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Rhea-AI Summary

AI Unlimited Group (OTCQB: AIUG) announces its subsidiary, Lever App, is positioned to address challenges in student loan servicing highlighted by a recent CFPB report. The report reveals systemic issues including payment processing errors, inaccurate billing, and poor customer service. Lever App's AI-driven solution offers three key features: automated payment processing to minimize errors, streamlined access to relief programs, and AI-powered customer support using natural language processing and predictive analytics. The initiative aims to improve the loan servicing experience for millions of student borrowers through enhanced efficiency and transparency.

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AI Unlimited Group (OTCQB: AIUG) has acquired Resolve Debt, an AI-driven platform specializing in debt collection technology and accounts receivable automation. This strategic acquisition marks AI Unlimited's entry into the B2B market, expanding beyond consumer solutions. The platform leverages predictive analytics, AI-driven communication, and sentiment analysis to optimize debt collection processes. Targeting the $21 billion U.S. debt collection market, this acquisition positions AI Unlimited to deliver enhanced recovery rates and improved debtor engagement while strengthening its presence in the fintech landscape.

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Rhea-AI Summary

AI Unlimited Group (OTCQB: AIUG) has announced its strategic focus on acquiring and incubating established AI companies amid significant industry investments. The company aims to expand in AI-driven financial services, travel, and investment management sectors. AIUG's portfolio includes solutions like Nest Egg and Lever App for wealth management, Resolve for debt management, and Travl App for travel planning. The company is positioning itself in a market where the global AI financial services sector is projected to reach $49 billion by 2028 with a 23.6% CAGR. The announcement comes as major institutions like BlackRock commit up to $30 billion to AI-driven companies.

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Rhea-AI Summary

AI Unlimited Group (OTCQB: AIUG) announces the upcoming full launch of Travl.App, its AI-powered travel platform, by the end of 2024. Following successful beta testing, the platform will introduce enhanced features including an AI-Agent for comprehensive travel management, seamless planning and booking, real-time itinerary management, and an integrated digital wallet. The AI-Agent will function as a virtual travel assistant, automating bookings, monitoring prices, and providing personalized recommendations based on user preferences and history.

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United States of America