Allegiant Surprises Aspiring Pilot with a $34,000 Aviation Scholarship to Attend Dream University

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Allegiant Travel Company (NASDAQ: ALGT) has awarded a $34,000 Careers in Aviation scholarship to Jill Prime, a 17-year-old aspiring pilot. The scholarship will fund Jill's education at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, supporting her dream of becoming a pilot. This initiative is part of Allegiant's partnership with the Boys & Girls Club of America and their $1 million pledge to promote STEM education and aviation careers.

The scholarship was revealed during the Paper Plane Palooza event in Las Vegas, where Jill was surprised with the announcement. Allegiant's commitment aims to address the gender gap in aviation, with only 5% of airline pilots being women. The company is also providing Jill with a mentor, Captain Kati Whatley, to guide her through her aviation journey.

This scholarship program aligns with Allegiant's corporate giving strategy to inspire young aviators and promote diversity in the industry. The partnership with Boys & Girls Clubs of America enables the development of aviation-inspired programming for youth across the country.

La Allegiant Travel Company (NASDAQ: ALGT) ha assegnato una borsa di studio per carriere nell'aviazione del valore di 34.000 dollari a Jill Prime, un'aspirante pilota di 17 anni. La borsa di studio finanzierà l'educazione di Jill all'Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, supportando il suo sogno di diventare pilota. Questa iniziativa è parte della collaborazione di Allegiant con il Boys & Girls Club of America e del loro impegno di 1 milione di dollari per promuovere l'educazione STEM e le carriere nell'aviazione.

La borsa di studio è stata annunciata durante l'evento Paper Plane Palooza a Las Vegas, dove Jill è stata sorpresa con l'annuncio. L'impegno di Allegiant ha l'obiettivo di affrontare il divario di genere nell'aviazione, dato che solo il 5% dei piloti aerei sono donne. L'azienda sta anche fornendo a Jill un mentore, il Capitano Kati Whatley, per guidarla nel suo percorso avio.

Questo programma di borse di studio si allinea con la strategia di beneficenza aziendale di Allegiant per ispirare i giovani aviatori e promuovere la diversità nel settore. La partnership con i Boys & Girls Clubs of America consente lo sviluppo di programmi ispirati all'aviazione per i giovani in tutto il paese.

La compañía Allegiant Travel (NASDAQ: ALGT) ha otorgado una beca de 34,000 dólares Career in Aviation a Jill Prime, una joven aspirante a piloto de 17 años. La beca financiará la educación de Jill en la Universidad Aeronáutica Embry-Riddle, apoyando su sueño de convertirse en piloto. Esta iniciativa forma parte de la asociación de Allegiant con el Boys & Girls Club of America y su compromiso de 1 millón de dólares para promover la educación STEM y las carreras en aviación.

La beca fue revelada durante el evento Paper Plane Palooza en Las Vegas, donde Jill fue sorprendida con el anuncio. El compromiso de Allegiant busca abordar la brecha de género en la aviación, ya que solo el 5% de los pilotos de aerolínea son mujeres. La empresa también está proporcionando a Jill un mentor, la Capitana Kati Whatley, para guiarla en su viaje aviation.

Este programa de becas está alineado con la estrategia de donaciones corporativas de Allegiant para inspirar a jóvenes aviadores y promover la diversidad en la industria. La asociación con el Boys & Girls Clubs of America permite el desarrollo de programas inspirados en la aviación para los jóvenes de todo el país.

알레지언트 여행 회사(NASDAQ: ALGT)가 34,000달러의 항공 경력 장학금을 17세의 예비 조종사 질 프라임에게 수여했습니다. 이 장학금은 질의 엠브리-리들 항공 대학 교육을 지원하여 그녀의 조종사가 되고자 하는 꿈을 실현하도록 돕습니다. 이 이니셔티브는 알레지언트가 미국 소년소녀클럽과 파트너십을 맺고 STEM 교육 및 항공 경력을 촉진하기 위해 100만 달러를 약속한 일환입니다.

이 장학금은 라스베가스에서 열린 페이퍼 비행기 팔루자 행사 중 발표되었으며, 질은 그 발표에 깜짝 놀랐습니다. 알레지언트의 노력은 항공 분야의 성별 격차 문제를 해결하는 데 초점을 맞추고 있으며, 항공사 조종사 중 여성 비율은 단 5%에 불과합니다. 회사는 질을 위해 멘토인 캐서린 왓리 캡틴을 제공하여 그녀의 항공 경로를 안내합니다.

이 장학금 프로그램은 젊은 항공인을 격려하고 산업의 다양성을 촉진하기 위한 알레지언트의 기업 기부 전략에 부합합니다. 미국 소년소녀 클럽과의 협력은 전국의 청소년을 위한 항공 영감을 받은 프로그램 개발을 가능하게 합니다.

La société Allegiant Travel (NASDAQ: ALGT) a décerné une bourse d'études de 34 000 dollars pour des carrières dans l'aviation à Jill Prime, une aspirante pilote de 17 ans. La bourse financera l'éducation de Jill à l'Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University et soutiendra son rêve de devenir pilote. Cette initiative fait partie du partenariat d'Allegiant avec le Boys & Girls Club of America et de leur engagement d'un million de dollars pour promouvoir l'éducation STEM et les carrières dans l'aviation.

La bourse a été dévoilée lors de l'événement Paper Plane Palooza à Las Vegas, où Jill a été surprise par l'annonce. L'engagement d'Allegiant vise à réduire l'écart entre les genres dans l'aviation, où seulement 5 % des pilotes de ligne sont des femmes. L'entreprise fournit également à Jill un mentor, le capitaine Kati Whatley, pour l'accompagner dans son parcours aéronautique.

Ce programme de bourses s'inscrit dans la stratégie de dons d'entreprise d'Allegiant visant à inspirer les jeunes aviatrices et à promouvoir la diversité dans le secteur. Le partenariat avec les Boys & Girls Clubs of America permet de développer des programmes inspirés de l'aviation pour les jeunes à travers le pays.

Die Allegiant Travel Company (NASDAQ: ALGT) hat ein Stipendium in Höhe von 34.000 US-Dollar für Karrieren in der Luftfahrt an Jill Prime, eine 17-jährige angehende Pilotin, vergeben. Das Stipendium wird Jills Ausbildung an der Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University finanzieren und ihren Traum unterstützen, Pilotin zu werden. Diese Initiative ist Teil der Partnerschaft von Allegiant mit dem Boys & Girls Club of America und ihrem Verpflichtung von 1 Million Dollar zur Förderung von STEM-Bildung und Karrieren in der Luftfahrt.

Das Stipendium wurde während der Paper Plane Palooza-Veranstaltung in Las Vegas bekannt gegeben, wo Jill mit der Ankündigung überrascht wurde. Das Engagement von Allegiant zielt darauf ab, die Geschlechterlücke in der Luftfahrt anzugehen, da nur 5% der Airline-Piloten Frauen sind. Das Unternehmen stellt Jill auch einen Mentor, Captain Kati Whatley, zur Seite, um sie auf ihrem Flugweg zu begleiten.

Dieses Stipendienprogramm steht im Einklang mit der Unternehmensspendenstrategie von Allegiant, die darauf abzielt, junge Flugbegeisterte zu inspirieren und Vielfalt in der Branche zu fördern. Die Partnerschaft mit den Boys & Girls Clubs of America ermöglicht die Entwicklung von luftfahrtinspirierten Programmen für Jugendliche im ganzen Land.

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LAS VEGAS, July 29, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Allegiant Travel Company (NASDAQ: ALGT), in partnership with the Boys & Girls Club of America, today announced Jill Prime, 17, as the recipient of the airline's Careers in Aviation scholarship.

Jill will receive $34,000 from Allegiant, which she will use to pay for tuition and expenses as she pursues her bachelor's degree at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University.

"We are so proud to inspire the next generation of aviators, exposing them to the rewarding career opportunities available in aviation," said Allegiant's President and incoming CEO, Gregory C. Anderson. "Jill's journey exemplifies resilience and perseverance, qualities that are integral to the success of a pilot. By investing in her education, we hope to not only support Jill's individual aspirations, but contribute to a more diverse and inclusive future for the aviation industry."

This award marks a milestone in Jill's journey, which began at age 8 when an aviation field trip, hosted by her local Boys & Girls Club in Florida, sparked her dream of becoming a pilot. This scholarship underscores Allegiant's dedication to bridging the gender gap in the aviation industry and supporting the ambitions of young aviators like Jill.

A core pillar of Allegiant's corporate giving program is to inspire the next generation of young aviators by promoting STEM education and access to careers in the aeronautical sciences. In May 2023, the Las Vegas-based airline took their commitment to the next level and pledged $1 million to Boys & Girls Clubs of America. The partnership enabled the organization to develop aviation-inspired programming for Club youth across the country.

According to research by the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, "exposure to STEM during early childhood is critical to establishing an optimal educational trajectory." A report from the University of California at San Diego concludes "students are more likely to pursue STEM majors at universities and colleges if introduced to those topics in grade school."

For the big reveal, Boys & Girls Clubs of America flew Jill to Las Vegas where she was invited to speak to kids from various Southern Nevada Boys & Girls Clubs at Paper Plane Palooza, an annual event hosted by Harry Reid International Airport. Jill shared her enthusiasm for aviation with the crowd of peers before introducing Allegiant president Greg Anderson to speak.

Little did she know, Anderson was about to make an announcement that would change her life forever. The airline executive surprised the crowd and announced Allegiant was going to help make Jill's dream come true by funding half of her first year of tuition at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. He also shared she would be matched with a current Allegiant captain, Captain Kati Whatley, as a mentor who will encourage Jill as she continues to pursue her dreams.

Determined to achieve her aviation dreams, Jill earned her student pilot's license before her driver's license. She now embarks on a new journey at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. Allegiant's scholarship provides financial assistance for tuition, flight training, and other educational expenses.  

The FAA Women in Aviation Advisory Board reports that roughly 5% of airline pilots are women, and only 3.6% of airline captains are women. The Advisory Board also states girls who do pursue aviation careers run into a lack of scholarships, financial aid, and mentors. With the odds stacked against them, many young women struggle to see themselves in the sky. Allegiant and Boys & Girls Clubs of America recognize the importance of role models like Jill who will inspire other young individuals, particularly young women, to pursue careers in aviation.

"We're grateful for Allegiant Air's support in opening doors for ambitious young people like Jill," said Jim Clark, president & CEO, Boys & Girls Clubs of America. "Jill's story is a testament to what this generation can dream and achieve – especially when they have a safe space, like their local Boys & Girls Club, where they can experience and explore the numerous career paths available to them."  

Paper Plane Palooza is an annual event hosted by the Harry Reid International Airport (LAS) community, including the Clark County Department of Aviation, airlines, concessionaires, Las Vegas Metropolitan Police, Clark County Fire, federal agency partners, and children from the Boys & Girls Clubs of Southern Nevada. The event welcomes more than 70 children from local Boys & Girls Clubs to participate in a paper airplane folding and flying competition that provides them an inside look at a variety of careers in aviation.

"Paper Plane Palooza began as a special partnership with the Boys & Girls Clubs of Southern Nevada to commemorate the opening of Terminal 3 and provide young children an opportunity to experience the airport in a unique way, while also learning about all of the various roles involved to operate one of the nation's busiest airports," said Rosemary Vassiliadis, Clark County Director of Aviation. "Now more than a decade later we are thrilled to see how partnerships like these can directly impact aspiring pilots throughout their education and careers."

Through their partnership with Boys & Girls Clubs of America, Allegiant aims to engage children of all ages to empower and inspire them to pursue careers in aviation. By matching recurring gifts to Boys & Girls Clubs of America, Allegiant gives more kids the meals, mentors, and meaningful life experiences necessary to reach new heights.

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Allegiant – Together We Fly

Las Vegas-based Allegiant (NASDAQ: ALGT) is an integrated travel company with an airline at its heart, focused on connecting customers with the people, places and experiences that matter most. Since 1999, Allegiant Air has linked travelers in small-to-medium cities to world-class vacation destinations with all-nonstop flights and industry-low average fares. Today, Allegiant serves communities across the nation, with base airfares less than half the cost of the average domestic roundtrip ticket. For more information, visit us at Media information, including photos, is available at

About Boys & Girls Clubs of America

For more than 160 years, Boys & Girls Clubs of America ( has provided a safe place for kids and teens to learn and grow. Clubs offer caring adult mentors, fun and friendship, and high-impact youth development programs on a daily basis during critical non-school hours. Boys & Girls Clubs programming promotes academic success, good character and leadership, and healthy lifestyles. Over 5,400 Clubs serve more than 3 million young people through Club membership and community outreach. Clubs are located in cities, towns, public housing and on Native lands throughout the country, and serve military families in BGCA-affiliated Youth Centers on U.S. military installations worldwide. The national headquarters is located in Atlanta. Learn more about Boys & Girls Clubs of America on Facebook and X

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What is the value of the aviation scholarship awarded by Allegiant (ALGT) to Jill Prime?

Allegiant (ALGT) awarded a $34,000 Careers in Aviation scholarship to Jill Prime.

Where will Jill Prime use her Allegiant (ALGT) scholarship to study?

Jill Prime will use the Allegiant (ALGT) scholarship to study at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University.

How much did Allegiant (ALGT) pledge to Boys & Girls Clubs of America in May 2023?

Allegiant (ALGT) pledged $1 million to Boys & Girls Clubs of America in May 2023.

What percentage of airline pilots are women, according to the FAA Women in Aviation Advisory Board?

According to the FAA Women in Aviation Advisory Board, approximately 5% of airline pilots are women.

Who will mentor Jill Prime as part of the Allegiant (ALGT) scholarship program?

Captain Kati Whatley, a current Allegiant (ALGT) captain, will mentor Jill Prime as part of the scholarship program.

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