Alight Study Reveals Workers Are Seeking Increased Support From Employers Amid Wellbeing Crisis
Alight's 2024 International Workforce and Wellbeing Mindset Study reveals a significant decline in employee wellbeing, with only 44% rating their wellbeing positively - a seven-point drop from last year. The study highlights that 41% of employees would reconsider leaving their jobs if offered better benefits, while one in five are actively seeking new employment within the next year.
Key findings show that workers are experiencing increased stress and burnout, with 43% reporting burnout symptoms affecting their work. Financial challenges are prevalent, with nearly half of workers just getting by. The study emphasizes that employers offering comprehensive support tools see better outcomes: 57% of supported employees report positive wellbeing compared to 42% of unsupported employees, and 61% versus 46% rarely consider leaving their current position.
Lo studio sulla mentalità riguardo il benessere e la forza lavoro internazionale 2024 di Alight rivela un significativo calo del benessere dei dipendenti, con solo il 44% che valuta positivamente il proprio benessere - una diminuzione di sette punti rispetto all'anno scorso. La ricerca evidenzia che il 41% dei dipendenti riconsidererebbe l'idea di lasciare il proprio lavoro se venissero offerti migliori benefici, mentre uno su cinque sta attivamente cercando un nuovo impiego entro il prossimo anno.
I risultati chiave mostrano che i lavoratori stanno vivendo un aumento dello stress e del burnout, con il 43% che riporta sintomi di burnout che influiscono sul loro lavoro. Le sfide finanziarie sono diffuse, con quasi la metà dei lavoratori che riesce appena a sbarcare il lunario. Lo studio sottolinea che i datori di lavoro che offrono strumenti di supporto completi vedono risultati migliori: il 57% dei dipendenti sostenuti riporta un benessere positivo rispetto al 42% dei dipendenti non sostenuti, e il 61% rispetto al 46% considera raramente di lasciare la propria posizione attuale.
El estudio sobre la mentalidad de bienestar y fuerza laboral internacional 2024 de Alight revela una disminución significativa en el bienestar de los empleados, con solo el 44% evaluando positivamente su bienestar, lo que representa una caída de siete puntos con respecto al año pasado. El estudio destaca que el 41% de los empleados reconsideraría dejar sus trabajos si se les ofrecieran mejores beneficios, mientras que uno de cada cinco está buscando activamente un nuevo empleo en el próximo año.
Los hallazgos clave muestran que los trabajadores están experimentando un aumento del estrés y el agotamiento, con el 43% informando síntomas de agotamiento que afectan su trabajo. Los desafíos financieros son comunes, con casi la mitad de los trabajadores apenas logrando salir adelante. El estudio enfatiza que los empleadores que ofrecen herramientas de apoyo integrales ven mejores resultados: el 57% de los empleados apoyados informa un bienestar positivo en comparación con el 42% de los empleados no apoyados, y el 61% frente al 46% raramente considera dejar su posición actual.
알라이트의 2024년 국제 인력 및 웰빙 사고 방식 조사는 직원 웰빙의 상당한 감소를 보여주며, 웰빙을 긍정적으로 평가하는 비율이 44%에 불과하다는 결과가 나왔습니다. 이는 지난해에 비해 7포인트 하락한 수치입니다. 이 연구는 직원의 41%가 더 나은 복지를 제안받으면 직장을 재검토할 것이라고 강조하며, 다섯 명 중 한 명은 다음 해에 새로운 취업을 적극적으로 찾고 있다고 합니다.
주요 발견 사항은 직원들이 스트레스와 탈진을 증가하고 있으며, 43%가 자신이 경험하는 탈진 증상이 업무에 영향을 미친다고 보고하고 있습니다. 재정적인 어려움이 만연하여 거의 절반의 근로자가 겨우 생활하고 있는 상황입니다. 연구는 포괄적인 지원 도구를 제공하는 고용주가 더 나은 결과를 얻는다고 강조합니다: 지원을 받는 직원의 57%가 긍정적인 웰빙을 보고하는 반면, 지원을 받지 않는 직원은 42%에 불과하며, 현재 직장을 떠날 것을 고려하는 비율은 각각 61%와 46%입니다.
L'étude internationale sur la main-d'œuvre et la mentalité de bien-être 2024 d'Alight révèle une baisse significative du bien-être des employés, avec seulement 44 % d'entre eux évaluant positivement leur bien-être - une chute de sept points par rapport à l'année dernière. L'étude souligne que 41 % des employés reconsidéreraient leur départ si de meilleurs avantages leur étaient proposés, tandis qu'un sur cinq recherche activement un nouvel emploi d'ici un an.
Les principaux résultats montrent que les travailleurs subissent un stress et un épuisement accrus, 43 % signalant que des symptômes d'épuisement affectent leur travail. Les défis financiers sont répandus, près de la moitié des travailleurs vivant juste au quotidien. L'étude met en avant que les employeurs offrant des outils de soutien complets obtiennent de meilleurs résultats : 57 % des employés soutenus rapportent un bien-être positif contre 42 % des employés non soutenus, et 61 % contre 46 % envisagent rarement de quitter leur poste actuel.
Die internationale Studie zur Arbeitskraft und zum Wohlbefinden 2024 von Alight zeigt einen signifikanten Rückgang des Wohlbefindens der Mitarbeiter, wobei nur 44% ihr Wohlbefinden positiv bewerten – ein Rückgang um sieben Punkte im Vergleich zum Vorjahr. Die Studie hebt hervor, dass 41% der Mitarbeiter ihre Jobs überdenken würden, wenn ihnen bessere Leistungen angeboten werden, während einer von fünf aktiv nach einer neuen Anstellung im nächsten Jahr sucht.
Wichtige Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Arbeitnehmer zunehmenden Stress und Burnout erleben, wobei 43% berichten, dass Symptome von Burnout ihre Arbeit beeinflussen. Finanzielle Herausforderungen sind weit verbreitet, da fast die Hälfte der Arbeitnehmer nur gerade über die Runden kommt. Die Studie betont, dass Arbeitgeber, die umfassende Unterstützungsmaßnahmen anbieten, bessere Ergebnisse erzielen: 57% der unterstützten Mitarbeiter berichten von einem positiven Wohlbefinden im Vergleich zu 42% der nicht unterstützten Mitarbeiter, und 61% zu 46% ziehen es selten in Betracht, ihre aktuelle Position zu verlassen.
- None.
- None.
Alight’s 2024 International Workforce and Wellbeing Mindset Study finds benefits are a critical factor influencing employee retention
The findings from this year’s study reveal the decline affects all dimensions of workers’ wellbeing across their professional, social, financial and physical health. Most employees report experiencing moderate to severe stress, and
"The opportunity is clear: employers must prioritize comprehensive wellbeing strategies to retain top talent and support their workforce,” said Rob Austin, head of thought leadership at Alight. “Alight’s Mindset study highlights the importance of viewing benefits not as an expense, but as a potential strategic advantage. When employees feel supported, they experience greater wellbeing and confidence, which in turn fosters stronger connections to their employer. The key difference lies in the quality of benefits, resources and support they receive. By offering personalized benefits, organizations create a more positive employee experience, improve personal wellbeing and unlock a 'benefits advantage' that drives both individual performance and bottom-line success.”
One in five workers are looking to change jobs within the next year
While job security remains a leading reason for employee retention, more than a third of workers are rethinking their loyalty, driven by the potential for better benefits, job growth and flexibility. In fact, one in five employees are actively looking to change jobs within the next 12 months, according to the Mindset results.
While pay remains a critical motivator for job seekers, many workers feel they aren’t receiving the personalized tools and support they need and express a desire for a more holistic total rewards experience. Less than half report having access to a personalized benefits website or mobile app, and only
Health and financial wellbeing on the decline
Workers’ perceptions of their health and financial security continue to decline. Financial challenges are a pressing concern for many, with nearly half feeling they are just getting by. This issue transcends income and age levels, with Gen X workers reporting the most concern, as
Additionally, survey respondents noted their wellbeing is influenced by many factors, and a wrong decision can wreak havoc. To that end, almost
Employees seek support from employers to improve wellbeing
One-third of employees say good physical health, including work-life balance, has an impact on their mental health. Additionally, a substantial majority of workers express a desire for more assistance from their employers. Offering a comprehensive suite of services and support significantly enhances employee experience and wellbeing, as
57% of supported employees report positive overall wellbeing, compared to42% of unsupported employees. -
81% vs.68% say they are consistently productive at work. -
73% vs.46% feel empowered to improve their health and wellbeing. -
61% vs.46% rarely think about leaving for another job. -
74% vs.44% trust their employer to support them during wellbeing challenges.
These insights demonstrate the tangible benefits of offering robust wellbeing programs, websites and navigation tools to employees, fostering a healthier, more engaged workforce.
“It is clear that employers can establish a benefits advantage through a healthy and financially secure workforce,” Laine Thomas Conway, vice president, engagement services strategy and thought leader at Alight. “Organizations that invest in comprehensive, personalized benefits can improve employee morale and health outcomes while also strengthening their own performance and profitability. Embracing this shift in benefits strategy can transform how employers are perceived and significantly impact the workplace culture.”
About the report
In its 14th year, the 2024 International Workforce and Wellbeing Mindset Study examines employee perceptions around wellbeing, culture, total rewards and workplace technology to help employers optimize their employees' experiences to improve wellbeing, engagement, productivity and performance. Between April and May 2024, responses were collected from over 2,000
About Alight Solutions
Alight is a leading cloud-based human capital technology and services provider for many of the world’s largest organizations and over 35 million people and dependents. Through the administration of employee benefits, Alight helps clients gain a benefits advantage while building a healthy and financially secure workforce by unifying the benefits ecosystem across health, wealth, wellbeing, absence management and navigation. Our Alight Worklife® platform empowers employers to gain a deeper understanding of their workforce and engage them throughout life’s most important moments with personalized benefits management and data-driven insights, leading to increased employee wellbeing, engagement and productivity. Learn more about the Alight Benefits Advantage™ at
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Mariana Fischbach
Source: Alight Solutions