RAD's RIO Featured on News 5 Cleveland's Newscast

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Robotic Assistance Devices (RAD), a subsidiary of Artificial Intelligence Technology Solutions, Inc. (OTCPK:AITX), has announced that its solar-powered RIO™ 360 security tower was featured on News 5 Cleveland. The segment highlighted RAD's deployment at Public Square in downtown Cleveland, in partnership with Downtown Cleveland, Inc.

Troy McCanna, RAD's Chief Security Officer, was interviewed about how the AI-driven technology enhances public safety. The RIO 360 system, equipped with 360-degree surveillance and AI-based autonomous responses, aims to deter crime, detect loitering, and engage visitors with informative messages.

The deployment is part of a larger initiative between RAD and Downtown Cleveland, Inc. to integrate cutting-edge security solutions in the city center. The RIO 360 configuration includes dual ROSA™ units, which offer AI-driven security analytics, responsive digital signage, and two-way communication capabilities.

I Dispositivi di Assistenza Robotica (RAD), una sussidiaria di Artificial Intelligence Technology Solutions, Inc. (OTCPK:AITX), ha annunciato che la sua torre di sicurezza RIO™ 360 alimentata a energia solare è stata presentata su News 5 Cleveland. Il segmento ha messo in evidenza il dispiegamento di RAD in Public Square nel centro di Cleveland, in collaborazione con Downtown Cleveland, Inc.

Troy McCanna, Chief Security Officer di RAD, è stato intervistato riguardo a come la tecnologia basata su AI migliori la sicurezza pubblica. Il sistema RIO 360, dotato di sorveglianza a 360 gradi e risposte autonome basate su AI, mira a scoraggiare il crimine, rilevare la sosta prolungata e coinvolgere i visitatori con messaggi informativi.

Il dispiegamento fa parte di un'iniziativa più ampia tra RAD e Downtown Cleveland, Inc. per integrare soluzioni di sicurezza all'avanguardia nel centro della città. La configurazione RIO 360 include unità dual ROSA™, che offrono analisi di sicurezza basate su AI, cartelli digitali reattivi e capacità di comunicazione bidirezionale.

Dispositivos de Asistencia Robótica (RAD), una subsidiaria de Artificial Intelligence Technology Solutions, Inc. (OTCPK:AITX), ha anunciado que su torre de seguridad RIO™ 360 alimentada por energía solar fue presentada en News 5 Cleveland. El segmento destacó el despliegue de RAD en Public Square en el centro de Cleveland, en colaboración con Downtown Cleveland, Inc.

Troy McCanna, Director de Seguridad de RAD, fue entrevistado sobre cómo la tecnología impulsada por IA mejora la seguridad pública. El sistema RIO 360, equipado con vigilancia de 360 grados y respuestas autónomas basadas en IA, tiene como objetivo disuadir el crimen, detectar la permanencia prolongada y involucrar a los visitantes con mensajes informativos.

El despliegue es parte de una iniciativa más amplia entre RAD y Downtown Cleveland, Inc. para integrar soluciones de seguridad de vanguardia en el centro de la ciudad. La configuración RIO 360 incluye unidades duales ROSA™, que ofrecen análisis de seguridad impulsados por IA, señalización digital reactiva y capacidades de comunicación bidireccional.

로봇 지원 장치(RAD)Artificial Intelligence Technology Solutions, Inc. (OTCPK:AITX)의 자회사로서, 태양광 RIO™ 360 보안 타워가 뉴스 5 클리블랜드에 소개되었다고 발표했습니다. 이 방송은 클리블랜드 시내의 퍼블릭 스퀘어에서 Downtown Cleveland, Inc.와의 협력 하에 RAD의 배치 내용을 강조했습니다.

Troy McCanna RAD의 최고 보안 책임자는 AI 기반 기술이 공공 안전을 어떻게 향상시키는지에 대해 인터뷰를 했습니다. 360도 감시와 AI 기반 자율 응답 기능이 갖춰진 RIO 360 시스템은 범죄를 사전 예방하고, 불법 체류를 감지하며, 방문객들에게 유익한 메시지로 소통하는 것을 목표로 합니다.

이번 배치는 RAD와 Downtown Cleveland, Inc. 간의 협력 프로젝트의 일환으로, 도심에 첨단 보안 솔루션을 통합하기 위한 것입니다. RIO 360 구성은 AI 기반 보안 분석, 반응형 디지털 간판 및 양방향 소통 기능을 갖춘 이중 ROSA™ 유닛을 포함합니다.

Dispositifs d'Assistance Robotique (RAD), une filiale de Artificial Intelligence Technology Solutions, Inc. (OTCPK:AITX), a annoncé que sa tour de sécurité RIO™ 360 alimentée par énergie solaire a été présentée sur News 5 Cleveland. Le segment a mis en avant le déploiement de RAD à Public Square dans le centre-ville de Cleveland, en partenariat avec Downtown Cleveland, Inc.

Troy McCanna, responsable de la sécurité de RAD, a été interviewé sur la manière dont la technologie dirigée par l'IA améliore la sécurité publique. Le système RIO 360, équipé d'une surveillance à 360 degrés et de réponses autonomes basées sur l'IA, vise à dissuader la criminalité, détecter les rassemblements et engager les visiteurs avec des messages informatifs.

Le déploiement fait partie d'une initiative plus large entre RAD et Downtown Cleveland, Inc. pour intégrer des solutions de sécurité à la pointe de la technologie dans le centre-ville. La configuration RIO 360 comprend des unités ROSA™ doubles, qui offrent des analyses de sécurité basées sur l'IA, une signalétique numérique réactive et des capacités de communication bidirectionnelle.

Robotik-Hilfsgeräte (RAD), eine Tochtergesellschaft von Artificial Intelligence Technology Solutions, Inc. (OTCPK:AITX), hat angekündigt, dass ihr solarbetriebenen RIO™ 360 Sicherheits-Turm in News 5 Cleveland vorgestellt wurde. In dem Beitrag wurde der Einsatz von RAD am Public Square im Zentrum von Cleveland in Zusammenarbeit mit Downtown Cleveland, Inc. hervorgehoben.

Troy McCanna, der Chief Security Officer von RAD, wurde interviewt, wie die KI-gesteuerte Technologie die öffentliche Sicherheit verbessert. Das RIO 360-System, ausgestattet mit einer 360-Grad-Überwachung und KI-basierten autonomen Reaktionen, zielt darauf ab, Verbrechen abzuschrecken, das Verweilen zu erkennen und Besucher mit informativen Nachrichten anzusprechen.

Der Einsatz ist Teil einer größeren Initiative zwischen RAD und Downtown Cleveland, Inc., um modernste Sicherheitslösungen im Stadtzentrum zu integrieren. Die RIO 360-Konfiguration umfasst zwei ROSA™-Einheiten, die KI-gesteuerte Sicherheitsanalysen, reaktive digitale Beschilderung und bidirektionale Kommunikationsmöglichkeiten bieten.

  • RAD's RIO 360 security tower featured on News 5 Cleveland, increasing brand visibility
  • Strategic partnership with Downtown Cleveland, Inc. for urban safety enhancement
  • Successful deployment in a high-profile location (Public Square) demonstrates product effectiveness
  • Potential for increased sales as more cities show interest in RAD's security solutions
  • None.

RAD's Chief Security Officer, Troy McCanna, Highlights the Impact of AI-Driven Technology on Public Safety During Interview

Detroit, Michigan, Oct. 03, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Robotic Assistance Devices (RAD), a subsidiary of Artificial Intelligence Technology Solutions, Inc. (the “Company”) (OTCPK:AITX), a global leader in AI-driven security and productivity solutions for enterprise clients, is pleased to announce that its solar-powered RIO 360 security tower was featured in a recent segment on News 5 Cleveland (WEWS), an ABC affiliate. The newscast spotlighted RAD's innovative deployment at Public Square in downtown Cleveland, a project in partnership with Downtown Cleveland, Inc. RAD’s Chief Security Officer, Troy McCanna, was interviewed during the segment, providing insight into how the AI-driven technology is enhancing public safety in one of the city’s most iconic locations.

The news segment, which aired on Wednesday, October 2, 2024, focused on how RAD’s RIO 360 system is playing a key role in Cleveland’s efforts to enhance public safety. The solar-powered security tower, equipped with 360-degree surveillance and AI-based autonomous responses, is strategically placed in Public Square to deter crime, detect loitering, and engage visitors with informative messages. In his interview with News 5 Cleveland, Troy McCanna shared his excitement about the positive impact this technology is already making in one of Cleveland’s busiest public spaces.

“We’re thrilled to partner with Cleveland to deploy our RIO 360 technology right in the heart of the city,” said Troy McCanna, RAD’s Chief Security Officer & Senior Vice President of Revenue Operations. “Public Square is not only a cultural and commercial hub, but also an area where safety is paramount. With RIO, we’re able to leverage AI and smart technology to monitor and secure the area 24/7, ensuring that residents and visitors feel safer and more comfortable. This deployment is a model for what can be achieved when cities invest in innovative solutions.”

View News 5 Cleveland’s coverage of RAD RIO at Public Square by clicking here.

Steve Reinharz, CEO/CTO of AITX and RAD, shared his excitement for the momentum generated by the RIO deployment in Cleveland. “We are incredibly enthusiastic to see our strategic efforts to attract the interest of municipalities paying off. With successful deployments already in place in cities like Nashville, the partnership with Cleveland is a great example of how RAD's AI-driven security solutions are becoming a trusted resource for urban safety. We’re thrilled to see more cities and agencies preparing to come online, further validating our approach to enhancing public safety in a sustainable, impactful way.”

The deployment of the RIO 360 security tower at Public Square was publicized as part of a larger initiative between RAD and Downtown Cleveland, Inc., the organization responsible for managing and enhancing the city's central public spaces. This partnership aims to integrate cutting-edge security solutions to ensure a safer and more welcoming environment for all. By combining RAD's advanced AI-driven technology with Downtown Cleveland’s vision for a vibrant, secure city center, the collaboration marks a significant step toward redefining urban safety.

Sitting atop a standard RIO 360 configuration are dual ROSA units. ROSA is a multiple award-winning, compact, self-contained, portable, security and communication solution that can be installed and activated in about 15 minutes. ROSA’s AI-driven security analytics include human, firearm, vehicle detection, license plate recognition, responsive digital signage and audio messaging, and complete integration with RAD’s software suite notification and autonomous response library. Two-way communication is optimized for cellular, including live video from ROSA’s high-resolution, full-color, always-on cameras. RAD has published six Case Studies detailing how ROSA has helped eliminate instances of theft, trespassing and loitering at retail centers, hospital campuses, multi-family communities, car rental locations and construction sites across the country. 

About Robotic Assistance Devices, Inc. (RAD)
Robotic Assistance Devices, Inc. (RAD), a wholly owned subsidiary of Artificial Intelligence Technology Solutions, Inc. (AITX), is a trailblazer in delivering AI-powered autonomous security solutions that transform how organizations protect their facilities and assets. RAD's industry-leading product lineup; including ROSA, RIO, AVA, and RAD Light My Way offers cutting-edge security technologies that reduce costs while enhancing operational efficiency. By deploying RAD’s AI-fueled systems, organizations can optimize security personnel, improve situational awareness, and achieve superior ROI. RAD’s solutions are well-suited for various industries, including municipalities, corporate enterprises, transportation, critical infrastructure, education, and healthcare. Learn more at

About Artificial Intelligence Technology Solutions (AITX)
AITX is an innovator in the delivery of artificial intelligence-based solutions that empower organizations to gain new insight, solve complex challenges and fuel new business ideas. Through its next-generation robotic product offerings, AITX’s RAD, RAD-R, RAD-M and RAD-G companies help organizations streamline operations, increase ROI, and strengthen business. AITX technology improves the simplicity and economics of patrolling and guard services and allows experienced personnel to focus on more strategic tasks. Customers augment the capabilities of existing staff and gain higher levels of situational awareness, all at drastically reduced cost. AITX solutions are well suited for use in multiple industries such as enterprises, government, transportation, critical infrastructure, education, and healthcare. To learn more, visit,,,,,, and, or follow Steve Reinharz on Twitter @SteveReinharz.

The information contained in this publication does not constitute an offer to sell or solicit an offer to buy securities of Artificial Intelligence Technology Solutions, Inc. (the “Company”). This publication may contain forward-looking statements, which are not guarantees of future performance and may involve subjective judgment and analysis. The information provided herein is believed to be accurate and reliable, however the Company makes no representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to its accuracy or completeness. The Company has no obligation to provide the recipient with additional updated information. No information in this publication should be interpreted as any indication whatsoever of the Company’s future revenues, results of operations, or stock price.


Steve Reinharz


What is the RIO 360 security tower deployed by RAD in Cleveland?

The RIO 360 is a solar-powered security tower equipped with 360-degree surveillance and AI-based autonomous responses. It's designed to deter crime, detect loitering, and engage visitors with informative messages in public spaces.

Where has RAD's RIO 360 been deployed in Cleveland?

RAD's RIO 360 security tower has been deployed at Public Square in downtown Cleveland, a central and iconic location in the city.

Who is RAD partnering with for the Cleveland deployment of RIO 360?

RAD is partnering with Downtown Cleveland, Inc., the organization responsible for managing and enhancing the city's central public spaces, for the deployment of the RIO 360 security tower.

What are the key features of the ROSA units included in the RIO 360 configuration?

ROSA units feature AI-driven security analytics including human, firearm, and vehicle detection, license plate recognition, responsive digital signage, audio messaging, and integration with RAD's software suite for notifications and autonomous responses.



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