Allegiant Reports August 2024 Traffic

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Allegiant Travel Company (NASDAQ: ALGT) reported its August 2024 traffic results, noting a strong demand environment. The company expects third-quarter unit revenues to be down approximately 5.5% year-over-year, an improvement from the previously anticipated 7.5% decline. Non-fuel unit costs are projected to increase by about 4.5% in Q3, which is 2.5 points better than expected. Fuel costs are estimated at $2.70 per gallon for Q3, down from the prior $2.80 forecast.

August 2024 saw a 1.3% increase in passengers for scheduled service compared to August 2023. The total system experienced a 1.8% rise in passengers and a 3.0% increase in available seat miles. However, the load factor decreased by 1.5 percentage points to 84.5%. Allegiant has updated its Q3 guidance, projecting an airline-only operating margin between -0.5% and -1.5%, and consolidated earnings per share between -$1.75 and -$2.25, excluding special charges.

Allegiant Travel Company (NASDAQ: ALGT) ha riportato i risultati del traffico di agosto 2024, evidenziando un forte ambiente di domanda. L'azienda prevede che i ricavi unitari del terzo trimestre scendano di circa 5.5% su base annua, un miglioramento rispetto al precedente previsto calo del 7.5%. I costi unitari non legati al carburante sono stimati in aumento di circa 4.5% nel Q3, il che è 2.5 punti migliore delle attese. I costi del carburante sono stimati a $2.70 per gallone nel Q3, in calo rispetto alla previsione precedente di $2.80.

Ad agosto 2024 si è registrato un aumento dell'1.3% nei passeggeri per il servizio programmato rispetto ad agosto 2023. L'intero sistema ha sperimentato un aumento dell'1.8% nei passeggeri e un incremento del 3.0% nelle miglia disponibili per posto. Tuttavia, il fattore di carico è diminuito di 1.5 punti percentuali, scendendo a 84.5%. Allegiant ha aggiornato la sua guida per il Q3, prevedendo un margine operativo della compagnia aerea compreso tra -0.5% e -1.5%, e utili per azione consolidati compresi tra -$1.75 e -$2.25, escludendo oneri speciali.

Allegiant Travel Company (NASDAQ: ALGT) informó sobre sus resultados de tráfico de agosto de 2024, señalando un fuerte entorno de demanda. La compañía espera que los ingresos unitarios del tercer trimestre disminuyan aproximadamente un 5.5% interanual, una mejora respecto a la caída del 7.5% que se anticipaba anteriormente. Se proyecta que los costos unitarios excluyendo combustible aumenten alrededor de 4.5% en el Q3, lo que es 2.5 puntos mejor de lo esperado. Se estima que los costos de combustible estarán en $2.70 por galón para el Q3, bajando de la previsión anterior de $2.80.

Agosto de 2024 vio un aumento del 1.3% en pasajeros para el servicio programado en comparación con agosto de 2023. El sistema total experimentó un incremento del 1.8% en pasajeros y un incremento del 3.0% en millas asiento disponibles. Sin embargo, el factor de ocupación disminuyó 1.5 puntos porcentuales a 84.5%. Allegiant ha actualizado su guía para el Q3, proyectando un margen operativo solo en aerolínea entre -0.5% y -1.5%, y ganancias por acción consolidadas entre -$1.75 y -$2.25, excluyendo cargos especiales.

알레지언트 여행 회사( NASDAQ: ALGT)는 2024년 8월 교통 결과를 보고하며 강한 수요 환경을 강조했습니다. 회사는 3분기 유닛 수익이 전년 대비 약 5.5% 감소할 것으로 예상하며, 이는 이전에 예상했던 7.5%의 감소보다 개선된 것입니다. 비연료 단위 비용은 3분기에 약 4.5% 증가할 것으로 예상되며, 이는 예상보다 2.5포인트 개선된 수치입니다. 3분기 연료 비용은 갤런당 $2.70으로 예상되며, 이전에 예측했던 $2.80에서 하락하였습니다.

2024년 8월은 2023년 8월에 비해 예약 서비스 승객이 1.3% 증가했습니다. 전체 시스템은 승객이 1.8% 상승하고, 사용 가능한 좌석 마일이 3.0% 증가했습니다. 그러나 적재율은 1.5 포인트 감소하여 84.5%로 떨어졌습니다. Allegiant는 3분기 가이드를 업데이트하며 항공사 전용 운영 마진을 -0.5%에서 -1.5% 사이로, 특별 비용을 제외한 통합 주당 순이익을 -$1.75에서 -$2.25 사이로 예상하고 있습니다.

La société Allegiant Travel Company (NASDAQ: ALGT) a rapporté ses résultats de trafic pour août 2024, soulignant un fort environnement de demande. L'entreprise prévoit que les revenus unitaires du troisième trimestre baisseront d'environ 5.5% par rapport à l'année précédente, une amélioration par rapport à la précédente prévision de 7.5% de baisse. Les coûts unitaires hors carburant devraient augmenter d'environ 4.5% au T3, soit 2.5 points de mieux que prévu. Les coûts du carburant sont estimés à $2.70 par gallon pour le T3, en baisse par rapport à la prévision précédente de $2.80.

En août 2024, on a constaté une augmentation de 1.3% des passagers pour le service programmé par rapport à août 2023. L'ensemble du système a connu une augmentation de 1.8% des passagers et une augmentation de 3.0% des miles sièges disponibles. Cependant, le coefficient de chargement a diminué de 1.5 points de pourcentage à 84.5%. Allegiant a mis à jour ses prévisions pour le T3, projetant une marge opérationnelle uniquement des compagnies aériennes comprise entre -0.5% et -1.5%, et des bénéfices par action consolidés allant de -$1.75 à -$2.25, hors charges exceptionnelles.

Die Allegiant Travel Company (NASDAQ: ALGT) berichtete über ihre Verkehrsergebnisse für August 2024 und bemerkte ein starkes Nachfrageumfeld. Das Unternehmen erwartet, dass die Umsätze pro Einheit im dritten Quartal um etwa 5.5% im Jahresvergleich zurückgehen, was eine Verbesserung gegenüber dem zuvor vorhergesagten Rückgang von 7.5% darstellt. Die nicht treibstoffbezogenen Betriebskosten werden im Q3 voraussichtlich um etwa 4.5% steigen, was 2.5 Punkte besser ist als erwartet. Die Treibstoffkosten werden für das Q3 auf $2.70 pro Gallone geschätzt, was eine Senkung gegenüber der vorherigen Prognose von $2.80 bedeutet.

Im August 2024 gab es einen Anstieg von 1.3% bei den Passagieren im Vergleich zu August 2023 für den Linienverkehr. Das gesamte System erlebte einen Anstieg von 1.8% bei den Passagieren und einen 3.0% Anstieg der verfügbaren Sitzmeilen. Der Sitzladefaktor ging jedoch um 1.5 Prozentpunkte auf 84.5% zurück. Allegiant hat seine Q3-Prognose aktualisiert und erwartet eine Betriebsspanne für die Airline zwischen -0.5% und -1.5% sowie konsolidierte Gewinne pro Aktie zwischen -$1.75 und -$2.25, ohne besondere Belastungen.

  • Strong demand environment observed in Q3
  • Improved Q3 unit revenue forecast: -5.5% YoY vs previous -7.5% YoY
  • Non-fuel unit costs expected to be 2.5 points better than anticipated
  • Fuel costs projected at $2.70 per gallon for Q3, down from $2.80
  • 1.3% increase in scheduled service passengers for August 2024 YoY
  • 1.8% increase in total system passengers for August 2024 YoY
  • 3.0% increase in total system available seat miles for August 2024 YoY
  • Q3 unit revenues still expected to decline by 5.5% YoY
  • Non-fuel unit costs projected to increase by 4.5% in Q3 YoY
  • Load factor decreased by 1.5 percentage points to 84.5% in August 2024 YoY
  • Airline-only operating margin projected between -0.5% and -1.5% for Q3
  • Consolidated earnings per share forecast between -$1.75 and -$2.25 for Q3


Allegiant's August 2024 traffic report reveals a mixed bag of results. While passenger numbers increased by 1.3% year-over-year, the load factor dropped by 1.5 percentage points to 84.5%. This suggests that capacity growth (2.7% increase in available seat miles) slightly outpaced demand.

The company's revised Q3 guidance is more promising. The expected airline-only operating margin improved from (4.5%) - (6.5%) to (0.5%) - (1.5%), indicating better cost management and revenue performance. The projected loss per share has also narrowed significantly, which is a positive sign for investors.

However, the anticipated 5.5% year-over-year decline in unit revenues for Q3 remains a concern, albeit an improvement from the previous 7.5% estimate. This suggests ongoing challenges in yield management amid a competitive environment.

The report indicates a robust demand environment, particularly for holiday bookings. This aligns with broader industry trends of strong leisure travel demand post-pandemic. Allegiant's 18% capacity increase for December 2024 compared to 2023 shows confidence in sustained growth.

The improved fuel cost outlook, with Q3 estimates dropping from $2.80 to $2.70 per gallon, is a significant positive. Fuel typically represents 20-30% of an airline's operating costs, so this reduction could substantially impact profitability.

Investors should note the company's ability to adapt quickly to market conditions, as evidenced by the revised guidance. This agility could be a competitive advantage in the volatile airline industry. However, the continued year-over-year decline in unit revenues warrants close monitoring, as it may indicate pricing pressures or shifts in the competitive landscape.

LAS VEGAS, Sept. 20, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Allegiant Travel Company (NASDAQ: ALGT) today reported preliminary passenger traffic results for August 2024.

"As we have progressed through the third quarter, we have continued to observe a strong demand environment," noted Drew Wells, Chief Commercial Officer of Allegiant Travel Company. "While we expected the year-over-year unit revenue cadence to improve through the end of the quarter, the environment has certainly outperformed our initial expectations. Although the full month of September will likely be TRASM negative on a year-over-year basis, we now expect the back half of the month to flip positive. Given recent booking improvements coming out of July, we expect third-quarter unit revenues to be down roughly 5.5 percent year-over-year compared with our prior commentary of down 7.5 percent. Although early, holiday bookings are showing signs of strength with both yields and loads performing well against expectations on December capacity increases of 18 percent over 2023."

"Non-fuel unit costs are expected to be up approximately 4.5 percent during the third quarter as compared with the prior year, 2.5 points better than anticipated due primarily to the CrowdStrike impact coming in below what we had previously estimated and a better-than-expected completion factor during the quarter," stated Robert Neal, Chief Financial Officer of Allegiant Travel Company. "Additionally, we have observed improvements in the fuel environment. We expect fuel to come in at roughly $2.70 per gallon for the third quarter, down from our prior expectation of $2.80. Guidance updates related to the changes in the revenue and cost environments are included in the table below. We continue to expect Sunseeker to perform consistent with our prior guidance."

Third Quarter Guidance Update

Current Guidance

Prior Guidance

System ASMs – year over year change



Scheduled service ASMs – year over year change     



Fuel cost per gallon



Airline-only operating margin

(0.5%) – (1.5%)

(4.5%) – (6.5%)

Airline-only earnings (loss) per share,
excluding special charges

($0.75) – ($1.25)

($1.50) – ($2.50)

Consolidated earnings (loss) per share,
excluding special charges

($1.75) – ($2.25)

($2.50) – ($3.50)


Scheduled Service – Year Over Year Comparison

August 2024

August 2023





1.3 %

Revenue passenger miles (000)     



0.8 %

Available seat miles (000)



2.7 %

Load factor

84.5 %

86.0 %





3.4 %

Average stage length (miles)



(0.5 %)


Total System* – Year Over Year Comparison

August 2024

August 2023





1.8 %

Available seat miles (000)



3.0 %




3.7 %

Average stage length (miles)      



(0.5 %)

*Total system includes scheduled service and fixed fee contract.  System revenue passenger miles and
system load factor are not useful statistics as system available seat miles include both ASMs flown by fixed
fee flying as well as non-revenue producing repositioning flights used for operational needs.  Fixed fee flying
is better measured through dollar contribution versus operational statistics.

Preliminary Financial Results

$ per gallon

August 2024 estimated average fuel cost per gallon - system   


Allegiant Travel Company
Las Vegas-based Allegiant (NASDAQ: ALGT) is an integrated travel company with an airline at its heart, focused on connecting customers with the people, places and experiences that matter most. Since 1999, Allegiant Air has linked travelers in small-to-medium cities to world-class vacation destinations with all-nonstop flights and industry-low average fares. Today, Allegiant's fleet serves communities across the nation, with base airfares less than half the cost of the average domestic roundtrip ticket. For more information, visit us at Media information, including photos, is available at


Note: This news release was accurate at the date of issuance. However, information contained in the release may have changed. If you plan to use the information contained herein for any purpose, verification of its continued accuracy is your responsibility. For further information please visit the company's investor website:

Reference to the Company's website above does not constitute incorporation of any of the information thereon into this news release.

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SOURCE Allegiant Travel Company


What is Allegiant's projected fuel cost per gallon for Q3 2024?

Allegiant projects fuel costs at $2.70 per gallon for Q3 2024, down from the previous estimate of $2.80 per gallon.

How did Allegiant's passenger numbers change in August 2024 compared to August 2023?

Allegiant's scheduled service passengers increased by 1.3% in August 2024 compared to August 2023, while total system passengers rose by 1.8%.

What is Allegiant's (ALGT) expected airline-only operating margin for Q3 2024?

Allegiant (ALGT) expects an airline-only operating margin between -0.5% and -1.5% for Q3 2024.

How has Allegiant's (ALGT) Q3 2024 unit revenue forecast changed?

Allegiant (ALGT) now expects Q3 2024 unit revenues to be down approximately 5.5% year-over-year, improved from the previous forecast of a 7.5% decline.

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Air Transportation, Scheduled
United States