AITX's Subsidiary RAD-R Now Accepting RADCam™ Preorders Online

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AITX's subsidiary RAD-R is now accepting online preorders for RADCam™, an AI-powered 'Talking Security Camera', at Shipments are expected to begin in mid-December 2024. RADCam offers interactive capabilities, engaging with individuals approaching homes, while maintaining traditional security camera features.

Key features include:

  • Interactive AI-driven personas
  • Reduction in nuisance alerts
  • Advanced visual analytics
  • LLM-powered communication
  • Porch piracy deterrence

RADCam is priced at $99.00 with a $24.99 monthly subscription for full AIR-enabled features. AITX has adjusted its revenue forecast to $1-2 million, with potential monthly subscription revenues of $150,000-$400,000.

La filiale di AITX, RAD-R, accetta ora prenotazioni online per RADCam™, una 'Telecamera di Sicurezza Parlante' alimentata da AI, su Le spedizioni dovrebbero iniziare a metà dicembre 2024. RADCam offre capacità interattive, interagendo con le persone che si avvicinano alle abitazioni, mantenendo al contempo le tradizionali caratteristiche delle telecamere di sicurezza.

Le principali caratteristiche includono:

  • Persone interattive guidate da AI
  • Riduzione delle allerte indesiderate
  • Analisi visive avanzate
  • Comunicazione alimentata da LLM
  • Deterrente per furti in veranda

RADCam è disponibile al prezzo di 99,00 $ con un abbonamento mensile di 24,99 $ per tutte le funzionalità abilitate da AIR. AITX ha adeguato le sue previsioni di fatturato a 1-2 milioni di dollari, con potenziali introiti mensili da abbonamenti di 150.000-400.000 $.

La filial de AITX, RAD-R, ahora acepta pedidos anticipados en línea para RADCam™, una 'Cámara de Seguridad que Habla' impulsada por IA, en Se espera que los envíos comiencen a mediados de diciembre de 2024. RADCam ofrece capacidades interactivas, interactuando con las personas que se acercan a las casas, manteniendo al mismo tiempo las características tradicionales de las cámaras de seguridad.

Las características clave incluyen:

  • Personas interactivas impulsadas por IA
  • Reducción de alertas molestas
  • Análisis visual avanzado
  • Comunicación impulsada por LLM
  • Deterrente contra el robo en porches

RADCam tiene un precio de 99,00 $ con una suscripción mensual de 24,99 $ para acceder a todas las funciones habilitadas por AIR. AITX ha ajustado su pronóstico de ingresos a 1-2 millones de dólares, con ingresos mensuales potenciales por suscripciones de 150.000-400.000 $.

AITX의 자회사 RAD-R이 이제 RADCam™에 대한 온라인 사전 주문을 받고 있습니다. AI 기반의 '대화형 보안 카메라'로서 해당 사이트는 radcam.ai입니다. 배송은 2024년 12월 중순에 시작될 예정입니다. RADCam은 집에 접근하는 개인과 상호작용할 수 있는 기능을 제공하며 일반 보안 카메라의 기능은 유지합니다.

주요 기능은:

  • AI 기반의 상호작용 인물
  • 불필요한 알림 감소
  • 고급 시각 분석
  • LLM 기반의 커뮤니케이션
  • 현관 도난 방지

RADCam의 가격은 99.00 달러이며, 모든 AIR 기능을 이용하기 위한 월 구독료 24.99 달러가 필요합니다. AITX는 매출 전망을 100만-200만 달러로 조정했으며, 월 구독 수익 잠재력은 150,000-400,000 달러입니다.

La filiale d'AITX, RAD-R, accepte désormais les précommandes en ligne pour RADCam™, une 'Caméra de Sécurité Parlante' alimentée par IA, sur Les expéditions devraient commencer à la mi-décembre 2024. RADCam offre des fonctionnalités interactives, interagissant avec les personnes s'approchant des maisons, tout en maintenant les caractéristiques traditionnelles des caméras de sécurité.

Les caractéristiques principales comprennent :

  • Personas interactives pilotées par IA
  • Réduction des alertes indésirables
  • Analytique visuelle avancée
  • Communication alimentée par LLM
  • Prévention des vols sur les porches

RADCam est proposé au prix de 99,00 $ avec un abonnement mensuel de 24,99 $ pour les fonctionnalités complètes activées par AIR. AITX a ajusté ses prévisions de revenus à 1-2 millions $, avec des revenus mensuels d'abonnement potentiels de 150.000-400.000 $.

Die Tochtergesellschaft von AITX, RAD-R, akzeptiert jetzt Online-Vorbestellungen für RADCam™, eine 'sprechende Sicherheitskamera' powered by AI, auf Der Versand soll Mitte Dezember 2024 beginnen. RADCam bietet interaktive Funktionen und reagiert auf Personen, die sich den Häusern nähern, und behält gleichzeitig die traditionellen Sicherheitskamera-Funktionen bei.

Zu den wichtigsten Funktionen gehören:

  • Interaktive, KI-gesteuerte Personas
  • Reduzierung unerwünschter Benachrichtigungen
  • Fortschrittliche visuelle Analytik
  • LLM-gestützte Kommunikation
  • Deterrenz gegen Diebstahl auf der Veranda

RADCam kostet 99,00 $ mit einem monatlichen Abonnement von 24,99 $ für alle AIR-fähigen Funktionen. AITX hat seine Umsatzprognose auf 1-2 Millionen $ angepasst, mit potenziellen monatlichen Einnahmen aus Abonnements von 150.000-400.000 $.

  • Launch of innovative AI-powered security camera product, RADCam™
  • Potential for significant revenue growth, with forecasts adjusted to $1-2 million
  • Monthly subscription model could generate $150,000-$400,000 in recurring revenue
  • Leveraging advanced technologies like AI and LLM for enhanced security features
  • Competitive pricing at $99.00 with $24.99 monthly subscription
  • Product deliveries not expected until mid-December 2024, potentially delaying revenue recognition
  • Success depends on consumer adoption of new technology in a competitive market

AI-Powered Talking Security Camera Available for Purchase at

Detroit, Michigan, Sept. 24, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Artificial Intelligence Technology Solutions, Inc. (the “Company”) (OTCPK:AITX), is excited to announce that RAD-R, its subsidiary, is now accepting online preorders for the groundbreaking RADCam at Shipments are expected to begin in mid-December 2024.

RADCam represents a revolutionary leap in residential security with its AI-powered, interactive capabilities, making it what the Company sees as the world’s first AI-powered, purpose-built ’Talking Security Camera’. Designed to engage with individuals approaching or entering homes, RADCam enhances security through real-time interactions, all while maintaining the essential features of traditional security cameras, including monitoring, detecting, and recording.

Steve Reinharz, CEO/CTO of AITX and RAD-R, commented, “RADCam is not just another security camera, it’s a transformative technology. By utilizing our proprietary AIR technology, RADCam offers homeowners and small businesses an unparalleled level of engagement and protection that traditional cameras simply can’t match.”

Building on the success of its primary subsidiary, Robotic Assistance Devices, Inc. (RAD), AITX has proven that direct interaction with individuals engaged in or considering suspicious activities can deter potential threats. This philosophy is encapsulated in AITX’s ‘Autonomous Intelligent Response’ (AIR), outlined in the AIR Manifesto.

Key Features of RADCam:

  • Interactive Personas: Unlike standard cameras, RADCam engages visitors using various pre-defined AI-driven personas. These personas intelligently interact based on context, such as the time of day and specific situations, deterring intruders while enhancing user experience.
  • Near Total Reduction in Nuisance Alerts: RADCam concierge features handle as much or as little of residential security work as the home resident desires which allows an almost complete elimination of inactionable and uninteresting device notifications.
  • Advanced Visual Analytics: With its advanced visual analytics, the RADCam system captures data through its camera and microphone, allowing the system to autonomously analyze and respond to each unique scenario in near real time.
  • LLM-Powered Communication: Leveraging Large Language Model (LLM) technology, RADCam autonomously determines what to say based on the context, creating seamless and intelligent verbal interactions. RAD-R has programmed the LLM to deliver an experience similar to a security concierge being at the front door in order to give an interactive experience tailored to the specific needs of residential users.
  • Advanced Porch Piracy Deterrence: RADCam can discourage potential porch pirates by detecting packages and maintaining surveillance. If someone approaches suspiciously, RADCam can issue audible alerts such as: "I see you near the package. Do you have permission? Your actions are being recorded, and law enforcement will be notified." This proactive approach makes RADCam-protected homes less appealing targets.

RADCam is now available for pre-order at, with deliveries expected in mid-December 2024. The product carries a retail price of $99.00 plus applicable taxes. Additional options and features will be announced in the coming months.

The RADCam subscription, priced at $24.99 per month, unlocks the full suite of AIR-enabled features, including the "Talking Camera" functionality for real-time alerts, proactive deterrence, and personalized interactions. Subscribers also get enhanced threat detection, intelligent responses, and continuous software updates to keep up with evolving security needs. While basic functionality like live streaming and motion detection is available without a subscription, the plan is essential to experience RADCam’s full conversational AIR and advanced detection capabilities.

Reinharz added, “Interest in RADCam has exceeded our initial projections, and we expect it to positively impact this year's revenue. Initially, we estimated annual revenues between $200,000 and $800,000, but based on early indicators, we have adjusted our forecast to potential revenues of between $1 million to $2 million, with monthly subscription revenues potentially ranging from $150,000 to $400,000. RADCam is designed to appeal to tech-savvy consumers seeking more intelligent and interactive home security solutions.”

About Artificial Intelligence Technology Solutions (AITX)
AITX is an innovator in the delivery of artificial intelligence-based solutions that empower organizations to gain new insight, solve complex challenges and fuel new business ideas. Through its next-generation robotic product offerings, AITX’s RAD, RAD-R, RAD-M and RAD-G companies help organizations streamline operations, increase ROI, and strengthen business. AITX technology improves the simplicity and economics of patrolling and guard services and allows experienced personnel to focus on more strategic tasks. Customers augment the capabilities of existing staff and gain higher levels of situational awareness, all at drastically reduced cost. AITX solutions are well suited for use in multiple industries such as enterprises, government, transportation, critical infrastructure, education, and healthcare. To learn more, visit,,,,,, and, or follow Steve Reinharz on Twitter @SteveReinharz.

The information contained in this publication does not constitute an offer to sell or solicit an offer to buy securities of Artificial Intelligence Technology Solutions, Inc. (the “Company”). This publication contains forward-looking statements, which are not guarantees of future performance and may involve subjective judgment and analysis. As such, there are no assurances whatsoever that the Company will meet its expectations with respect to its future revenues, sales volume, becoming cash flow positive, ARR or RMR. The information provided herein is believed to be accurate and reliable, however the Company makes no representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to its accuracy or completeness. The Company has no obligation to provide the recipient with additional updated information. No information in this publication should be interpreted as any indication whatsoever of the Company’s future revenues, results of operations, or stock price.


Steve Reinharz


When will AITX's RADCam™ start shipping?

According to the press release, RADCam™ shipments are expected to begin in mid-December 2024.

What is the price of AITX's RADCam™ and its subscription?

RADCam™ is priced at $99.00 plus applicable taxes, with a monthly subscription of $24.99 for full AIR-enabled features.

What are the key features of AITX's RADCam™?

Key features of RADCam™ include interactive AI-driven personas, reduction in nuisance alerts, advanced visual analytics, LLM-powered communication, and porch piracy deterrence.

What is AITX's revenue forecast for RADCam™?

AITX has adjusted its revenue forecast for RADCam™ to potential revenues of $1 million to $2 million, with monthly subscription revenues potentially ranging from $150,000 to $400,000.

Where can customers preorder AITX's RADCam™?

Customers can preorder RADCam™ online at



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