RADDOG from AITX's RAD Captures Fans' Hearts During Appearance and ESPN+ Broadcast at Junior League World Series
Robotic Assistance Devices (RAD), a subsidiary of Artificial Intelligence Technology Solutions (OTCPK:AITX), announced RADDOG's appearance at the Junior League World Series in Taylor, Michigan. The quadruped robot dog, part of the Taylor Police Department, delivered the ceremonial first pitch baseball and was broadcast live on ESPN+. RADDOG serves as both an operational asset and community ambassador, supporting law enforcement with patrols and surveillance while engaging with citizens at public events.
Troy McCanna, RAD's Chief Security Officer, highlighted RADDOG's role in bridging the gap between law enforcement tools and public perception. RAD invites law enforcement agencies to experience RADDOG's benefits firsthand. CEO Steve Reinharz mentioned plans to produce 100 enhanced V2 units by early 2025. RAD aims to redefine the $25 billion security industry with AI-driven solutions, offering cost savings of 35%-80% compared to traditional manned security models.
I Dispositivi di Assistenza Robotica (RAD), una filiale di Artificial Intelligence Technology Solutions (OTCPK:AITX), hanno annunciato la presenza di RADDOG al Junior League World Series a Taylor, nel Michigan. Il robot quadrupede, parte del Dipartimento di Polizia di Taylor, ha consegnato il baseball per il lancio inaugurale e la sua apparizione è stata trasmessa in diretta su ESPN+. RADDOG funge sia da asset operativo che da ambasciatore della comunità, supportando le forze dell'ordine con pattugliamenti e sorveglianza, e interagendo con i cittadini durante eventi pubblici.
Troy McCanna, Chief Security Officer di RAD, ha sottolineato il ruolo di RADDOG nel colmare il divario tra gli strumenti delle forze dell'ordine e la percezione pubblica. RAD invita le agenzie di polizia a provare direttamente i benefici di RADDOG. Il CEO Steve Reinharz ha accennato a piani per produrre 100 unità V2 potenziate entro la fine del 2025. RAD mira a ridefinire l'industria della sicurezza da 25 miliardi di dollari con soluzioni guidate dall'IA, offrendo risparmi sui costi del 35%-80% rispetto ai modelli di sicurezza tradizionali con personale.
Los Dispositivos de Asistencia Robótica (RAD), una filial de Artificial Intelligence Technology Solutions (OTCPK:AITX), anunciaron la aparición de RADDOG en la Junior League World Series en Taylor, Michigan. El robot cuadrúpedo, parte del Departamento de Policía de Taylor, entregó la pelota del primer lanzamiento ceremonial y su aparición fue transmitida en vivo por ESPN+. RADDOG funciona como un activo operativo y embajador de la comunidad, apoyando a las fuerzas del orden con patrullas y vigilancia, al tiempo que interactúa con los ciudadanos en eventos públicos.
Troy McCanna, Director de Seguridad de RAD, destacó el papel de RADDOG en cerrar la brecha entre las herramientas de las fuerzas del orden y la percepción pública. RAD invita a las agencias de seguridad a experimentar de primera mano los beneficios de RADDOG. El CEO Steve Reinharz mencionó planes para producir 100 unidades V2 mejoradas para principios de 2025. RAD busca redefinir la industria de la seguridad de 25 mil millones de dólares con soluciones impulsadas por IA, ofreciendo ahorros de costos del 35%-80% en comparación con los modelos tradicionales de seguridad con personal.
로봇 지원 장치(RAD), 인공지능 기술 솔루션(AITX)의 자회사,가 미시간주 테일러에서 열린 주니어 리그 월드 시리즈에서 RADDOG의 출현을 발표했습니다. 테일러 경찰서 소속의 사족 로봇 개가 세레모니얼 첫 투구 야구를 전달했으며, ESPN+에서 생중계되었습니다. RADDOG는 운영 자산 및 지역 사회의 앰버서더 역할을 하며, 순찰 및 감시를 통해 법 집행을 지원하고 공공 행사에서 시민들과 교류합니다.
RAD의 최고 보안 책임자, 트로이 맥카나는 RADDOG가 법 집행 도구와 대중의 인식 사이의 격차를 메우는 데 중요한 역할을 한다고 강조했습니다. RAD는 법 집행 기관들이 RADDOG의 이점을 직접 경험해보기를 초대합니다. CEO 스티브 레인하르즈는 2025년 초까지 100개의 개선된 V2 유닛을 생산할 계획을 언급했습니다. RAD는 인공지능 기반 솔루션으로 250억 달러 규모의 보안 산업을 재정의하고, 전통적인 유인 보안 모델보다 35%-80%의 비용 절감을 제공하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.
Les Dispositifs d'Assistance Robotique (RAD), une filiale de Artificial Intelligence Technology Solutions (OTCPK:AITX), ont annoncé l'apparition de RADDOG lors des Junior League World Series à Taylor, dans le Michigan. Le robot quadrupède, faisant partie du département de police de Taylor, a remis la balle du premier lancer cérémoniel et son apparition a été diffusée en direct sur ESPN+. RADDOG sert à la fois d'actif opérationnel et d'ambassadeur de la communauté, soutenant les forces de l'ordre avec des patrouilles et de la surveillance tout en interagissant avec les citoyens lors d'événements publics.
Troy McCanna, directeur de la sécurité de RAD, a souligné le rôle de RADDOG pour réduire l'écart entre les outils des forces de l'ordre et la perception publique. RAD invite les agences de sécurité à découvrir directement les avantages de RADDOG. Le PDG Steve Reinharz a mentionné des projets de production de 100 unités V2 améliorées d'ici début 2025. RAD vise à redéfinir l'industrie de la sécurité de 25 milliards de dollars avec des solutions basées sur l'IA, offrant des économies de coûts de 35 % à 80 % par rapport aux modèles de sécurité traditionnels avec personnel.
Die Robotik-Hilfsgeräte (RAD), eine Tochtergesellschaft von Artificial Intelligence Technology Solutions (OTCPK:AITX), haben das Erscheinen von RADDOG bei den Junior League World Series in Taylor, Michigan, angekündigt. Der vierbeinige Roboterhund, Teil der Polizei von Taylor, übergab den zeremoniellen ersten Wurfball und wurde live auf ESPN+ übertragen. RADDOG dient sowohl als operatives Asset als auch als Botschafter der Gemeinschaft und unterstützt die Polizei mit Patrouillen und Überwachungsaufgaben, während er mit Bürgern bei öffentlichen Veranstaltungen in Kontakt tritt.
Troy McCanna, Chief Security Officer von RAD, hob die Rolle von RADDOG hervor, die Kluft zwischen den Werkzeugen der Strafverfolgung und der öffentlichen Wahrnehmung zu überbrücken. RAD lädt Strafverfolgungsbehörden ein, die Vorteile von RADDOG hautnah zu erleben. CEO Steve Reinharz erwähnte Pläne, bis Anfang 2025 100 verbesserte V2-Einheiten zu produzieren. RAD strebt an, die 25 Milliarden Dollar umfassende Sicherheitsbranche mit KI-gesteuerten Lösungen neu zu definieren und Einsparungen von 35% bis 80% im Vergleich zu herkömmlichen Sicherheitsmodellen mit Personal zu bieten.
- RADDOG's appearance at the Junior League World Series broadcast on ESPN+ increases visibility and brand awareness
- RADDOG serves dual roles as operational asset and community ambassador for law enforcement
- RAD plans to produce 100 enhanced V2 RADDOG units by early 2025
- RAD's AI-driven solutions offer 35%-80% cost savings compared to traditional security models
- RAD has a prospective sales pipeline of over 35 Fortune 500 companies
- Mass adoption of cost-effective quadrupeds not expected until first half of 2025
- Current sales opportunities are still in the prospective stage, not yet converted to recurring revenue
From the Pitcher's Mound to the Hearts of Fans, RADDOG Brings Advanced Tech and Warm Smiles to the Junior League World Series
Detroit, Michigan, Aug. 14, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Robotic Assistance Devices, Inc. (RAD), a subsidiary of Artificial Intelligence Technology Solutions, Inc. (the “Company”) (OTCPK:AITX), today announced that on Saturday, August 10th, RADDOG took center stage at the Junior League World Series in Taylor, Michigan. This remarkable quadruped robot dog, already a beloved member of the Taylor Police Department, thrilled the crowd by delivering the ceremonial first pitch baseball to the pitcher's mound. RADDOG's appearance, broadcast live on ESPN+, not only showcased its advanced technology but also solidified its role as a community ambassador, continuing to strengthen its ties with the local community.
A brief video of RADDOG’s appearance, courtesy of ESPN+ can be viewed by clicking here.
Since joining the Taylor Police Department, RADDOG has excelled in its dual role as both an operational asset and a community outreach ambassador. Equipped with advanced AI-driven capabilities, RADDOG supports law enforcement by performing routine patrols, surveillance tasks, and providing an additional layer of safety for officers and the public alike. Beyond its operational duties, RADDOG has become a fixture at community events, parades, and public gatherings, where it engages with citizens, fosters positive relationships, and enhances the department's connection with the community. This unique combination of cutting-edge technology and community presence makes RADDOG an invaluable resource for law enforcement agencies looking to strengthen both their operational effectiveness and community ties.
“If only I had longer arms and opposable thumbs, I’d have thrown that first pitch myself! But with four legs and a heart full of enthusiasm, I was more than happy to deliver the ball to the mound and be part of the action,” said RADDOG, as imagined by RAD's creative team.
Troy McCanna, RAD’s Chief Security Officer and former FBI senior agent in charge of tactical operations in Michigan and Ohio commented, “RADDOG represents a unique blend of cutting-edge technology and approachability that helps bridge the gap between the public’s perception of law enforcement tools and the need for these tools to be seen as friendly, safe, and helpful. At RAD, we’ve seen firsthand how RADDOG can engage communities in a positive way, while still serving as a highly effective operational asset. We encourage law enforcement agencies to consider enlisting RADDOG as a way to strengthen their connection with the communities they serve, fostering trust and cooperation while enhancing public safety.”
RAD invites law enforcement agencies nationwide to experience the benefits of RADDOG firsthand. Whether it's enhancing public safety or delighting a crowd, RADDOG is ready to be the star of your next community event. Interested parties should email info@raddog.ai.
“Adoption of cost-effective quadrupeds are expected to be available en masse from RAD sometime in the first half of 2025,” said Steve Reinharz, CEO/CTO of AITX and RAD. “We’re expecting to produce 100 of our V2 which will feature some significant enhancements including physical durability and much more.”
AITX, through its subsidiary, Robotic Assistance Devices, Inc. (RAD), is redefining the
RAD has a prospective sales pipeline of over 35 Fortune 500 companies and numerous other client opportunities. RAD expects to continue to attract new business as it converts its existing sales opportunities into deployed clients generating a recurring revenue stream. Each Fortune 500 client has the potential of making numerous reorders over time.
About Artificial Intelligence Technology Solutions (AITX)
AITX is an innovator in the delivery of artificial intelligence-based solutions that empower organizations to gain new insight, solve complex challenges and fuel new business ideas. Through its next-generation robotic product offerings, AITX’s RAD, RAD-R, RAD-M and RAD-G companies help organizations streamline operations, increase ROI, and strengthen business. AITX technology improves the simplicity and economics of patrolling and guard services and allows experienced personnel to focus on more strategic tasks. Customers augment the capabilities of existing staff and gain higher levels of situational awareness, all at drastically reduced cost. AITX solutions are well suited for use in multiple industries such as enterprises, government, transportation, critical infrastructure, education, and healthcare. To learn more, visit www.aitx.ai, www.radsecurity.com, www.stevereinharz.com, www.radgroup.ai, www.raddog.ai, and www.radlightmyway.com, or follow Steve Reinharz on Twitter @SteveReinharz.
The information contained in this publication does not constitute an offer to sell or solicit an offer to buy securities of Artificial Intelligence Technology Solutions, Inc. (the “Company”). This publication contains forward-looking statements, which are not guarantees of future performance and may involve subjective judgment and analysis. The information provided herein is believed to be accurate and reliable, however the Company makes no representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to its accuracy or completeness. The Company has no obligation to provide the recipient with additional updated information. No information in this publication should be interpreted as any indication whatsoever of the Company’s future revenues, results of operations, or stock price.
Steve Reinharz