Philly Shipyard Delivers Second National Security Multi-Mission Vessel (NSMV), Patriot State

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Philly Shipyard has delivered the Patriot State, the second of five National Security Multi-Mission Vessels (NSMVs) for America's state maritime academies. This vessel, built for the U.S. Department of Transportation's Maritime Administration (MARAD), will serve Massachusetts Maritime Academy. The NSMV program aims to provide state-of-the-art training for future mariners and support humanitarian assistance and disaster relief missions.

The contract was awarded to Philly Shipyard by TOTE Services, which MARAD hired as the Vessel Construction Manager. This marks the first use of the VCM model in a government-sponsored shipbuilding program. The first NSMV, Empire State, was delivered in September 2023 for SUNY Maritime College. NSMVs III and IV are currently under construction, with NSMV V in the early stages of production.

Each NSMV can accommodate up to 600 cadets and features instructional spaces and a full training bridge. The program is seen as a vital investment in America's shipbuilding industry and maritime education, supporting nearly 400,000 U.S. jobs.

Philly Shipyard ha consegnato il Patriot State, il secondo di cinque Navi Multi-Mission Nazionali per la Sicurezza (NSMV) destinate alle accademie marittime statali americane. Questa nave, costruita per l'Amministrazione Marittima del Dipartimento dei Trasporti degli Stati Uniti (MARAD), servirà la Massachusetts Maritime Academy. Il programma NSMV ha l'obiettivo di fornire una formazione all'avanguardia per i futuri marinai e supportare le missioni di assistenza umanitaria e soccorso in caso di disastri.

Il contratto è stato assegnato a Philly Shipyard da TOTE Services, che MARAD ha assunto come Gestore della Costruzione delle Navi. Questa è la prima applicazione del modello VCM in un programma di costruzione navale sponsorizzato dal governo. La prima NSMV, Empire State, è stata consegnata a settembre 2023 per il SUNY Maritime College. Le NSMV III e IV sono attualmente in costruzione, mentre la NSMV V è nelle fasi iniziali di produzione.

Ogni NSMV può ospitare fino a 600 cadetti e dispone di spazi didattici e un ponte di addestramento completo. Il programma è considerato un investimento vitale nell'industria della costruzione navale americana e nell'istruzione marittima, supportando quasi 400.000 posti di lavoro negli Stati Uniti.

Philly Shipyard ha entregado el Patriot State, el segundo de cinco Buques Nacionales Multi-Misionales (NSMV) para las academias marítimas estatales de América. Este barco, construido para la Administración Marítima del Departamento de Transporte de EE. UU. (MARAD), servirá a la Massachusetts Maritime Academy. El programa NSMV tiene como objetivo proporcionar capacitación de vanguardia para futuros marineros y apoyar misiones de asistencia humanitaria y socorro en caso de desastres.

El contrato fue otorgado a Philly Shipyard por TOTE Services, que MARAD contrató como Gerente de Construcción de Buques. Esto marca el primer uso del modelo VCM en un programa de construcción naval patrocinado por el gobierno. El primer NSMV, Empire State, se entregó en septiembre de 2023 para SUNY Maritime College. Los NSMV III y IV están actualmente en construcción, con el NSMV V en las primeras etapas de producción.

Cada NSMV puede acomodar hasta 600 cadetes y cuenta con espacios instructivos y un puente de entrenamiento completo. El programa se considera una inversión vital en la industria de construcción naval de América y en la educación marítima, apoyando casi 400,000 empleos en EE. UU..

필리 조선소가 미국 주 해양 아카데미를 위한 다섯 대의 국가 안보 다목적 선박(NSMV) 중 두 번째인 패트리어트 주를 인도했습니다. 이 선박은 미국 교통부 해양청(MARAD)을 위해 건조되었으며, 매사추세츠 해양 아카데미에서 사용될 예정입니다. NSMV 프로그램은 미래의 선원들을 위한 최첨단 교육을 제공하고 인도적 지원 및 재난 구호 임무를 지원하는 것을 목표로 합니다.

이 계약은 MARAD가 선박 건설 관리자(Vessel Construction Manager)로 고용한 TOTE Services에 의해 필리 조선소에 수여되었습니다. 이는 정부 후원 조선 프로그램에서 VCM 모델을 처음으로 사용하는 사례입니다. 첫 번째 NSMV인 엠파이어 주는 2023년 9월 SUNY 해양 대학을 위해 인도되었습니다. NSMV III 및 IV는 현재 건조 중이며, NSMV V는 생산 초기 단계에 있습니다.

각 NSMV는 최대 600명의 생도를 수용할 수 있으며, 교육 공간과 완전한 훈련 다리가 갖추어져 있습니다. 이 프로그램은 미국의 조선 산업과 해양 교육에 중요한 투자로 간주되며, 거의 40만 개의 미국 일자리를 지원합니다.

Philly Shipyard a livré le Patriot State, le deuxième de cinq navires multi-mission pour la sécurité nationale (NSMV) destinés aux académies maritimes d'État américaines. Ce navire, construit pour l'Administration maritime du département des Transports des États-Unis (MARAD), servira à la Massachusetts Maritime Academy. Le programme NSMV vise à fournir une formation à la pointe de la technologie pour les futurs marins et à soutenir les missions d'assistance humanitaire et de secours en cas de catastrophe.

Le contrat a été attribué à Philly Shipyard par TOTE Services, que MARAD a engagé en tant que gestionnaire de la construction des navires. Cela marque la première utilisation du modèle VCM dans un programme de construction navale parrainé par le gouvernement. Le premier NSMV, l'Empire State, a été livré en septembre 2023 pour le SUNY Maritime College. Les NSMV III et IV sont actuellement en construction, tandis que le NSMV V en est aux premières étapes de production.

Chaque NSMV peut accueillir jusqu'à 600 cadets et dispose d'espaces d'enseignement et d'un pont de formation complet. Le programme est considéré comme un investissement vital dans l'industrie de la construction navale américaine et l'éducation maritime, soutenant près de 400 000 emplois aux États-Unis.

Philly Shipyard hat den Patriot State geliefert, das zweite von fünf National Security Multi-Mission Vessels (NSMV) für die staatlichen maritimen Akademien Amerikas. Dieses Schiff, das für die Maritime Administration (MARAD) des US-Verkehrsministeriums gebaut wurde, wird der Massachusetts Maritime Academy dienen. Das NSMV-Programm zielt darauf ab, moderne Schulungen für zukünftige Seeleute zu bieten und humanitäre Hilfe sowie Katastrophenhilfe-Missionen zu unterstützen.

Der Vertrag wurde an Philly Shipyard von TOTE Services vergeben, das von MARAD als Vessel Construction Manager engagiert wurde. Dies stellt die erste Verwendung des VCM-Modells in einem staatlich geförderten Schiffbauprogramm dar. Das erste NSMV, die Empire State, wurde im September 2023 für das SUNY Maritime College ausgeliefert. NSMV III und IV befinden sich derzeit im Bau, während NSMV V in den frühen Produktionsphasen ist.

Jedes NSMV kann bis zu 600 Kadetten unterbringen und verfügt über Schulungsräume sowie eine voll ausgestattete Brücke für das Training. Das Programm wird als eine wesentliche Investition in die amerikanische Schiffbauindustrie und maritime Ausbildung angesehen und unterstützt nahezu 400.000 US-Arbeitsplätze.

  • Delivery of second NSMV, Patriot State, demonstrating progress in the five-vessel program
  • Utilization of innovative Vessel Construction Manager (VCM) model potentially reducing costs and accelerating delivery times
  • Ongoing construction of remaining NSMVs indicates steady workflow for Philly Shipyard
  • Program supports nearly 400,000 U.S. jobs in the shipbuilding industry
  • None.

Program designed to provide state-of-the-art training vessels to five state maritime academies

PHILADELPHIA, PA / ACCESSWIRE / September 26, 2024 / Philly Shipyard, Inc. ("Philly Shipyard"), the sole operating subsidiary of Philly Shipyard ASA (Oslo:PHLY), today delivered the Patriot State, the second of five new purpose-built, state-of-the-art training vessels for America's state maritime academies. The U.S. Department of Transportation's Maritime Administration (MARAD) new vessel program - known as National Security Multi-Mission Vessels (NSMVs) - was designed to provide world-class training for America's future mariners and to support humanitarian assistance and disaster relief missions in times of need. This second vessel, Patriot State, is being delivered to MARAD and will serve Massachusetts Maritime Academy.

"We stand tall and proud as we wave goodbye to the Patriot State," said Steinar Nerbovik, President & CEO of Philly Shipyard. "It is the second NSMV to be delivered in the program, and the journey to Massachusetts brings well-deserved recognition and excitement for the future of the vessel, the entire NSMV program, and our shipyard. Our workforce has dedicated much time and skill to ensuring a safe at-sea experience for the cadets and crew and a dependable learning environment for all future mariners."

Philly Shipyard was awarded the contract to build the NSMVs by TOTE Services, LLC ("TOTE Services"), a U.S.-based company hired by MARAD as the Vessel Construction Manager (VCM) to oversee the construction of the training vessels. The NSMV program is the first government sponsored ship building program to utilize the VCM model. This model places the responsibility for the selection and oversight of the shipyard on a government contractor that utilizes commercial best practices to manage the project.

NSMV I, Empire State, was delivered in September 2023 to serve SUNY Maritime College. NSMV III (Maine Maritime Academy) and NSMV IV (Texas A&M Maritime Academy) are both under construction in Philly Shipyard's outfitting and building docks, respectively. NSMV III is scheduled for delivery in 2025. The steel cutting for NSMV V (California Maritime Academy) was completed earlier this year, placing all remaining vessels in various stages of production at Philly Shipyard.

"The Patriot State is the second of five NSMVs that TOTE Services is managing in partnership with Philly Shipyard. These vessels are a vital investment in the future of maritime in the U.S. and showcase the potential that arises when we utilize the right expertise and resources for the benefit of our country and future generations. TOTE Services' role as the vessel construction manager for these ships highlights its 49-year legacy as a leader in American maritime," commented Jeff Dixon, President of TOTE Services.

The NSMV program is an important investment in America's shipbuilding industry, which supports nearly 400,000 U.S. jobs. Each NSMV will feature numerous instructional spaces, a full training bridge, and accommodations for up to 600 cadets to train in a first-rate maritime academic environment at sea. State maritime academies graduate more than half of all new officers each year - the merchant mariners who help keep cargoes and our economy moving. Many also support U.S. national security by crewing military sealift vessels.

Today's delivery of the Patriot State marks an important milestone for the NSMV program as well as the VCM contract model. This innovative approach enables shipyards to apply commercial best practices for design and construction to government vessels. There is growing interest in the VCM contract model and its potential applicability to government shipbuilding programs to reduce costs, accelerate delivery times, and build more vessels.


About the National Security Multi-Mission Vessel (NSMV) Program

The U.S. Department of Transportation Maritime Administration's (MARAD) NSMV program is designed to provide a purpose-built, state-of-the-art training platform for the state maritime academies in New York, Massachusetts, Maine, Texas, and California, respectively.

This next-generation training fleet will address a critical shortage of qualified officers necessary to crew government and commercial owned sealift ships. In addition to providing world-class training for America's future mariners, the NSMVs will be available to support humanitarian assistance and disaster relief missions in times of need.

The NSMV will feature numerous instructional spaces, a full training bridge, and have space for up to 600 cadets to train in a first-rate maritime academic environment at sea. State maritime academies graduate more than half of all new officers each year-the merchant mariners who help keep cargoes and our economy moving. Many also support U.S. national security by crewing military sealift vessels.

In addition to being a state-of-the-art training and educational platform, each ship will feature modern hospital facilities, a helicopter pad, and the ability to accommodate up to 1,000 people in times of humanitarian need. Adding to the NSMV's capability, it will provide needed roll-on/roll-off and container storage capacity for use during disaster relief missions.

Ship specifications will be compatible with the pier length, draft restrictions, and mooring limitations at each of the maritime training academies.
Vessel specifications:

  • Length: 159.85 m

  • Breadth: 27.00 m

  • Draft, scantling: 7.50 m

  • Total berthing: 760 people

  • Speed: 18 kts

  • Deadweight: 8,487 MT

About Philly Shipyard

Philly Shipyard, Inc. (PSI) is a leading U.S. shipbuilder that is presently pursuing a mix of commercial and government work. It possesses a state-of-the-art shipbuilding facility and has earned a reputation as a preferred provider of oceangoing merchant vessels with a track record of delivering quality ships, having delivered around 50% of all large ocean-going Jones Act commercial ships since 2000. PSI is the sole operating subsidiary of Philly Shipyard ASA. Philly Shipyard ASA is listed on the Euronext Expand Oslo (Oslo: PHLY) and is majority-owned by Aker Capital AS, which in turn is wholly-owned by Aker ASA (Aker). Aker is an industrial investment company that exercises active ownership to create value. Aker has ownership interests in oil and gas, renewable energy and green technologies, maritime assets, marine biotechnology and industrial software, and its portfolio includes companies like Aker BP, Aker Horizons, Aker BioMarine, Cognite, and Aker Solutions. For more information about Philly Shipyard, please visit

About TOTE Services

TOTE Services, LLC ("TOTE Services") is a leading U.S.-based company that provides ship management, vessel construction management and technical consulting services to governmental and commercial parties. Since 2015, TOTE Services has been a first-mover in clean alternative fuels, having overseen the construction and management of the nation's first LNG-powered container ships and the first LNG bunker barge. TOTE Services, along with TOTE Maritime Alaska, LLC and TOTE Maritime Puerto Rico, LLC, are part of the TOTE Group. TOTE Group is a member of the Saltchuk family of companies. For more information about TOTE Services, please visit

Media & Investor Contact:

Philly Shipyard, Inc.
Qurana Moody

SOURCE: Philly Shipyard ASA

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What is the Patriot State and how does it relate to AKRRF stock?

The Patriot State is the second National Security Multi-Mission Vessel (NSMV) delivered by Philly Shipyard, a subsidiary of Philly Shipyard ASA (Oslo:PHLY). While not directly related to AKRRF stock, this delivery demonstrates progress in Philly Shipyard's NSMV program, which could potentially impact the company's financial performance.

How many NSMVs is Philly Shipyard contracted to build for MARAD?

Philly Shipyard is contracted to build five National Security Multi-Mission Vessels (NSMVs) for the U.S. Department of Transportation's Maritime Administration (MARAD).

When was the Patriot State NSMV delivered by Philly Shipyard?

The Patriot State, the second NSMV, was delivered by Philly Shipyard on September 26, 2024.

What is the purpose of the NSMV program and how does it affect AKRRF?

The NSMV program provides state-of-the-art training vessels for state maritime academies and supports humanitarian assistance missions. While not directly related to AKRRF, the program's success could impact Philly Shipyard's (Oslo:PHLY) performance and reputation in the shipbuilding industry.

Philly Shipyard


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