Alaska Energy Metals Hails Positive Presidential Executive Order Concerning Resource Development In Alaska
Alaska Energy Metals (AKEMF) reports on a new Presidential Executive Order titled 'Unleashing Alaska's Extraordinary Resource Potential.' The order implements significant changes to support resource development in Alaska, with particular focus on mining, oil, gas, minerals, forestry, and fisheries.
Key highlights for the mining sector include recognition of Alaska's untapped mineral resources, commitment to maximize development on Federal and State lands, plans to consider building national stockpiles of Critical and Strategic metals, and promotion of liquid natural gas production from North Slope oilfields. The order also includes reopening the regulatory process for the Ambler road construction.
CEO Gregory Beischer states that AEMC's Nikolai project, containing nickel and four other critical metals, is positioned to support the administration's goals for critical metal onshoring and national security.
Alaska Energy Metals (AKEMF) riferisce su un nuovo Decreto Esecutivo Presidenziale intitolato 'Liberare il Potenziale Straordinario delle Risorse dell'Alaska.' L'ordine attua cambiamenti significativi per sostenere lo sviluppo delle risorse in Alaska, con particolare attenzione a miniere, petrolio, gas, minerali, silvicoltura e pesca.
I punti salienti per il settore minerario includono il riconoscimento delle risorse minerarie non sfruttate dell'Alaska, l'impegno a massimizzare lo sviluppo su terreni federali e statali, i piani per considerare la costruzione di scorte nazionali di metalli critici e strategici, e la promozione della produzione di gas naturale liquefatto dai giacimenti petroliferi della North Slope. L'ordine prevede anche la riapertura del processo normativo per la costruzione della strada Ambler.
Il CEO Gregory Beischer afferma che il progetto Nikolai di AEMC, contenente nichel e altri quattro metalli critici, è posizionato per supportare gli obiettivi dell'amministrazione in materia di rientro di metalli critici e sicurezza nazionale.
Alaska Energy Metals (AKEMF) informa sobre una nueva Orden Ejecutiva Presidencial titulada 'Liberando el Potencial Extraordinario de los Recursos de Alaska.' La orden implementa cambios significativos para apoyar el desarrollo de recursos en Alaska, con un enfoque particular en minería, petróleo, gas, minerales, silvicultura y pesca.
Los puntos clave para el sector minero incluyen el reconocimiento de los recursos minerales no explotados de Alaska, el compromiso de maximizar el desarrollo en tierras federales y estatales, los planes para considerar la construcción de reservas nacionales de metales críticos y estratégicos, y la promoción de la producción de gas natural licuado de los campos petroleros de North Slope. La orden también incluye la reapertura del proceso regulatorio para la construcción de la carretera Ambler.
El CEO Gregory Beischer declara que el proyecto Nikolai de AEMC, que contiene níquel y otros cuatro metales críticos, está posicionado para apoyar los objetivos de la administración en materia de regreso de metales críticos y seguridad nacional.
알래스카 에너지 금속(AKEMF)는 '알래스카의 특별한 자원 잠재력 발휘'라는 새로운 대통령 행정명령에 대해 보고합니다. 이 명령은 알래스카의 자원 개발을 지원하기 위한 중대한 변화를 적용하며, 특히 광업, 석유, 가스, 광물, 임업 및 어업에 중점을 둡니다.
광업 부문을 위한 주요 사항으로는 알래스카의 미개발 광물 자원 인식, 연방 및 주 토지 개발 극대화에 대한 약속, 주요 및 전략적 금속의 국가 비축 확보 계획 및 노스 슬로프 유전에서의 액화 천연가스 생산 촉진이 포함됩니다. 이 명령은 앰블러 도로 건설을 위한 규제 과정 재개도 포함하고 있습니다.
CEO 그레고리 바이셔는 AEMC의 니콜라이 프로젝트가 니켈과 네 가지 주요 금속이 포함되어 있으며, 이는 행정부의 주요 금속 자급 및 국가 안보 목표를 지원할 위치에 있다고 말합니다.
Alaska Energy Metals (AKEMF) fait rapport sur un nouvel Arrêté Exécutif Présidentiel intitulé 'Libérer le Potentiel Extraordinaire des Ressources de l'Alaska.' Cet arrêté met en œuvre des changements significatifs pour soutenir le développement des ressources en Alaska, avec un accent particulier sur l'exploitation minière, le pétrole, le gaz, les minéraux, la sylviculture et la pêche.
Les points forts pour le secteur minier incluent la reconnaissance des ressources minérales inexploitées de l'Alaska, l'engagement à maximiser le développement sur les terres fédérales et étatiques, des projets pour envisager la constitution de stocks nationaux de métaux critiques et stratégiques, et la promotion de la production de gaz naturel liquéfié à partir des champs pétrolifères de North Slope. L'arrêté comprend également la réouverture du processus réglementaire pour la construction de la route Ambler.
Le PDG Gregory Beischer déclare que le projet Nikolai d'AEMC, contenant du nickel et quatre autres métaux critiques, est positionné pour soutenir les objectifs de l'administration en matière de retour des métaux critiques et de sécurité nationale.
Alaska Energy Metals (AKEMF) berichtet über eine neue Präsidentialerlass mit dem Titel 'Das außergewöhnliche Ressourcenpotenzial Alaskas entfesseln.' Der Erlass führt bedeutende Änderungen ein, um die Ressourcennutzung in Alaska zu unterstützen, mit besonderem Fokus auf Bergbau, Öl, Gas, Mineralien, Forstwirtschaft und Fischerei.
Wichtige Highlights für den Bergbausektor umfassen die Anerkennung der ungenutzten Mineralressourcen Alaskas, das Engagement zur Maximierung der Entwicklung auf Bundes- und Staatsland, Pläne zur Schaffung nationaler Lagerbestände an kritischen und strategischen Metallen sowie die Förderung der Produktion von verflüssigtem Erdgas aus den Ölquellen der North Slope. Der Erlass beinhaltet auch die Wiedereröffnung des Genehmigungsverfahrens für den Bau der Ambler-Straße.
CEO Gregory Beischer erklärt, dass das Nikolai-Projekt von AEMC, das Nickel und vier weitere kritische Metalle enthält, in einer Position ist, die Ziele der Verwaltung in Bezug auf die Rückverlagerung kritischer Metalle und nationale Sicherheit zu unterstützen.
- Executive Order supports accelerated resource development in Alaska
- Potential for expedited project approvals and regulatory support
- Possible access to national stockpile programs for critical metals
- Potential cost reduction through North Slope natural gas development
- None.
VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESS Newswire / January 21, 2025 / Alaska Energy Metals Corporation (TSXV:AEMC)(OTCQB:AKEMF) ("Alaska Energy Metals," "AEMC," or the "Company") is pleased to announce that very positive actions have been taken by the President of the United States concerning Alaska's resource development. The Executive Order is entitled: "Unleashing Alaska's Extraordinary Resource Potential."
AEMC President & CEO Gregory Beischer commented: "A new era has dawned in Alaska. The new administration is aware of the country's vulnerability to metal supply chain disruption and is taking concrete steps to help Alaska achieve its potential to help with economic and national security for the country. AEMC's Nikolai project is already among the largest nickel resources globally and contains four other critical and strategic metals. We believe our project is likely to get strong support and will play a key role in achieving the new administration's long-term goals concerning critical metal onshoring."

By an Executive Order the President has made sweeping changes that will positively affect resource development in Alaska. The entire Executive Order can be viewed at this link. The order addresses all Alaska resources including oil, gas, minerals, forestry and fisheries.
Highlights for Alaska's mining industry include:
Recognition that Alaska contains abundant, untapped mineral resources.
USA to fully avail itself of Alaska's vast lands and resources for the benefit of the Nation.
Consider building national stockpiles of Critical and Strategic metals.
Maximize the development of production on Federal and State lands in Alaska.
Promote liquid natural gas production from the North Slope oilfields (potentially providing low cost energy for mining projects).
Reopen the regulatory process that would allow construction of the Ambler road, providing access to the rich mineral districts of the northwestern part of Alaska.
For additional information, visit:
Alaska Energy Metals Corporation (AEMC) is an Alaska-based corporation with offices in Anchorage and Vancouver working to sustainably deliver the critical materials needed for national security and a bright energy future, while generating superior returns for shareholders.
AEMC is focused on delineating and developing the large-scale, bulk tonnage, polymetallic Nikolai Project Eureka deposit containing nickel, copper, cobalt, chromium, iron, platinum, palladium, and gold. Located in Interior Alaska near existing transportation and power infrastructure, its flagship project, Nikolai, is well-situated to become a significant domestic source of strategic energy-related metals for North America. AEMC also holds a secondary project in western Quebec; the Angliers - Belleterre project. Today, material sourcing demands excellence in environmental performance, technological innovation, carbon mitigation and the responsible management of human and financial capital. AEMC works every day to earn and maintain the respect and confidence of the public and believes that ESG performance is measured by action and led from the top.
"Gregory Beischer"
Gregory Beischer, President & CEO
Gregory A. Beischer, President & CEO
Toll-Free: 877-217-8978 | Local: 604-638-3164
Some statements in this news release may contain forward-looking information (within the meaning of Canadian securities legislation), including, but not limited to, positive effects on Alaska's mining industry including on Alaska Energy Metals Nikolai project development. These statements address future events and conditions and, as such, involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance, or achievements to be materially different from any future results, performance, or achievements expressed or implied by the statements. Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date those statements are made. Although the Company believes the expectations expressed in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, such statements are not guaranteeing of future performance and actual results may differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause the actual results to differ materially from those in forward-looking statements include regulatory actions, market prices, and continued availability of capital and financing, and general economic, market or business conditions. Investors are cautioned that any such statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual results or developments may differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are based on the beliefs, estimates and opinions of the Company's management on the date the statements are made. Except as required by applicable law, the Company assumes no obligation to update or to publicly announce the results of any change to any forward-looking statement contained or incorporated by reference herein to reflect actual results, future events or developments, changes in assumptions, or changes in other factors affecting the forward-looking statements. If the Company updates any forward-looking statement(s), no inference should be drawn that it will make additional updates with respect to those or other forward-looking statements.
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SOURCE: Alaska Energy Metals Corporation
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