Akamai Puts Media Companies Back in Control with New Workflow Capabilities

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Akamai (NASDAQ: AKAM) has introduced new video workflow capabilities at IBC, giving media companies greater control across the video delivery chain. The new features combine Akamai's cloud and delivery platforms with its growing partner network, offering unprecedented flexibility to tailor media experiences.

Key points:

  • Customers can bring their preferred workflow components and run them as needed
  • Support for multicloud architectures eliminates vendor lock-in
  • Akamai's distributed cloud platform minimizes egress fees
  • Media companies can choose from multiple software and partner options for content management
  • Akamai added media-optimized, NVIDIA-based GPUs to its cloud solutions

These developments address industry concerns about control, competition, and costs associated with centralized cloud models, as highlighted in recent studies by Forrester Consulting and a survey of media and entertainment businesses.

Akamai (NASDAQ: AKAM) ha introdotto nuove funzionalità di flusso di lavoro video all'IBC, dando alle aziende media un maggiore controllo lungo tutta la catena di consegna video. Le nuove caratteristiche combinano le piattaforme di cloud e consegna di Akamai con la sua rete di partner in crescita, offrendo una flessibilità senza precedenti per adattare le esperienze mediatiche.

Punti chiave:

  • I clienti possono portare i loro componenti di flusso di lavoro preferiti e utilizzarli secondo necessità
  • Il supporto per architetture multicloud elimina il lock-in del fornitore
  • La piattaforma cloud distribuita di Akamai minimizza le tasse di uscita
  • Le aziende media possono scegliere tra più opzioni software e partner per la gestione dei contenuti
  • Akamai ha aggiunto GPU ottimizzate per i media, basate su NVIDIA, alle sue soluzioni cloud

Questi sviluppi affrontano le preoccupazioni del settore riguardo a controllo, concorrenza e costi associati ai modelli cloud centralizzati, come evidenziato in recenti studi di Forrester Consulting e in un sondaggio tra aziende di media e intrattenimento.

Akamai (NASDAQ: AKAM) ha introducido nuevas capacidades de flujo de trabajo de video en IBC, brindando a las empresas de medios un mayor control a lo largo de toda la cadena de entrega de video. Las nuevas características combinan las plataformas de nube y entrega de Akamai con su creciente red de socios, ofreciendo una flexibilidad sin precedentes para personalizar las experiencias mediáticas.

Puntos clave:

  • Los clientes pueden llevar sus componentes de flujo de trabajo preferidos y usarlos según sea necesario
  • El soporte para arquitecturas multicloud elimina el bloqueo del proveedor
  • La plataforma de nube distribuida de Akamai minimiza las tarifas de salida
  • Las empresas de medios pueden elegir entre múltiples opciones de software y socios para la gestión de contenido
  • Akamai ha añadido GPUs optimizadas para medios, basadas en NVIDIA, a sus soluciones en la nube

Estos desarrollos abordan las preocupaciones de la industria sobre el control, la competencia y los costos asociados con los modelos de nube centralizados, como se destacó en estudios recientes de Forrester Consulting y en una encuesta de empresas de medios y entretenimiento.

아카마이(NASDAQ: AKAM)가 IBC에서 새로운 비디오 워크플로우 기능을 도입하여 미디어 회사들이 비디오 전달 체인 전반에서 더 큰 제어권을 갖게 되었습니다. 새로운 기능은 아카마이의 클라우드 및 전달 플랫폼과 성장하는 파트너 네트워크를 결합하여 미디어 경험을 맞춤화할 수 있는 전례 없는 유연성을 제공합니다.

주요 사항:

  • 고객은 선호하는 워크플로우 구성 요소를 가져와 필요에 따라 실행할 수 있습니다
  • 멀티클라우드 아키텍처 지원으로 공급업체 종속성이 사라집니다
  • 아카마이의 분산 클라우드 플랫폼은 데이터 전송 요금을 최소화합니다
  • 미디어 회사들은 콘텐츠 관리에 대한 다양한 소프트웨어 및 파트너 옵션을 선택할 수 있습니다
  • 아카마이는 NVIDIA 기반의 미디어 최적화 GPU를 클라우드 솔루션에 추가했습니다

이러한 발전은 중앙 집중식 클라우드 모델과 관련된 제어, 경쟁 및 비용에 대한 산업의 우려를 해결하며, 최근의 포레스터 컨설팅 연구 및 미디어 및 엔터테인먼트 기업들을 대상으로 한 설문조사에서 강조되었습니다.

Akamai (NASDAQ: AKAM) a introduit de nouvelles capacités de workflow vidéo à l'IBC, offrant aux entreprises de médias un meilleur contrôle sur l'ensemble de la chaîne de livraison vidéo. Les nouvelles fonctionnalités combinent les plateformes cloud et de livraison d'Akamai avec son réseau de partenaires en plein essor, offrant une flexibilité sans précédent pour personnaliser les expériences médiatiques.

Points clés :

  • Les clients peuvent apporter leurs composants de workflow préférés et les utiliser selon leurs besoins
  • Le support des architectures multicloud élimine le verrouillage des fournisseurs
  • La plateforme cloud distribué d'Akamai minimise les frais de sortie
  • Les entreprises de médias peuvent choisir parmi plusieurs options de logiciels et de partenaires pour la gestion de contenu
  • Akamai a ajouté des GPU optimisés pour les médias, basés sur NVIDIA, à ses solutions cloud

Ces développements répondent aux préoccupations de l'industrie concernant le contrôle, la concurrence et les coûts associés aux modèles cloud centralisés, comme l'ont souligné des études récentes de Forrester Consulting et un sondage sur les entreprises de médias et de divertissement.

Akamai (NASDAQ: AKAM) hat auf der IBC neue Video-Workflow-Funktionen eingeführt, die es Medienunternehmen ermöglichen, mehr Kontrolle über die gesamte Videoauslieferungskette zu haben. Die neuen Funktionen kombinieren Akamais Cloud- und Lieferplattformen mit einem wachsenden Partnernetzwerk und bieten beispiellose Flexibilität zur Anpassung von Medienerlebnissen.

Wichtige Punkte:

  • Kunden können ihre bevorzugten Workflow-Komponenten einbringen und nach Bedarf verwenden
  • Die Unterstützung für Multicloud-Architekturen beseitigt die Anbieterbindung
  • Akamais verteilte Cloud-Plattform minimiert die Austrittsgebühren
  • Medienunternehmen können aus mehreren Software- und Partneroptionen für die Inhaltsverwaltung wählen
  • Akamai hat medienoptimierte, NVIDIA-basierte GPUs in seine Cloud-Lösungen integriert

Diese Entwicklungen sprechen Bedenken der Branche hinsichtlich Kontrolle, Wettbewerb und den Kosten, die mit zentralisierten Cloud-Modellen verbunden sind, an, wie in aktuellen Studien von Forrester Consulting und einer Umfrage unter Medien- und Unterhaltungsunternehmen hervorgehoben.

  • Introduction of new video workflow capabilities offering greater control and flexibility
  • Support for multicloud architectures, eliminating vendor lock-in
  • Minimized egress fees and generous allowances due to Akamai's distributed cloud platform
  • Addition of media-optimized, NVIDIA-based GPUs to cloud solutions
  • Trusted by all top 10 video streaming services
  • None.

Akamai's new video workflow capabilities represent a significant shift in cloud services for media companies. By offering an open platform with multi-cloud support, Akamai addresses key pain points in the industry: vendor lock-in, egress fees and workflow flexibility. This move aligns with market trends, as evidenced by the Forrester study showing 75% of respondents prioritizing flexible compute deployment.

The integration of NVIDIA-based GPUs for media optimization is particularly noteworthy, potentially offering enhanced performance for compute-intensive tasks like transcoding. Akamai's distributed cloud architecture could provide a competitive edge in reducing latency and improving content delivery speeds, important for streaming services.

However, the success of this strategy will depend on the robustness of Akamai's partner network and the seamless integration of third-party solutions. The impact on Akamai's revenue model and profitability will be worth watching, as generous egress allowances might affect margins.

Akamai's strategic pivot addresses a critical market need, as highlighted by the 2023 survey showing 73% of media and entertainment businesses considering a move away from legacy cloud providers. This shift towards portable, cloud-native setups driven by cost pressures presents a significant opportunity for Akamai to capture market share.

The company's emphasis on flexibility and cost-effectiveness aligns well with current industry trends. By offering a more open and customizable platform, Akamai is positioning itself as a disruptor in the media cloud services space. The ability to minimize egress fees could be a major selling point, especially for content-heavy streaming services.

However, Akamai will face stiff competition from established cloud giants and specialized media service providers. The success of this strategy will hinge on Akamai's ability to deliver on its promises of flexibility, cost savings and performance improvements while maintaining robust security and reliability.

The distributed cloud provider tackles pent-up frustration over control, competition, and cost challenges of today's centralized cloud models

AMSTERDAM, Sept. 13, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Akamai (NASDAQ: AKAM), the cloud company that powers and protects life online, today introduced new video workflow capabilities at IBC that give media companies greater choice and control across every part of the video delivery chain. The new capabilities aggregate Akamai's cloud and delivery platforms with the company's growing partner network to give customers unprecedented flexibility to tailor media experiences to meet customer demands.

"Streaming services, broadcast networks, and online video platforms are all asking for more control over their workflows. They don't want to be locked into one vendor. They don't want to be taxed for moving content. And they don't want to help subsidize competitive services. We're giving them an open platform to bring their workflow components of choice and run them when and where they see fit," Jon Alexander, vice president, product management, Akamai.

In a 2024 commissioned study of individual contributors and leaders responsible for building/maintaining end user applications conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of Akamai, three-quarters of respondents said it was important or critical to have flexibility to deploy compute resources closer to the end user, while maintaining central management and control. Meanwhile, a 2023 survey of media and entertainment businesses found that 73% of the responding organizations were considering moving away from large, legacy cloud providers in favor of more portable, cloud-native setups due to cost pressures.

By opening its distributed cloud platform to applications and platforms across the media workflow ecosystem, Akamai gives customers control over every aspect of their workflow and access to a vibrant and growing third-party partner network. Support for multicloud architectures that eliminates vendor lock-in so customers can leverage the best products and services for their needs and evolve their use of cloud services as they grow. The scale of Akamai's massively distributed and connected cloud gives it the unique ability to minimize egress fees and offer generous allowances, providing unmatched price-performance from core to edge.

Media companies can choose from multiple software and partner options across each step of their workflow to transport, prepare, process, deliver, secure, and monetize digital content. Akamai media services, trusted by all top 10 video streaming services, include solutions for contribution, transport, transcoding, packaging, digital rights management, ad insertion, and content security.

Earlier this year, Akamai added media-optimized, NVIDIA-based GPUs to its portfolio of cloud solutions. The new GPUs and workflow features extend Akamai's push to give media and entertainment companies a more cost-effective and efficient way to build scalable, resilient architectures and deploy workloads that will be faster, more reliable, and portable, while taking advantage of the world's most distributed cloud platform and integrated content delivery and security services.

Akamai will show its range of cloud-based media delivery, computing, and security capabilities during IBC 2024 in Amsterdam, September 13-16. Akamai will host visitors at the Akamai Lounge, located at the RAI Amsterdam in the Elicium (Hall 13) on the third floor.

About Akamai
Akamai powers and protects life online. Leading companies worldwide choose Akamai to build, deliver, and secure their digital experiences — helping billions of people live, work, and play every day. Akamai Connected Cloud, a massively distributed edge and cloud platform, puts apps and experiences closer to users and keeps threats farther away. Learn more about Akamai's cloud computing, security, and content delivery solutions at and, or follow Akamai Technologies on X, formerly known as Twitter, and LinkedIn.


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What new capabilities did Akamai (AKAM) introduce at IBC 2024?

Akamai introduced new video workflow capabilities that give media companies greater choice and control across every part of the video delivery chain, combining Akamai's cloud and delivery platforms with its growing partner network.

How does Akamai's (AKAM) new offering address vendor lock-in concerns?

Akamai's new offering supports multicloud architectures, eliminating vendor lock-in and allowing customers to leverage the best products and services for their needs and evolve their use of cloud services as they grow.

What advantage does Akamai (AKAM) offer in terms of egress fees?

Due to the scale of Akamai's massively distributed and connected cloud, the company can minimize egress fees and offer generous allowances, providing unmatched price-performance from core to edge.

What recent addition did Akamai (AKAM) make to its cloud solutions portfolio?

Earlier in 2024, Akamai added media-optimized, NVIDIA-based GPUs to its portfolio of cloud solutions, extending its push to provide more cost-effective and efficient scalable, resilient architectures for media and entertainment companies.

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