Assurant Again Named One of America’s Most JUST Companies by JUST Capital and CNBC
Assurant (NYSE: AIZ) has been named one of America's Most JUST Companies for the second consecutive year by JUST Capital and CNBC. The recognition is part of the 2025 Rankings of America's Most JUST Companies, which evaluates major corporations on key priorities including fair wages, worker well-being, career advancement, transparency, community support, ethical leadership, and customer treatment.
Companies in the JUST 100, compared to Russell 1000 peers, demonstrate superior performance metrics including:
- 75.1% higher rate of paying family-sustaining wages
- $1.95 higher nationwide minimum wage
- 16.4 more hours of career development training per employee
- 2 additional weeks of paid parental leave
- 48% lower CO2 emissions per revenue dollar
Assurant CEO Keith Demmings emphasized the company's commitment to advancing a connected, respected, and protected world, highlighting their purpose-driven approach to serving all stakeholders.
Assurant (NYSE: AIZ) è stata nominata una delle Aziende più GIUSTE d'America per il secondo anno consecutivo da JUST Capital e CNBC. Questo riconoscimento fa parte della Classifica 2025 delle Aziende più GIUSTE d'America, che valuta le grandi corporazioni in base a priorità chiave come salari equi, benessere dei lavoratori, opportunità di crescita professionale, trasparenza, supporto alla comunità, leadership etica e trattamento dei clienti.
Le aziende incluse nella JUST 100, rispetto ai peer del Russell 1000, dimostrano metriche di performance superiori, tra cui:
- 75.1% in più di salari che sostengono le famiglie
- $1.95 in più rispetto al minimo salariale nazionale
- 16.4 ore in più di formazione professionale per dipendente
- 2 settimane supplementari di congedo parentale retribuito
- 48% di emissioni di CO2 in meno per dollaro di fatturato
Il CEO di Assurant, Keith Demmings, ha sottolineato l'impegno dell'azienda nel promuovere un mondo connesso, rispettato e protetto, evidenziando il loro approccio orientato all'obiettivo nella servitù di tutti gli stakeholder.
Assurant (NYSE: AIZ) ha sido nombrada una de las Empresas Más JUSTAS de América por segundo año consecutivo por JUST Capital y CNBC. Este reconocimiento es parte del Ranking 2025 de las Empresas Más JUSTAS de América, que evalúa a las grandes corporaciones en función de prioridades clave como salarios justos, bienestar de los trabajadores, avance en la carrera, transparencia, apoyo a la comunidad, liderazgo ético y tratamiento al cliente.
Las compañías en el JUST 100, en comparación con sus pares del Russell 1000, demuestran métricas de rendimiento superiores, incluyendo:
- 75.1% más de tasa de pago de salarios que sustentan a la familia
- $1.95 más que el salario mínimo nacional
- 16.4 horas más de formación en desarrollo profesional por empleado
- 2 semanas adicionales de licencia parental pagada
- 48% menos de emisiones de CO2 por cada dólar de ingresos
El CEO de Assurant, Keith Demmings, enfatizó el compromiso de la empresa para avanzar hacia un mundo conectado, respetado y protegido, destacando su enfoque impulsado por el propósito en el servicio a todas las partes interesadas.
Assurant (NYSE: AIZ)는 JUST Capital과 CNBC에 의해 미국에서 가장 공정한 기업 중 하나로 두 번째 해 연속 선정되었습니다. 이 인정은 미국 가장 공정한 기업 2025 순위의 일환으로, 주요 기업들이 공정한 임금, 근로자 복지, 직업 발전, 투명성, 지역사회 지원, 윤리적 리더십 및 고객 대우 등 핵심 우선 순위에 따라 평가됩니다.
JUST 100에 포함된 기업들은 Russell 1000의 동료들에 비해 우수한 성과 지표를 보여줍니다. 여기에는:
- 가족을 부양할 수 있는 임금을 지급하는 비율이 75.1% 더 높음
- 전국 최저 임금보다 $1.95 더 높음
- 직원당 16.4시간 더 많은 직업 개발 훈련
- 2주의 추가 유급 부모 휴가
- 매출 달러당 CO2 배출량이 48% 낮음
Assurant의 CEO인 Keith Demmings는 연결되고 존중받으며 보호받는 세상을 발전시키려는 회사의 약속을 강조하며 모든 이해관계자를 위한 목적 기반 접근 방식을 강조했습니다.
Assurant (NYSE: AIZ) a été désignée l'une des entreprises les plus JUSTES d'Amérique pour la deuxième année consécutive par JUST Capital et CNBC. Cette reconnaissance fait partie du Classement 2025 des entreprises les plus JUSTES d'Amérique, qui évalue les grandes entreprises sur des priorités clés telles que les salaires équitables, le bien-être des travailleurs, l'avancement de carrière, la transparence, le soutien à la communauté, le leadership éthique et le traitement des clients.
Les entreprises du JUST 100, par rapport à leurs homologues du Russell 1000, affichent des indicateurs de performance supérieurs, notamment :
- 75,1% de taux de salaire de subsistance plus élevé
- $1,95 de plus que le salaire minimum national
- 16,4 heures supplémentaires de formation au développement de carrière par employé
- 2 semaines supplémentaires de congé parental payé
- 48% d'émissions de CO2 en moins par dollar de revenus
Le PDG d'Assurant, Keith Demmings, a souligné l'engagement de l'entreprise à promouvoir un monde connecté, respecté et protégé, mettant en avant leur approche axée sur le but pour servir toutes les parties prenantes.
Assurant (NYSE: AIZ) wurde zum zweiten Jahr in Folge von JUST Capital und CNBC als eines der gerechtesten Unternehmen Amerikas ausgezeichnet. Diese Anerkennung ist Teil des Rankings 2025 der gerechtesten Unternehmen Amerikas, das große Unternehmen nach wichtigen Prioritäten wie fairen Löhnen, dem Wohlergehen der Mitarbeiter, beruflichem Aufstieg, Transparenz, Unterstützung der Gemeinschaft, ethischer Führung und Kundenbehandlung bewertet.
Unternehmen, die im JUST 100 aufgeführt sind, zeigen im Vergleich zu ihren Russell 1000-Pendants überlegene Leistungskennzahlen, darunter:
- 75,1% höhere Rate für die Zahlung von existenzsichernden Löhnen
- $1,95 höherer bundesweiter Mindestlohn
- 16,4 mehr Stunden an beruflicher Fortbildung pro Mitarbeiter
- 2 zusätzliche Wochen bezahlten Elternurlaubs
- 48% niedrigere CO2-Emissionen pro Dollar Umsatz
Der CEO von Assurant, Keith Demmings, betonte das Engagement des Unternehmens für die Schaffung einer vernetzten, respektierten und geschützten Welt und hob dabei seinen zielorientierten Ansatz zur Bedienung aller Stakeholder hervor.
- None.
- None.
JUST Capital, along with CNBC, today released its annual JUST 100 list as part of its 2025 Rankings of America’s Most JUST Companies. The Rankings measure how the nation’s largest corporations are performing on top priority issues such as: paying fair, living wages; supporting worker well-being; career advancement, training, and work-life balance; communicating transparently; strengthening communities; ethical leadership; and treating customers fairly.
“We’re proud to be recognized again as one of America’s Most JUST Companies,” said Assurant president and CEO Keith Demmings. “This honor is a testament to our unwavering commitment to advance a connected, respected, and protected world. Our success as a purpose-driven company is grounded in our values, and we will continue to advance our ambition to help build a thriving society that delivers for all stakeholders.”
The JUST Capital 2025 Rankings of America’s Most JUST Companies and JUST 100 list celebrate top-performing Russell 1000 companies that are demonstrating leadership in responding to the needs of the American people. Compared to their Russell 1000 peers, companies in the JUST 100 on average:
Pay 10.6 percentage points more of their employees a family sustaining living wage (
75.1% ). -
Disclose a nationwide lowest minimum wage that is
higher.$1.95 - Provide 16.4 more hours of career development training per employee.
- Offer 2 more weeks of paid parental leave for both primary caregivers and secondary caregivers.
- Are 2.3 times more likely to disclose offering subsidized or backup dependent care provisions.
- 4.7 times more likely to disclose not selling users' data to advertisers or marketing companies.
- Are 2.3 times more likely to disclose having an apprenticeship program.
48% less metric tons of CO2 per revenue dollar.
“Performance expectations for business leaders today are sky high. The JUST 100 demonstrates how companies can create value for their investors, their key stakeholders, and America more broadly by focusing on core business operations,” says JUST Capital CEO Martin Whittaker. “At the end of the day, it doesn’t have to be that complicated. It’s just business.”
CNBC will provide analysis and company spotlights showcasing key stakeholder performance stories about this year’s JUST 100 leaders across the network’s broadcast and digital platforms at An exploration of the JUST 100 companies can be found at
More information about Assurant’s sustainability commitments and progress can be found in its 2024 Sustainability Report.
About Assurant
Assurant, Inc. (NYSE: AIZ) is a leading global business services company that supports, protects and connects major consumer purchases. A Fortune 500 company with a presence in 21 countries, Assurant supports the advancement of the connected world by partnering with the world’s leading brands to develop innovative solutions and to deliver an enhanced customer experience through mobile device solutions, extended service contracts, vehicle protection services, renters insurance, lender-placed insurance products and other products. Learn more at
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Stacie Sherer
VP, Communications
Source: Assurant, Inc.