AERKOMM Expands Presence in Asia Through New Partnership with Eutelsat's OneWeb LEO Services

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AERKOMM Inc. (Euronext: AKOM, OTCQX: AKOM) has signed a Distribution Partner Agreement with Eutelsat Group to leverage its OneWeb Low-Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite services. The agreement grants AERKOMM Japan distribution rights for LEO connectivity services in Japan for commercial fixed and land mobility sectors, and in Taiwan for the commercial land mobility market.

The partnership aims to deliver advanced satellite communication solutions across Asia, utilizing OneWeb's constellation of 634 satellites. This collaboration is expected to provide users with superior features like low latency and high throughput compared to Geostationary Orbit (GEO) satellites.

The agreement aligns with market research indicating significant growth in the land mobility sector, particularly among 'Comms on-the-Move' users. The Recreational Vehicle (RV) market is projected to grow from USD 33.23 billion in 2024 to USD 49.18 billion by 2029, with a CAGR of 8.15%.

AERKOMM is also pursuing 'Direct to Cell' technology and developing Mesh network solutions for Non-Terrestrial Networks to enhance connectivity and resource management performance.

AERKOMM Inc. (Euronext: AKOM, OTCQX: AKOM) ha firmato un Accordo di Distribuzione con Eutelsat Group per sfruttare i servizi satellitari in orbita terrestre bassa (LEO) di OneWeb. L'accordo concede a AERKOMM Japan i diritti di distribuzione per i servizi di connettività LEO in Giappone per i settori commerciali fissi e di mobilità terrestre, e a Taiwan per il mercato della mobilità terrestre commerciale.

La partnership mira a fornire soluzioni avanzate di comunicazione satellitare in tutta l'Asia, utilizzando la costellazione di 634 satelliti di OneWeb. Questa collaborazione dovrebbe offrire agli utenti caratteristiche superiori come bassa latenza e alta capacità rispetto ai satelliti in orbita geostazionaria (GEO).

L'accordo è in linea con le ricerche di mercato che indicano una crescita significativa nel settore della mobilità terrestre, in particolare tra gli utenti 'Comms on-the-Move'. Si prevede che il mercato dei veicoli ricreativi (RV) cresca da 33,23 miliardi di dollari nel 2024 a 49,18 miliardi di dollari entro il 2029, con un CAGR dell'8,15%.

AERKOMM sta anche perseguendo la tecnologia 'Direct to Cell' e sviluppando soluzioni di rete Mesh per le Reti Non Terrestri per migliorare la connettività e le prestazioni nella gestione delle risorse.

AERKOMM Inc. (Euronext: AKOM, OTCQX: AKOM) ha firmado un Acuerdo de Socio de Distribución con Eutelsat Group para aprovechar sus servicios de satélites en órbita baja (LEO) de OneWeb. El acuerdo otorga a AERKOMM Japan derechos de distribución para servicios de conectividad LEO en Japón para los sectores comerciales de movilidad terrestre fija y, en Taiwán, para el mercado de movilidad terrestre comercial.

La asociación tiene como objetivo ofrecer soluciones avanzadas de comunicación por satélite en toda Asia, utilizando la constelación de 634 satélites de OneWeb. Se espera que esta colaboración proporcione a los usuarios características superiores, como baja latencia y alto rendimiento, en comparación con los satélites en órbita geoestacionaria (GEO).

El acuerdo está alineado con investigaciones de mercado que indican un crecimiento significativo en el sector de movilidad terrestre, especialmente entre los usuarios de 'Comms on-the-Move'. Se proyecta que el mercado de vehículos recreativos (RV) crecerá de 33,23 mil millones de dólares en 2024 a 49,18 mil millones de dólares para 2029, con una CAGR del 8,15%.

AERKOMM también está persiguiendo la tecnología 'Direct to Cell' y desarrollando soluciones de red Mesh para Redes No Terrestres para mejorar la conectividad y el rendimiento de la gestión de recursos.

AERKOMM Inc. (Euronext: AKOM, OTCQX: AKOM)은 Eutelsat Group와 OneWeb 저궤도(LEO) 위성 서비스 활용을 위한 배급 파트너 계약을 체결했습니다. 이 계약은 AERKOMM Japan에 일본 내 상업용 고정 및 육상 이동 부문에 대한 LEO 연결 서비스 배급권을 부여하며, 대만 내 상업적 육상 이동 시장을 위한 것입니다.

이번 파트너십은 OneWeb의 634개 위성 군을 활용하여 아시아 전역에 고급 위성 통신 솔루션을 제공하는 것을 목표로 합니다. 이 협업은 사용자에게 저지연성과 높은 처리량과 같은 우수한 기능을 제공할 것으로 기대됩니다. 이는 정지 궤도(GEO) 위성에 비해 장점이 있습니다.

계약은 '이동 중 통신' 사용자들 사이에서 육상 이동 부문에서의 상당한 성장을 나타내는 시장 조사 결과와 일치합니다. 레크리에이션 차량(RV) 시장은 2024년 332억 3천만 달러에서 2029년 491억 8천만 달러로 성장할 것으로 예상되며, 연평균 성장률(CAGR)은 8.15%입니다.

AERKOMM은 또한 'Direct to Cell' 기술을 추구하며 비지상 네트워크를 위한 메쉬 네트워크 솔루션을 개발하고 있어 연결성 및 자원 관리 성능을 향상시키고 있습니다.

AERKOMM Inc. (Euronext: AKOM, OTCQX: AKOM) a signé un Accord de Partenaire de Distribution avec Eutelsat Group pour tirer parti de ses services de satellites en orbite basse (LEO) avec OneWeb. Cet accord accorde à AERKOMM Japan des droits de distribution pour les services de connectivité LEO au Japon pour les secteurs commerciaux fixes et de mobilité terrestre, ainsi qu'à Taïwan pour le marché commercial de la mobilité terrestre.

Le partenariat vise à fournir des solutions avancées de communication par satellite dans toute l'Asie, en utilisant la constellation de 634 satellites de OneWeb. Cette collaboration devrait offrir aux utilisateurs des caractéristiques supérieures telles qu'une faible latence et un haut débit par rapport aux satellites en orbite géostationnaire (GEO).

L'accord s'aligne avec des études de marché indiquant une croissance significative dans le secteur de la mobilité terrestre, en particulier parmi les utilisateurs de 'Comms on-the-Move'. Le marché des véhicules de loisirs (RV) devrait passer de 33,23 milliards USD en 2024 à 49,18 milliards USD d'ici 2029, avec un taux de croissance annuel composé (CAGR) de 8,15 %.

AERKOMM travaille également sur la technologie 'Direct to Cell' et développe des solutions de réseau maillé pour les réseaux non terrestres afin d'améliorer la connectivité et les performances de gestion des ressources.

AERKOMM Inc. (Euronext: AKOM, OTCQX: AKOM) hat eine Vertriebsvereinbarung mit Eutelsat Group unterzeichnet, um die LEO-Satellitendienste von OneWeb zu nutzen. Die Vereinbarung gewährt AERKOMM Japan Vertriebsrechte für LEO-Konnektivitätsdienste in Japan für die kommerziellen Sektoren Festnetz und Landmobilität sowie in Taiwan für den kommerziellen Landmobilitätsmarkt.

Die Partnerschaft zielt darauf ab, fortschrittliche Satellitenkommunikationslösungen in ganz Asien anzubieten und nutzt dabei die Konstellation von 634 Satelliten von OneWeb. Diese Zusammenarbeit wird voraussichtlich den Nutzern überlegene Merkmale wie geringe Latenz und hohe Durchsatzraten im Vergleich zu geostationären Satelliten (GEO) bieten.

Die Vereinbarung steht im Einklang mit Marktanalysen, die auf ein signifikantes Wachstum im Landmobilitätssektor hinweisen, insbesondere unter Nutzern von 'Comms on-the-Move'. Der Markt für Wohnmobile (RV) wird voraussichtlich von 33,23 Milliarden USD im Jahr 2024 auf 49,18 Milliarden USD bis 2029 wachsen, mit einer CAGR von 8,15 %.

AERKOMM verfolgt auch die Technologie 'Direct to Cell' und entwickelt Mesh-Netzwerklösungen für Nicht-Terrestrische Netzwerke, um die Konnektivität und die Ressourcennutzungsleistung zu verbessern.

  • Expansion into new markets in Japan and Taiwan
  • Partnership with Eutelsat Group for OneWeb LEO satellite services
  • Access to advanced satellite technology with low latency and high throughput
  • Potential growth in the land mobility sector, with RV market projected to reach USD 49.18 billion by 2029
  • Development of innovative technologies like 'Direct to Cell' and Mesh network solutions
  • None.

SILICON VALLEY, Calif., Oct. 21, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- AERKOMM Inc. (Euronext: AKOM, OTCQX: AKOM), a pioneering U.S.-based satellite communication technology company, is excited to announce the signing of a Distribution Partner Agreement (DPA) with Eutelsat Group to leverage its OneWeb Low-Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite services.  The agreement, concluded in late September 2024, grants AERKOMM Inc.'s subsidiary, AERKOMM Japan, the distribution rights for LEO connectivity services in Japan for the commercial fixed and land mobility sectors, as well as in Taiwan for the commercial land mobility market. This partnership underscores the company's commitment to expanding its global footprint and delivering advanced satellite communication solutions across Asia.

With Eutelsat OneWeb's LEO satellite coverage, users can benefit from superior features like low latency and high throughput compared to Geostationary Orbit (GEO) satellites. The OneWeb constellation's 634 satellites, provide global coverage coupled with the reliability, affordability, and lightweight design of satellite user terminals, along with attractive pricing and innovative value-added services, which are expected to accelerate adoption in target markets and enhance the overall user experience.

"We are delighted to partner with Eutelsat OneWeb to extend our advanced satellite communication solutions and services across Japan and Taiwan," said Louis Giordimaina, CEO of AERKOMM, "This collaboration marks a pivotal milestone in our growth and expansion strategy, enabling us to deliver cutting-edge multi-orbit and multi-network connectivity solutions to a broader range of customers in these key markets."

Neha Idnani, Regional Vice President, APAC, Eutelsat OneWeb added: "We are excited to collaborate with AERKOMM to provide low latency, high-speed connectivity services across Asia. Our OneWeb LEO network is ideally positioned to deliver real-time communications and connectivity for remote and rural businesses and communities, while also supporting land mobility applications, such as connected public safety vehicles. Together, we are paving the way for a more connected future."

With respect to the land mobility distribution rights in Japan and Taiwan, market research indicates significant global growth in the land mobility sector, particularly among "Comms on-the-Move" users such as roamers, RVers, and campers. These groups embody "work and play" lifestyles that align well with LEO satellite broadband services, providing high-speed connectivity along with user terminals that are easy to carry and convenient to use while on the move, addressing the unique demands of land-based customers.

Research by Mordor Intelligence projects that the Recreational Vehicle (RV) market will grow from USD 33.23 billion in 2024 to USD 49.18 billion by 2029, reflecting a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 8.15%. This growth is driven by the recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic and a notable shift in consumer preferences toward caravans over traditional hotel accommodations. Additionally, the proliferation of rental services in emerging markets and an increasing number of active campers are boosting demand for RVs. Given these trends, LEO satellite broadband communication services emerge as the optimal connectivity solution for this expanding market.

In Japan's commercial fixed market, some metropolitan areas experience inadequate broadband coverage, while many rural and offshore areas lack service altogether, highlighting the urgent need for enhanced connectivity solutions. LEO satellite broadband services are well-positioned to effectively address these coverage gaps. Given the competitive landscape of broadband in Japan, the Company is set to provide enhanced service solutions, value-added services, and implement unique marketing and sales strategies while collaborating with potential sales channel partners to attract target users and convert existing subscribers with inadequate internet service.

For upfront technology development, "Direct to Cell" technology, which integrates satellite communication into 5G and future 6G mobile phones or user terminals, is emerging as a key trend that AERKOMM is actively pursuing. This technology enables users to connect directly to satellite networks without the need for a terrestrial base station, thus providing mobile connectivity in areas with limited or no traditional cellular coverage. Concurrently, AERKOMM is proactively developing Mesh network solutions for Non-Terrestrial Networks (NTN) and satellite networks to enhance efficient and resilient connectivity, as well as improve resource management performance.

This partnership with Eutelsat OneWeb marks a crucial step toward meeting the growing demand for reliable and resilient broadband access in various regions. By harnessing innovative satellite technology and strategic marketing initiatives, AERKOMM aims to offer diverse connectivity solutions and services for users across Japan and Taiwan while capitalizing on the unique needs emerging in expanding markets. This collaboration not only strengthens the Company's market position but also underscores its commitment to advancing technological innovations in satellite communications, driving new revenue growth and enhancing customer experiences across multiple sectors.

AERKOMM is dedicated to investing in technology, talent, and global partnerships, positioning itself as a premier partner in the Civilian Telecommunications and Defense sectors. This strategic focus ensures a competitive edge and the delivery of exceptional value, underscoring the Company's unwavering commitment to excellence.

Forward-Looking Statements:
This press release contains forward-looking statements regarding AERKOMM Inc. and its future operations, financial performance, and market conditions. These statements are based on current expectations and assumptions and are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those anticipated. Factors that could impact future results include, but are not limited to, market conditions, competition, regulatory changes, and the company's ability to execute its business strategy. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements.

Media Contact: Jessica Hsu
Tel: +1 877 742 3094

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What new markets is AERKOMM (AKOM) expanding into through its partnership with Eutelsat OneWeb?

AERKOMM is expanding into Japan for commercial fixed and land mobility sectors, and Taiwan for the commercial land mobility market through its partnership with Eutelsat OneWeb.

What are the projected growth figures for the Recreational Vehicle (RV) market according to the AERKOMM (AKOM) press release?

According to the press release, the RV market is projected to grow from USD 33.23 billion in 2024 to USD 49.18 billion by 2029, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 8.15%.

What new technologies is AERKOMM (AKOM) developing as mentioned in the October 21, 2024 press release?

AERKOMM is actively pursuing 'Direct to Cell' technology and developing Mesh network solutions for Non-Terrestrial Networks (NTN) and satellite networks to enhance connectivity and improve resource management performance.

How many satellites are in the OneWeb constellation that AERKOMM (AKOM) will be leveraging?

The OneWeb constellation consists of 634 satellites providing global coverage, as mentioned in the press release.



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