-europei, ha ottenuto un prestito di 20 milioni di euro dalla Banca Europea per la Ricostruzione e lo Sviluppo (BERD) nell'ambito del progetto CROSS-E cofinanziato dall'Unione Europea. Questo finanziamento sosterrà l'espansione dell'infrastruttura di ricarica per veicoli elettrici in Polonia, dove la penetrazione della ricarica per veicoli elettrici è tra le più basse in Europa.

Il progetto prevede l'installazione di oltre 200 punti di ricarica per veicoli leggeri e pesanti in più di 50 località strategiche in Polonia. Allego si occuperà dell'installazione, integrazione, manutenzione e gestione di queste strutture, migliorando l'esperienza degli utenti con sistemi di ricarica intelligente e fatturazione efficiente. Questa iniziativa fa parte degli sforzi dell'UE per decarbonizzare il trasporto su strada ed è cofinanziata dal programma Connecting Europe Facility (CEF).

Allego (NYSE: ALLG), una de las principales redes de vehículos eléctricos en toda Europa, ha asegurado un préstamo de 20 millones de euros del Banco Europeo de Reconstrucción y Desarrollo (BERD) como parte del proyecto CROSS-E cofinanciado por la Unión Europea. Este financiamiento apoyará la expansión de la infraestructura de carga de vehículos eléctricos en Polonia, donde la penetración de estaciones de carga de vehículos eléctricos es una de las más bajas de Europa.

El proyecto tiene como objetivo desplegar más de 200 puntos de recarga para vehículos ligeros y pesados en más de 50 ubicaciones estratégicas en Polonia. Allego se encargará de instalar, integrar, mantener y operar estas instalaciones, mejorando la experiencia del usuario con sistemas de carga inteligentes y de facturación eficiente. Esta iniciativa forma parte de los esfuerzos de la UE para descarbonizar el transporte por carretera y está cofinanciada por el programa Connecting Europe Facility (CEF).

알레고 (NYSE: ALLG), 유럽 전역의 주요 전기차 네트워크 중 하나로, 유럽 부흥 개발 은행(EBRD)으로부터 2천만 유로 대출을 확보했습니다. 이 대출은 유럽연합의 공동 자금 지원을 받는 CROSS-E 프로젝트의 일환입니다. 이 자금은 폴란드에서 전기차 충전 인프라의 확장을 지원할 것입니다. 폴란드에서는 전기차 충전 보급률이 유럽에서 가장 낮은 편에 속합니다.

이 프로젝트는 폴란드의 50개 이상의 전략적 위치에 200개 이상의 경량 및 중형 차량용 EV 충전 지점을 배치할 계획입니다. 알레고는 이러한 시설을 설치, 통합, 유지 관리 및 운영하며, 스마트 충전 및 효율적인 청구 시스템으로 사용자 경험을 향상시킬 것입니다. 이 이니셔티브는 도로 운송의 탈탄소화를 위한 EU의 노력의 일환이며, Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) 프로그램의 공동 자금 지원을 받습니다.

Allego (NYSE: ALLG), un réseau de véhicules électriques leader à l'échelle pan-européenne, a sécurisé un prêt de 20 millions d'euros de la Banque européenne pour la reconstruction et le développement (BERD) dans le cadre du projet CROSS-E cofinancé par l'Union européenne. Ce financement soutiendra l'expansion de l'infrastructure de recharge des véhicules électriques en Pologne, où la pénétration des bornes de recharge pour véhicules électriques est l'une des plus faibles d'Europe.

Le projet vise à déployer plus de 200 points de recharge pour véhicules légers et lourds dans plus de 50 sites stratégiques en Pologne. Allego s'occupera de l'installation, de l'intégration, de la maintenance et de l'exploitation de ces installations, améliorant l'expérience utilisateur avec des systèmes de recharge intelligents et de facturation efficace. Cette initiative fait partie des efforts de l'UE pour décarboner le transport routier et est cofinancée par le programme Connecting Europe Facility (CEF).

Allego (NYSE: ALLG), ein führendes pan-europäisches Netzwerk für Elektrofahrzeuge, hat ein Darlehen in Höhe von 20 Millionen Euro von der Europäischen Bank für Wiederaufbau und Entwicklung (EBRD) im Rahmen des CROSS-E-Projekts erhalten, das von der Europäischen Union mitfinanziert wird. Diese Finanzierung wird Allego dabei unterstützen, die Infrastruktur für das Laden von Elektrofahrzeugen in Polen auszubauen, wo die Ladepenetration für Elektrofahrzeuge zu den niedrigsten in Europa gehört.

Das Projekt zielt darauf ab, über 200 Ladepunkte für leichte und schwere Elektrofahrzeuge an mehr als 50 strategischen Standorten in Polen bereitzustellen. Allego wird diese Anlagen installieren, integrieren, warten und betreiben, um die Benutzererfahrung durch intelligente Lade- und effiziente Abrechnungssysteme zu verbessern. Diese Initiative ist Teil der Bemühungen der EU, den Straßenverkehr zu dekarbonisieren, und wird im Rahmen des Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) Programms mitfinanziert.

  • Secured €20 million loan from EBRD for EV charging infrastructure expansion in Poland
  • Plans to deploy over 200 EV recharging points across 50+ strategic locations in Poland
  • Project co-funded by the EU's Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) program
  • Expansion into Eastern European market with low EV charging penetration
  • None.

The €20 million loan from EBRD to Allego (NYSE: ALLG) is a significant financial boost for the company's expansion in Poland. This funding, part of the EU-backed CROSS-E project, will support the deployment of over 200 EV charging points across 50+ locations. The investment is strategically important given Poland's low EV charging penetration rate.

From a financial perspective, this loan provides Allego with capital-efficient growth, potentially accelerating revenue generation in an underpenetrated market. The EU's co-funding through the CEF program further de-risks the investment. However, investors should monitor the loan's terms and Allego's ability to generate returns that exceed the cost of capital in this expansion.

Allego's expansion into Poland represents a strategic market entry into Eastern Europe's EV infrastructure space. With Poland having one of the lowest EV charging penetrations in Europe, this move positions Allego as an early mover in a potentially high-growth market.

The project's alignment with EU's decarbonization efforts suggests favorable regulatory tailwinds. However, the success of this expansion will largely depend on the rate of EV adoption in Poland, which may face challenges such as consumer preferences and economic factors. Investors should watch for metrics like utilization rates of these new charging points and any shifts in Poland's EV sales to gauge the success of this expansion.

Allego's plan to deploy both light and heavy-duty vehicle charging points demonstrates a comprehensive approach to EV infrastructure. The integration of these new points into Allego's existing network, along with smart charging and efficient billing systems, suggests a focus on user experience and operational efficiency.

This tech-forward approach could give Allego a competitive edge in the Polish market. However, the success will depend on the reliability and performance of these systems in real-world conditions. Investors should monitor user adoption rates and any technical challenges that may arise during the rollout. The ability to scale this technology across other Eastern European markets could be a significant growth driver for Allego in the long term.

ARNHEM, Netherlands--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Allego (NYSE: ALLG), a leading pan-European electric vehicle network, announces the grant of a €20 million loan from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) as part of the CROSS-E project co-funded by the European Union. This financial support will support Allego's strong development of EV-charging infrastructure inside Poland as part of the company’s ongoing Eastern European expansion project.

Electric vehicle adoption in Poland, which ranks among the lowest in Europe in terms of EV charging penetration, can only be fostered through a robust and fully functional EV charging infrastructure. This initiative promotes the broad availability of efficient and dependable electric mobility throughout the continent as part of the European Union's efforts to decarbonize road transportation.

Allego is set to deploy more than 200 light and heavy-duty vehicles (LDV /HDV) EV recharging points across over 50 strategic locations in Poland. This effort will include installing and integrating these recharging points into the existing Allego network. Additionally, Allego will provide comprehensive maintenance and operational support for these facilities, enhancing the user experience with smart charging and efficient billing systems. The project in Poland is co-funded by the EU’s Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) program, supporting European transport infrastructure projects along the TEN-T Network and in Urban Nodes.

Gunnar Landfester, Allego Managing Director for Central & Eastern Europe, says, "This financial support will improve greater EV adoption in Europe, specifically in Eastern Europe. Thanks to this, we can expand our network and further our goal of creating highly efficient charging for all EV drivers.”

Vianney Heeren, Director of Structured Finance at Allego, commented, "With this financing, we can go forward with our infrastructure initiatives much more quickly, guaranteeing that Allego will support Poland's quick transition to electric vehicles. It demonstrates our business strategy's capacity to expand operations successfully throughout Europe."

This initiative further demonstrates Allego's dedication to electric mobility innovation and its role in facilitating Europe's green transformation.

About Allego

Allego is a leading electric vehicle charging solutions provider dedicated to accelerating the transition to electric mobility with 100% renewable energy. Allego has developed a comprehensive portfolio of innovative charging infrastructure and proprietary software, including Allamo and EV Cloud platforms. With a network of 35,000 charging points (and counting) spanning 16 countries, Allego delivers independent, reliable, and safe charging solutions, agnostic of vehicle model or network affiliation. Founded in 2013 and publicly listed on the NYSE in 2022, Allego now employs a team of 220 people striving daily to make charging accessible, sustainable, and enjoyable for all.

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About EBRD

EBRD is a multilateral bank that promotes the development of the private sector and entrepreneurial initiative in 36 economies across three continents. The Bank is owned by 73 countries as well as the EU and the EIB. EBRD investments are aimed at making the economies in its regions competitive, well governed, green, inclusive, resilient and integrated.


The CROSS-E project has been established to enable a path towards future zero-emission travel by realizing high-powered electric vehicle (EV) charging points along key routes and ports across Europe. The four companies selected to carry out the project, Allego, Petrol Group, GreenWay, and Emobility Solutions, will install 911 high-powered charging points (150 kW and 350 kW) at 239 locations tailored to both light and heavy-duty electric vehicles (LDV & HDV). The project has been selected to implement 130 million euros in investments in high-power charging infrastructure with a total grant of 34.45 million euros from the European Union. It is scheduled to be finalized by October 2026.

The CROSS-E project comprises two intertwined initiatives: CROSS-E General and Cross-E Cohesion. These projects will receive co-funding from the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF), the EU funding program supporting European transport infrastructure. Therefore, the aim is to complement the existing infrastructure with enhanced cross-border connections between neighboring countries.

CROSS-E installations will adhere strictly to the European Commission’s Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Regulation (AFIR), guaranteeing open recharge infrastructure access. All locations will be accessible to the public 24/7 and support roaming and open-access payment methods, including NFC, credit cards, and app-based payments. Deploying charging points for specifically Heavy Duty Vehicles (HDV) in selected markets will also offer valuable insights ahead of broader installations across all project partners and countries.

Forward-Looking Statements

All statements other than statements of historical facts contained in this press release are forward-looking statements. Allego intends forward-looking statements to be covered by the safe harbor provisions for forward-looking statements contained in Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements may generally be identified by the use of words such as “believe,” “may,” “will,” “estimate,” “continue,” “anticipate,” “intend,” “expect,” “should,” “would,” “plan,” “project,” “forecast,” “predict,” “potential,” “seem,” “seek,” “future,” “outlook,” “target” or other similar expressions (or the negative versions of such words or phrases) that predict or indicate future events or trends or that are not statements of historical matters. These forward-looking statements include, without limitation, Allego’s expectations concerning future performance. These forward-looking statements involve significant risks and uncertainties that could cause the results to differ materially and potentially adversely from those expressed or implied in the forward-looking statements. Most of these factors are outside Allego’s control and are difficult to predict. Factors that may cause such differences include, but are not limited to: (i) the ability of the Company to cure the minimum share price deficiency and regain compliance with NYSE listing standards and for the Company’s ordinary shares to remain listed on the NYSE, (ii) changes adversely affecting Allego’s business, (iii) the price and availability of electricity and other energy sources, (iv) the risks associated with vulnerability to industry downturns and regional or national downturns, (v) fluctuations in Allego’s revenue and operating results, (vi) unfavorable conditions or further disruptions in the capital and credit markets, (vii) Allego’s ability to generate cash, service indebtedness and incur additional indebtedness, (viii) competition from existing and new competitors, (ix) the growth of the electric vehicle market, (x) Allego’s ability to integrate any businesses it may acquire, (xi) the agreement of various landowners to deployment of Allego charging stations, (xii) Allego’s ability to recruit and retain experienced personnel, (xiii) risks related to legal proceedings or claims, including liability claims, (xiv) Allego’s dependence on third-party contractors to provide various services, (xv) data security breaches or other network outage, (xvi) Allego’s ability to obtain additional capital on commercially reasonable terms, (xvii) Allego’s ability to remediate its material weaknesses in internal control over financial reporting, (xviii) the impact of COVID-19, including COVID-19 related supply chain disruptions and expense increases, (xix) general economic or political conditions, including the Russia/Ukraine and Israel/Hamas conflicts or increased trade restrictions between the United States, Russia, China and other countries, and (xx) other factors detailed under the section entitled “Risk Factors” in Allego’s filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The preceding list of factors is not exclusive. If any of these risks materialize or Allego’s assumptions prove incorrect, actual results could differ materially from the results implied by these forward-looking statements. There may be additional risks that Allego does not know or that Allego currently believes are immaterial that could also cause actual results to differ from those contained in the forward-looking statements. In addition, forward-looking statements reflect Allego’s expectations, plans, or forecasts of future events and views as of the date of this press release. Allego anticipates that subsequent events and developments will cause Allego’s assessments to change. However, while Allego may elect to update these forward-looking statements at some point in the future, Allego expressly disclaims any obligation to do so unless required by applicable law. These forward-looking statements should not be relied upon as representing Allego’s assessments as of any date after the date of this press release. Accordingly, undue reliance should not be placed upon the forward-looking statements.

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Source: Allego


What is the amount of the loan Allego (ALLG) received from EBRD?

Allego (ALLG) received a €20 million loan from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD).

How many EV recharging points does Allego (ALLG) plan to deploy in Poland?

Allego (ALLG) plans to deploy more than 200 light and heavy-duty vehicle EV recharging points across over 50 strategic locations in Poland.

What is the purpose of Allego's (ALLG) expansion in Poland?

Allego's (ALLG) expansion in Poland aims to boost EV charging infrastructure in a country with one of the lowest EV charging penetrations in Europe, supporting the EU's efforts to decarbonize road transportation.

Which EU program is co-funding Allego's (ALLG) project in Poland?

Allego's (ALLG) project in Poland is co-funded by the EU's Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) program, which supports European transport infrastructure projects.

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