Alaska Energy Metals' 2024 Surface Exploration Program Reveals Multiple Nickel - Copper Targets at The Angliers - Belleterre Project, Quebec, Canada
Alaska Energy Metals (AKEMF) has announced final results from its 2024 exploration program at the Angliers-Belleterre project in Quebec, Canada. The program revealed multiple undrilled Volcanic Hosted Massive Sulfide prospects and copper-nickel targets through soil sampling, prospecting, geological mapping, and VTEM surveys.
Three main prospects were identified:
- Rapids Prospect: Historical drilling showed copper intersections up to 1.02%. 2024 sampling revealed multiple anomalous zones corresponding to three northeast trending VTEM anomalies.
- McBride Prospect: Historical drilling found massive sulfides. 2024 sampling identified multiple anomalous zones with five VTEM anomalies in an east-trending zone.
- Vaseux Prospect: Previously unexplored area showing multiple VTEM anomalies similar to nearby Cu-Ni-PGE deposits. 2024 sampling revealed significant copper anomalies up to 1434 ppm.
Follow-up work includes Maxwell Plate modeling and planned diamond core drilling programs totaling 4,500 meters across all three prospects.
Alaska Energy Metals (AKEMF) ha annunciato i risultati finali del suo programma di esplorazione 2024 presso il progetto Angliers-Belleterre nel Quebec, Canada. Il programma ha rivelato molteplici prospettive di solfuri massivi ospitati in vulcani non perforate e obiettivi di rame-nickel attraverso campionamenti del suolo, prospezione, mappatura geologica e indagini VTEM.
Sono state identificate tre principali prospettive:
- Prospect Rapids: I fori storici hanno mostrato intersezioni di rame fino all'1,02%. Il campionamento del 2024 ha rivelato molteplici zone anomale corrispondenti a tre anomalie VTEM che tendono a nord-est.
- Prospect McBride: I fori storici hanno trovato solfuri massivi. Il campionamento del 2024 ha identificato molteplici zone anomale con cinque anomalie VTEM in una zona che tende a est.
- Prospect Vaseux: Area precedentemente inesplorata che mostra molteplici anomalie VTEM simili ai depositi vicini di Cu-Ni-PGE. Il campionamento del 2024 ha rivelato significative anomalie di rame fino a 1434 ppm.
I lavori di follow-up includono la modellazione della Maxwell Plate e i programmi di perforazione di diamante pianificati, per un totale di 4.500 metri in tutte e tre le prospettive.
Alaska Energy Metals (AKEMF) ha anunciado los resultados finales de su programa de exploración 2024 en el proyecto Angliers-Belleterre en Quebec, Canadá. El programa reveló múltiples perspectivas de sulfuros masivos hospedados en volcanes no perforadas y objetivos de cobre-níquel a través de muestreo de suelo, prospección, mapeo geológico e investigaciones VTEM.
Se identificaron tres perspectivas principales:
- Prospecto Rapids: La perforación histórica mostró intersecciones de cobre de hasta 1,02%. El muestreo de 2024 reveló múltiples zonas anómalas correspondientes a tres anomalías VTEM en dirección noreste.
- Prospecto McBride: La perforación histórica encontró sulfuros masivos. El muestreo de 2024 identificó múltiples zonas anómalas con cinco anomalías VTEM en una zona que se extiende hacia el este.
- Prospecto Vaseux: Área previamente inexplorada que muestra múltiples anomalías VTEM similares a los depósitos cercanos de Cu-Ni-PGE. El muestreo de 2024 reveló anomalías significativas de cobre de hasta 1434 ppm.
El trabajo de seguimiento incluye la modelización de Maxwell Plate y programas de perforación de núcleo de diamante planificados que totalizan 4,500 metros en las tres perspectivas.
알래스카 에너지 메탈스 (AKEMF)가 캐나다 퀘벡의 앙글리르-벨레테르 프로젝트에서 2024 탐사 프로그램의 최종 결과를 발표했습니다. 이 프로그램은 토양 샘플링, 탐사, 지질 맵핑 및 VTEM 조사를 통해 여러 개의 미탐사 화산Hosted 대규모 황화물 매장지와 구리-니켈 목표를 밝혔습니다.
세 가지 주요 매장지가 확인되었습니다:
- 래피드 매장지: 역사적인 시추에서 1.02%까지의 구리 인터섹션이 나타났습니다. 2024년 샘플링에서는 북동쪽으로 향하는 세 개의 VTEM 이상과 일치하는 여러 이상 지대가 밝혀졌습니다.
- 맥브라이드 매장지: 역사적인 시추에서 대규모 황화물이 발견되었습니다. 2024년 샘플링에서는 동쪽으로 향하는 구역에서 다섯 개의 VTEM 이상이 있는 여러 이상 지대가 확인되었습니다.
- 바조 매장지: 인근 Cu-Ni-PGE 매장지와 유사한 여러 VTEM 이상이 있는 이전에 탐사되지 않은 지역입니다. 2024년 샘플링에서 최대 1434 ppm의 중요한 구리 이상이 발견되었습니다.
후속 작업에는 맥스웰 플레이트 모델링과 세 가지 매장지 전역에서 총 4,500미터의 다이아몬드 코어 시추 프로그램이 포함됩니다.
Alaska Energy Metals (AKEMF) a annoncé les résultats finaux de son programme d'exploration 2024 dans le projet Angliers-Belleterre au Québec, Canada. Le programme a révélé plusieurs prospects de sulfures massifs hébergés par des volcans encore non forés et des cibles de cuivre-nickel par le biais d'échantillonnage de sol, de prospection, de cartographie géologique et d'enquêtes VTEM.
Trois principaux prospects ont été identifiés :
- Prospect Rapids : Des forages historiques ont montré des intersections de cuivre jusqu'à 1,02 %. L'échantillonnage de 2024 a révélé plusieurs zones anomales correspondant à trois anomalies VTEM orientées vers le nord-est.
- Prospect McBride : Des forages historiques ont trouvé des sulfures massifs. L'échantillonnage de 2024 a identifié plusieurs zones anomales avec cinq anomalies VTEM dans une zone orientée vers l'est.
- Prospect Vaseux : Zone auparavant inexplorée montrant de multiples anomalies VTEM similaires aux dépôts de Cu-Ni-PGE à proximité. L'échantillonnage de 2024 a révélé des anomalies significatives de cuivre atteignant jusqu'à 1434 ppm.
Les travaux de suivi comprennent la modélisation de la plaque Maxwell et les programmes de forage de carottes de diamant prévus totalisant 4 500 mètres à travers les trois prospects.
Alaska Energy Metals (AKEMF) hat die endgültigen Ergebnisse seines Explorationsprogramms 2024 im Angliers-Belleterre-Projekt in Quebec, Kanada, bekannt gegeben. Das Programm hat mehrere unerkundete vulkanisch beherbergte massive Sulfidvorkommen und Kupfer-Nickel-Ziele durch Bodensampling, Prospektion, geologische Kartierung und VTEM-Untersuchungen aufgedeckt.
Es wurden drei Hauptvorkommen identifiziert:
- Rapids-Projekt: Historische Bohrungen zeigten Kupfer-Schnitte von bis zu 1,02 %. Das Sampling 2024 enthüllte mehrere anomale Zonen, die drei nach Nordosten verlaufenden VTEM-Anomalien entsprechen.
- McBride-Projekt: Historische Bohrungen fanden massive Sulfide. Das Sampling 2024 identifizierte mehrere anomale Zonen mit fünf VTEM-Anomalien in einer nach Osten verlaufenden Zone.
- Vaseux-Projekt: Bisher unerforschter Bereich, der mehrere VTEM-Anomalien zeigt, die den nahegelegenen Cu-Ni-PGE-Lagerstätten ähnlich sind. Das Sampling 2024 ergab signifikante Kupferanomalien von bis zu 1434 ppm.
Die Folgearbeiten umfassen die Modellierung der Maxwell-Platte und geplante Diamantkernbohrprogramme mit insgesamt 4.500 Metern über alle drei Vorkommen hinweg.
- Multiple new undrilled copper-nickel prospects identified
- Historical drilling showed promising copper grades up to 1.02%
- Significant surface sampling results with up to 1434 ppm copper at Vaseux Prospect
- 4,500 meters of diamond drilling planned across three prospects
- Exploration program fully funded through current flow-through account
- Historical drill holes were shallow (maximum 100m depth)
- Historical drill collar locations not verified in the field
- historical assay data available
VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESS Newswire / January 21, 2025 / Alaska Energy Metals Corporation (TSXV:AEMC)(OTCQB:AKEMF) ("Alaska Energy Metals," "AEMC," or the "Company") is pleased to announce the final results from soil geochemical sampling, prospecting, rock sampling, geological mapping and helicopter-borne Versatile Time Domain Electromagnetic ("VTEM") surveys completed in 2024 over its
The Angliers claim block is comprised of a southwest-northeast trending suite of bimodal, subaqueous volcanic rocks, which forms the northernmost part of the 2.6-2.7-billion-year-old Baby group of the Belleterre-Angliers Greenstone Belt. Volcanic rocks include felsic lapilli tuffs, pillowed basalts, andesites, and komatiite flows. Several banded iron formations are layered within the pillow basalt and likely represent ancient seafloor horizons. Gabbroic intrusions cut across the extrusive volcanic sequence and may represent intrusions responsible for the volcanic activity. Diorite and granodiorite intrusions cut across the volcanic stratigraphy on a northwest-southeast orientation, which may represent the vertical feeder orientation of the magma activity. A large trondhjemite intrusion is in the southern part of claim block (Figure 1). All the rocks currently dip sub-vertical and have been folded. This portion of Quebec has been affected by glaciation, with the interpreted glacial advance from northeast to southwest. Three main prospect areas have been defined during the 2024 exploration program and are described in detail below.

The Rapids prospect was explored with trenching and drilling between 1960-1970 by Silver Sceptre Mines Limited. A trench sample, northwest of hole BX-73-704, collected in 1967 assayed
In 2024, AEMC completed a 200x100m grid surface soil sampling program, along with geological mapping and prospecting over the Rapids Prospect. Multiple anomalous zones of copper, zinc, nickel, silver, and gold have been revealed that correspond with three northeast trending VTEM anomalies (Figure 2). These results may suggest the presence of a copper rich VMS system within an underexplored VMS stratigraphic setting. Several significant anomalous results from rock samples of gabbro and basalt with magmatic sulfides collected in 2024 include:
Sample 135088: 738 ppm copper, 134 ppm zinc, 216 ppb gold and 1.31 ppm silver
Sample 135027:533 ppm copper, 648 ppm zinc, 15 ppb gold and 1.6 ppm silver
The presence of magmatic sulfides within the gabbroic intrusions suggest favorable metals may have been present during the extrusion of the subaqueous volcanic rocks. Historic holes drilled near these targets either did not intersect the anomalies or were too shallow to provide adequate testing. Planned follow up work includes Maxwell Plate modeling of the VTEM targets, followed by 2,000 meters of diamond core drilling to test for VMS mineralization/alteration halos to better constrain the geologic architecture of the system.

A review of historic data indicates this prospect was first explored in the 1950s by Zinc Consolidated Company of Canada. Multiple holes were drilled in 1955, 1956, and 1969 to test massive sulfides discovered in trenches. All historic drilling was shallow in nature with maximum depths of 100 meters below the current topography. Hole 1 (1955) intersected 4.1 meters of massive sulfides and hole 2 (1955) intersected 4.7 meters of massive sulfide. Follow up drill holes (1956) on these massive sulfide intercepts were drilled from south to north to test a south dipping orientation but failed to intersect the mineralization. No assays were included in the logs for holes drilled in 1955 and 1956. Drill hole 503-3209 (1969), collared 1.4 kilometers to the east, intersected disseminated sulfides assaying 1.2 meters @
In 2024, AEMC completed a 200x100m grid surface soil sampling and prospecting program over the McBride Prospect. Multiple anomalous zones of copper, zinc, nickel, silver, and gold have been revealed that correspond to a series of five VTEM anomalies that align within an east-trending zone (Figure 3). These results may suggest the presence of a copper rich VMS system within an underexplored VMS stratigraphic setting. Several significant anomalous rock samples containing magmatic sulfides collected in 2024 include:
Sample 135040: Massive sulfides (pyrrhotite, pyrite and minor chalcopyrite) - 302 ppm copper, 153 ppm zinc, 1.02 ppm silver and 0.5 ppb gold
Sample 135042: Silicified with up to
Planned follow up work includes Maxwell Plate modeling of the VTEM targets, followed by 1,000 meters of diamond core drilling to test for massive sulfide mineralization both at depth and along the east-west orientation of the VTEM trend and surface showings. Geological mapping, prospecting and sampling is also planned to investigate the larger VTEM anomaly located south of the first VTEM trend.

A review of historic data indicates there has been very limited geological and geophysical surveys with no documented drilling on the Vaseux prospect. This prospect occurs within gabbroic rocks along the boundary of a large trondhjemite intrusive in a setting similar to the Midrim, Allotta and Lac Croche Cu-Ni-PGE deposits located approximately five kilometres to the southeast. The Vaseux prospect is also marked by multiple VTEM anomalies, determined by a survey completed in 2021 by Pivotal Metals Ltd. (née Rafella Resources Ltd.), that are very similar to a VTEM anomaly over the Midrim deposit.
In 2024, AEMC completed a 75x75m grid surface soil sampling and prospecting survey over the Vaseux prospect. Multiple anomalous zones of copper, nickel, silver, and gold have been outlined that correspond to the 2021 VTEM anomalies (Figure 4). These results suggest the presence of a gabbro hosted copper rich system that has never been drilled. Several significant anomalous rock samples collected in 2024 include:
Sample 135034: Rusty orange oxidized gabbro sub crop with up to
Sample 135004: Light grey, strongly silicified gabbro with up to
Sample 135017: Oxidized gabbro float, disseminated to blebby sulfide with chalcopyrite, 390 ppm copper, 0.05 ppm silver and 5 ppb gold
Sample 135017: Dark green, strongly actinolite altered, medium to coarse-grained ophitic gabbro with minor pyrrhotite/pyrite, 254 ppm copper, 0.11 ppm silver and 0.5 ppb gold
Planned follow up work includes Maxwell Plate modeling of the VTEM anomaly, followed by 1,500 meters of diamond core drilling to test the geochemical and geophysical anomalies.

QAQC and Analytical Procedures
All sample locations were recorded with Android rugged smart phones running Q-Field data collection software in map datum UTM WGS84 Zone 17N. Soil samples were collected with augers and placed in Kraft-type paper bags with bar codes and sample numbers handwritten on the bags with indelible ink for redundancy and cross checks. Rock samples were photographed and then placed in plastic bags with uniquely numbered tags. The tag numbers were marked in indelible ink on the outside of each bag and the bag was sealed with a plastic tie-wrap. Blanks and standards were inserted at regular intervals for QAQC purposes. Samples were placed in rice bags and then delivered in person to Manitoulin Transport in New Liskeard, Ontario from where they were transported to SGS Laboratory ("SGS") in Lakefield, Ontario.
At SGS, Soil samples were dried at 60°C and sieved through 80 mesh (SGS Code PRP104). Rock samples were dried at 105°C, crushed to
Mark Fekete, of Breakaway Exploration Management, is a registered professional geologist in the province of Quebec as a Qualified Person under National Instrument 43-101, Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects, has reviewed and approved the technical disclosure in this news release.
For additional information, visit:
Alaska Energy Metals Corporation (AEMC) is an Alaska-based corporation with offices in Anchorage and Vancouver working to sustainably deliver the critical materials needed for national security and a bright energy future, while generating superior returns for shareholders.
AEMC is focused on delineating and developing the large-scale, bulk tonnage, polymetallic Nikolai Project Eureka deposit containing nickel, copper, cobalt, chromium, iron, platinum, palladium, and gold. Located in Interior Alaska near existing transportation and power infrastructure, its flagship project, Nikolai, is well-situated to become a significant domestic source of strategic energy-related metals for North America. AEMC also holds a secondary project in western Quebec; the Angliers - Belleterre project. Today, material sourcing demands excellence in environmental performance, carbon mitigation and the responsible management of human and financial capital. AEMC works every day to earn and maintain the respect and confidence of the public and believes that ESG performance is measured by action and led from the top.
"Gregory Beischer"
Gregory Beischer, President & CEO
Gregory A. Beischer, President & CEO
Toll-Free: 877-217-8978 | Local: 604-638-3164
Some statements in this news release may contain forward-looking information (within the meaning of Canadian securities legislation), including, but not limited to, further geophysical processing and surveys and future drill testing. These statements address future events and conditions and, as such, involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance, or achievements to be materially different from any future results, performance, or achievements expressed or implied by the statements. Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date those statements are made. Although the Company believes the expectations expressed in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, such statements are not guaranteeing of future performance and actual results may differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause the actual results to differ materially from those in forward-looking statements include regulatory actions, market prices, and continued availability of capital and financing, and general economic, market or business conditions. Investors are cautioned that any such statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual results or developments may differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are based on the beliefs, estimates and opinions of the Company's management on the date the statements are made. Except as required by applicable law, the Company assumes no obligation to update or to publicly announce the results of any change to any forward-looking statement contained or incorporated by reference herein to reflect actual results, future events or developments, changes in assumptions, or changes in other factors affecting the forward-looking statements. If the Company updates any forward-looking statement(s), no inference should be drawn that it will make additional updates with respect to those or other forward-looking statements.
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SOURCE: Alaska Energy Metals Corporation
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