Alkami Hosts Banking Executive Masterclass on Preparing for Open Banking in the U.S.
Alkami Technology (Nasdaq: ALKT) recently hosted a webinar titled 'A Banking Executive Masterclass: Preparing for Open Banking in the United States.' The event featured insights from Alkami's CTO Deep Varma, product owner Jamie Lang, and CCG Catalyst's senior research analyst Tyler Brown. They discussed open banking's impact on financial institutions and provided guidance on preparation strategies.
Key points included:
- The importance of educating both financial institutions and consumers about open banking
- Alkami's readiness for open banking with its developer-first approach and API capabilities
- The upcoming CFPB rule recognizing open banking standards
- Consumer demand driving the push for open banking
- The need for financial institutions to proactively prepare for this shift
Alkami Technology (Nasdaq: ALKT) ha recentemente ospitato un webinar intitolato 'Un Masterclass per Esecutivi Bancari: Prepararsi all'Open Banking negli Stati Uniti.' L'evento ha visto la partecipazione del CTO di Alkami, Deep Varma, del product owner Jamie Lang e dell'analista senior di ricerca di CCG Catalyst, Tyler Brown. Hanno discusso dell'impatto dell'open banking sulle istituzioni finanziarie e hanno fornito indicazioni sulle strategie di preparazione.
I punti chiave includevano:
- L'importanza di educare sia le istituzioni finanziarie che i consumatori riguardo all'open banking
- La prontezza di Alkami per l'open banking grazie al suo approccio orientato agli sviluppatori e alle capacità API
- La prossima regola del CFPB che riconosce gli standard di open banking
- La domanda dei consumatori che spinge verso l'open banking
- Necessità per le istituzioni finanziarie di prepararsi proattivamente a questo cambiamento
Alkami Technology (Nasdaq: ALKT) recientemente organizó un seminario web titulado 'Una Masterclass para Ejecutivos Bancarios: Preparándose para el Open Banking en los Estados Unidos.' El evento contó con las perspectivas del CTO de Alkami, Deep Varma, del propietario de producto Jamie Lang y del analista senior de investigación de CCG Catalyst, Tyler Brown. Discutieron sobre el impacto del open banking en las instituciones financieras y proporcionaron orientación sobre estrategias de preparación.
Los puntos clave incluyeron:
- La importancia de educar tanto a las instituciones financieras como a los consumidores sobre el open banking
- La preparación de Alkami para el open banking con su enfoque orientado a desarrolladores y capacidades API
- La próxima regla del CFPB que reconoce los estándares de open banking
- La demanda de los consumidores que impulsa el push hacia el open banking
- La necesidad de que las instituciones financieras se preparen proactivamente para este cambio
Alkami Technology (Nasdaq: ALKT)는 최근 '미국에서의 오픈 뱅킹 준비를 위한 은행 임원 마스터클래스'라는 제목의 웨비나를 주최했습니다. 이 행사에는 Alkami의 CTO Deep Varma, 제품 소유자인 Jamie Lang, CCG Catalyst의 수석 연구 분석가 Tyler Brown이 참여하여 오픈 뱅킹이 금융 기관에 미치는 영향에 대해 논의하고 준비 전략에 대한 조언을 제공했습니다.
주요 포인트는 다음과 같습니다:
- 금융 기관과 소비자 모두에게 오픈 뱅킹에 대한 교육의 중요성
- 개발자 우선 접근 방식과 API 기능을 통해 오픈 뱅킹을 위한 Alkami의 준비 상태
- 오픈 뱅킹 표준을 인식하는 CFPB의 향후 규정
- 오픈 뱅킹을 향한 추진력을 이끄는 소비자 수요
- 금융 기관이 이러한 변화에 능동적으로 준비해야 할 필요성
Alkami Technology (Nasdaq: ALKT) a récemment organisé un webinaire intitulé 'Une Masterclass pour Dirigeants Bancaires : Se Préparer à l'Open Banking aux États-Unis.' L'événement a présenté des perspectives du CTO d'Alkami, Deep Varma, du propriétaire de produit Jamie Lang et de l'analyste de recherche senior de CCG Catalyst, Tyler Brown. Ils ont discuté de l'impact de l'open banking sur les institutions financières et ont fourni des conseils sur les stratégies de préparation.
Les points clés incluaient :
- L'importance d'éduquer à la fois les institutions financières et les consommateurs sur l'open banking
- La préparation d'Alkami pour l'open banking avec son approche axée sur les développeurs et ses capacités API
- La prochaine règle du CFPB reconnaissant les normes d'open banking
- La demande des consommateurs qui pousse vers l'open banking
- Le besoin pour les institutions financières de se préparer proactivement à ce changement
Alkami Technology (Nasdaq: ALKT) hat kürzlich ein Webinar mit dem Titel 'Eine Masterclass für Bankmanager: Vorbereitung auf Open Banking in den Vereinigten Staaten' ausgerichtet. Die Veranstaltung bot Einblicke von Alkamis CTO Deep Varma, Produktverantwortlichem Jamie Lang und dem leitenden Forschungsanalysten von CCG Catalyst, Tyler Brown. Sie diskutierten über die Auswirkungen von Open Banking auf Finanzinstitute und gaben Leitlinien zu Vorbereitungstrategien.
Wichtige Punkte umfassten:
- Die Bedeutung der Aufklärung sowohl der Finanzinstitute als auch der Verbraucher über Open Banking
- Alkamis Bereitschaft für Open Banking mit einem entwicklerfreundlichen Ansatz und API-Fähigkeiten
- Die bevorstehende CFPB-Regel, die Open Banking-Standards anerkennt
- Die Nachfrage der Verbraucher, die den Push für Open Banking vorantreibt
- Die Notwendigkeit für Finanzinstitute, sich proaktiv auf diesen Wandel vorzubereiten
- Alkami is positioning itself as a thought leader in open banking preparation
- The company's developer-first mindset and API capabilities may give it an advantage in the open banking landscape
- Alkami has been certified by J.D. Power for providing 'An Outstanding Mobile Banking Platform Experience'
- None.
Webinar explores how financial institutions can prepare, while educating employees and account holders
The masterclass via a webinar brought together Deep Varma, chief technology officer at Alkami, Jamie Lang, product owner at Alkami and Tyler Brown, senior research analyst at CCG Catalyst, who shared critical insights on how open banking is likely to reshape financial services, empower and create efficiency for consumers, and spur enhanced experiences for account holders. In addition, Varma and Brown provided guidance for financial institutions on how to prepare their employees and account holders – with education being critical across the board.
Open banking promises significant benefits for financial institutions and their account holders, but many bank and credit union leaders are looking for direction on how to prepare for this movement. "Our industry must educate itself on open banking so we can, in turn, educate consumers – because financial institutions need to start building awareness with their account holders now," said Varma. "Financial institution partners must also be prepared for this shift. At Alkami, our developer-first mindset, investment in high-quality data, and best-in-class APIs (application programming interfaces) position us well to scale for the demand for open banking solutions we are likely to see in the coming years."
This webinar comes amidst increased open banking regulation, such as the upcoming launch of a new rule to recognize open banking standards by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). Regulations such as these highlight the acceleration and importance of the shift to open banking in the
"Consumer demand is driving the push for open banking. While upcoming regulations will enforce it, the industry is moving in this direction because consumers want control over their data," said Brown. "For financial institutions, open banking is not something to passively observe – it is coming faster than many anticipate, and now is the time for financial institution leaders to start these conversations."
"It is critical for financial institutions to stay ahead of developments in open banking," said Lang, who hosted the webinar. "Alkami is proud to provide resources like this which arm financial institutions with essential insights as they navigate this transformative change."
The webinar is available for viewing here.
Alkami has been certified by J.D. Power for providing "An Outstanding Mobile Banking Platform Experience."*
About Alkami
Alkami Technology, Inc. is a leading cloud-based digital banking solutions provider for financial institutions in
*J.D. Power 2024 Mobile App Platform Certification Program℠ recognition is based on successful completion of an audit and exceeding a customer experience benchmark through a survey of recent servicing interactions. For more information, visit
About CCG Catalyst
CCG Catalyst is a premier bank consulting and research advisory firm, dedicated to helping financial institutions navigate the evolving financial landscape with strategic guidance and innovative solutions. With a deep industry expertise, CCG Catalyst empowers banks, credit unions, and fintechs to achieve sustainable growth and success. To learn more, visit
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Marla Pieton
CCG Catalyst
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SOURCE Alkami Technology, Inc.